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Ⅰ Brief introduction of BLT ARMEG ........................................... 1

Ⅱ Guidance on start-up of BLT ARMEG ......................................... 2

Ⅲ Parameter configuration of BLT ARMEG ...................................... 5

3.1 Basic Config......................................................... 6

3.2 Lift Address........................................................ 10

3.3 Waiting Floor....................................................... 10

3.4 Catching Floors..................................................... 11

3.5 Call Disabled....................................................... 11

3.6 Power Management.................................................... 12

3.7 Schedule Policy..................................................... 13

3.8 Default Setting..................................................... 13

3.9 Save Settings....................................................... 14

Ⅳ Installation and debugging of BLT ARMEG .................................. 15

4.1 Installation of system .............................................. 15

32 Digit Insert Lift Group Control Systems


Instruction & Manual


Ⅰ MICO ARMEG (Introduction)............................2

Ⅱ MICO ARMEG (Startup Guide)...........................3
Ⅲ MICO ARMEG (Parameter Config)........................5
3.1 Basic Config.....................................6
3.2 Lift Address.....................................9
3.3 Waiting Floor....................................9
3.4 Catching Floors..................................9
3.5 Call Disabled....................................10
3.6 Power Management.................................11
3.7 Schedule Policy..................................11
3.8 Default Setting..................................12
3.9 Save Settings....................................12
Ⅳ MICO ARMEG Installation..............................13
4.1 For system.......................................13
4.2 For setting......................................13

Ⅰ MICO ARMEG Introduction
MICO ARMEG is a 32 digit insert micro-processor board based on Philips
ARM chips LPC2368.
<Figure 1-1> shows its basic framework.









Figure 1-1 MICO ARMEG

MICO ARMEG offers two CAN ports for lift micro-processor controller to
communicate. Normally, one of the ports is used when the system is running, and
other one is spare.

Ⅱ MICO ARMEG Startup Guide
After the system was powered on and reset, it will detect if LCD is. And
display screen can show the LCD’s information automatically.
<See Figure 2-1>

Figure 2-1 copyright information

About 1 second later, the system begins loading config data. <Figure 2-2>
shows the state of loading success. If loading failed (maybe the Flash was
damaged, or first power up), then the screen will show like <Figure 2-3>

Figure 2-2

Figure 2-3
When the loading failed, the system can use and store default setting in
When the loading successes, the system will be wait for re-arrangement of
user. The waiting time is about 5seconds<See Figure 2-4>.The system will prompt
user to input password when the user press any key during the 5 seconds<See
Figure 2-5>.
If password is correct, user is allowed to enter ‘Parameter Config’
interface<See Figure 2-6>.if password is incorrect, or user pressed ‘cancel’, the
system will keep a state of waiting. At that moment, the user only press ‘Reset’
key to restart.
The initial password: 000000.
Figure 2-4

Figure 2-5

Figure 2-6
If user does not press any key during the 5 seconds, the system will run, and
the CANBUS port will be initialized at the same time.
If initialize CANBUS has done<See Figure 2-7>, the normal running will start
for a while<See Figure 2-9>.

Figure 2-7
If initialization failed<See Figure 2-8>, the software could run, but couldn’t
run normally. The user should check any problem exists on hardware.

Figure 2-8
The normal running of information will display on LCD screen: the
current time, the current dispatching schedule, and some small black dots. If this is
not any action for press key in 30 seconds, no display more, even close backlights.

Figure 2-9

Ⅲ MICO ARMEG Parameter Config

MICO ARMEG ‘Parameter Config’ mode offers 4 keys to operate. From left
to right, the four keys are:
Normally, ‘up’ and ‘down’ keys used for change menus and the values;
‘enter’ key used for ensure the menu and enter the values’ modification, ‘cancel’
key used for exit menu and withdraw the changed value.
In ‘Parameter Config’ mode, users can use ‘up’ and ‘down’ keys to choose
different main menus<See Figure 3-1>. If user presses ‘enter’, system will
perform chosen item. If user presses ‘cancel’, system will restart after user has
pressed any key<See Figure 3-2>.

Figure 3-1

Figure 3-2

Options of brief:
1. Basic Config
2. Lift Address
3. Waiting Floor
4. Catching Floors
5. Call Disabled
6. Power Management
7. Schedule Policy
8. Default Setting
9. Save Settings
About all above mentioned, 1-7 menus have detailed items but 8-9 have not.
The brief introduction as follows:

3.1 Basic Config

Basic Config of interface see <Figure 3-3>. ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ offer a
transformation way between every items. If users press ‘cancel’, this means back
to ‘main menu’. If users press ‘enter’ that means modify the parameter
Parameter Name

Parameter Value

Figure 3-3

Parameter Name

Parameter Value

Figure 3-3

Users can use ‘up’ increase the value, and ‘down’ decrease it. If to press
‘enter’, the modified value is on effect (P.S. more steps is to choose “9.Save
Settings” item in main menu in order to store the date to Flash, which is
necessary). If to press ‘cancel’ that can keep the original value not change.
The brief of items and values as follows:
1.1 Num of Lifts
The total number of lifts in the group control system
Value Range:2-8
Default Value:8
1.2 Num of Stations
Value Range:2-60
Default Value:60
1.3 Num of Doors
Value Range:1

Default Value:1
P.S. This is for system expanding. Present edition cannot support multiple
door lifts.
1.4 Base Floor
Value Range:1-60
Default Value:1
1.5 Emergency Floor
Value Range:1-60
Default Value:1
1.6 Contact Mode
Value Range:0, 1
Default Value:0
Value meaning :
0 –broadcast mode
1 –point to point mode
1.7 CANBUS Port
Value Range:0, 1, 2, 3
Default Value:1
Value meaning:
0 –no CANBUS
1 –use CANBUS 1
2 –use CANBUS 2
3 –use both CANBUS 1&2
Explanation: using both CANBUS1 and CANBUS2 at the same time
might be reduce communication traffic. If do like that, it is necessary to
connect lift micro-processor on both of the CANBUS (if two CANBUS are
used but only one is connected to micro-processor, the system can not
work).Furthermore, either of the micro-processors just can connect the
only port. Normally, one CANBUS can support 6 lifts’ group control, so
two CANBUS should be used if there are 7-8 lifts.
If one CANBUS is damaged, users can use the other unspoiled one,
and modify this setting.
1.8 CANBUS Rate
Value Range:0,1
Default Value:0
Value meaning:
0 –20kbps
1 –80kbps
1.9 PF Run Time (ms)
The average time of lifts’ running on one station
Value Range:0-60000
Default Value:2500
Attention: unit is ‘ms’. Increment is 50ms.

1. A Dwell Time (ms)

The average dwell time
Value Range:0-60000
Default Value:12000
Attention: unit is ‘ms’. Increment is 50ms.
This time includes ‘slow down’ time.
1. B LongOpen Time(s)
Value Range:0-255
Default Value:30
1. C LongWait Time(s)
Value Range:0-255
Default Value:180
1. D Realloc Time (s)
The time of reallocation
Value Range:0-255
Default Value:30
1. E No Task Time (s)
Value Range:0-255
Default Value:120
1. F Idle Sch Time(s)
The time of no task lift backing to waiting floor
Value Range:0-255
Default Value:120
1. G CatchFlr Enabled
Value Range:0-10
Default Value:0
Value meaning:
0 – do not allow catch floor
Others–which floors could be caught
1. H Year
The year of system date
Value Range:2008-2099
Default Value:2008
1. I Month
The month of system date
Value Range:1-12
Default Value:1
1. J Day
The day of system date
Value Range:1-31
Default Value:8 。
1. K Hour
The second of system time
Value Range:0-23
Default Value:8
P.S. adopt 24h system
1. L Minute
The minute of system time
Value Range:0-59
Default Value:0
1. M Second
The second of system time
Value Range:0-59
Default Value:0
1. N Down Stream Floor
Value Range:1-60
Default Value:1
1. O Password
Value Range:000000-999999
Default Value:000000

3.2 Lift Address

‘Lift Address’ interface see <Figure 3-5>.users can choose different lifts by
key ‘up’ and ‘down’. If presses ‘cancel’, it will be back to main menu. If presses
‘enter’, users can modify the lift’s address.

Lift Number

Figure 3-5
3.3 Waiting Floor
‘Waiting Floor’ interface see <Figure 3-6>. Users can choose serial number by
key ‘up’ and ‘down’ (P.S. it is serial number not lifts number).
If presses ‘cancel’, it will be back to main menu. If presses ‘enter’, users can
modify the lift’s waiting floor.

Serial Number

Waiting Floor
Figure 3-6

3.4 Catching Floors

Catching Floors interface see <Figure 3-7>. Users can choose lifts number by
key ‘up’ and ‘down’. If presses ‘cancel’, it will be back to main menu. If presses
‘enter’, users can modify the lift’s catching floors. If prohibiting catching floors,
the value should be set as 0.

Lifts Number

Catching Floors
Figure 3-7

3.5 Call Disabled

In ‘Call Disabled’ mode, first of all, to choose lifts and door operators<see
figure 3-8>. Users can choose lifts number and door operators by key ‘up’ and
‘down’. If presses ‘cancel’, it will be back to main menu. If presses ‘enter’, users
can modify the lift’s call disabled<see figure 3-9>.
Lifts Number

Door operator’s number

Figure 3-8

Lifts Number Floor

Underline Cursor

Figure 3-9
Each 0/1 represents the given lift is if open door or not in the given floor.0
means ‘could open the door’, 1 means ‘could not’. Users can move different floors
by key ‘up’ and ‘down’. If presses ‘cancel’, it will be back to <Figure 3-8’s
interface>. If presses ‘enter’, users can modify the value.
Press ‘up’, the value turns 1. Press ‘down’, the value turns 0. Press ‘cancel’,
the modification is of no effect. Press ‘enter’, the modification is on effect.
Users can arrange different floors’ setting by readjusting above steps.

3.6 Power Management

‘Power Management’ interface see <Figure 3-10>

Figure 3-10
“Go Base” represents after the group control system has received an
emergency sign, is if call all lifts come back to fire base station. The value might
be 0 or 1; 0 means no needs to back to fire base station, 1 means must to be.
“Max Lifts” represents in the period of power off or fire the max amount of
dispatching lifts, which is depends on backup source of supply. The value range is
0-lifts’ number.
“Order” represents in the period of power off or fire the lifts’ dispatching
order. Each following number means its matched lifts of dispatching order.
“Avail” represents in the period of power off or fire the lifts’ is if schedulable.
Each following number means its matched lifts of dispatching feasibility. 0 means
it can not run but 1 means it can.
The method of power management: Users can move between different items
by key ‘up’ and ‘down’. There is a small underline cursor pointing out the current
item. If presses ‘cancel’, it will be back to main menu. If presses ‘enter’, users can
modify the value. I
In modification mode, there is a square cursor pointing out the item you want
to change. Press ‘up’, the value increase. Press ‘down’, the value decrease. Press
‘cancel’, the modification is of no effect. Press ‘enter’, the modification is on

3.7 Schedule Policy

Schedule Policy see <Figure 3-11>. Users can choose different time by ‘up’
and ‘down’. Increment is 5 minutes.


Schedule Policy

Figure 3-11
Schedule Policy includes 4 modes, and the values are 0-4. 0 means continue
the last period policy.
1- means minimum energy consumption policy
2- means minimum waiting time policy
3- means up-peak traffic policy
4- means down-peak traffic policy

3.8 Default Setting

Once choose this item, all users’ setting are out of effect, and the default
setting can work (be careful to use).
Besides <3.1 default setting>, there are more:
Lift Address (all setting by lift number)
Waiting Floor (all are level 1)
Catching Floors (all are 0)
Call Disabled (all lifts allow open the door on each floor)
Power Management (all lifts are not back to base floor, the dispatching lifts
is 0, each lift can not run, the dispatching order is lift number)
Schedule Policy (all time is 0, which means no any schedule policy. The
system will operate minimum waiting time policy)

3.9 Save Settings

When users choose this item, the system will keep all parameter to Flash,
no matter if is changed <see Figure 3-12>. If the parameter is readjusted but
users do not use this item, then all modification can not work.
When the system restarts, it always read the last keeping data.

Figure 3-12

Ⅳ MICO ARMEG Installation

4.1 For System

In order to install MICO ARMEG correct, to be make sure the accurate 24V
power and connecting all right.
CAN1 is standard port, please use the matching CAN cables through the
suitable device to link all lift together, and connect to CAN1.








ATTENTION: our company adopts four core cables at another CAN

communication occasion, and one of them supports power from cabinet to
terminal (e.g. call board). This cables DO NOT be used directly. Once use this
cables to connect between MICO ARMEG and each lift micro-processor
controller, all micro-processor controllers will be sharing ground, which would
lead communication fails or damage the micro-processor, or even make dangerous

4.2 For Setting

1. See the picture, the left red line is cut-line. If the setting room is limited,
you can cut the board go by this line, abandoning the left part.
2.the red circles are setting holes(φ 3.5mm)


ⅠBrief introduction of BLT ARMEG
BLT ARMEG is a type of 32-bit embedded microcomputer control board based on Philips ARM
chip, LPC2368, its basic structure is as shown in Figure 1-1.

24V Power-

24V Power+





Figure 1-1 Group control board of BLT ARMEG

This group control board provides two CAN ports for communicating with the microcomputer
controller of lift. Generally, when this system is running, only one of the ports will be used, and the
other one will function as the stand-by port.
Ⅱ Guidance on start-up of BLT ARMEG
After the group control board is connected with the power and started up, the system will detect
if LCD is installed. If installed, the information on software version will be displayed on the screen,
as shown in Figure 2-1.

Ver 1.0
BltControl (c)
Copyright Jan 8 2008

Figure 2-1 Copyright information

After about 1 second, the system starts to load configuration stuff. If the loading is successful, the
information shown in Figure 2-2 will be displayed. If it is failed(Maybe the Flash on board is
damaged, or it is connected with the power for the first time.),the information shown in Figure 2-3
will be displayed.

Load Config... Done.
CFG Addr: 0x0007C800
CFG Size: 0x00000400

Figure 2-2 Successful loading of configuration stuff

Load Config..Failed.
Use Default Setting

Figure 2-3 Failed loading of configuration stuff

When the loading of configuration stuff is failed,the system will use the default setting and save
it to the Flash.
When the loading of configuration stuff is successful, the system will wait for the user to
reconfigure stuff. The waiting time will last about 5 seconds(as shown in Figure 2-4).During the
waiting time, if any key on the board is pressed, the system will prompt the user to input
password(as shown in Figure 2-5).If the password input is correct, the user can access to the
parameter configuration interface(as shown in Figure 2-6). If it is incorrect or the “ESC” key is
pressed when inputting password, the system will keep waiting for the user to input the password
again. The user can only restart by pressing the “Reset” key.
The initial password of the system is 000000.
01/08/08 08:00:00
Any Key To Config
5 Seconds Remain.

Figure 2-4 Wait for access to parameter configuration


Verify Password

Password: 000000
Figure2-5 Verify password


1. Basic Config

Figure2-6 The first interface of parameter configuration

During the wait time,if no key is pressed,the system will start to run. Meanwhile, the system
will initialize the CANBUS communication port, if the initialization is successful (as shown in
Figure 2-7), the system will start to run normally after a short time. The normal run interface is as
shown in Figure 2-9.


Init CANBUS... Done.

Figure2-7 Successful CANBUS initialization

If CANBUS initialization is failed (as shown in Figure 2-8), although the software will continue
running, the system cannot run normally. The group control board should be checked if there is
anything wrong with the hardware.


Init CANBUS.Failed.

Figure2-8 Failed CANBUS initialization

When the group control system runs normally, the LCD will display the current time,the
schedule policy being used currently, and the black dots on the bottom. If there is no key pressed
after the system runs normally for 30 seconds, LCD will not continue displaying the
above-mentioned information and the backlight of LCD will be turned off. If any key is pressed
after that, the backlight will be turned on again and continue displaying the information



Figure2-9 Group control system runs normally

Ⅲ Parameter configuration of BLT ARMEG
The parameter configuration function of BLT ARMEG can be implemented by operating the
four keys on the board,they are as follows(from left to right):
“∨” (UP)
“∧” (DOWN)
Generally, the“∨” and “∧”keys are used for shifting menu items and modifying the value of the
parameter; the “INT” key is used for selecting menu items, accessing to the modification mode of
settings and confirming the modified settings; the “ESC” key is used for quitting the menu items
and cancel the modified settings.
After access to the configuration menu,the “∨”and “∧”keys can be used to select different
main menu items, as shown in Figure3-1. If the “INT” key is pressed, the system will implement
the selected sub-item settings; if the “ESC” key is pressed, the system will restart after the user
presses any key (as shown in Figure 2-2).


2. Lift Address

Figure 3-1 Use the “∨”and“∧” keys to choose different main menu item


User Cancelled.
Any key restart …

Figure 3-2 Pressing the “ESC” key under the main menu will make the system restart.
Due to the space limitation of the LCD, the logograms or abbreviations of English words were
used in the menu, and their meanings are as follows:
1. Basic Config Basic configuration
2. Lift Address Lift address setting
3. Waiting Floor Waiting floor setting
4. Catching Floors Catching distance (number of floors) setting
5. Call Disabled permitted or disabled door opening/closing setting of each lift
6. Power Management Power (Power off or firefighting)management
7. Schedule Policy Schedule policy setting
8. Default Setting Use the default setting of the system
9. Save Settings Save the settings configured
Item 1 to 7under the main menu mentioned above has sub-item parameters, but Item 8 to 9 does
After each modification, Item 9 must be selected to save the modification, through which the
modification can become effective. After modification, press the “RESET” key to restart, or switch
off and then switch on.
Following are the introductions of all items:
3.1 Basic Config
The interface of Basic Configuration is as shown in Figure 3-3. The third line in the interface is
parameter name, and the fourth line is current value of the parameter. The sub-item parameters can
be shifted by pressing the “∨” and “∧” keys. If the “ESC” key is pressed, the system will return to
main menu. If the “ENT” key is pressed, the parameter can be modified (as shown in Figure3-4).

CONFIG 1 - Basic
Parameter Name
1.1 Num Of Lifts
4 Parameter Value

Figure 3-3 The interface of Basic Configuration

CONFIG 1 - Basic
Parameter Name
1.1 Num Of Lifts
4 Parameter Value

Figure 3-4 Modify Basic Configuration parameter

In the state of parameter modification, a blinking cursor can be seen at the side of modified
parameter (Note: This is a symbol to show whether the parameters is in the state of modification.).
Then the increase of parameter value can be realized by pressing the “∨” key, and conversely the
decrease of parameter value can be realized by pressing the “∧” key. If the “INT” key is pressed,
the modification of the parameter will be valid (Note: However, “9. Save Settings” item in the main
menu needs to be selected to save it into Flash permanently, the same hereinafter). If the “ESC” key
is pressed, the modification of parameter which made by the “∨”and “∧” keys will be canceled,
and the original value of the parameter will be kept.
The operation procedure for the modification of sub-item parameters in the Basic Configuration
is the same as that mentioned above.
The brief introduction of signification and range of sub-item parameters’ settings in the Basic
Configuration is as follows.
1.1 Num of Lifts
The total number of group controlled lifts in this group control system.
Valuing range:2-8
Recommendation:To be set according to the actual situation
1.2 Num of Stations
The number of the stations
Valuing range:2-60
Recommendation:To be set according to the actual situation
Explain:For the number of landings, please refer to the following example:
Lift 1#:1st to 8th landing
Lift 2#:-1st to 6th landing
Lift 3#:-2nd to 6th landing
The number of landings shall be set to 10.
Note:To avoid the case that task is allocated to the lift couldn’t reach the calling landing,
which will lead to the reduced efficiency, the setting of “Call Disabled” is
necessary.(Please refer to “Call Disabled” of Clause 3.5 for setting method).
1.3 Num of Doors
The number of the car doors
Valuing range:1
Note:This is used for system expanding. The current version of system
software does not support multi-door lift for the moment.
1.4 Base Floor
The absolute floor which the home landing situated
Valuing range:1-60
Recommendation:To be set according to the actual situation
1.5 Emergency Floor
The absolute floor which the fire (emergency) floor situated
Valuing range:1-60
Recommendation:To be set according to the actual situation
1.6 Contact Mode
The communication mode
Valuing range:0, 1
The signification of the value:
0 – broadcast communication mode
1 – point-to-point communication mode
1.7 CANBUS Port
The communication port
Valuing range:0, 1, 2, 3
Recommendation:To be set according to the actual situation
The signification of the value:
0 – without communication
1 – communication port 1 is used
2 – communication port 2 is used
3 – communication ports 1 and 2 are used together
Note: the combination use of communication ports 1 and 2 will decrease the
traffic on the communication line.
If two CAN ports are selected for communication simultaneously, each CAN port must be
connected with lift microcomputer controller, and each microcomputer can only be connected to
one CAN port. Commonly, one communication port can support group control function for 6 lifts. If
there are 7-8 lifts (not more than 8) in the group control system, the two ports are needed for
If two CAN ports are set for communication simultaneously, but actually only one port connected
with lift microcomputer controller, the system cannot work normally.
If one CAN port is found damaged during utilization, the undamaged port can be used. However,
the item must be altered consequently in order to work normally.
1.8 CANBUS Rate
The communication rate
Valuing range:0,1
The signification of the value:
0 –20kbps
1 –80kbps
1.9 PF Run Time (ms)
The average time required by lift for traveling one floor
Valuing range:0-60000
Note: The unit is “ms”. The increment of parameter modification is 50ms.
1.A Dwell Time (ms)
The average time of door maintaining opening
Valuing range:0-60000
Note: The unit is “ms”. The increment of parameter modification is 50ms.
This time should include the deceleration time for leveling.
1.B LongOpen Time(s)
The excessive door opening time (unit: s)
Valuing range:0-255
1.C LongWait Time(s)
The excessive waiting time (unit: s)
Valuing range:0-255
1.D Realloc Time (s)
Reallocated time
If other lift can finish the task earlier than the task lift by this time, the task
will be reallocated to other lift. (unit: s)
Valuing range:0-255
1.E No Task Time (s)
Idle lift reallocated time
If the no task time of the lift exceeds this time, the lift will be reallocated.
Valuing range:0-255
1.F Idle Sch Time(s)
The time required by all idle lifts to return to the predetermined Waiting
Valuing range:0-255
Note:The timer starts when all the lifts in the group become idle.
1.G CatchFlr Enabled
Whether Catching Lift is enabled and number of floors for Catching Lift
Valuing range:0-10
The signification of the value:
0 – Catching Lift is disabled
Others – number of floors for Catching Lift
Explanation: This parameter can only be set whether Catching Lift is enabled or disabled.
The number of floors for Catching Lift shall be set respectively corresponding to
different lift speeds at the interface of “4.Catching Floors”.
1.H Year
The year of the system time
Valuing range:2008-2099
1.I Month
The month of the system time
Valuing range:1-12
1.J Day
The day of the system time
Valuing range:1-31
Note: According to the month setting, the system will adjust the maximum
number of days in that month. It can deal with intercalary month.
1.K Hour
The hour of the system time
Valuing range:0-23
Note: The system adopts 24-hour system.
1.L Minute
The minute of the system time
Valuing range:0-59
1.M Second
The second of the system time
Valuing range:0-59
1.N Down Stream Floor
The Waiting Floor which no-duty lift situated during down peak time
Valuing range:1-60
1.O Password
The password used when entering into parameter modification interface
Valuing range:000000-999999,a 6-digit figure
3.2 Lift Address
The interface of Lift Address setting is as shown in the Figure 3-5. The different lifts can be
selected by the “∨”key and the “∧”key. If the “ESC” key is pressed, the system will return to main
menu. If the “INT” key is pressed, the Lift Address can be modified.

CONFIG 1 - Address
Lift No.
2.1 Addr Of Lift#1
4 Address
Figure 3-5 Modify Lift Address
Explanation:If the lifts in a group control system have different bottom landings, the lift address
in main control board of 708 series should be set according to the following example:
Lift 1#:1st to 8th landing
Lift 2#:-1st to 6th landing
Lift 3#:-2nd to 6th landing
Lift 4#:--2nd to 6th landing
Lift 5#:-2nd to 8th landing
Lift 6#:-2nd to 8th landing
Lift 7#:-2nd to 8th landing
Lift 8#:-2nd to 8th landing
The addresses of Lift 3#,4#,5#,6#,7#,8# are set to1,3,5,7,9,11 respectively.
The address of Lift 1# is set to2.
The address of Lift 2# is set to 4.
Lift 3# to 8#:CONFIG\DIFERFLOOR is set to“0”
Lift 2#:CONFIG\DIFERFLOOR is set to“1”
Lift 1#:CONFIG\DIFERFLOOR is set to“2”
The rule to be followed for setting address is:
For the lift that can arrive the lowest storey (The -2nd floor is the lowest storey in this example),
the lift address should be set to be odd number; for the lift that cannot arrive the lowest storey, the
lift address should be set to be even number.
3.3 Waiting Floor
The interface of Waiting Floor is as shown in the Figure 3-6. The different Serial No. can be
selected by the “∨”key and the “∧”key (Note: The Serial No. mentioned here is not equal to the
Lift No.). If the “ESC” key is pressed, the system will return to main menu. If the “INT” key is
pressed, the Waiting Floor can be modified.
CONFIG 3 - Waiting
Serial No.
3.1 1st Waiting Flr
1 Waiting Floor

Figure 3-6 Modify Waiting Floor

Explanation: When all the lifts in group control system become idle and last for the duration set
in “Idle Sch Times”, the system will schedule the lifts to the waiting floors has been set(The
schedule of lift shall follow the nearby principle).
3.4 Catching Floors
The interface of Catching Floors (number of floors) is as shown in Figure 3-7. Lift No. can be
selected by pressing the “∨” and “∧” keys. If the “ESC” key is pressed, the system will return to
main menu. If The “INT” key is pressed, the Catching Floors (number of floors) can be modified. If
Catching Lift is disabled, the setting is 0.

CONFIG 4 - CatchFlr Lift No.

4.1Floors Can CatchCatching Floors

Catching Floors
by Lift #1: 0 0 means
O Catching Lift
is disabled.

Figure3-7 Modification of Catching Floors (number of floors)

Explanation:Catching floors (number of floors) should be estimated according to the floor height
and car speed.
3.5 Call Disabled
When enter into Call Disabled interface, select Lift and Door machine firstly as shown in Figure
3-8. Select Lift No. and Door machine No. by pressing the “∨” and the“∧” keys. If the “ESC” is
pressed, the system will return to main menu. If the “INT” is pressed, the system will enter into Call
Disabled interface, as shown in Figure 3-9.

CONFIG 5 – DisCall
Lift No.

Lift: 1 Door: 0
Door No.
Figure3-8 Selection of the Lift and Door machine with Call Disabled
Lift No. Door No. Floor No.

DisCall L1 D0 F4
Underline cursor

Figure3-9 Call Disabled interface

In the interface of Call Disabled, in addition to Lift No., Door machine No. and Floor No.
displayed in top right corner, there is also an underline cursor to indicate floors. Each 0 or 1 in the
three lines of Figure means whether the lift door can be opened at this landing. 0 means the door
can be opened and 1 means the door can not be opened. The cursor can shift among the floors by
pressing the“∨” and“∧” keys. If the “ESC” key is pressed, the system will return to the
interface shown in Figure 3-8. If the “INT” key is pressed, this value can be modified and then the
cursor will become to be blinking blocking cursor.
When modifying this value, pressing the“∨” key can change the value to be 1, pressing the
“∧” key can change the value to be 0, pressing the “ESC” key can make the modification invalid
and pressing the “INT” key can make the modification valid.
Other landings can also be set according to the operation mentioned above.
3.6 Power Management
The interface of Power Management is as shown in Figure 3-10. The significations of the
parameters in the Figure are as follows:

CONFIG 6-PowerMan
Go Base:1 MaxLifts:1
Order: 1423
Avail: 0000
Figure 3-10 Power Management Interface
“Go Base” indicates whether the group control system needs to notice all lifts to return to fire
fighting home landing first after receiving the signal of power failure or fire fighting, and the setting
can be 0 or 1; 0 means returning to fire fighting home landing is not needed, 1 means returning to
fire fighting home landing is needed.
“MaxLifts” indicates the maximum number of lifts can be scheduled at a time in the state of power
failure or fire fighting. It is related to the provision of backup power of lift system. Its valuing range
is from 0 to lift quantity in lift group.
“Order” indicates the sequence that the lifts are scheduled in the state of .power failure or fire
Each number after “Order” indicates the schedule sequence number for lift in its corresponding
“Avail” indicates the schedulability of lift in the state of power failure or fire fighting, in other
words,whether a lift can operate normally. Each number after “Avail” indicates whether the lift in
corresponding position can operate. 0 means the lift can not operate and 1 means lift can operate in
the state of power failure or fire fighting.
The operation of Power Management is as follows: The items can be shifted by pressing the“∨”
and“∧” keys, there is an underline cursor to indicate current item. If the “ESC” key is pressed, the
system will return to main menu. If the “INT” key is pressed, the settings of this item can be
In the state of modification, there is a blocking cursor indicates the items to be modified. At this
time, pressing the “∨” key can increase this value and pressing the “∧” key can decrease this
value. If the “ESC” key is pressed, the modification will be invalid; if the “INT” key is pressed, the
modification will be valid.

3.7 Schedule Policy

The interface of Schedule Policy is as shown in Figure 3-11. After enter into this interface,
different time can be selected by pressing the “∨” and“∧” keys, and every 5 minutes is a time
period. If the “ESC” key is pressed, the system will return to main menu. If the “INT” key is
pressed, the Schedule Policy starting from this time can be modified.

CONFIG 7 - Schedule
Time :12:00 Time
Schedule Policy

Figure 3-11 Schedule Policy Setting

There are four types of schedule policies, the set values are from 0 to 4. 0 means the Schedule
Policy of previous time period will be used continuously. Significations of the other numbers are as
1- Schedule Policy for minimum energy consumption;
2- Schedule Policy for minimum waiting time;
3- Schedule Policy for up peak;
4- Schedule Policy for down peak.

3.8 Default Setting

When select this item in main menu, all settings set by users will be invalid, the system will use
the Default Setting to replace them, so be careful when using this function
Other Default Settings are as follows except for those introduced in 3.1:
Lift Address: They are all set to the corresponding Lift No.
Waiting Floor: They are all set to the 1st floor.
Catching Floors: They are all set to 0.
Call Disabled: All the lifts are permitted to open doors at all the landings.
Power Management: All the lifts do not return home landing.
The number of the lifts can be scheduled at a time is 0.
All the lifts can not be operated.
Schedule sequence of the lift is the Lift No.
Schedule Policy: All the time is set to 0, this means no Schedule Policy is available. In this case,
the minimum waiting time for Schedule Policy will be selected by system.
3.9 Save Setting
When select this item in main menu, the system will save all settings to Flash, no matter if the
parameter is modified. After the settings are saved successfully, the interface will be as shown in
Figure 3-12. If the parameter is modified without using this item, all modifications are invalid.
In order to increase the service life of Flash, the positions where settings are saved are different
each time. When system restarts to operate, it always read the valid settings saved finally.


Configure Saved Ok!

Any key restart ...

Figure 3-12 Settings are saved successfully

Ⅳ Installation and debugging of BLT ARMEG
4.1 Installation of system

When install BLT ARMEG, it should be connected correctly to positive and negative poles of an
accurate 24V switch power supply.
Factory reset of the system uses CAN1 port for communication. The two-line CAN
communication cable conforms to the standard of our company should be used to connect all lifts
together by consentrator / disconcentrator, and then connected to CAN1 port.

24 V power -
24V power +





Figure 4-1 Installation of system

The CAN communication cable used in other situation is four-core cable consisting of two
groups of wires, one group is used for providing power supply for the other terminals (e.g. hall call
panel). This kind of cable can not be used for BLT ARMEG directly, if it is used for connecting the
system and microcomputer controller of each lift, all the microcomputer controllers of lifts will
common ground, which will cause the failure of communication or damage of microcomputer
controllers, even safety accidents.

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