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Giving Intention

English Dialogue

Anggota Kelompok :
 M.Naufal A
 Fachri Salman N
 Widi Reeh Adi A
 Galuh Eko P
 Arbizal Sapra

A long weekend is nearly coming. Naufal, Fachri, Widi, Galuh and Arbizal are
talking about their plans at the weekend

Widi : The Holiday is nearly coming. Anybody have plans to do at the holiday?
Fachri : Well.. i’m pretty sure i have a great holiday soon
Galuh : So what is your plans to do at holiday Fachri?
Fachri : I have made a plan to play game with my brother all day long this
Naufal : Play game? It sounds boring to me. At weekend, I will visit my
grandma and my grandfather. What will you do at the holiday Arbizal?
Arbizal : I will take a long sleep and then i will do all my homework
Widi : What a wonderful Idea. I think i gonna finish all my homework to fill my
weekend. Want to join me to do homework at my home, Galuh?
Galuh : I’m very sorry Wid. But i will go to East Java to visit my family at the
Widi : Ok. Nevermind. I think you should visit your family first
Arbizal : Guys. I’m sorry but Naufal and i must go to classroom. Because the
study will begin soon
Naufal & Arbizal : Have a nice holiday weekend everyone
Fachri, Widi, Galuh : You too. See ya

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