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CVX7640 – Structural Design

Session 30

Shear in a Prestressed Concrete Beam


To introduce the concepts in the identification of

shear failure of a prestressed concrete flexural


To be able to evaluate shear resistance in a

prestressed concrete beam, under ultimate limit
state according to conditions of BS 8110.

30.1 Introduction

The approach to the determination of the shear resistance

of prestressed concrete members has changed from that in
the earlier CP115, where the principal tensile stresses
were checked at the serviceability limit state, to one where
the shear resistance is checked at the ultimate limit state.
Both CP 110 and BS8110 embody this approach.

The shear resistance of prestressed concrete members at

the ultimate limit state is very much dependent on
whether or not the section in the region of greatest shear
force has cracked. The actual mode of failure is different
for the two cases. If the section is uncracked in flexure,
then failure in shear is initiated by cracks which form in
the webs of ‘I’ or ‘T’ sections once the principal tensile
strength has been exceeded as shown in Fig. 30.1(a). If the
section is cracked in flexure, then failure is initiated by
cracks on the tension face of the member extending into
the compression zone, in a similar manner to the shear
failure mode for reinforced concrete members, Fig.
Figure 30.1: 30.1(b).
Types of Shear Cracking in a
Concrete element;

(a) Shear cracks initiated when

principle tensile strength is

(b) Shear cracks as

continuations of flexural

CVX7640 – Structural Design

30.2 Uncracked Sections

A small element at the centroid of a simply supported
prestressed concrete member is shown in Fig. 30.2
subjected to a compressive stress fcp and a shear stress fs
The shear stress may be found from strength-of-materials
theory as;
fcp = VcoAy’/Ib … (30.1)

where; Ay’ is the first moment of area about the centroid

of the portion above the point in the section being
considered, and Vco is the ultimate shear force at the
Figure 30.2: fs
Small concrete element near fcp
member centeroid fcp

A Mohr's circle analysis of the state of stress shown in Fig.

30.2 gives the value of the principal tensile stress (taken as
positive here) as;
fprt = -fcp/2+0.5(fcp2+4fs2)½ … (30.2)

Combining Equations 30.1 and 30.2 gives

Vco = (Ib/Ay’)(fprt2+fprtfcp)½ … (30.3)

The allowable principal tensile stress is given in BS8110

fprt = 0.24fcu½ … (30.4)

where; the value of fprt incorporates a partial factor of

safety of 1.5. The allowable principal tensile stress is
related more to the direct tensile strength of the concrete,
than to the flexural tensile strength given by; ftu = 0.59fcu½

For a rectangular section at the centroid; (Ib/Ay’) = 0.67bh

Where; b and h are the breadth and overall depth of the
section respectively, and Eq. 30.3 becomes
Vco = 0.67bh(fprt2+fprtfcp)½ … (30.5)

In order to have the same partial factor of safety as in Eq.

30.4, the stress at the centroid of the section should be
taken as 0.8 fcp.

Thus Eq. 30.5 becomes;

Vco = 0.67bh(fprt2+0.8fprtfcp)½ … (30.6)

CVX7640 – Structural Design

which is the expression given in BS8110. Values of Vco/bh

for different concrete grades and levels of prestress are
given in Table 30.1 based on Eq. 30.4 and Eq. 30.6.

Table 30.1 Values (in N/mm2) of Vco/bh

fcp Concrete grade
(N/mm2) 30 40 50 60
2 1.30 1.45 1.60 1.70
4 1.65 1.80 1.95 2.05
6 1.90 2.10 2.20 2.35
8 2.15 2.30 2.50 2.65
10 2.35 2.55 2.70 2.85
12 2.55 2.75 2.95 3.10
14 2.70 2.95 3.15 3.30

The maximum principal tensile stress does not necessarily

occur at the centroid of a section, but the above method
has been found to be satisfactory. For I- and T-sections,
the maximum principal tensile stress occurs at the
junction of the flange and the web, but in these sections
the value of Ay’ at the junctions is greater than 0.67bh, and
so Eq. 30.6 will give a reasonable approximation to the
uncracked shear resistance of such sections if the centroid
of the section lies within the web. However, if the
centroid lies within the flange, the principal tensile stress
at the junction should be limited to 0.24 fcu½. In this case,
fcp for use in Eq. 30.2 should be 0.8 of the prestress in the
concrete at the junction.

The presence of an appreciable level of vertical prestress

in a member, due to draped main prestressing tendons or
separate inclined or vertical tendons near the supports,
would change the basic stress distribution for the small
element at the centroid of the section shown in Fig. 30.2.
There would now also be a vertical compressive stress, fcv
and the principal tensile stress would be given by
fprt = -(fcp+fcv)/2+0.5[(fcp-fcv)2+4fs2)½

Equations 30.6 now becomes

Vco = 0.67bh(fprt2+0.8fprtfcp+0.8fprtfcv+0.64fcpfcv)½ … (30.7)

Clearly, this reduces to Eq. 30.6 if fcv is zero.

For pretensioned members, the critical section for shear

should be taken at a distance from the face of the support
equal to the height of the centroid above the soffit of the
member. If this section lies within the transmission length
then the compressive stress, fcpx at any section a distance x
from the end of the member is given by
fcpx = x/Lt(2-x/Lt)fcp … (30.8)

CVX7640 – Structural Design

where; fcp is the full prestress at the end of the

transmission length Lt. The value of Lt should not be taken
as less than the depth of the member.

30.3 Cracked Sections

In the case of shear failure of prestressed concrete beams
which are cracked in flexure in the regions of large shear
forces, tests have shown that a large crack appears at a
distance of half the effective depth away from the point of
maximum bending moment, and then extends into the
compression region of the beam, finally causing the upper
fibres to crush and the beam to fail.

An empirical expression for a lower bound to the ultimate

cracked shear resistance of beams, Vcr, has been
determined as;

Vcr = 0.037bdfcu½ + McrV/M … (30.9)

Where; d is the effective depth of the prestressing steel,

Mcr is the cracking moment, and V and M are the shear
force and banding moment, respectively, at the point
where the shear crack forms. The form of Eq. 30.9 shows
that the cracked shear resistance comprises two
components, one depending on the tensile strength of the
concrete and the other on the shear force in the beam at
the section where the initial cracking first extends into an
inclined shear crack.

The cracking moment may be written as;

Mcr = M0 + 0.37fcu½ I/y … (30.10)

Where; 0.37fcu½ is the tensile strength of the concrete and

M0 is the bending moment to produce zero stress at the
extreme tension fibre, given by;
M0 = 0.8fpt I/y

Where; fpt is the level of prestress in the concrete at the

tensile face and y is distance of this face from the centroid
of the section.
Substitution of Eq. 30.10 into Eq. 30.9 gives
Vcr = 0.037bdfcu½ + 0.37fcu½ IV/yM + M0V/M … (30.11)

For a rectangular section, I/y = bh2/6, and at a section

where shear cracks occour M is approximately equal to
4Vh, so that Eq. 30.11 may be written as;
Vcr/bd = 0.037bdfcu½ + 0.37fcu½ h2/24dh + M0V/bdM

For a concrete with fcu=30 N/mm2, and with d=h,

Vcr/bd = 0.37 + M0 V/M

CVX7640 – Structural Design

The tests on which Eq. 30.9 was based, were conducted at

levels of prestress in the steel greater than 0.5fpu. In order
to develop a single expression win caters for all classes of
member, Eq. 30.11 is modified to;
Vcr= (1 - nfpe/fpu)vcbd + Mo V/M … (30.12)

Where; n is a constant and vc is the allowable shear stress

for a concretes and is identical to the allowable shear
stress used for reinforced members. When fpe= 0.6fpu, Eq.
30.12, should give;
(1 - 0.6n)vc = 0.37 N/mm2.

For an average value of vc of 0.55 N/mm2, n = 0.55,

Vcr = (1 - 0.55 fpe/fpu )vcbd + M0 V/M … (30.13)

Which is the expression given in BS8110 for the cracked

ultimate shear resistance of a rectangular section. The
value of Vcr, should not be less than 0.1bdfcu½ . The validity
of the many assumptions made in the derivation of Eq.
30.13 has been verified in tests (Reynolds, Clarke and
Taylor, 1974). The cracked shear resistance determined
from Eq. 30.13 may be assumed to be constant for a
distance equal to d/2 in the direction of increasing
bending moment. Thus for cantilevers, the cracked shear
resistance need only be checked al a distance of d/2 from
the face of the support.

The values of vc are given in Table 30.2 where the total

area of reinforcement (As+Aps) should be used. The values
in the table have been derived from the formula

vc = 0.79(100As/bd)1/3 (400/d)1/4/γm

on the basis of a γm of 1.25 and fcu of 25 N/mm2. For

characteristic strength greater than this, but less than or
equal to 40 N/mm2, the values in Table 30.2 may be
multiplied by a factor of (fcu/25)1/3.

Table 30.2 Allowable concrete shear stress vc (N/mm2)

Effective depth (mm)
100As/bd 125 150 175 200 225 250 300  400
 0.15 0.45 0.43 0.41 0.40 0.39 0.38 0.36 0.34
0.25 0.53 0.51 0.49 0.47 0.46 0.45 0.43 0.40
0.50 0.67 0.64 0.62 0.60 0.58 0.56 0.54 0.50
0.75 0.77 0.73 0.71 0.68 0.66 0.65 0.62 0.57
1.00 0.84 0.81 0.78 0.75 0.73 0.71 0.68 0.63
1.50 0.97 0.92 0.89 0.86 0.83 0.81 0.78 0.72
2.00 1.06 1.02 0.98 0.95 0.92 0. 89 0.86 0.80
 3.00 1.22 1.16 1.12 1.08 1.05 1.02 0.98 0.91

The depth d is from the compression face of the member

to the centroid of the total steel area (Aps+As) in the

CVX7640 – Structural Design

tension zone. The failure of cracked prestressed concrete

members is similar to that of reinforced concrete
members, where the dowel action of the reinforcing bars
crossing the critical shear crack increases the overall shear
resistance of the member. The prestressing tendons
exhibit a similar dowel action and increase the shear
strength. It is interesting to note that if fpc=0, so that the
member is no longer prestressed, this implies that M0=0
and Equation 30.13 reduces to the expression given in BS
8110 for the shear resistance of reinforced concrete
members, again emphasizing the similarity in behaviour.

An important distinction between the assessment of the

shear strength of uncracked and cracked sections is that,
for uncracked sections, the shear resistance contributed
by any inclined tendons may be taken into account.
However, for crack sections, tests have shown that
inclined tendons actually decrease the shear resistance,
since their influence on the concrete in the tension face is
reduced, thus leading to earlier cracking. Therefore, the
effect of inclined tendons on cracked sections should only
be considered where it increases the effective shear force
at a section.

Eq. 30.13 shows that if M<M0 at a section, that is it is

uncracked, Vcr will be greater than V, the applied shear
force. Thus, in uncracked regions, only Vco need be
considered. In cracked regions, however, both Vco and Vcr
should be evaluated and the lesser taken as the shear
resistance of the section.

30.4 Shear Reinforcement

If the shear resistance of a prestressed concrete member
determined using the methods in the previous sections is
insufficient, then shear reinforcement must be provided.
This is usually in the form of links, similar to those used
in reinforced concrete members.

It is stated in BS 8110 that shear reinforcement is not

required in cases where the ultimate shear force at a
section is less than 0.5Vc where Vc is based on the lesser of
Vco and Vcr , or when the member is of minor importance.
Where minimum links are provided in a member, the
shear resistance of these links is added to that of the
member, Vc. The cross-sectional area Asv of the minimum
links at a section, and their spacing sv along the member,
are given by;
Asy/sy = 0.4b/(0.87fyv) … (30.14)

CVX7640 – Structural Design

Where; b is the breadth of the member (or of the rib in a T-

or I section) and fyv is the characteristic strength of the
shear reinforcement.
The total shear resistance, Vt, of a member with nominal
reinforcement is given by;
Vt=Vc+0.4bd … (30.15)

Where; d is the depth to the centroid of the tendons and

longitudinal reinforcement. If the shear force at a given
section exceeds the value given by Eq. 30.15, then the total
shear force in excess of Vc must be resisted by the shear
reinforcement. The amount to be provided is then given
Asv/sv=(V-Vc)/(0.87fyvd) … (30.16)

This is equivalent to the expression given in BS 8110 for

the shear reinforcement required in reinforced concrete
members. The links used as shear reinforcement should
be properly anchored and enclose all the tendons and
reinforcement within the section. The shapes of links
commonly used in reinforced concrete members are also
suitable for use in prestressed concrete members. They
should pass around a longitudinal bar or tendon with at
least the same diameter as the link. The spacing of links
should not exceed 0.75d, or four times the web width for
T or I sections. When V exceeds 1.8Vc the maximum
spacing should be reduced to 0.5d.

In order to prevent the crushing of webs due to the

diagonal thrusts induced by shear forces, the maximum
shear stress at any section should under no circumstances
exceed 0.8fcu½, or 5 N/mm2, whichever is less, whether the
section is cracked or uncracked. In determining this
maximum stress, the reduction in web width due to un-
grouted post-tensioning ducts should be considered. Even
for grouted construction, only the concrete plus one third
of the duct width should be used in finding the maximum
shear stress. The lateral spacing of the legs of the links
across a section should not exceed d.

CVX7640 – Structural Design


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