A HT1 Solution Tutorial 2

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Umm Al-Qura University

College of Engineering & Islamic Architecture

Mechanical Engineering Department

Course # 804314-2 : Heat Transfer (1)

Second Term 1435/1436 H (2014/2015 G)

Solution of Tutorial 2
Example 2.1

Fig 2.1

The problem can be modeled as a thermal circuit where there are five resistances: outside
convection (Ro), conduction through the layer of stainless steel (Rs), conduction through the
insulation (Ri), conduction through the layer of plastic (Rp), and the convection resistance on the
inside (Ri):

 The overall heat transfer is given by the equation:

To  Ti To  Ti
q  where A is the wall area.
Ro  Rs  Ri  R p  Ri 1 L L L 1
 s  i  p 
ho A k s A ki A k p A hi A

q To  Ti
Dividing by A gives the heat flux ( q "  15 W/m 2 ): q "  
A 1 Ls Li L p 1
   
ho k s k i k p hi

1 Ls Li L p 1 To  T Li To  Ti 1 Ls L p 1
Then           
ho k s k i k p hi q" ki q" ho k s k p hi

So, the width of insulation that is required to reduce the convective heat loss to 15 W/m 2 is given
T  T 1 Ls L p 1 
Li  k i  o " i     
 q ho k s k p hi 

 25  (20) 1 1  10 3 3  10 3 1 
Li  0.07      m
 15 8 16 1 12 

 Li  0.195 m  19 .5 cm

Example 2.2

Fig 2.2

The problem can be modeled as a thermal circuit where there are two parallel conduction
resistances (RI and RII) in serial with convection resistance Rf :

The overall heat transfer is given by the equation:

T f  T1


Req   Rf
R I  R II

RI   R II   R fI 
Where k I AI k I AI , k II AII k II AII and hA ; A = A + A

We can calculate the individual resistances as follows:

RI  W/K  0.05 K/W
20  1

R II  W/K  0.1 K/W
10  1

Rf  W/K  0.0005 K/W
1000  2

Then the total (equivalent) resistance is given by:

 0.1  0.05 
Req    0.005  K/W  0.0383 K/W
 0.1  0.05 

T f  T1 100  0
So, the overall heat transfer is: q   W  2608.695 W
Req 0.0383

Example 2.3

(2) T2


T1 3/12

Fig 2.3
 The overall heat transfer:

The problem can be modeled as a thermal circuit where there are two parallel conduction
resistances R1and R2:

The overall heat transfer is given by the equation:

T2  T1


R1  R 2
Req 
R1  R 2

R1  R2 
Where k1 A1 and k 2 A2

We can calculate the individual resistances as follows:

0.1 0.1
R1  K/W  0.02 K/W R2  K/W  0.0049 K/W
10  0.5 ; 204  0.1

Then the total (equivalent) resistance is given by:

R1  R 2 0.02  0.0049
Req   K/W  0.0039 K/W
R1  R 2 0.02  0.0049

T2  T1 100  15
So, the overall heat transfer is: q   W  21596 W  21.596 kW
Req 0.0039

 Temperature distribution:


- 1 dimensional heat transfer

- Steady-state
- No heat generation

Using these assumptions, the appropriate form of the heat equation for steady 1-D conduction
with no heat generation is

d  dT 
k   0
d x  d x 

The thermal conductivity, k, does not change in heat transfer direction (x-direction), so, this
equation becomes:

d dT 
   0
d x  d x 

Integrate this equation, we obtain

T ( x)  C1 x  C 2

The boundary conditions are:

T x  0  T2

T x  L   T1

Apply the boundary conditions to the temperature distribution equation, we obtain

C 2  T2 C 2  T2
T x  0  T2  C 2  
   T1  C 2   T1  T2
T x  L   T1  C1 L  C 2  C1  L C1  L

We substitute the two resulting of boundary conditions equations in the temperature

distribution equation, we obtain

T1  T2 x
T ( x)  x  T2  T ( x)  (T1  T2 )  T2

 T ( x)  (15  100)  100 ; T in C and x in m

 T ( x)  850 x  100 ; T in C and x in m

Note: for 1-D, steady-state conduction in a plane wall with no heat generation and constant k,
the temperature varies linearly with x.

Example 2.4
Referring to Figure 2.4, a building ceiling is constructed of yellow pine studs (a), fiber glass
insulation (b), and plaster (c), with La = 15 cm, Lc = 2 cm, wa = 6 cm, wb = 30 cm, ka = 0.147
W/(m C), kb = 0.035 W/(m C), and kc = 0.48 W/(m C). Representative convective conditions
are given by TF1 = 25C, h1 = 10 W/(m2 C), TF2 = 45C, and h2 = 20 W/(m2 C). Develop a one-
dimensional approximation for the rate of heat transfer across this wall. Are two-dimensional
effects significant for this problem?
TF2, h2
wa wb

a b a b a La

TF1, h1 Fig 2.4

Example 2.5
 Known:

In this problem we have convection from the inside air at 20oC (293.15 K) and radiation from the
inside walls, also at 20oC to the roof. This combined inside heat transfer is then transferred
through the roof by conduction and the heat leaving the roof is then transferred by convection to
air at 10oC (283.15 K) and radiation to 100 K.

 Find:

The unknowns in this problem are the inner and outer surface temperatures of the roof, Ts,i, and
Ts,o. Because of the radiation equations we will use the temperatures in kelvins.

 Assumptions:

For these calculations we will assume that the radiation heat transfer for both the inside and the
outside of the house can be modeled as a small object in a large enclosure. The area of the roof
is actually (15 m)(20 m) = 300 m2, but it is certainly smaller than the night sky and it is
reasonable to assume that is small compared to the area of all the walls and floors in the house.

 Solution:

The insider heat transfer is

  
Q  A hT,i  Ts ,i    T4,i  Ts4,i 

 
300 m2  52Wo 293.15 K  Ts,i   0.9 5.6702x10 4 W 293.15 K 4  Ts4,i
m  C m K

This same heat transfer is maintained by conduction through the roof.

kATs,i  Ts,o  2 W 300 m 2

Q  
L mo C 0.15 m

Finally, this same heat is transferred to the air and sky by convection and radiation.

 
Q  A hTs ,o  T,i    Ts4,oi  Tsky
Ts,o  283.15 K   0.9 5.6702x10 4 W Ts4,i  100 K 4 
300 m2  122 W
m  Co
m K

We now have three equations with two unknown temperatures and an unknown heat flux. We
have to solve by iteration or calculator/computer approach. We found the following results:

Q  3.754x104 W Ts,i  280.40 K  7.25o C Ts,o  271.05 K  2.10o C

Note that the very cold sky temperature leaves the outer wall temperature less than the air
temperature. The convection heat transfer on the outside is actually going into the roof.

Example 2.6
Known: Temperature distribution in a one dimensional wall with prescribed thickness
and thermal conductivity.

Find: (a) the heat generation rate, q in the wall, (b) heat fluxes at the wall faces and (c)
relation between these two fluxes and the heat generation rate.

Assumptions: (1) steady-state conditions, (2) one –dimensional heat flow, (3) constant


(a) The approximate form of heat equation for steady state, one dimensional condition with
constant proprieties is:

d 2T q d 2T
  0  q  k 2

dx 2 k dx
d  dT 
 q   k
dx  dx 

d  d a  bx 2  
  k 2bx  2bk
 q   k 
dx  dx  dx

NA: q   2  (2000 )  50  2  10 W/m  200 kW/m
5 3 3

(b) The heat fluxes at wall faces can be evaluated from Fourier’s law,
q '' ( x )   k
dx x

Using the temperature distribution T(x) to evaluate the gradient, find

q '' ( x)   k

d ax 2  b   2kbx
dx x

The heat flux at the face is then:

at x = 0: q '' (0)  0 W/m 2

at x = L: q '' ( L)   2kbL  2  50  (2000 )  0.05  10000 W/m 2  10 kW/m 2

(c) Relation between these two fluxes and the heat generation rate:

From an overall energy balance on the wall, it follows that E in  E g  E out  E st

Or E st  0

 E in  E g  E out  0  q( x  0)  qL  q( x  L)  0
q( x  L)  q( x  0)
 q 
10000  0
 q  W/m3  200000 W/m3  200 kW/m3

Example 2.7:

We define the radius r0 = D/2 where D is the diameter (D = 3mm).

For constant thermal conductivity k, the heat equation for the system is:

1 d  dT  q Eg I 2 Re I 2 Re
r  0 q    2
r d r  d r  k
Vwin Vwin r0 L

The boundary conditions are

T r o   T s
0 and
d r r 0

Integrating the heat equation and using the two boundary conditions (see lecture 2 for
more details), we obtain:

q r o  r 2 
T r   1    Ts
4k  r 2 
 o 

So, the centerline temperature (at r = 0) is given by

q r o
T 0  T o   Ts (1)

To find the surface temperature Ts, we apply an overall energy balance on the cylinder to obtain

q Vwin  h A T s  T 

 q  r o2 L  h 2 r o LT s  T   q r o  2 h T s  T 

q r o
 Ts   T (2)

Subsisting Eq. (2) in Eq. (1), we obtain the centerline temperature:

q r o2 q r o q r o  r o 1 
T 0  T o    T  T o      T
4k 2h 2  2k h 

I 2 Re 2002  0.99
where 
q   W/m3  141471.06 W/m3
r0 L  (1.5 10 ) 1
2 3 2

141471.06  1.5  10 3 1.5  10 3 1 

To      (110  273.15) K
2  2  19 4

 T o  409 .68 K  136 .53 C

Example 2.8:

We define the radius r0 = D/2 where D is the diameter (D = 3mm) and E g  2 kW  2000 W .

For constant thermal conductivity k, the heat equation for the system is:

1 d  dT  q Eg Eg
r  0 q  
r d r  d r  k
Vwin r02 L

The boundary conditions are

T r o   T s
0 and
d r r 0

Integrating the heat equation and using the two boundary conditions (see lecture 2 for
more details), we obtain:

q r o  r 2 
T r   1    Ts
4k  r 2 
 o 

So, the centerline temperature (at r = 0) is given by

q r o
T 0  T o   Ts (1)


T s  110 C ,

r0 = D/2 = 2 mm= 0.002 m, and

Eg Eg 2000
q     176928520.88 W/m3
Vwin r L
  (0.002) 2  0.9

Subsisting theses parameters in Eq. (1), we obtain the centerline temperature:

q r o2 176928520.88  (0.002) 2 
T 0  T o   Ts    110 C  118.85C
4k  4  20 


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