2.0 Training Needs Analysis (Tna) 2.1 Objectives of Training Needs Analysis

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 To determine whether there is a gap between what is required for effective

performance and present level of performance.
 To identify what caused performance to be less than expected or required.
 To determine whether a deficiency can be corrected through training.





Training need analysis at individual level focuses on each and every

individual in the organization. At this level, the organization checks whether
an employee is performing at desired level or the performance is below
expectation. If the difference between the expected performance and actual
performance comes out to be positive, then certainly there is a need of
training. The needs analysis findings will help to measure employee
performance by knowing their current output, versus their intended output.


Task analysis focuses on the work that is being assigned to the employees.
The job analyst gathers the information on whether the job is clearly
understood by an employee or not. He gathers this information through
technical interview, observation, psychological test; questionnaires asking
the closed ended as well as open ended questions, etc. The job analyst also
gathers information on the tasks needs to be done plus the tasks that will be
required in the future.

Organization analysis focuses on strategic planning, business need, and

goals. Strategic planning refers to a decision-making processes in which
decisions are made about establishing organizational purposes or mission,
determining objectives, and selecting strategies. It starts with the assessment
of internal environment of the organization such as, procedures, structures,
policies, strengths, and weaknesses and external environment such as
opportunities and threats.



Observation is another method used to obtain our information about the job
aspect in real workplace circumstances. During interview section with Mr.
Michael, our group member, Miss Soo has to observe and define important
areas of training in relation to existing problems and practices. Besides that,
she also has to define the most common attitudes toward participation on
one hand, as well as attitudes toward personal development and participation
in training.


Our targets for this training program are a group of “dealer sales” in Topplus
Company. The method used in this research include direct face-to-face
interview. This face-to-face interview is being used because it enables us to
understand best the real context that found in the interviewee.

One of our group members, Miss Soo went to the Topplus

Distribution Sdn Bhd and conducted a formal interview with manager of this
company, Michael. In this interview, we know about the description and
specification of this job, “dealer sales”. The reasons of we interview with
Mr. Michael are because of he is the employees who do the job and know
exactly what tasks are being performed. Besides, this information provides a
different perspective and helps yields a well-rounded concept of exactly
what is required.

The format of interview is structured or directive interview which

the interview follows a set sequence of questions that related
responsibilities, knowledge, skills and abilities, training and so on will be


Questionnaire also is one of the methods we used in gather information of

Training Needs Analysis. Questionnaire is to better understand the working
experiences and skills needed for respondents to improve and develop as
competence dealers. These questionaires are divided into five part which is
teamwork, SWOT analysis, negotiation skill, leadership skill level possesses
by respondents and impact of motivation among the respondents.


From this training needs analysis, our group able gathers many information or data
needed to design a training program. We have to identify the factors of performance
deficit which is caused by an employee’s lack of skills, knowledge and attitudes
(KSAs). A Training Needs Analysis assures that it is focused on the deficiencies in
KSAs identified.


Topplus Distribution Sdn Bhd is a DiGi Distribution which as a supplier and supply
all the Digi products to other DiGi dealers. Topplus Sdn Bhd was found on 1998.
Director of this company is Mr. Daniel. There have two branches, Kuala Lumpur
and Seremban. Amount staffs of this company are around 50 persons.

Vision and mission of Topplus Distribution Sdn Bhd is same with the
DiGi. DiGi is a leading mobile communications company providing a
comprehensive range of affordable, convenient and easy to use wireless services to
simplify and enrich the lives of its customers. This company creates value for their
customers by selecting the most appropriate cutting edge technology so that they
benefit from products and services that give them choice, convenience and control.


Our targets for this training program are a group of “dealer sales” in Topplus
Distribution Sdn Bhd. One of the main responsibilities of a sales executive is sell
their company products to their clients. They need to use the knowledge of service
and products effectively by good negotiation skills with clients to promote the sales.
Besides, they are needed to give updates about the products and improve to the
service to achieve costumers’ satisfaction. Different type of communication such as
interpersonal communication is used when give service and promote the products.
Besides, planning is also one of the responsibilities of a “dealer sales”.
Planning means that ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing and
developing organizational leadership to enhance performance. They have to
recognize all sources of resources such as staff opinion, company goals and current
issues in order to make planning to achieve the vision. Then they need to based on
opportunities of the organizations have goals is set up to develop and achieve it.

Finally, the main responsibilities of a sales executive are controlling. They

should standards setting such as sales quotas, quality standards or production levels.
They will check to see how actual performance compares with these standards and
taking corrective action as needed. They have to make sure the performance of
organization is increase and maintaining the level. Regarding the products that have
problems is recognized and solved to give a good standard product in the future.


Our group is using the questionaire method to carry out this individual analysis.

Figure 1: Level of understanding about team work

1. Do you understand the importance of teamwork?

2. Can you cooperate with your colleagues when accomplishing tasks / jobs?
3. Do you have conflicts with team members / colleagues?
4. Is your organization’s environment harmony to work in happily to speed up
your performances?

Figure 1 shows opinion of the staffs who are as a “dealer sales” about the team
work. Majority of the respondents (62.5 percent) feel that they are understand
about the importance of teamwork. Only a small fraction of the respondents (37.5
percent) who are feeling that not understand about the importance of teamwork.
Furthermore, only 25 percent of the respondents are able cooperate with
their colleagues when accomplishing tasks or jobs. While, most of the
respondents (75 percent), they are unable to working with their colleagues in
Besides, 37.5 percent of the respondents have conflicts with team
members or colleagues. On the other hand, the 62.5 percent of respondents are no
conflicts with their team members or colleagues.
However, there have 50 percent of respondents are agree and disagree that
organization’s environment harmony to work in happily to speed up their working
performance respectively.
In conclusion, most of the respondents are understand about the
importance of teamwork but small percentage of them are able cooperate with
their co-worker when accomplishing tasks and jobs. Besides that, some of the
respondents have conflict experience with their colleagues.
Figure 2: Level of understanding about the SWOT Analysis

1. Do you plan for your future career?

2. Do you clear about yourself goals?
3. Does your self goal align with the organization’s goal?
4. Organization is a place where provide you with the opportunities to go for
higher or senior position by providing training and career development. Are
you agreeing with this statement?

Figure 2 indicate that understanding about the importance of SWOT Analysis

(Strength, Weakness, Threats, Opportunity). The graph explains that there are 25
percent of respondents revealed that they have to plan their future career. On the
other hand, 75 percent of respondents are not planning his or her future career.
Furthermore, there is an equality that 50 percent each of the respondents
strongly agree and disagree that they are clear about their own goals.
Majority of the respondents (87.5 percent) stated that their own goals are not align
with the organization’s goal. While, small percentage of respondents there is 12.5
percent stated that their own goals are align with the organization’s goal.
Moreover, 25 percent of the respondents agreed that organization is a
place where provide they with the opportunities to go for higher or senior position
by providing training and career development. However, only 75 percent of the
respondents disagree with the statement.
In short, majority of respondents no planning their future career and their
own goals are not align with the organization’s goal. Most of them also disagree
that organization is a place where provide them with opportunities to go for a
higher or senior position by providing training and career development.

Figure 4: Negotiation skill level possesses by respondents

1. Do you think negotiation skills are important to you as a dealer sale?

2. Do you think that you need to improve your skill to cultivate more
customers (win customers’ heart)?
3. Are you prepared with your content of communication before you deal
with your clients or agree on contracts?
4. Do you always reflect what you had done to know your own strengths and
The graph in Figure 3 discusses respondents’ level of understanding the
importance and strategies of negotiation skills. All of the respondents in Topplus
Distribution Sdn Bhd are agree that negotiation skills are important for them as a
“dealer sales”.
Furthermore, 75 percent of the respondents agree that they have to
improve their negotiation skills to cultivate more customers. However, 25 percent
of the respondents disagree that they do not need to improve their negotiation
skills to win the customers’ heart.
On the other hand, only 37.5 percent of respondents have to prepare the
content of communication before they deal with their clients while 62.5 percent of
respondents are no do the preparation about the content of communication before
they liaise with clients.
In brief, all of the respondents are understand about the importance of
negotiation skills for them as a “dealer sales” and most of them agree that they are
need to improve their negotiation skills in order to build a good relationship with
their clients.
Figure 4: Leadership skill level possesses by respondents

1. Can you working under minimum supervision?

2. Can you make decision regarding job tasks?
3. Do you feel that leadership skills are very important for your job tasks?
4. Do you prefer give instruction to others?

Figure 4 shows the leadership skill level possesses by respondents. Majority of

the respondents (75 percent) stated that they can work under minimum
supervision. Only a small fraction of the respondents (25 percent) need
supervision in doing their job. However, there is balance percentage (50 percent)
which the respondents revealed that they are able and unable to make decision
regarding their job tasks.
Furthermore, there are 25 percent of the respondents considered the
leadership skills are a vital skill in order to accomplish their responsibility. Most
of the respondents (87.5 percent) were preferred to give instruction to others
which is a part of characteristic of leadership skill. Only 12.5 percent of the
respondents require instruction from supervisor to do their task.
In conclusion, most of the respondents agreed that they are able to
working under minimum supervision and they feel that leadership skills are very
important for their tasks. Besides, majority of them prefer give instruction to
Figure 5: Impact of motivation

1. Do you agree that you are a person with high self-motivation?

2. High job satisfaction will increase motivation in you?
3. Does motivation will influence your performance?

Figure 5 shows the impact of motivation towards respondents. A total of 50

percent of the dealer sales reveal that they were possess a higest level of self
Most of the respondents (62.5 percent) also agree that high job satisfaction
will lead to respondent’s self motivation level. On the other hands, only samll
fraction of the respondents (37.5 percent) disagree that job satisfaction will
enhance motivation in them.
In addition, 62.5 percent of the respondents have the same opinion, that is,
motivation will influnce their performance. Furthermore, there is 37.5 percent of
the respondents feel that motivation will not bring effect to job peformance.
In brief, majority of the respodents agreed that high job satisfaction will
increase the motivation in them and feel that motivation will influence their

Before designing this training program, our group had conducted a training need analysis
to identify and examine the skills, knowledge and behaviors needed to perform a job or
set of jobs effectively. Furthermore, it also used to identify employees performance gap
which is gap that exists between employees’ current performance and standard
performance that set by organization. TNA is very important because job descriptions
and performance expectations can become quickly outdated. With TNA, job expectations
can stay aligned with current job demands or adapted to meet anticipated future demands.
Also, the processes we use to select, assess, and develop our sales employees can remain
current and adaptable with our changing business needs. We have chosen to focus on
these specific sets of competencies such as negotiation skills, SWOT analysis and
teamwork. Justifications from TNA conducted are:

In general, team work is a very vital resource in all the organization. We all have
different skills, knowledge and personal attributes. By utilizing all of these different
aspects in a team, more ideas can be generated. As more ideas are generated, more
creative solutions are generated, leading to better results. Based on our analysis, that is
the questionnaire that distributed to worker in Top Plus Company, we found that they
were lacking of knowledge about importance of teamwork. This is because some of them
prefer to work alone and do not like to work under supervision. On the other hands, most
of the employees claimed that they are unable to cooperate with their colleagues when
accomplishing a tasks or jobs. Furthermore, there are some staffs stated that they have
conflicts with their team member due to the differences of opinion that usually occur
when two people can’t see both sides of the situation.

Next justification is that SWOT analysis is imperative because the participants are
supposed to have identified staffs’ advantages and disadvantages, and enables the
participants to do a proper comparison of them and surrounding, remaining after the
micro screening process sometimes, there is only one good strategy left after been cross-
checked with the help of the SWOT Analysis. From the questionnaire, we get to know
that only a small fraction of the employees plan for their future career. They do not have
conscious career strategies and do not set their career goals. Moreover, most of them are
not clear with their own strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats. So, this causes
them unable to plan their career even to discover their career anchors whether they are
people that anchored on managerial competence, technical competence or security.

As a dealer sale, negotiation skills is essential for them to negotiate a better deals
and contracts, solve problems, increase sales and profit of company, and etc. We found
that dealer sale in Top Plus Company possess low level on the awareness of importance
of negotiation skills. They stated that they seldom prepare with the contents of
communication before negotiate and deal with their clients. In addition, they do not think
that they have to improve negotiation skills to cultivate more customers. The negotiation
process views as made up of five steps. There are preparation and planning, definition of
ground rules, clarification and justification, bargaining and problem solving and closure
and implementation. Therefore, every staffs need to know and understands well about the
negotiation process in order to help them in an agreement with other.

Consequently, I would like to conclude that based on our training need analysis,
we can conclude that team work, negotiation skills, and SWOT analysis are very
important for dealer sale in Top Plus Company as to enhance their knowledge (K), skills
(S), and ability or attitudes (A) by providing training program. Thus, we design the
training’s module in term of team work, SWOT analysis, and negotiation skills to
improve the worker’s capabilities and help organization move toward their common

Based on the training need analysis (TNA), we suggest providing a workshop that focus
on the team-building, SWOT analysis and negotiation skill in order to enhance the
knowledge and skill of our target group. In this workshop, we are going to provide the
basic knowledge and skills required to improve interpersonal and negotiation skills in
order to “win customers’ hearts”. Besides, we hope that at the end of the training, the
participants should be able to implement negotiation skills when dealing with customers
and throughout this training; it will help our participants to increase their motivation and
self-confidence on their daily work

Module 1:
Team Work

Module 2:

SWOT Analysis

Module 3:

Negotiation Skill
4.1.1 Topic of Training Program


4.1.2 Training Theme

How to win the customers heart?

4.1.3 Training Duration

The training is conducting on 11th October 2008 from 10.00am until


4.1.4 Venue

This workshop is take place at:

Top Plus Distribution Sdn. Bhd.

B-1-7 & B-1-8, Plaza Prima Setapak,

Jalan Prima Setapak,

53300, Kuala Lumpur.

4.1.5 Program Designer

Program designer that involved in this “I make the different” workshop

design including Lim Tze Chee, Soo Kam Yee,
4.1.6 duration of design and Milestone

Time allocate to constructs this training programme is about 2 week.

4.2 Target Group

4.2.1 Background of Target Group

1. Our target group consists of 22 workers from Top plus Distribution Sdn

2. Age range of the workers is among

3. Education level of our trainees is

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