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Table Tennis skills

Novice Rookie Veteran All Star Hall of Fame

0 pts 1 pts 3 pts 4 pts 5 pts

Serving Novice Rookie Veteran All Star Hall of Fame

Student does not Student is unsuccessful serving Student has served the ball over the net Student has served the tennis Student has served the tennis ball
demonstrate or show that the ball over the net, but shows correctly but not consistently. Student ball over the net 5 times. over the net 10 or more times.
they know how to serve a the some basic understanding of shows some understanding of technique Student shows most of the Student shows the complete
tennis ball. technique used. used for serving. techniques used for serving. understanding of techniques used for

Returning Novice Rookie Veteran All Star Hall of Fame

Student does not Student is unsuccessful returning Student has returned the ball over the Student has returned the tennis Student has returned 10 or more
demonstrate or show that the ball over the net, but shows net, but not consistently. Student shows ball 5 time over the net. serves over the net. Student shows
they know how to return a the some basic understanding of some understanding of the technique Student shows most of the the complete understanding if
serve. technique used. used for returning. techniques used for returning. techniques used in returning.

Forehand Novice Rookie Veteran All Star Hall of Fame

Student does not Student is unsuccessful hitting the Student has used the forehand Student has used the forehand Student has used the forehand
demonstrate or show that ball over the net using the technique to hit the ball over the net, hit successfully 5 times. technique 5 or more times over the
they know how to use a forehand hit, but shows the some but not consistently. Student shows Student shows most of the net. Student shows the complete
forehand hit a tennis ball. basic understanding of technique some understanding of the technique techniques involved with the understanding of the forehand
used. involved with the forehand hit. forehand hit. hitting technique.

Backhand Novice Rookie Veteran All Star Hall of Fame

Student does not Student is unsuccessful hitting the Student has used the backhand Student has used the backhand Student has used the backhand
demonstrate or show that ball over the net using the technique to hit the ball over the net, hit successfully 5 times. technique 5 or more times over the
they know how to backhand hit, but shows the some but not consistently. Student shows Student shows most of the net. Student shows the complete
backhand hit a tennis ball. basic understanding of technique some understanding of the technique techniques involved with the understanding of the backhand
used. involved with the backhand hit. backhand hit. hitting technique.

Sportsmanship Novice Rookie Veteran All Star Hall of Fame

Student does not Student takes compliments but Student gives compliments to Student displays Excellent
demonstrate or display does not offer any to their their opponent but shares little sportsmanship by complimenting
sportsmanship throughout opponent and does not share to no strategies to help opponents as well as sharing
the activitiy strategies to help them improve opponent improve. strategies to help improve their
their game game.


 Serving, returning, forehand, and backhand


 Physical Ed., Fitness


 Exam

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