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Olimpiada naţională de limba engleză, Brăila, aprilie 2014

Proba de dezbatere, secţiunea B
Clasa a X-a
Bilet nr. 1

The makers of the US Constitution guaranteed citizens’ tights to own firearms. Do you
think this is still justified in today’s context?


Olimpiada naţională de limba engleză, Brăila, aprilie 2014
Proba de dezbatere, secţiunea B
Clasa a X-a
Bilet nr. 2

In late 18th century, American revolutionaries rejected the supplementary taxes that the
British government imposed on them to cover the cost of the Seven Years’ War that had
eliminated the threat of the French and Native Americans on their settlements. Do you
think they were justified in doing that?


Olimpiada naţională de limba engleză, Brăila, aprilie 2014
Proba de dezbatere, secţiunea B
Clasa a X-a
Bilet nr. 3
In 1860, Americans in states where North and South met knew that a civil war would be
fought on their homeland, destroying properties and public infrastructure. That is why,
during the presidential campaign, Abraham Lincoln told them he would not try to abolish
slavery by force, while voters further north heard a more radical approach. Was Lincoln
justified in lying to his electorate?

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