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1. I Made Aris Danuarta
2. Putu Nanditha Nayottama
3. Pande Putu Vito Brata
4. Anak Agung Gede Pradnya Prameswara





Praise be to God Almighty. For His grace and guidance, the author can complete the paper
assignment entitled "educational figures in Indonesia and the world" on time.
This paper was prepared to fulfill the assignment of the Education Insight Course. In addition,
this paper aims to add insight into the application of science education in the scope of formal
education for readers and also for the author.
The author would like to thank Mr. Wayan Arta Suyasa as the supervisor of the educational
insight course. Thanks also go to all those who have helped in the completion of this paper.
The author realizes that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, suggestions and constructive
criticism are highly expected for the sake of the perfection of this paper.

Singaraja, September 11, 2022


TABLE OF CONTENT.................................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I PREFACE..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background.......................................................................................................................1
1.2 Purpose..............................................................................................................................1
1.3 Benefits.............................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION...........................................................................................................2
1. Indonesian education system................................................................................................2
a. Understanding the education system.................................................................................2
b. Level of education.............................................................................................................2
c. Advantages and Disadvantages.........................................................................................3
2. Legal Basis in the Implementation of Education in Indonesia.............................................4
a. Understanding Legal Foundations....................................................................................4
b. Legal Basis of Indonesian Education................................................................................4
c. Related Laws.....................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER III CLOSING................................................................................................................6
1. Conclusion............................................................................................................................6

1.1 Background
Formal education is one of the processes in life in society in Indonesia. This is very crucial
because with the formal education process educated human resources will be produced, which
will help the development of society and the nation. Moral values and norms that have become
the hallmark of our nation and have always been upheld in the life of the nation and state can
also be passed on through formal education. Where this must be a matter that is specially
considered by the state in order to realize the progress of the minds of the people and their
Broadly speaking, education is the process of forming a person in various aspects, such as the
physical, reason and conscience. The goal that education should achieve is to provide knowledge
so that all existing crocodiles can be passed on and continued. Thus education, especially in the
school environment, must be adapted to the development of rationality in line with the
advancement of science and technology without neglecting the main values that must be instilled
in students.
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education
System in Chapter X article 37 contains provisions that the primary and secondary education
curriculum must contain religious education, civic education, language, mathematics, natural
sciences, social sciences, arts and culture, physical education and sports, skills / vocational, and
local content. The higher education curriculum must contain religious education, civic education,
and language. The curriculum of primary and secondary education and universities does not
require Pancasila education, so it seems to ignore the values of national and state life.
1.2 Purpose
This paper aims to:
1. Knowing the education system in Indonesia
2. Knowing the legal basis in the implementation of education in Indonesia
1.3 Benefits
It is hoped that this paper can be useful for:
1. author, to add to his own writing knowledge
2. Readers, can add insight so that the existing knowledge becomes more
3. The next author, being a simple reference in drawing a conclusion.

1. Indonesian education system
a. Understanding the education system
The education system is everything that is neatly organized and has rules that
are used to educate students in schools. This education system does not only apply to
students, the education system for the state has a function as a shaper of character and
norms for the government and all citizens. the nature of the education system itself is
made by having a system such as law and a number of policies for students, the
existence of public funding, school facilities, natural resources, learning materials and
everything that is in the realm of other education.
b. Level of education
i. Primary School Education
This level of education is relatively mandatory to start education in
Indonesia and to be able to continue to the next level of education but parents
usually put their children into early childhood education to introduce children to
the world of learning such as reading, writing and basic calculations. The legal
age for a child to enter elementary school is 7 years old but many parents have
entered their children since the age of 6
ii. Junior high school education
After completing basic education, students can continue their education
to the junior high school level. In this level, students take a shorter educational
age than basic education, which is for 3 years. During this period of junior high
education, students began to be introduced to the more in-depth natural and
social sciences. At this level, students are expected to be able to memorize with
the aim of practicing independence.
iii. High School/Vocational Education
After completing junior high school, students can choose to continue
their education to the high school or vocational level. In upper education,
students can choose between science and social studies majors, each of which
will place more emphasis on the specificity of their major. While in vocational
high schools, students have broader and specialized majors, such as accounting,
network computer engineering and others. As well as in vocational students can
directly feel how the world of work is.
c. Advantages and Disadvantages
i. Excess
1. Tuition fees are more affordable
The state already facilitates and covers most of the costs of education in the
country. This assistance is distributed with BOS assistance funds which are used
for all school infrastructure needs.
2. Transparent Education System
Educators can directly supervise how students' learning process and educators
can actively develop the potential of their students
3. Student admissions are easy to consider
One of the conveniences provided by the education system in Indonesia is the
existence of a zoning admission system where this in addition to ensuring that
all children can continue their education, this can also help equalize the quality
of their students.
ii. Deficiency
1. Unequal teaching staff, shortage of educators is one of the factors weak
education system in this country. How come? Most educators now pursue urban
areas whereas for non-urban areas it is difficult to get educators
2. Uneven educational facilities, the next weakness is because education in this
country is lacking in terms of school facilities and infrastructure. Areas that are
difficult to access or inland areas often receive less attention, especially in terms
of education, it is not impossible if many of the interest in learning in the region
is hindered just because of their lack of school facilities, especially now that we
are facing an industrial revolution where all activities rely on technology and
the internet, it will be difficult for those who study by not using facilities such
as computers or the internet.
3. The curriculum is theoretical, it is not unusual if the curriculum in Indonesia is
still weak. One of the factors is because the curriculum is still mostly theoretical
which causes students or undergraduates when they graduate to rely only on
theoretical rather than hands-on practice. There are still many educational
institutions that rarely equip education with soft skills or hard skills so that
educators seem difficult to understand the world of work when they have
graduated due to the lack of application of these two things.
2. Legal Basis in the Implementation of Education in Indonesia
a. Understanding Legal Foundations
The legal foundation of education is the basis or foundation of legislation
that becomes the basis and handle in the implementation of education in a
country. Made Pidarta (2007) revealed that the legal basis can be interpreted as a
standard regulation as a place of foothold or a starting point in carrying out certain
activities, in this case educational activities. Tatang Syaripudin and Nuraini,
(2006: 6) The legal basis of education is assumptions derived from applicable
laws and regulations that are used as a starting point in education. Especially
national education
In simple terms, we can define the legal basis in education as the legal
basis or rules that govern people's lives in managing everything related to
education. So, the legal foundation of education is the basis or foundation of
legislation that becomes the basis and handle in the implementation of education
in a State.
b. Legal Basis of Indonesian Education
As a state of Indonesian law has its own legal foundation, namely
Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, it is from these two foundations that other
laws emerge and are created, in establishing a regulation, be it laws, government
regulations and so on, the content of the regulation must be in accordance with the
constitution or the legal basis in force in Indonesia.
The 1945 Constitution is the highest law in Indonesia, in the Preamble to
the 1945 Constitution which is the basis of education law is contained in the
Fourth Paragraph. "Then instead of that to form an Indonesian state government
that protects the entire Indonesian nation and all Indonesian bloodshed and to
promote the general welfare, educate the nation's life, and participate in carrying
out world order based on independence, lasting peace and social justice, the
independence of the Indonesian nationality is compiled in a Basic Law of the
Indonesian state
c. Related Laws
i. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 1989 concerning National
This law contains 59 articles regulating general provisions,
positions of functions and objectives, rights of citizens to obtain education,
units of pathways and types of education, levels of education, students,
educational personnel, educational resources, curriculum, learning days
and school holidays, language of instruction, assessment, community
participation, national education advisory bodies, management,
supervision, miscellaneous provisions, criminal provisions, transitional
provisions and concluding provisions. For more details, it is found in the
ii. Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System.
Law Number 2 of 1989 concerning the National Education System
needs to be updated and replaced because the reform movement in
Indonesia in general demands the implementation of the principles of
democracy, decentralization, justice, and upholding human rights in the
life of the nation and state. In relation to education, these principles will
have a fundamental impact on the content, processes, and management of
the education system. In addition, science and technology are developing
rapidly and giving rise to new demands in all aspects of life, including in
the education system.
iii. Law no. 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers.
There are several things that are outlined in the Law on Teachers
and Lecturers. It is listed in Article 8, Article 10, Article 11, Article 15,
Article 19, Article 24, Article 40, Article 42, Article 46, Article 48, and
Article 49.

Article 8, "Teachers must have academic qualifications, competencies,

educator certifications, be physically and spiritually healthy, and have the
ability to realize national educational goals."
Article 10, "Teacher potential includes pedagogical, personal, social, and
Article 11, "Certification is organized by universities that have accredited
educational personnel financing programs established by the government."
Article 15, "Qualified teachers are rewarded with a basic salary, along
with benefits attached to salaries, professional allowances, functional
allowances, special allowances for those serving in special areas, and
additional benefits."
Article 19, "Additional benefits are meant in the form of welfare such as
education benefits, scholarship education insurance, health services, and
certain awards."
Chapter 24, "Specifies concerning the appointment of teachers."
Article 40, "Teachers are also given leave like ordinary employees and
study duties."
Article 42, "On the organization of the teacher profession."
Article 46, "Lecturers are at least master's graduates to teach in diploma
and undergraduate programs and graduates of doctoral programs to teach
in postgraduate."
Article 48, "The requirement to occupy the post of professor must be to
have a doctoral diploma."


1. Conclusion
The education system is everything that is neatly organized and has rules that are used to
educate students in schools. There are 3 levels of compulsory education in Indonesia, the first is
elementary school, junior high school, upper school and vocational. The advantage of this
education system is that it has a lower cost, is transparent, as well as easy for selection. However,
there are also some shortcomings, namely educators and facilities that are not evenly distributed
in all regions of the country, besides that the ever-changing curriculum is also a shortcoming.

The legal foundation of education is the basis or foundation of legislation that becomes
the basis and handle in the implementation of education in a country. As a legal state, Indonesia
has its own legal foundation, namely Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. The 1945
Constitution is the highest law in Indonesia, in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution which is
the basis of education law is contained in the Fourth Paragraph. And this foundation is included
in several articles in the Indonesian law.

Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education
Sri Soeprapto. The Axiological Foundation of the Indonesian National Education
SystemIn the Perspective of Educational Philosophy

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