Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Pakistan

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Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Pakistan

Article  in  International Journal of Research · October 2017


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Hani Fatima
Fatima Jinnah Women University


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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 04 Issue 11
October 2017

Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth: A

Case Study of Pakistan

Hani Fatima,Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi,Pakistan

Zainulabiden Malik, Shaanxi Normal University, Xian, China


Natural resources, including both renewable and nonrenewable when being abundant are

generally considered to have a positive relation with a county’s economic growth. This paper

examines the effects of natural resource abundance on economic growth. It measures the

trend that resource-poor areas are better off than resource-rich areas. The story behind the

effect of natural resources on economic growth is a complex one, which typical growth

regressions do not capture well. Mostly evidence suggests that resource abundance has a

negative effect on economic growth of any country. This study will help us to explain why the

above mentioned negative relationship between natural resources and economic growth

exists and how this negativity can be controlled.

KEY WORDS:Economic growth,Natural resources,Relation

Natural capital is one of the important experience shows that natural resources
pillars of good economic performance and played minor role in the development of
development. It has been strongly believed the countries like United States and
from the time of Adam Smith and David United Kingdom. Most of the Western
Ricardo that the countries endowed with European countries have few natural
natural resources have an edge over resources but developed on the basis of
countries that are not. Natural resource manufacturing and services . Another
endowments can help countries to grow example of the experience of Asian
and diversify. Natural capital is considered economies called Asian tigers that do not
an important source of wealth around the possess natural resource endowments. It
world but some studies found that can also be clearly observed that the
abundance of natural capital is neither countries enriched with natural capital
necessary nor sufficient for prosperity could not sustain their economic growth.
and economic development. The Natural resources seem to have been more
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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 04 Issue 11
October 2017

of a curse than a blessing for many sectors are of primary nature which
countries. Numerous researchers have includes raw material which generates
supported the view that resource-poor little amount of foreign exchange earnings
countries often outperform resource-rich and if natural resources will utilizes
countries in economic growth. Typical properly they help in generating a huge
examples include the Netherlands versus foreign exchange in the country.
Spain in the 17th century, and Switzerland Hypothesis:
and Japan versus Russia in the 19th and Ho: There is a negative impact of resource
20th centuries. Natural resources serve as abundance on economic growth.
important capital in economic H1: There is not a negative impact of
development. In principle, revenues resource abundance and economic growth.
generated from the natural resource sector H2: There may exist a negative or a
should be good for the economy. positive impact of resource abundance on
However, many resource-rich countries economic
have worse economic performance than growth.
their resource-poor counterparts, a
phenomenon known as the “resource LITERATURE REVIEW
curse”. The natural resource abundance
The idea that natural resources and economic growth is addressed in the
might be more of an economic curse than a light of literature. An important number of
blessing began to emerge in the 1980s. In both theoretical and empirical studies have
this light, the term resource curse thesis tried to explain why natural resources are a
was first used by Richard Auty in 1993 to “curse” rather than a “blessing” for
describe how countries rich in natural economic development.
resources were unable to use that wealth to Theoretical Framework
boost their economies and how, counter- Natural resources are a fixed factor
intuitively, these countries had lower of production and hence, almost by
economic growth than countries without definition, impose a restriction on
an abundance of natural resources. economic growth potential. Dependence
Pakistan is situated in a region on natural resources affects current
where bulk of natural resources is found in institutions as well as macroeconomic
its surroundings. Pakistan is one of those outcomes (Gylfason and Zoega n.d).
countries which are endowed by the According to them natural resources cause
natural resources. In spite of the a growing labor force and a growing stock
presence of vast natural resources, of capital to run into diminishing returns.
Pakistan could not make significant Moreover, huge natural resource rents may
achievements to improve the exports create opportunities for rent-seeking
related to natural resources. Point-source behavior on a large scale on the part of
type natural resource endowment does producers, thus diverting resources away
retard democratic and institutional from more socially fruitful economic
development, which in turn hampers activity.
economic growth. Institutions and Matsuyama (1992) derives a formal
institutional functioning are the crucial model of what is called the “linkages
link between resource endowments, approach” to the analysis of the role of
geography and policies, on the one hand natural resources for growth. He
and economic outcomes on the other hand. investigates the role of agriculture in a
In Pakistan there is no optimal allocation model in which manufacturing is
of natural resources due to improper characterized by learning-by-doing. He
polices natural resources wasted to a large concludes that forces that push the
extent. Natural resources are related to economy away from manufacturing and
agriculture and mining and these both towards agriculture lower the growth rate

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 04 Issue 11
October 2017

of the economy, by reducing learning- substantial number of papers have since

induced growth of manufacturing. Since considered the natural resource curse
the learning effects are external to the firm, hypothesis from different points of view.
market equilibrium is not efficient. They also show that economies with a high
Sachs and Warner (1995) ratio of natural resource exports to GDP in
generalize Matsuyama's model using the 1971 tended to have low growth rates
framework of the “Dutch disease” model. during the subsequent period 1971-89.
In the Dutch disease model, named after This negative relationship holds true after
the disappointing economic experience of controlling for variables found to be
the Netherlands (and the U.K.) following important to economic growth, such as
the discovery of North Sea oil in the initial per capita income, trade policy,
1970s, the economy has three sectors: a government efficiency, and investment
tradable natural resource sector, a tradable rates. The consequences of the Sachs and
(non-resource) sector, and a non-traded Warner paper for economic development
sector. The greater the natural resource are far reaching. They concluded that “one
endowment, the higher is the demand for of the surprising features of modern
non-tradable goods, and consequently, the economic growth is that economies
smaller will be the allocation of labor and abundant in natural resources have tended
capital to the manufacturing sector. This to grow slower than economies without
“Dutch disease” is an actual problem for substantial natural resources.”
the economy if there is something special Ding and Field (2005) used single-
about the sources of growth in equation model to explain growth and
manufacturing, such as the learning by found the negative impact of resource
doing stressed by Matsuyama. endowment but a significant positive effect
Many countries in the world of natural resource endowment. They
depend heavily on natural resource explored two more complete models to
endowments and usually suffer from a sort out these effects. A two-equation
high degree of macroeconomic instability model in which resource dependence is
which in turn might have negative first determined by resource endowment
implications for their GDP per capita and other factors, and then applied
growth. It may reduce saving, investment recursively in a growth equation. The
and growth, as well as lowering the level impact of natural resource endowments
of output per capita in the long run. and resource dependence are still
Countless studies document the correlation significant in the growth equation, but
between abundant mineral resources and a their impact is substantially smaller than in
series of negative economic and political the single-equation model. They then used
outcomes, including poor economic a three-equation model, in which human
performance, unbalanced growth, weakly capital is linked recursively through its
institutionalized states, and authoritarian impacts on resource dependence. In this
regimes across the developing world. model they found that the impacts of
Empirical framework natural resources on growth have
Empirical work in this area has disappeared.
suffered from data limitations. Data on Norman (2008) examines the
past natural resource is often unreliable, „resource curse‟ using new data on historic
especially in historically poor and less resource stocks and an improved
developed countries. econometric methodology. He
Firstly, Sachs and Warner (1995a) distinguishes between resource abundance
made a major contribution when they (stocks) and extractive intensity (flows),
found a negative association between focusing on relationships between
natural resource abundance and growth in resources and rule of law. Previously
a large cross-country study and a unavailable information on past resource

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 04 Issue 11
October 2017

stocks is estimated and find that Mohaddes (2011) revisit the resource
economically large initial natural resource paradox and study the impact of resource
stocks are associated with subsequent rents and their volatility on economic
lower levels of rule of law and do not growth under varying institutional quality.
directly affect growth, while raw resource They empirically test the relationship by
exports do not have a significant effect on using annual data from 1970 to 2005 on
rule of law when stocks are included in the real GDP per capita, a rent measure based
analysis but do affect average growth on the prices, cost of production and
rates. quantities of 13 commodities, and other
Glfason and Zoega (n.d) in their determinants of growth such as investment
study says that relying too heavily on share of GDP, human capital, trade
natural resources may reduce saving, openness, government burden and lack of
investment and growth, as well as price stability. They deal with the
lowering the level of output per capita in simultaneity problem as well as the
the long run. Prevalence of natural omitted variable bias and find strong
resources among developing countries to evidence for the negative growth effects of
some extent reflects their resource rent volatility whereas resource
underdevelopment. They divide 85 abundance has a positive impact on output
countries into two groups which are growth. So volatility rather than abundance
distinguished on the basis of saving and per se, drives the resource curse paradox.
investment. They propose that natural Countries with good institutional
resources may be viewed as an exogenous arrangements can offset some of the
factor that hampers economic development negative impacts of rent volatility. So
and investment as well as institutions. resource abundance can be a blessing
Malik, Chaudhry and Hussain provided that growth and welfare
(n.d.) provides evidence of the enhancing policies and institutions are
contribution of natural resources to adopted.
economic growth for Pakistan, using time Some studies also show positive or
series data from 1975 to 2006. There is constant relation between natural resources
statistically significant but adverse and economic growth. Mehlum, Moene
relationship between natural resources and and Torvik (2006) showed that countries
economic growth during this sample rich in natural resources constitute both
period. First, they estimated this growth losers and growth winners. They
relationship in the presence of additional have shown that the quality of institutions
variables only but when they included determines whether countries avoid the
some variables relating to human resource curse or not. The combination of
development like total expenditures on grabber friendly institutions and resource
education as percentage of GDP and total abundance leads to low growth. Producer
expenditures on health as percentage of friendly institutions, however, help
GDP, the result of the association between countries to take full advantage of their
natural resources and economic growth natural resources. An empirical analysis
remained the same. It is also apparent that using panel estimates over the 1990-2003
indicators of investment in human capital periods are also provided. Natural
made no contribution towards positive resources are measured as the share of
direction. Findings also indicate that GDP. The main result of this paper does
inadequate attention has been paid to not support the “curse of natural
human resource development in Pakistan resources” in transition countries. Instead
throughout our sample period. of a negative relation, positive robust
Quality of institutions also impacts of natural resources on economic
determines the effect of natural resources growth are found. These positive impacts
on economic growth. Leong and even hold for “point resources” and oil

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 04 Issue 11
October 2017

which are generally seen as having a resource development. Contrary to

negative effect on economic performances. economic potential of its natural resources,
Philippot (2010) investigated the Pakistan is a depending on foreign aid and
impact of natural resource abundance on debt, it is facing deficit in trade, acute
economic growth among transition energy crisis to run industry, and water
countries. Transition countries are those of stress for agriculture, to name a few
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the challenges.
Former Soviet Union (FSU), their initial Pakistan is affluent in the natural
conditions were the same around 1990 resources. It has enormous energy surplus
under the communist regimes in centrally resource potential of both renewable and
planned economies. After the transition nonrenewable, which is greater than that of
these countries diverged dramatically. oil rich countries of Gulf. Among the
They considered that natural endowment world's 200 plus countries it has the
can be one of the explanations of the second largest salt mines, second largest
divergence between transition economies coal reserves, fifth largest copper and gold
during the 1990‟s since some are resource- reserves, seventh largest wheat and rice
rich and other resource-poor. They further production capacity. It is the sixth most
provided an empirical analysis using panel populous country in the world having large
estimates over the 1990-2003 periods. share of young population. Had these
They measured natural resources by resources been properly managed, this
resource rents as a share of GDP. Their country would have been one of the richest
main results do not support the idea that economies of world.
there is a “curse of natural resources” in Pakistan has world's second largest
transition countries. They found a positive coal deposits of 185 billion tons. These are
and robust impact of natural resources on estimated to be equivalent to 618 billion
economic growth and this result holds barrels of crude oil. This is more than
even for “point resources” and oil which twice if we compare it with oil reserves of
are generally seen as having a negative Saudi Arabia. If it is converted into oil by
effect on economic performances. On the gasification, it will generate 650 barrels of
contrary, agriculture and forest (“diffuse” crude oil which at an average market rate
resources) seem to have detrimental effects of eighty dollars per barrel, would generate
on growth. 5.2 trillion dollars.
MAIN BODY The minerals are also vital natural
resources available in great quantity.
Pakistan is one of the richest Pakistan has fifth largest copper and gold
countries in the world in terms of natural reserves in the world. Copper and gold
resources but also one of the poorest reservoir, have been estimated to be worth
among them in their management. The of 260 billion dollars, which is ten times
country is abundant in the vital resources the all financial aid received from USA in
including that of energy, agriculture, last sixty year. But instead of exploiting
minerals, population, and geography, but own resources for economic independence,
unlike the developed countries, these have country has been dependent on foreign aid
not been properly exploited due to poor and there exists negative relationship
management. This situation is caused due between natural resource and economic
to several, both chronic and acute, flaws growth.
which have led to poor governance of The negative relationship between
country since its inception except some natural resource wealth and economic
brief spells of economic prosperity. growth can be seen by looking at an
Prevalent political rivalry and instability, example from the petroleum-producing
worsening law and order and rampant countries. From 1965–98, in the OPEC
corruption have catalyzed the situation to countries, gross national product per capita

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 04 Issue 11
October 2017

growth decreased on average by 1.3%, Singapore, are all resource-poor. On

while in the rest of the developing world, average resource abundant countries lag
per capita growth was on average 2.2%. behind countries with fewer resources. Yet
Countries rich in natural resources we should not jump to the conclusion that
constitute both growth losers and growth all resource rich countries are cursed. Also
winners. One important finding in many growth winners such as Botswana,
development economics is that natural Canada, Australia, and Norway are rich in
resource abundant economies tend to grow resources. Moreover, of the 82 countries
slower than economies without substantial included in a World Bank study, five
resources. For instance, growth losers, countries belong both to the top eight
such as Nigeria, Zambia, Sierra Leone, according to their natural capital wealth
Angola, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, are and to the top 15 according to per capita
all resource-rich, while the Asian tigers: income (World Bank, 1994).
Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and
Table: 03 Growth Rates of Six Oil-Economies:

Countries Year Growth Rates

Bahrain 1975-1988 -1.2633

Iraq 1970-1987 -1.8761

Kuwait 1980-1989 -8.0123

Oman 1970-1989 0.6910

Saudi Arabia 1970-1989 -0.6820

UAE 1980-1989 -6.1937

Average -2.8894

Source: Penn World Tables, version 5.6 (update of data in Summers and Heston, 1991)

ANALYSIS Pakistan has been given enough time to be

We analyze that that Pakistan is not mature. The military interference in
poor, but poorly managed country. The politics and rivalry among political
factors which have caused the poor stakeholders are the key features of brief
management of natural resources include history of this country. This inconsistency
political instability, political indecision has kept the exploitation of natural wealth
making, lack of vision and planning, unattended. Coupled with this, the flawed
flawed policies, bureaucratic bottlenecks policies of successive governments have
and corruption, lack of human resource caused tremendous problems despite
development, worsened law and order availability of adequate resources. The
situation. These factors have led not only energy sector is a vivid example of such
to the poor management of natural poor management.
resources but also to the poor governance These factors of poor management
of country. have placed Pakistan in an undesirable
The political instability has been situation domestically and internationally.
the main cause of such damage. Since the The socio-economic situation remains
independence, no political group in gloomy as the GDP growth rate is one of

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 04 Issue 11
October 2017

the lowest in South Asia at 2.2 percent, resources must be resolved pragmatically
trade deficit is estimated about $16 billion, for best interest of the nation.
inflation rate continues to be in double Last but not the least, worsened
digits at 15 percent, population below law and order situation in Pakistan, which
poverty line is alarmingly around 35 has led to the lack of investment, must be
percent, and unemployment is at 15 checked. The private firms engaged in
percent and if Pakistan utilizes its resource exploration must be protected by
resources optimally it can become the the state. Ensuring the security, would
world‟s richest country, as there is need of attract investment in the respective areas
reforms in institutional, political, econimc which would subsequently guarantee the
and social setup. inflow of capital in the national
CONCLUSION AND economy and the resource potential could
SUGGESTIONS be fully exploited.
We have come to conclude that It needs not to be emphasized that
there exists a negative relationship Pakistan is not poor but poor management
between natural resource abundance and of its natural resources has made it so. The
economic growth of a country. Ignoring enormous natural resources of all kinds
other factors such as education, training, like energy, minerals, agriculture, and
awareness and accountability, a negative human could have made this country a
relationship will always be seen. wealthy economy. Instead, there been
The pragmatic approach and policy bleak picture of economy and undesirable
direction can help the country to be able to image outside due to the chronic flaws in
rely on its own resources instead of vision and policies. Thus, the daunting
dependency. Pakistani leadership must challenge of poor management of natural
focus on exploration of natural resources resources direly needs to be addressed not
and their scientific management. Properly only to overcome the perils caused due to
managed natural resources can become it but also to achieve economic self
instrumental in national income and its sufficiency and prosperity of the nation.
growth. Extensive geological survey is By surpassing this challenge, Pakistan is
required to discover the resource potential, destined to have eminence place in the
planning and vision is needed to explore world as a stable, growing and prosperous
the proved but untapped resources and nation.
effective strategy is essential to fully
exploit the resources under use.
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p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 04 Issue 11
October 2017

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