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ProfEd 106 – Assessment in Learning 1

1st Semester, S.Y. 2022-2023

1. It is an assessment that focuses on numbers, or quantities. Usually, something that is

quantitative can be measured and expressed in units.
a. Qualitative Assessment
b. Quantitative Assessment
c. Quantitative Evaluation
Answer: B
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: KNOWLEDGE / REMEMBERING

2. What kind of test item is the following?

"Students, I'd like you to decide whether this scene from the novel is about the theme of social
injustice. Be sure to back up your statement with examples from the text."
a. Qualitative, because there is no single right answer.
b. Quantitative, because there is only one answer the teacher will consider correct.
c. Quantumative, because it is an essay question with no choices.
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: ANALYSIS / ANALYZING

3. If a science teacher wants to see how much a student remembers about cell parts and their
specific functions, which test method is he/she likely to choose?

a. A qualitative method in which the student writes an essay analyzing the cell parts and
proposing his own interpretation.
b. A quantitative method in which the student answers multiple-choice questions matching
the parts of a cell with their functions.
c. A qualitative method in which the student picks one cell part to research and draw a
picture of.
Answer: B
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: ANALYSIS / ANALYZING

4. Anna and her friends are conducting a research and they’ve used survey questionnaires to get
the response of the respondents. Which one of the following kind of assessment does Anna and
her friends mainly use in their research?
a. Qualitative Assessment
b. Quantitative Assessment
c. Quantumative Assessment
Answer: B
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: APPLICATION / APPLYING

5. It is a characteristics of Constructive Feedback the refers demonstrating empathy and attention

to the particular learning style and needs of the student, rather than comparing or generalizing to
other students; feedback is linked to the particular learning goals of the student.
a. Well timed and expected
b. Individualized and relevant
c. Goal-directed
Answer: B
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: KNOWLEDGE / REMEMBERING

6. Judge the sentence in italics according to the criteria given below:

Students participated eagerly. In fact, fifteen hands shot up when you asked for a definition of
“marginal costing.”

a. The sentence is a Constructive Feedback

b. The sentence is not Constructive feedback
c. The sentence is either Constructive Feedback or not Constructive Feedback
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: SYNTHESIS / EVALUATING

7. It occurs when learners assess their own performance.

a. Self-assessment
b. Peer assessment
c. Qualitative assessment
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: KNOWLEDGE / REMEMBERING

8. It refers to an exhibition or putting up data in an attractive and useful manner such that it can
be easily interpreted.
a. Presentation of Data
b. Textual presentation
c. Data Tables
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: KNOWLEDGE / REMEMBERING
9. Read carefully through the paragraph below, and decide which of the options A-C is correct.

“The level of measurement refers to the relationship among the intellectual that are assigned to
the attributes for a variable”

a. The word “Intellectual” should be replaced “values”

b. The word “attributes” should be replaced “ascribe”
c. The word “variable” should be replaced “uneven”
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: ANALYSIS / ANALYZING

10. Judge the sentence in italics according to the criteria given below:
“Quantitative analysis aims to interpret the data collected for the phenomenon through numeric
variables and statistics. “
a. The paragraph is true about the Quantitative analysis
b. The paragraph is false about the Quantitative analysis
c. The paragraph is either true or false about the Quantitative analysis
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: EVALUATION/ CREATING

11. Alex timed 21 people in the sprint race, to the nearest second:
59, 65, 61, 62, 53, 55, 60, 70, 64, 56, 58, 58, 62, 62, 68, 65, 56, 59, 68, 61, 67
What is the mean?
a. 61
b. 61.38095
c. 62
Answer: B
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: APPLICATION / APPLYING

12. Alex timed 21 people in the sprint race, to the nearest second:
53, 55, 56, 56, 58, 58, 59, 59, 60, 61, 61, 62, 62, 62, 64, 65, 65, 67, 68, 68, 70
What is the mode?
a. 61
b. 63
c. 62
Answer: C
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: APPLICATION / APPLYING

13. Alex timed 21 people in the sprint race, to the nearest second:
53, 55, 56, 56, 58, 58, 59, 59, 60, 61, 61, 62, 62, 62, 64, 65, 65, 67, 68, 68, 70
What is the median?
a. 61
b. 62
c. 63
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: APPLICATION / APPLYING

14. Select the answer that best reflects your understanding of the following paragraph from
options A through C.
“The mode is the middle score for a set of data that has been arranged in order of magnitude. The
median is less affected by outliers and skewed data.”
a. The median should be mode and the mode should be median
b. The mode should be median
c. The median should be mode
Answer: B
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: ANALYSIS / ANALYZING

15. Use the following criteria to evaluate the italicized sentence:

“Quantitative data provide information that can be counted to answer such questions as “How
many?”, “Who was involved?”, “What were the outcomes?”, and “How much did it cost?”
Quantitative data can be collected by surveys or questionnaires, pretests and posttests,
observation, or review of existing documents and databases or by gathering clinical data.”
a. The definition is true
b. The definition is not true
c. The definition is not valid
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: EVALUATION/ CREATING

16. In ______ measurement the numerical values just “name” the attribute uniquely.
a. Interval
b. Ratio
c. Nominal
Answer: C
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: KNOWLEDGE / REMEMBERING

17. Which one of the following describes what takes place in the so-called ORDINAL
measurement in the level of measurement?
a. Measurement the attributes can be rank-ordered. Here, distances between attributes do
not have any meaning.
b. Measurement the numerical values just “name” the attribute uniquely. No ordering of the
cases is implied. 
c. Measurement the distance between attributes does have meaning.
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: COMPREHENSION / UNDERSTANDING

18. Choose from selections A through C the response that most accurately represents how you
understood the next paragraph.
“In 1999, out of a total of five thousand workers of a factory, four thousand and two hundred
were members of a Trade Union. The number of female workers was twenty per cent of the total
workers out of which thirty per cent were members of the Trade Union.”
a. The assertion shows textual presentation of data.
b. The assertion shows graphical method of presenting of data.
c. The assertion shows tabular presentation of data.

Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: ANALYSIS / ANALYZING

19. It is a data that can be presented in the form of words, sentences and paragraphs.
a. Textual presentation of data.
b. Graphical method of presenting of data.
c. Tabular presentation of data.
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: KNOWLEDGE / REMEMBERING

20. What ideas can you add to the following definition of ratio which is it is the measurement
that there is always an absolute zero that is meaningful?
a. Ratio can be in no ordering of the cases is implied.
b. Ratio can be rank-ordered
c. Ratio can construct a meaningful fraction with a ratio variable.
Answer: C
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: SYNTHESIS / EVALUATING

21. Do you agree that Quantitative data collected before and after an intervention can show its
outcomes and impact?
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: EVALUATION/ CREATING
22. Why is Self-assessment significant?
a. Because there are some kinds of questions and some dimensions of community
assessment that can be better addressed by them than by quantitative methods.
b. Because it provides you with the ability to gain an in-depth understanding of a program
or process.
c. Because it provides students with an opportunity to self-evaluate, or make judgments
about their learning process and products of learning.
Answer: C
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: APPLICATION / APPLYING

23. What concepts can you add to the notion of "presentation of data," which refers to an
exhibition or presenting data in a clear, understandable way?
a. The presentation of data consists of two forms which are the Quantitative and Qualitative
b. The presentation of data contains three forms which are Textual presentation, Data tables
and Diagrammatic presentation.
c. The presentation of data consist of one form which is the self-assessment
Answer: C
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: SYNTHESIS / EVALUATING

24. It divides a rank-ordered data set into four equal parts.

a. Standard score
b. Percentiles
c. Quartiles
Answer: C
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: KNOWLEDGE / REMEMBERING

25. Do you agree that standard score can be calculated from the following formula?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
Answer: C
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: EVALUATION/ CREATING

26. Assume that the elements in a data set are rank ordered from the smallest to the largest. The
values that divide a rank-ordered set of elements into 100 equal parts are called ___________?
a. Standard score
b. Percentiles
c. Quartiles
Answer: B
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: KNOWLEDGE / REMEMBERING

27. Which of the following best explains what occurs in the 'median'?
a. The middle score for a set of data that has been arranged in order of magnitude
b. The most popular option
c. The most popular and well known measure of central tendency.
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: COMPREHENSION / UNDERSTANDING

28. “In 2000, the number of workers belonging to the trade union was increased by twenty per
cent as compared to 1999 of which four thousand and two hundred were male”
What type of data does the sentence used?
a. Textual presentation of data.
b. Graphical method of presenting of data.
c. Tabular presentation of data.
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: APPLICATION / APPLYING

29. Which of the following choices does the solution below have used?
59 + 65 + 61 + 62 + 53 + 55 + 60 + 70 + 64 + 56 + 58 + 58 + 62 + 62 + 68 + 65 + 56 + 59 + 68 +
61 + 67
= 61.38095…..
a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: APPLICATION / APPLYING

30. What solutions would you suggest in the following problem?

53, 55, 56, 56, 58, 58, 59, 59, 60, 61, 61, 62, 62, 62, 64, 65, 65, 67, 68, 68, 70

Median =?
a. First get the mean of all the data by adding all of the data and divided it on the quantity of
the data.
b. Get the mode first and find the summation of the data
c. Just get the summation of the data
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: SYNTHESIS / EVALUATING
31. A table facilitates representation of even large amounts of data in an attractive, easy to read
and organized manner.
a. Textual presentation
b. Data tables
c. Diagrammatic presentation
Answer: B
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: KNOWLEDGE / REMEMBERING

32. The following are advantages of Tabular Presentation or Data Tables except ONE?
a. Ease of representation
b. Ease of analysis
c. Helps in similarities
Answer: C
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: COMPREHENSION / UNDERSTANDING

33. This two assessment forms methodological pair.

a. Diagrammatic presentation & Textual presentation data
b. Qualitative & quantitative analysis
c. None of the Above
Answer: B
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: COMPREHENSION / UNDERSTANDING

34. Evaluate the italicized phrase using the standards listed below:

To find the Mean Alex adds up all the numbers, then divides by how many numbers:
Mean = 59 + 65 + 61 + 62 + 53 + 55 + 60 + 70 + 64 + 56 + 58 + 58 + 62 + 62 + 68 + 65 + 56 +
59 + 68 + 61 + 67/ 21
= 61.38095...
a. The equation is true, to get the mean you need to find the summation of all the data then
divide it by 2.
b. The equation is true and also the answer, you need to find the summation of all the data
c. None of the above
Answer: C
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: SYNTHESIS / EVALUATING

35. Which one of the following shows Textual presentation data?

a. Textual presentation, however, is not preferred by a statistician simply because, it is dull,
monotonous and comparison between different observations is not possible in this
b. A z-score equal to -1 represents an element that is 1 standard deviation less than the
mean; a z-score equal to -2, 2 standard deviations less than the mean; etc.
c. The classification in which data in a table is classified according to time is known as:
Qualitative, Quantitative, Temporal & Spatial
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: APPLICATION / APPLYING

36. The following are the disadvantages of Textual presentation except one.
a. It produces extensive data in the form of words and paragraphs.
b. It becomes difficult for the reader to draw conclusions in a glance.
c. It allows the researcher to present qualitative data that cannot be presented in graphical or
tabular form.
Answer: C
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: COMPREHENSION / UNDERSTANDING

37. The classification in which data in a table is classified according to time is known as:
Qualitative & Quantitative.
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
Answer: B
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: ANALYSIS / ANALYZING

38. Which one of the following describes what takes place in the so-called TEXTUAL
a. The observations with exact magnitude can be presented with the help of textual
presentation. Furthermore, this type of presentation can be taken as the first step towards
the other methods of presentation.
b. Jersey numbers in basketball are measures at the nominal level. A player with number 30
is not more of anything than a player with number 15, and is certainly not twice whatever
number 15 is.
c. On a survey you might code Educational Attainment as 0=less than high school; 1=some
high school.; 2=high school degree; 3=some college; 4=college degree; 5=post college.
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: COMPREHENSION / UNDERSTANDING

39. Read carefully through the paragraph below, and decide which of the options A-C is correct.
“Effective feed backing and communicating assessment results is to be pivotal only in
strengthening student learning.”
a. True
b. False
c. Either true or false
Answer: B
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: ANALYSIS / ANALYZING

40. Judge the sentence in italics according to the criteria given below:
“As part of feed backing and communication of assessment result, self as well as peer-
assessment are seen to be an indispensable component of accurate / precise descriptions of
student learning performances.”
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: SYNTHESIS / EVALUATING

41. Identify which Level of Measurement is the following statement:

When we measure temperature (in Fahrenheit), the distance from 30-40 is same as distance from
70-80. The interval between values is interpretable. Because of this, it makes sense to compute
an average of an interval variable, where it doesn’t make sense to do so for ordinal scales. But
note that in interval measurement ratios don’t make any sense - 80 degrees is not twice as hot as
40 degrees (although the attribute value is twice as large).
a. Nominal
b. Ordinal
c. Interval
Answer: C
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: APPLICATION / APPLYING

42. Peer assessment result should be corrective and constructive in approach to ensure
synergy among stakeholder in the creation of suitable conditions and opportunities for effective
a. False
b. True
c. Maybe
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: ANALYSIS / ANALYZING

43. Effective feed backing and communicating assessment results is to be pivotal only in
strengthening student learning.
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
Answer: B
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: ANALYSIS / ANALYZING

44. Feedback on assessment result needs to be transmuted into a qualitative evaluation for a more
meaningful judgment making.
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
Answer: A
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: ANALYSIS / ANALYZING

45-50. Do peer assessment effective in a teaching and learning process? Why or why not?
Item specification per taxonomy of learning: EVALUATION/ CREATING

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