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ED 290 - Lesson Plan: Shapes

Kyi Ki

Theme: Shapes
Grade Level: 1-2

Language level: Early production

Subject Area 1: English

● Possible Learning Activity: Students will read different shape names with pictures
and list the name of the shapes that they found.
● Relevant standard (from ODE website): Read and have knowledge about language,
appropriate grade level with understanding to be successful in schools.

Subject Area 2: Art

● Possible Learning Activity: Students will watch the video of shape names and draw
different shapes, then color or paint the shape of the color they like.
● Relevant standard (from ODE website): Express themselves through the arts, students
need to know and be able to do at specified grade levels.


Subject Area 1: English

● CO: Students will be able to identify shapes' names and recognize the shape.
● LO: Students will be able to read and write the name of different types of shapes.

Subject Area 2: Art

● CO: Students will draw a simple picture of a table or a house by using different shapes.
Each different shape can represent different things like the shape of a flag, sign, and
many more.
● LO: Students will be able to explain the shapes, and show or share their drawings of
using each shape with their classmates.
Build Background
● My theme was shaped and for the English area, I would like to have students do a
single puzzle game in which they will get a paper that has a list of different shapes
from 1 to 10. Then they will write down the vocabulary in the puzzle. For them to get
the correct answer and fit in the puzzle line they need to know the spelling of each
shape. Also, I would have them describe the shape of something they can say “It has a
_____ shape”. For example, Rice fields have a square shape. The flag has a rectangular
● For the art subject areas, I will ask students to draw what they see at home that could
represent shapes. When it comes to shaping many things that would come to their
mind, they could draw any object such as a table, widow, plate, door, book, and many
more. If they could choose one shape which one they will pick and what are they going
to create a draw with the shape of their choice?

Comprehensible Input
● In terms of my two lesson plans, the specific strategies that I would use are reading
aloud the vocabulary word of shape and having them collaborate to discuss or describe
shape with their partners like what is this shape used for. They could come up with as
many shapes and share them with the whole class. Also, show them a video of different
shapes, after watching the video each group will have to draw the shape with the name
of what they saw and remember on the paper. The paper will have two columns, one
side will be the shape name and the other side will be the drawing.

● It would be great to include and use all three strategies, learning strategies, scaffolding,
and higher-order thinking in classroom lessons. These three strategies will support
students to understand what they learn better and feel more comfortable participating
in-class activities. My strategy is cognitive strategies and I will have each student read
the text about the shape that I give them. The purpose of reading is to understand and
recognize each shape name. Afterward, I will ask them to write sentences that make a
connection to what they see in real life that relates to the text. I will use procedural
scaffolding to support their comprehension such as modeling what they should write
and providing examples and also letting them work in a small group so they could help
and share different views with one another. The question I would ask to develop
higher-order thinking is: How many shapes are there in the text? Can you draw a
picture of 10 different shapes and write down their name next to it? What is the
difference between a rectangle and a square?. Students will be at the Remember and
Understand the level of Krathwohl’s taxonomy.


In English subjects area:

● I will provide students with an opportunity to practice reading aloud the shape name
with a partner.
● Pair ELL students with more proficient speakers, so ELL students could develop their
● I will have students in two groups, group A will work with their team to complete the
written assignment about drawing a different size of the circle shape, and group B will
draw a different size of the square.

In the Art subject area:

● I will have students work in small groups to draw a school building by using different
shapes. They have to list the name of the shape they use for the school building next to
their drawing.
● Students will use paper to create different shapes together, after they finish, they all
will hang it up in the classroom hall.

● I will have students read a list of shape names to themselves, after that they will have to
read it aloud to their partner.
● Students will play card matches, some students will get a card that has a picture of the
shape and some will get a card that has the name of the shape. Students have to look
for their match, after they find their match then they will put it on the whiteboard.
● Students will get ten short sticks and they will build shapes. Then they will have
opportunities to present and tell their group how they came up with that shape, the
name of the shape, and what they like about it.

Lesson Delivery
● Introduce the shape name - circle, rectangle, triangle, square,...
● Think - Pair- Share - I will show students an illustration of a building that has a mix of
shapes. I will ask students to discuss with their partners what they see in that picture.
After that, I will call out and ask three or four students to tell me what shape they see in
that photo. Ask other students to give thumbs up if they agree, and thumbs down if they
don’t agree.

Review and Assessment

● Review vocabulary words of shape and language patterns that they learn from the past
● Have students draw the shapes on the whiteboard or chart next to the name of the shape
to check their understanding and knowledge.
● Have them do a quiz on shape, students will get a paper that has many and different
sizes of shapes. They will color the shape that matches the name.
Yellow - Circle
Red - Rectangle
Blue - Square
Black - Triangle

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