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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (Course Code and Course Title) Module No.__


Gender-Related Violence














More than 1.6 million people die from violence each year, making it one of the major
causes of mortality worldwide. Violence is a global problem.

While violence exists in every nation, the bulk of its fatalities take place in low- to
middle-income nations, many of which are experiencing internal strife. Though more than
80% of violent deaths take place outside of armed conflicts, it should be remembered that
not all violent deaths may be directly linked to war.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Violence: Definitions, Levels & Typologies

Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as “the intentional use of
physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or
against a group or community,that either results in or has a high likelihood of
resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation”.

This definition emphasizes that a person or group must intend to use force or power against


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (Course Code and Course Title) Module No.__

another person or group in order for an act to be classified as violent. Violence is thus
distinguished from injury or harm that results from unintended actions and incidents. This
definition also draws attention not only to the use of physical force but also to the use of
threatened or actual power.

Levels and typologies of violence

Physical violence
- Any act which causes physical harm as a result of unlawful physical force.
Physical violence can take the form of, among others, serious and minor assault,
deprivation of liberty and manslaughter.

Sexual violence
- Any sexual act performed on an individual without their consent.
Sexual violence can take the form of rape or sexual assault.

Psychological violence
- Any act which causes psychological harm to an individual.
Psychological violence can take the form of, for example, coercion, defamation, verbal
insult or harassment.

Economic violence
- Any act or behavior which causes economic harm to an individual.
Property damage, restricting access to financial resources, education or the labor market,
or not complying with economic responsibilities, such as alimony.

Self‐directed violence
-is a broad term that includes suicidal thoughts or action and forms of self‐
-fatal suicidal behavior

is often used for suicidal acts that result in death.

- Non‐fatal suicidal behavior

attempted suicide, parasuicide and self-harm describe suicidal behavior that does
not result in death.

- Suicidal ideation
is used clinically to describe contemplation of willfully ending one's own life.

- Self‐mutilation
refers to direct and deliberate destruction or alteration of parts of the body without
conscious suicidal intent.

Interpersonal violence
- include acts of violence and intimidation that occur between family members,
between intimate partners or between individuals, whether or not they are known to
one another, and where the violence is not specifically intended to further the aims


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (Course Code and Course Title) Module No.__

of any group or cause.

This category includes child maltreatment, youth violence, some forms of sexual violence
and abuse of elders.

Collective violence
- defined as the “instrumental use of violence by people who identify
themselves as members of a group against another group or set of individuals, in
order to achieve political, economic or social objectives”.

Collective violence includes war, terrorism and violent political conflict between or within
states, violence perpetrated by states and organized violent crime such as gang warfare. It
may include all categories of violence, be these physical, sexual, psychological, or
characterized by neglect or discrimination.

Violence against Women

“Any act of gender-based violence that results in or is likely to result in physical,
sexual, psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion
or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life.” UN General
Assembly definition, 1993

Forms/Types of Gender Based violence

>Harassment at Work Place
>Eve Teasing
>Dowry Related Violence

 Domestic Violence- (also named domestic abuse, battering, or family violence) is a

pattern of behavior which involves violence or other abuse by one person against
another in a domestic setting, such in marriage or as cohabitation.
 Sexual Violence- Forcing someone to have sex after being hurt either physically or
emotionally. Forcing into prostitution.
 Physical violence- is the deliberate use of physical force with the potential for
causing harm.
 Workplace harassment- is the belittling or
threatening behavior directed at an individual
worker or a group of workers Harassment at
work place Sexual harassment is a form of sex
discrimination that occurs in the workplace. The
legal definition of sexual harassment is
"Unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct
of a sexual nature that is severe or pervasive
and affects working conditions or creates a
hostile work environment."


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (Course Code and Course Title) Module No.__

 Eve-teasing has now become a common affair in our society. School or colleges
going girls are the main victims of eve-teasing. Eve-teasing is normally meant as
teasing a girl or women. “Eve-teasing” refers to public sexual harassment or street
harassment to a girl by a boy.

 Dowry-related violence is a serious problem that

affects the lives of women and girls. Dowry
includes gifts, money, goods, or property given
from the bride’s family to the groom or in-laws
before, during or any time after the marriage.
While dowry is practiced in many different of the
world, dowry-related violence is most prevalent
in South Asia, in the nations of India, Pakistan,
Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The most common
forms of dowry-related violence are physical
violence, marital rape, acid attacks, and wife
burning (where a woman is covered in kerosene
or some other accelerant and deliberately set on

Violence against women is a chosen action against a women or a girl child
simply because of her gender, simply because she is female. Violence against
women cuts across race, religion, income, class and culture. Violence against
women is deeply embedded in all cultures, so that millions of women considered it a
way of life.

Violence against member of LGBTQA+ member

What is LGBTQIA+
LGBTQIA+ is an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or
questioning, intersex, asexual, and more. These terms are used to describe a person’s
sexual orientation or gender identity.


1. Domestic Violence- Domestic violence is not physical violence alone. Domestic
violence is any behavior the purpose of which is to gain power and control over a
spouse, partner, girl/boyfriend or intimate family member.

2. Sexual Assault- Sexual assault happens when someone touches another person in
a sexual manner without their consent. Or when someone makes another person
take part in a sexual activity with them without that person's consent.

Violence against Men


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (Course Code and Course Title) Module No.__

Articles that support these statements:

 The viewers of society dictate how men are perceived in domestic violence
relationships, "society perceives male victims as wimps, who are not believed
and refused the status of victim(Barber, 2008).

 According to Hines, at al. (2007), "researchers interested in the plight of male

victims of severe IPV have been unable to study them because there has been
no one place where abused men gather." In addition, "several studies show
that the majority of women do not cite self-defence as a motive for their
violence against their male partners, but rather anger, jealousy, retaliation for
emotional hurt, efforts to gain control and dominance and confusion (Hines,

 Ridley & Feldman (2003), reported, "the death of research on female

aggression may relate to predominant cultural norms which assign women the
role of caretaker and nurturer and therefore unlikely to be physically

 Male victims are being abused and murdered by women as justification of

undocumented abuse against them in their past, which is one of the main
reasons DV against men goes underreported. "Clinicians working with female
offenders often accept their clients' self-report as valid (Henning, Jones &
Holford, 2005)," and "a number of theorists posit that most women who are
arrested for violence against their intimate partners are in-fact victims of IPV
themselves and should be treated as such (Simmons, 2008)."

These statements are true that it is unlikely to have a man to be a victim of violence and
there is really discrimination about this.

 To support that men are also victims of abuse,

 Studies have proven that women have the propensity to be equally violent as
men for the same reason as male offenders. According to Straus &
Gelles(1986), the National Family Violence Survey revealed that, "4.8% of men,
or 2.6million men nationwide, reported being victims of severe intimate partner


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (Course Code and Course Title) Module No.__

violence by their wives, violence that includes acts of punching, kicking,

beating up, and using a knife or gun (as cited in Hines, Brown, & Dunning,

HB 4888 classifies the following acts as violence against male, gay, lesbian and
transgender partners, and their children:

 Physical violence.

 Sexual violence including rape, sexual harassment, forcing the partner to watch
obscenity or porn, forcing them to do indecent acts, prostituting their partner or child.

 Psychological violence or acts that cause mental or emotional suffering in the

 Economic abuse or acts that attempt to make the partner financially dependent on
the other.

Diego Silang Movement (DSM)- A male advocate group. This group wants to repeal
or amend VAWC because “the law is one-sided and does not recognize the rights of
the father since the sole custody of children is granted to the mother even if the
abuse isn’t proven yet.”


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