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Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 5 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 2

Goal. Suggest a brand............................................................................................................... 3

Vocabulary. Electronics....................................................................................................... 4

Common Expressions. Talking about technology..............................................6

Grammar. The present continuous: Review................................................ 7

Vocabulary. Using electronic products..................................................................... 9

Vocabulary. Home appliances and machines..................................................... 12

Goal. Talk about problems with machines................................................................. 12

Vocabulary. Express problems with machines...................................................14

Goal. Express dissatisfaction when things don't work........................................16

Goal. Describe electronic products............................................................................... 20

Vocabulary. Adjectives to describe electronic products............................ 20

Chapter 5, Section A

Goal: Suggest a brand.


What gadgets do you see in the picture?

Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 5 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 4

Vocabulary. Electronics.
1. a laptop 2. a tablet 3. a desktop

4. a keyboard 5. a GPS 6. a smart phone

7. a cell phone 8. a flash driver 9. a digital camera

10. headphones 11. earbuds 12. a projector

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13. a printer 14. speakers

Practice. Answer the following questions.

1. Do you like electronic devices?

yes, i do

2. Which electronic devices do you usually use?

a laptop, descktop, keyboard, smatphone, flash driver,headphones, earbuds, printer and speakers

3. Do you need any electronic products? Which ones? What do you need them for?

yes i do. i need a laptop to do homework anda flash driver to save infomation.
Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 5 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 6

Common Expressions. Talking about technology.

02 03
This tablet is on This smart phone
the blink again. is a lemon.
or or
This tablet has a This smart phone
problem. is very bad.

01 This cell phone is

You’re ready for
driving me crazy.
or an upgrade.
I hate this
cell phone. You need a

Common new one.


Get something
more up-to-date. It’s broken.
or or
Get something It doesn’t work.
that uses new
or recent technology. It’s obsolete.

It’s hard to use 05
because the technology
is old.

Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 5 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 7

Grammar. The present continuous: Review.


Subject + verb to be + present participle verb + complement.

The boy is reading his book right now.

We use the present continuous to express actions in progress now.

NOW Examples.
You are learning English now.
Past Present Future You are not swimming now.
I am reading the examples.

We also use the present continuous to talk about the near future.

Past Present Future I’m meeting some friends after class.
We’re having class next week.
She’s traveling to France next vacation.
My dad isn’t going to Mexico in two weeks.


Key words:
now, at the moment, right now, today, this year, this afternoon, tonight, tomorrow, next week.
Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 5 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 8

Are you watching TV right now? No, we aren’t.
Is the teacher speaking? Yes, he is.
What are you studying? We’re studying English.
Where are you going after class? I’m going to the park.
What is your mom drinking? She’s drinking tea.


sit – sitting stop – stopping rain – raining fix – fixing

study – studying dance- dancing die – dying submit – submitting

Practice. Check if the sentence expresses action in progress or future action.

Action in Future
progress action
1. What are you doing tonight? X

2. I’m not doing homework. X

3. Mike is coming in a week. X

4. We’re getting a new computer tonight. X

5. When are you arriving? X

6. Where are they going next vacation? X

7. Brandon is checking his e-mail. X

8. My mom isn’t cooking right now. X

9. Are you working tomorrow? X

10. I’m practicing English this afternoon. X

Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 5 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 9

Vocabulary. Using electronic products.

1. take a picture/photo 2. upload a photo 3. make a video

4. scan a document 5. make a photocopy

Practice. Complete the sentences using the Present continuous.

1. A: What are you printing ? (you/print)

B: I am doing my homework.

2. A:is ana making a videa? (Ana/ make a video)

B: Yes, she is making video about her daily activities.

3. A: What are paul uploading ? (Paul / upload)

B: He is uploading some photos to Facebook.

Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 5 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 10

4. A: Where’s Mike?

B: He’s in his office. He is scaning (scan) some documents.

5. A: Is Jenny at the photocopier?

B: Yes, (make some photocopies)

she is making some photocopies

Conversation. Suggest a brand.

A: Hey, Mark. What are you doing?

B: I’m uploading a video.
A: What kind of smart phone do you have?
B: It’s a TG, but I need a new one. Mine’s obsolete! Any
A: What about the TG 200? I heard the 200 is great. And it’s
B: Really?
A: You know, I’m going shopping to an electronics store near
here. Would you like to come along?
B: Sounds great! Let’s go!
Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 5 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 11

Practice using these activities.


listen to an audiobook I'm listening to an audiobook

scan a document / a picture I'm scanning a document /she is scanning a pictures

print homework / a map he is printing homrwork/ i'm printing a map

take pictures she is taking pictures

make a video he is making a video

upload a video / a photo I'm uploading a video / he is uploading a photo

Chapter 5, Section B

Goal: Talk about problems with machines.

Vocabulary. Home appliances and machines.

1. a food processor 2. a hair dryer 3. a pressure cooker

4. a dishwasher 5. a coffee maker 6. a rice cooker

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7. a fan 8. a stove 9. an oven

10. a juicer 11. a washing machine 12. a dryer

13. a blender 14. a freezer 15. a refrigerator / a fridge

16. an air conditioner 17. a vacuum cleaner

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Practice. Which appliances and machines do you have?

For cooking/ food preparation:

a stove apressure cooker

a blender a rice cooker

an oven a juicer

For cleaning and washing: For storage:

vacuum cleaner freezer

washing machine refrigerator


Vocabulary. Express problems with machines.

Ways to sympathize:

• I’m sorry to hear that. • That’s a shame.

• That’s too bad. • Oh, no!

Negative descriptions:
• a piece of junk • awful
• pretty bad • horrible
• terrible • a lemon
Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 5 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 15

Practice. Think of products and brands that don’t work well. Complete the chart.

Product Brand Description

1. coffee maker coffeepro 100 My coffee maker is pretty bad. It doesn't work.




Conversation. Talk about problems with machines.

A: Hello, Luisa. How’s everything?

B: So-so, thanks. But my blender is not working again.
A: Again? That’s too bad. What brand is it?
B: ABL. It’s a lemon.
Chapter 5, Section C

Goal: Express dissatisfaction

when things don't work.

The window won't open / close The iron won't turn on.

The air conditioner won't turn off. The fridge is making a funny sound.
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The toilet won't flush. The sink is clogged.

Practice. Write the names of machines, appliances, and devices that sometimes….

The door won´t close.

1. won’t open or close

2. won’t turn on or off The computer won´t turn on.

3. make a funny sound The car is making a fanny sond

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Conversation. Express a problem.

A: Front desk. How can I help you?

B: This is Mrs. Molina. I have a problem.
A: Yes, Mrs. Molina. What seems to be the problem?
B: It’s the sink. It’s clogged.
A: I’m sorry. I’ll have someone look at it right away. What room
are you in?
B: 1415.
A: Thanks. Is there anything else we can help you with?
B: No, thanks!
Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 5 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 19

Helpful expressions.

State a problem Front desk

_____ won’t open/close.

_____ won’t turn on/off. How may I help you?
_____ won’t flush. What’s the problem?
Hello? _____ won’t stop flushing. What seems to be the problem?
This is room____ . _____ isn’t working. I’m sorry to hear that.
This is Mr./Mrs.______. _____ is clogged. Oh, no!
_____ is making a funny sound. Well, that is a problem.
_____ is driving me crazy. I’ll send someone right away.
_____ is broken.
Chapter 5, Section D

Goal: Describe electronic products.

Vocabulary. Adjectives to describe electronic products.

1. convenient: a product that is helpful and easy to use.

2. popular: a product that a lot of people like and buy.

3. portable: a product that is small, light, and easy to carry.

4. guaranteed: a product that can be sent back to the store if you

don’t like it and they refund your money.

5. affordable: a product that you can pay for, easily.

Student booklet course 6 - Chapter 5 - Sections A,B,C and D Page 21

Practice. How do you describe these electronic products?

1. a microwave oven is convenient

is convenient
2. a washing machine

3. a smart phone popular

4. a flash drive affordable

Practice. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of features are important to you in a new product?

2. Do you have a bad electronic product? Describe it. (brand, model, features)

3. Do you have any good products? Describe them. (brand, model, features)

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