Concept of Administration

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Concept Of Administration

Di susun oleh :
Kelompok 1
1. Zahwa Ade Haryanti (2220205032)
2. Gusti Radeni (2220205047)
3. Rachel Ramadhanti (2220205062)

Dosen Pengampu : Fitri Alya Okta Sukma, M.Pd

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
Tahun Akademik 2022/2023
Administration is a collaborative effort of teaching staff to streamline the teaching and
learning process. Administration is not only related to finance, but also skills in bookkeeping.
Educational administration has a goal to achieve what is the goal of education. Administration
is needed for the running of the teaching and learning process in the world of education. This
cannot be separated from the role and activeness of people who master the field of Educational
In this increasingly advanced era, there are still many parents, or people who think that
education can work on its own. Whereas in reality, education cannot run by itself without an
educational administration that regulates it.
1. Introduction
Educational Administration is a science that studies the management of human
resources, curriculum, or learning resources and facilities to optimally achieve
educational goals and create a good atmosphere for agreed human beings.
Educational Administration can assist teachers in carrying out the learning
process, so that learning can be structured, directed, effective and efficient. Teacher
competence is needed in the implementation of teaching administration, because the
success of learning can be influenced by the competence of the teacher. Without good
educational administration and firm leadership, it is impossible to achieve the desired
First, problems related to Education Administration, which occurred at SMAN
5 Palembang, regarding the results of different graduation announcements between
manual and online.
The second problem, regarding Education Administration, also occurred at SMP
58 Palembang regarding student admissions that were not in accordance with the
number of class capacities
Based on the identification of these problems, the formulation of the problem in
this study is how to apply Educational Administration to teaching staff to achieve the
educational goals that have been set effectively and efficiently.
2. Theory
According to Megasari, R. (2020) to find out the quality of Educational
Administration felt by students, lies in three dimensions of the quality of Educational
Administration, namely:
➢ Responsiveness or Response, is the willingness to help and provide fast and
precise information to students and the public by delivering clear information.
➢ Assurance and Certainty, namely knowledge, courtesy, and the ability of
teachers to implement Education Administration. It consists of several
components, including communication, security, competence and courtesy.
➢ Empathy is giving genuine attention to students and parents by trying to
understand the wishes of students and parents.
Administration in a narrow sense revolves around various Administrative
activities. Administration is a very important part of Education, especially because this
activity involves handling information which is said to play a major role for Education.
Administration in a broad sense means the whole process of carrying out certain
activities in the context of achieving predetermined goal using certain facilities and
infrastructure as well.
The scope of Education Administration task can be said to be a service task
around tangible information, namely:
➢ Collecting namely: activities to seek and seek the availability of all information
that previously did not exist or scattered everywhere so that it is ready to be
used when needed.
➢ Recording namely: activities that affix with various writing equipment the
information needed so that it is in the form of writing that can be read, sent and
➢ Managing namely: various activities working on information with the intention
of presenting it in a useful form.
➢ Sending namely: activities that save by sharing means and tools from one party
to another.
➢ Saving Namely: the activity of putting in various ways and tools in certain safe

3. Research Method
This research uses a qualitative approach with the consideration that in this
research it is intended to gain a deep understanding of the quality of Education
Administration. The method or approach used is a qualitative method.
This study uses a qualitative approach. aims to describe phenomena, both
natural and human engineering, which pay more attention to characteristics, quality,
interrelationships between activities.
The units of analysis in this study are: (1) Educational Administration: is the
science that studies the management of human resources, curriculum, or learning
resources and facilities to optimally achieve educational goals and create a good
atmosphere for agreed human beings. (2) The dimensions of the quality of Education
Administration are: Responsiveness or Response, Certainty and Certainty, Empathy.
Data analysis in this study uses four components of analysis, namely data
collection, data compaction, display data and conclusions.
4. Results
Availability of facilities and infrastructure to support the convenience of the
learning process such as teaching staff who implement Education Administration so as
to create efficient learning. Because students and parents can easily understand the
existence of information or learning process activities with the Administration.
The implementation of quality Education Administration requires the support
of human resources, namely teaching staff who are ready and reliable because teaching
staff are parties who provide public services, especially when dealing directly with
students and parents.
5. Discussion and Conclusion
Based on the results of this study, several things can be collected on Education
Administration. Every human being definitely needs education in his life. Education is
an effort so that humans can develop their potential through a learning process or other
ways that are known and recognized by society.
The development of the quality of education in Indonesia must be carried out
jointly, not only to be borne by students and educators but also to involve the
government and also the community because they both have an important role to
achieve a goal.
From the conclusions put forward, there are suggestions in effort to improve the
quality of Education Administration, as follows:
➢ There should be outreach to teaching staff and students to further enhance their
understanding of Education Administration so that it is implemented so that in
the future the learning process is more organized and efficient.
➢ teaching staff not only carry out the service process but also have to respond to
every complaint, suggestion, and criticism that comes from students and
➢ There must be an emphasis on discipline in applying the time to complete
learning and the delivery of information is regulated in such a way as to comply
with existing operational standards.
➢ Communication is very important because it is an activity where the leader
devotes time to something in a certain way to a person or group of people. With
communication, the managerial function which starts from the planning,
implementation and monitoring functions can be achieved.

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