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Subject/Grade: Math 4&5 Date: March 14, 2023

O’clock, Half, and Quarter Hours (1)

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson Telling time at O’clock, Half, and Quarter Hours Day 1
GOs: Students will: Communicate duration with standard units of time.
SOs: 1.Time of day can be expressed with fractions of a circle, including:
● quarter past the hour
● half past the hour
● quarter to the hour
3. Analog clocks can relate duration to a circle.
4. Relate durations of 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes, and 45 minutes to
fractions of a circle.
5.Express time of day using fractions.
Learning Students will:
Objectives ● Demonstrate on the hour time in 2 ways
● Express time using half past the hour
● Express time using quarter to and quarter past language

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative ● Group discussion Summative
Assessment ● One-on-one discussion Assessment
● Observation

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Print out: Resources: Jump Math
Lesson: ● Time Memory cards (6) - 4 more sets Workbooks
● Extra worksheets for early finishers Jump Math website
Place paper clocks out in desired seating YouTube: Topic 14:
arrangement. Time (Telling Time
Draw 2 big circles on the white board. to the Half Hour) |

Time: Content/Description Notes/Assess/

50 minutes Differentiation
(10 min) Instruct students to sit where their clocks are and bring their pencil, eraser,
blue pen, pink and orange highlighters.

We have been looking at digital clocks and how to tell time using them the
past few lessons. Today we are going to switch our focus to analog clocks
and start filling in the blank clocks you cut out at the end of class
Direct How do clocks work
instruction: *** Throughout the lesson use the one big circle as a clock to fill in with Make sure to
O’clock, the kids, use the other to show the circle fractions. call on different
Subject/Grade: Math 4&5 Date: March 14, 2023

Half, and We have been looking at digital clocks and how to tell time using them the students when
Quarter past few lessons. Digital clocks were special as they can tell time in both answering
Hours 12hr and 24 hr time. questions.
(20 min) Can someone tell me what kind of time analog clocks tell?
A: 12 hr time Use prompts if
That's why there are 12 big numbers on a clock. needed to get
answers from
Label the clock with hour numbers starting with 12 at the top different

Can anyone remember how many minutes there are in an hour?

A: 60 J, L, S will
We know that everytime the longer minute hand makes a full rotation receive a sheet
around the clock 1 hr has passed. That also means 60 minutes have with the
passed. numbers and
Does anyone know how many minutes have passed every time the minute hour terms
hand passes one of the big numbers? printed out. This
A: 5 way they can
Lets double check that 60 minutes goes by, by skip counting by 5s. Using simply glue
the large clock, move the minute hand around as students skip count by them onto the
5s. clock.

Label the clock with minute number starting with :00 above the 12

Telling time to the hour

When the longer minute hand is on the 12 or 00 minutes the smaller hour
hand will always be pointing directly at a number. This means it is on an
Can anyone remember the special term we use when it is an exact hour?
A: o’clock

Label the clock with “o’clock” under the 12 and have students use their
pink highlighters to outline the 12.
Subject/Grade: Math 4&5 Date: March 14, 2023

Telling time to the half an hour

If there are 60 minutes in an hour how many minutes are in half an hour?
If we were to cut this clock in half we would have two 30 minute portions.
So when our minute hand is at 6 or 30 minutes it is half past the hour.
When we read half hour time we can say 2:30 or half past 2

Label the clock with “half past” above the 6 and have students use their
orange highlighters to outline the 6.

When we are at half past 2 where is the hour hand pointing?

A: Halfway between the 2 & 3
Use the big clock to demonstrate 2:30
Review the 2 terms learned so far “o’clock” and “half past” by displaying
a time on the big clock and having students answer using the proper

Put the hands on

Hand out the hands for students' clocks and have them poke a hole
through the hands and the clock to put the fastener through.

Cut off the first lesson here and move onto workbook time. If all students
have a hang of the 0’clock and half past displayed through their
workbooks make a judgement call if they can handle the quarter hours.
Likely need to be done the following lesson.
Telling time to the quarter hour
We divided our clock in half to determine a half an hour to determine half
an hour is 30 min. We can also divide clocks into quarters so there are 4
equal parts.
How long is a quarter of an hour?
A: 15 minutes
Draw a line dividing the clock if needed and count by 5 to determine the
Looking at our clock, what 2 numbers are indicators for a quarter hour?
Subject/Grade: Math 4&5 Date: March 14, 2023

A: 3 and 9
When the minute hand is on the 3 it is a “quarter past” the hour
When the minute hand is on the 9 it is a “quarter to” an hour

If the hour hand is past the 5 and the minute hand is at 3 or 15 minutes it
is quarter past the hour.
We can read this time as 5:15 or quarter past 5

If the hour hand is past the 5 and the minute hand is at 9 or 45 minutes it
is quarter to the next hour.
We can read this time as 5:45 or quarter to 6

Label the clock with “quarter past” to the left of the 3, “quarter to” right
of the 9 and have students use their orange highlighters to outline the 3
and 9.

Using the big clock display quarter past and quarter to times, have
students answer using the new language.

Transition: During workbook time today you will be using the “o’clock” and “half past” terminology

Workbook Have students complete the O’Clock and Half Hour 4:pg. 109, 110
Time pages in their workbooks
(15 min) . S, L, J : highlighted problems
Circulate the room as students are working on their
Give books, answer any questions that arise. Encourage
students 5 students to use their clocks as aids.
minutes to
work If students are done early they may match the Time
warning Memory Cards Sets for o’clock or half past, or
complete an additional print out.

Transition: When there is 5 minutes left in class, instruct students to clean up. Clocks and workbooks in the new green
math bin.

(5 min) With what time remains after cleaning up, use the big clock to display
times relating to the day's learnings and have students answer by raising
their hands. Let students know tomorrow we will be playing games to
practise our new terminology.

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