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An estimate Amounting to Rs 774.79 Lacs has been framed to cover the probable cost of
Construction of pressurIzed irrigation (Sprinkler irrigation system) in command area of BHAVLIYAIrrigation

The project would provide irrigation facility to the land of villageLaxmipura, Ajota,
Shrinagar, Nimboda,Shreepura and Dhareshwar of Tehsil Nimbahera by flow irrigation for an area of
318.74 Hact. Government give instruction the Irrigation done by Lift/ Pressurized Irrigatin. We have to
make DPR for planning of Pressurized Irrigation in command area of BHAVLIYA, This estimate prepare for
CCA area 750 Ha.

BHAVLIYA Irrigation Project situated near village Badi Tehsil head quarter Nimbhera of
District Chittorgarh. The site is approachable by a 15 km pucca road form Nimbhera Tehsil head quarter.

The co-ordinates of the proposed site is:

G.T. Sheet No. - 45 L/13
(a) Longitude : 74° 55' 05"E
(b) Latitude : 24° 46' 30"N
Total Catchment area is 16.00 Sqmile(41.42 Sqkm)
free Catchment area 11.54 Sqmile(29.87 Sqkm)
intercepted by with catchment 4.46 Sqmile (11.55 Sqkm.)

The gross capacity of the reservoir has been kept as 2.56 MCM. Which is available at FTL 76
M. Sill level of sluice has been kept at 72.80 M. at which the dead storage will be 0.333 MCM. The balance
live storage is 2.23 MCM.Out of Which 1.95 MCM water will be used for irrigation in command area rest
water can be used for irrigation/ Drinking purpose.

The project is intended to provide irrigation facilities in command area, which is populated
with schedule tribes, schedule cast, OBC, General cast. The project is a part of Govt.policy "Green
Revolution" and "Grow-more food".The command area is available onleft and right side of nallah. Present
gross command area of the project is 592.24 ha. out of which culture able area is 398.64 ha. The intensity
of irrigation is 79.96 %. The irrigation in normal year will be 318.74 ha. The command area is generally flats
and suitable for all type of crops. It will be increased for remaining quantum of water as CCA became 750


Water is a key factor in increasing agricultural production. About 78% of India's water
resources are used for agriculture out of this only 50% is actually used by plants and the remaining water
resources are wasted either as deep percolation or as evaporation. excess irrigation not only reduce crop
production and damages soil fertility but also causes ecological hazards like water logging and salinity.with
competitive use of water and its increasing scarcity , it has become imperative to economise water use for
optimum productivity. This is possible only through improved water management and adopting advanced
techniques of irrigation. One such method of modern irrigation is sprinkler irrigation system which is
becoming more and more popular among the farmers across the country. Sprinkler irrigation system saves
upto 50% of water compared to surface irrigation method and increases productivity by abot 15-25 %.


Sprinkler irrigation method distributes water to crops by spraying it over the crop area
like a natural rainfall. The water under pressure flows through perforations or nozzles and over the area.
The pressure is provided by a pump of suitable capacity and horsepower. With careful selection of nozzles
sizes,operating pressure and spacing, the actual water required for maintaining the soil moisture at field
capacity is applied uniformly ata rate to suit the infiltration rate of soil thereby obtaining efficient water

It is estimated that the sprinkler irrigation system substantially reduces the use of water
and the crop productivity also increases.

The Sprinkler irrigation system is avery suitable method for irrigation on slopy land and
on shallow soil. It is best suited to coarse sandy terrain where the percolation loss is more and where as a
consequence, the frequency of irrigation required is more. The Sprinkler irrigation system also suitable in
undulating terrain where land shaping is expensive or technically not feasible. The removal of fertile soil
cover by land shaping is not advisable. The Sprinkler irrigation system can also be adopted in hilly regions
where plantation crops are grown.Expansion of irrigation area and increase of irrigation efficiency and
Increase of farmers’ income “within the target chak”through effective use of a part of saved water
through the introduction of sprinkler irrigation system.

Crops suitable
Nearly all crops are suitable for Sprinkler irrigation system except like paddy, jute etc.
The dry crops ,vegetables,flowering crops, orchards,plantation crops like tea,coffee are all suitable and can
be irrigted through sprinklers.

Other advantages
1. Fertilizers and pesticides can be effectively applied in split doses through sprinklers at little extra
cost. The facilitates uniform fertilizer application and effective pest control.
2. The overall cost of labour is generally reduced.
3. Erosion of soil cover which is common in surface irrigation can be eliminated.
Design steps of Sprinkler irrigation system
The following factors should be considered when designing a new drip
irrigation system:
a. Lateral length
Length of lateral lines should not exceed the manufacturer‘s recommendations.
Excessive length of laterals will result in poor uniformity and uneven water application.
b. Size of main and sub main

All delivery lines (main and sub mains) should be sized to avoid excessive pressure losses
and velocities. Excessive pressure losses result in a large difference pressure at the beginning and at the
end of the line.

All delivery lines (main and sub mains) should be sized to avoid excessive pressure losses
and velocities. Excessive pressure losses result in a large difference pressure at the beginning and at the
end of the line.
c. Land elevation
It is more appropriate to main lines should be laid up and down hill and the lateral lines
should be laid across the slope and following the contour lines of the land. This avoids pressure variations
within the line due to elevation change.

d. Flow rate of water

The water flow rate from an existing water pump limits the maximum size of the area to
be irrigated. Flow rates should be measured when pumping against the pressure required operating the
irrigation system because the pumping rate will be reduced when pumping against pressure as compared
to free.

Route Selection of Pipe Network

i. Length of pipelines in the network is minimal, as much as possible.
ii. Pumping is avoided if possible or least pumping effort is needed.
iii. High water pressure is avoided.
iv. Numbers of appurtenances (gate valve, check valve, drain, air release valve, pressure break valve)
are minimized.

v. Very low or high velocities are avoided because low velocities cause sedimentation in pipes and
high velocities cause corrosion of pipe.
vi. This results into most economical system.

vii. If horizontal pipe sections are used, release of air and drain the dirt will not be possible. So, in case
of horizontal ground surface, artificial slopes are given to pipes to be laid.
The carrying capacity of the Piped Irrigation Network/CDN shall be maximum of:-
a) The carrying capacity calculated on the basis of the fortnightly crop water requirement as per the
design cropping pattern and planned Irrigated Cropped Area (ICA) of the project as per Administratively
Approved project report but considering 12 days flow period in a Fortnight.

b) The carrying capacity calculated on basis of due water entitlement of the Culturable Command
Area (CCA) of the Pipe line or distributary as per the provisions Acts of State
The are many types of Sprinkler system available in the market. On the basis of the
arrangment for spraying irrigation water, Sprinkler system are classified as :-
1. Rotating head system.
2. Perforated pipe system.
Rotating head system is more versatile and popular.
1. Water source :- Dam
2. Pumping unit :- centifugal
3. Sprinkler :- main and lateral pipe lines , riser pipe, sprinklers (nozzles)
4. Other minor accessories / fittings like reducers, elbows, valve opening tees , end tees ,regulators
and gauges, valves, filters etc.
5. Fertilizer applicator
The selection of pump, pipe line, dia,length,number of sprinklers, their design depend
upon soil, topography,climate.cropping pattern and command area.
The component wise details of the Sprinkler irrigation system are as follows:-
Water source
Dam a water body in one part of the farm land, which stores water during rains and the
same is used for giving life saving irrigation. These are partially consturcted and an embankment is formed
to retain water.water supply source should be nearest to the center of the area.

􀂡 Provide supplemental irrigation to the standing crops at a critical growth stage.

Pumping unit
A pump is required to carry water from the source through the main line and laterals
upto the sprinkler or nozzle frm where it is sprayed and applied to the crops. In area where the land
topogrphy allows to develop enough pressure at nozzle or sprinkler head under gravity a seprate may not
be necessary. But in most cases itis necessary to pump water and carry it under pressure through the
system. The pump is normally a entrifugal pump or asubmersible pump fitted with usual accessories . If the
water is pumped frm a well or a tube well,and the capacity and horse power of the exiting pump is
sufficient to provide the desired pressure at the nozzle or sprinkler head, aseprate pump maynot be
necessary for the system.But in case the exiting pump is not sufficient to provide the required pressure for
the sprinkler system, aseparate booster pump has to be provided depending upon the field situation after
taking into account frictional losses in the main ,laterals and risers and nozzless. The pumps selected must
be as prescribed under IS 10804 (1994) standard.

Main lines
Main line pipe is either of HDPE or Aluminium conforming to BIS specification viz., IS
7092 for aluminium pipes and IS 14151 (with IS 7328 ) for HDPE pipes. The main pipe line carries water
from the pumping unit to the various parts of the field. Main line may be permanent or portable .
Permanents main line is advantageous where field boundaries are fixed and where crops require full
season irrigation. Portable main line are more economical when a sprinkler system is used for different
fields or let out on hire to othere farmers. Main line pipes are often buried so that they do not come in way
of other agricultural operations.

Lateral lines
Sprinkler head are the most important component of the sprinkler system. Their
operating characteristics under optimum water pressure and climatic conditions, mainly wind velocity, will
determine their suitability and the efficiency of the system. Most agricultural sprinklers are the slow
rotation type. They may range from small single nozzle sprinklers to multiple nozzle sprinklers that operate
at high pressure. The combination of pressure and rotation results in the jet of water being thrown to a
considerable distance

Nozzles/Sprinkler Head
Sprinkler head are the most important component of the sprinkler system. Their
operating characteristics under optimum water pressure and climatic conditions, mainly wind velocity, will
determine their suitability and the efficiency of the system. Most agricultural sprinklers are the slow
rotation type. They may range from small single nozzle sprinklers to multiple nozzle sprinklers that operate
at high pressure. The combination of pressure and rotation results in the jet of water being thrown to a
considerable distance.

The riser pipe connects the rotating sprinkler head to the lateral. Usually the pipe
diameter varies from 12mm to 75 mm with standard pipe threads. Riser with height 10 cm for small
sprinklers and 1m on large sprinklers give best results. In orchard and other crops the riser length could be
4-5 m for free sprinkling should stand slightly away from the crop so that the foliage does not interrupt its
jets. High riser should bbe avoided unless necessary except for crops like sugarcane, banana. maize where
height of the plant is high

Other Accessories
Other accessories used in the Sprinkler irrigation system are as follows:-
1. Reducers :- Where more than one pipe size is used on the sprinkler line, a reducer is necessary
for coupling pipes of different diameters. However, it is recommended that same diameter pipes are used

2. Elbows:- These are used at joints for changing the direction of water flow.It is also used for
reducing the pipe size . Valve opening elbows are used which fit over the take off valves on themane line
and allow alateral to be connected.

3. End plug tees:- These are placed at the end of a line so that the water feeds into them and the
run of each tee points directly across the line. Therefore two branches could be attached 180 degrees frm
each other.

4. Regulators and Gauges:- These include pressure regulators installed below the sprinkler to
keep a constant pressure applied to the sprinkler regardless of whether the pipeline is laid up slope or
down slope. Flow regulators are installed to control the flow and pressure of water floeing in the sprinkler.
Pressure gauses are use to know the pressure at the pumpset or at the sprinkler. it is desirable to install
gauges on each lateral.
5. Valves :- valve ares used to control the flow of water. Screw type valves are common. Drain
valves are needed at valley portion of the land. Other valves are conventional pressure relief valves, check
valves, outlet valves, air relief valves etc.

6. Filters:- Sprinkler nozzles are prone to blockage if water carries silt or is saline. In order to stop
entry od dirt, sand weed or other suspended material in water flowing through the system, it is necessary
to install filters placed on sunction side of the pump and at.

Fertilizer Applicator
The device is used for fertilizer application through the system instead of direct
application. Only soluble fertilizers can be applied this way. Phosphorous fertilizers are not readily solible
and hence not applied through system. When the fertilizers are applied throuh the system it is desirable to
operate the system for long time to wet the soil and plant foliage and then inject the fertilizer in the

Map of the area :-
It is important that a map/sketch of the area is prepared with sufficient accuracy to show
all dimensions and showing all relevent elevation with respect to water supply,pump location, and critical
elevations in the field to be irrigated.
Type of crops :-
Type of crops to be grown in the field concerned must be indicated since consumtive
use of water, effective root zone depth, evapotranspiration, etc. differ from crop to crop.Other than Rice
and Jute which requir large amounts of water , sprinkler irrigation system is adaptable to all crops.It is
ideally suited to crops with restricted root systems such as lettuce, sugarbeet,potato which require light
and frequent application of water with close control ove moisture level. sprinkler are also successful in
wheat,sugarcane,cotton,vegetables,citrus, lucerne and other fodder crops. Extremely heavy soils with low
intake rates can not be effectively irrigated through sprinklers,especially in hot and windy climates. the
sprinkler system shold be designed accordingly.

Soil :-
The water holding capacity soil is different for different soils. Thus, type of soil
determines the type of sprinkler,irrigation schedule, size and type of equipment, etc, the general nature of
the soil and its characteristics should be given in the scheme. Design of Sprinkler system also depends
upon the infiltrations rate of soil. It is, therefore essential to have a fair idea about the characteristics of
various soils.

Available water:-
Soil moisture between field capacity and permanent wilting point is the available water.
Different soils have different water holding capacities.

Climate :-
Climate condition like temperature. Humidity,wind velocity of a place has great influence
on the consumptive use of crop. Sprinkler system should be designed for the peak rate of consumtive use
of crops to be irrigated by it. In areas where wind velocities and temperatures are high, heavy evaporation
losses from the sprinkler sprays significantly reduces the saving of water. The wind also influences the
spacing of sprinklers. Therefore , it is essential to know the velocity of wind and its direction. For wind
velocities over 16 Km/hour. sprinkler system becomes unsuitable.

Depth of irrigation:-
It is the length of time allowed between successive irrigation during peak consumtive use
of the crops. It can be calculated from the available moisture for the soil-crop system and the rate of
consumtive use of the crop.

Well capacity :-
The source of water should be indicated . If the source of water is a groundwater
structure, the diameter, depth and well yield together with HP of the pump set already installed may be
given. This is necessary to decide the discharge available from the well and its optimum utilisation. In case
the exiting pump is not sufficient, a booster pump may have to be provided to create adequate pressure
for proper functioning of the sprinkler system.

Well quality :-
Surface irrigation method are more suitable in the cases where irrigation water contains
heavy silt concentration along with substantial salt solution. Otherwise. Nozzle may be damged by coarse
silt. Presence of salt solution beyond a limit makes sprinkler un suitable.

The rates are based on B.S.R., 2020 W.R.D. Rajasthan Jaipur prevailing to Disst. Chittorgarh ,
IGNP Bikaner & P.W.D. 2013 Disst. Chittorgarh
The estimate is chargeable to :

4702 - Capital Outlay on Minor Irrigation Project

An early sanction of the estimate is requested please.

Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer

Water Resources Sub Dn. II Chittorgarh Water Resources Division,
H.Q. Nimbahera Chittorgarh
2.4 Route Sele
i. Length of pip
ii. Pumping is
iii. High water
iv. Numbers o
v. Very low or
vi. This results
vii. If horizonta

The carrying c
a) The carrying
b) The carryin
2.4 Route Selection of Pipe Network
i. Length of pipelines in the network is minimal, as much as possible.
ii. Pumping is avoided if possible or least pumping effort is needed.
iii. High water pressure is avoided.
iv. Numbers of appurtenances (gate valve, check valve, drain, air release valve, pressure break valve) are minimized.
v. Very low or high velocities are avoided because low velocities cause sedimentation in pipes and high velocities cause corrosion of p
vi. This results into most economical system.
vii. If horizontal pipe sections are used, release of air and drain the dirt will not be possible. So, in case of horizontal ground surface, a

The carrying capacity of the Piped Irrigation Network/CDN shall be maximum of;
a) The carrying capacity calculated on the basis of the fortnightly crop water requirement as per the design cropping pattern and plan

b) The carrying capacity calculated on basis of due water entitlement of the Culturable Command Area (CCA) of the Pipe line or distri
e corrosion of pipe.

ound surface, artificial slopes are given to pipes to be laid.

pattern and planned Irrigated Cropped Area (ICA) of the project as per Administratively Approved project report but considering 12 day

pe line or distributary as per the provisions Acts of State

IGNP Bikaner & P.W.D. 2013 Disst. Chittorgarh
nsidering 12 days flow period in a Fortnight.


Technical Data
1 Type of Dam Earthen dam Earthen dam
2 Catchment area
(I) Gross catchment area 41.42 Sq. Km. 41.42 Sq. Km.
(ii) Intercepted catchment area 11.55 Sq. Km. 11.55 Sq. Km.
(iii) Free catchment area 29.87 Sq. Km. 29.87 Sq. Km.
3 Annual rain fall 804.00 MM 804.00 MM
4 Yield (50% Dependability) 2.014 Mcum 2.014 Mcum
5 Live storage capacity 2.23 Mcum 2.23 Mcum
6 G.C.A. 592.24 Hact. 898 Hact.
7 C.C.A. 398.63 Hact. 750.00 Hact.
8 I.C.A. 318.74 Hact. 750.00 Hact.
Kharif 0.00 Hact. 0.00 Hact.
Rabi 318.74 Hact. 750.00 Hact.
9 Intensity of irrigation 79.96% 100.00%
Kharif 0.00% 0.00%
Rabi 79.96% 100.00%
10 Length of earthen dam 232.000 Mtr. 232.00 Mtr.
11 F.T.L 76.000 Mtr. 76.00 Mtr.
12 M.W.L. 77.600 Mtr. 77.60 Mtr.
13 T.B.L. 79.100 Mtr. 79.10 Mtr.
14 Sill R.L. 72.800 Mtr. 72.80 Mtr.
15 Type of Canal lining Partial lined/unlined Pressurized Irrigation System
L.M.C. 4.80 Km Length of Pipe Network will be
KANPURA DISTRIBUTRY 4.80 Km finalised after Detail Designing.
16 Type of Pipe Network Main Pipe Line Provided In Ductile
Iron and Distribution Network in
Buried HDPE class II pipe with
pressure 4 Kg/cm2

17 Water allowance at outlet 10.00 Cusec 1000 Acre 2.50 Cusec 1000 Acre
18 Name of Benifited village Laxmipura, Ajota, Shrinagar and Laxmipura, Ajota, Shrinagar,
Dhareshwar Nimboda,Shreepura and

Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer

Water Resources Sub Dn. II Chittorgarh Water Resources Division,
H.Q. Nimbahera Chittorgarh




Item Qty Unit Rate Amount

1 Survey work in a grid at defined interval using Total Station instrument
and preparation of Block level plan showing all permanent features/
utilities including trees, for planning of dam/ canal / water course / pipe
network alignment and superimposing it on digitalized sajra map and
developing contours at interval desired by Engineer Incharge. Block
level plan is to be submitted in hard copy three set and soft copy in
Auto Cad format, using layer system, showing all features.Note:-
Khasra map will
be provided by Department. (ii) In hilly / semi hilly area - Block level to
be taken @ 15 meter grid

750.00 Ha. 390.00 292500.00

WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh, Page No. 81,Item- 16(ii)
2 Geo-refrencing of digitized khasra map and marking chak & sub chak of
requiredsize for micro irrigation and providing chak & sub chak wise
GCA, CCA detailsin excel format. Soft copy with two set of Hard copy
shall be provided.Rate shall be paid per Ha CCA
750.00 Ha. 47.00 35250.00
WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh, Page No. 70,Item- 2
3 Planning of field distribution pipe network up to chak and sub chak
level,hydraulic design of pipe network planning & design of outlet
arrangement withdrawing and Irrigation scheduling up to chak level.
Chak Plan showing pipenetwork is to be provided in soft copy & two set
of Hard copy.Rate shall be paid per Ha CCA

750.00 Ha. 88.00 66000.00

WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh, Page No. 70,Item- 3
4 Preparation of l-section of pipe lines as per approved pipe network &
hydraulicdesign from competent authority (showing safety valve &
control valvearrangement, filteration system and other accessory if
required). Design anddrawing of thrust blocks, pedestals and valve
chamber, are to be provided. All design, drawing should fulfill the
design specification as per the tender documentand IS code / relevant
mannuals.Rate shall be paid per Ha CCA

750.00 Ha. 113.00 84750.00

WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh, Page No. 70,Item- 4
5 Irrigation scheduling with timing up to subchak level is to be preapred
as per approved design and revenue record. Rate shall be paid per Ha
CCA 750.00 Ha. 39.00 29250.00
WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh, Page No. 70,Item- 5
6 Planning and design of Diggie for micro irrigation system including
design of intake/ sump well, pump house and other ancillary
developments to be done in the campus and providing all hydro- electro
mechanical designs and drawings.
3.00 each 71000.00 213000.00
WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh, Page No. 70,Item- 6
7 Supplying, laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of buried HDPE
grade PE 80 / PE 100 pipe net work system within the chak upto
Hydrant (chak size up to 200 Ha and sub chak 4.5 HA and Hydrant at
every 1.25 Ha to 1.5 Ha) including fittings as per approved design &
drawings and fulfilling IS code / mannuals
specification. This item is including excavation, refilling, ramming and
disposal of extra excavated material. This item is for water allowance @
2.5 cusec / 1000m acre and pipe line terminating at Hydrant is to be
designed to carry minimum 3.5 lps discharge and 20 M head.
The rates are inclusive of material, lead & lift and also inclusive of all
kind of taxes, levies, turnover tax, service tax, income tax, octroi, vat,
panchayat tax, royalty, GST & contractor profit.
Note: This is including cost of supply & fixing of manual operated
Hydrantoutlet assembly as per the respective item, but excluding cost
of safety valves, control valves and metering arrangements.

750.00 Ha 28800.00 21600000.00

WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh, Page No. 72,Item- 1
8 Cost for supplying, laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of safety
valve i.e air valve, NRV, PRV, scour valve, check valve, butterfly valve,
sluice valve, gate valve, ball valve, dismentalling joint etc. essential for
safety and smooth operation of pipe network including civil work
(pedestal,valve chamber etc.) is to assesed from detailed sample
750.00 Ha. 11000.00 8250000.00
WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh,Chapter No. XIV Page No. 74,
Note 3
9 Cost of primary filteration (if required) including siltation
chamber, hydrocyclone filter with isolation valve & manifold etc.
arrangement, cost estimate can be prepared or it can be taken
@ Rs 2000 per Ha CCA for estimation purpose only. Primary
filteration can filter material up to 200 micron particles.
750.00 Ha 2000.00 1500000.00
WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh,Chapter No. XIV Page No. 74,
Note 2 (a)
10 Cost of secondary filteration system including auto clean
screen / disc filter having interconnecting manifold between
filters in high quality MS pipe as per relevent IS standard, duly
fabricated & external surface duly epoxy painted to 150DFT
including DP switch and controller and battery backup.
Providing and fixing Inlet, Outlet, Bypass Butterfly Isolation
valves & Check valve in CI, PN10 Wafer type and counter
flanges in ANSI B 16.5# 150 for designed discharge cost
estimate can be prepared or it can be taken @ Rs 3500 per Ha
CCA for estimation purpose only. Secondary filteration for micro
irrigation is required to filter particle size up to 130 micron.

750.00 Ha 3500.00 2625000.00

WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh,Chapter No. XIV Page No. 74,
Note 2 (b)
11 Cost of hydro electro mechanical works including pumps,
motors, mud pumps, trash rack, screens, all valve arrangement,
flow / pressure meter, water level recorder, control panel within
the pump house and supply & installation of transformer
(with one standby) etc. can be taken @ Rs 25000 per kw
of capacity of total pumps (including standby capacity). This is
excluding the cost of electric transmission line from GSS / Grid
to the pump house.

375.00 Kw 25000.00 9375000.00

WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh,Chapter No. XIV Page No. 73,
Note 1
12 Cost for supplying, designing and installation of PLC- SCADA
system with all parts and GPRS based transmission system
(RTU) for operation of pipe irrigation network as per designed
irrigation scheduling up to Chak / Sub-Chak Level is to assesed
from detailed sample estimate for pattern adopted. Sample
patterns can be as under; With SCADA contorl up to 20 Ha sub-
Chak Level and solonoid control valve up to hydrant up to 4.0-
750.00 Ha 25000.00 18750000.00
WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh,Chapter No. XIV Page No. 74,
Note 5 (d)
13 Manufacturing, supplying, lowering, laying and jointing in
position to correct line spirally welded SAW/Fabricated MS Pipe
having bevelled end plates I coils, confirming to IS 3589-200 I or
its latest revision / amendmendment, for following thickness and
inside diameter including all taxes, transportation and freight
charges, inspection charges, loading/ unloading charges,
including cost of labour and material, specials (Tee, bend etc.),
field joints, satisfactory hydraulic testing, disinfection,
commissioning etc. complete as per technical specifications and
direction of Engineer-in-Charge; (excluding earthwork, internal
lining and outer coating).
Note : Providing and fixing of all requisite specials as per
drawing, design and layout are inclusive in RM measurement of
the item and shall not be paid separately.

i Dia of Pipe : 400.00 mm (I.D.) Thickness of pipe 6.00 mm 75.00 Per mtr 5405.00 405375.00
WR BSR CHITTORGARH 2020 P-58 ITEM- 1.5 F (ii)
14 Providing and applying Spray applied, 100% Solids (Solvent 188.000 Sqm. 1040.00 195520.00
free) Two Component PU ( Polyurethane) coating as per AWWA
C222 Standard on external surface of M.S. Pipe including
preparation of pipe outer surface as per SSPC-SPIO/NACE No
2 near white blast cleaning. Anchor profile
obtained shall be more than 75 microns, including field joints
coating at site complete as per technical specification and
direction of Engineer in Charge. Note:
(i) PU external surface coating on MS pipes shall be factory
applied only.
(ii) Rates are for single coat of PU of thickness 625 microns.


15 Providing and applying Solvent free, two pack liquid epoxy lining 245.000 Sqm. 375.00 91875.00
to internal surface of M.S. Pipe as per BS 6920:2000 and
AWWA C2 I0 standard including preparation of internal surface
of pipe by cleaning as per ISO 8502-3 and abrasive blasting to a
surface finish to SA 2.5 to DIN, ISO 8501-1 and surface profile
of 50 to 75 microns as per DIN-ISO 8503- 4, including field
joints coating at site complete as per technical
specification and direction of Engineer in Charge. Liquid Epoxy
shall be NSF/WRAS approved for drinking water.
Note: (i) Liquid epoxy lining on internal surface of MS pipe shall
be factory applied only.
(ii) Dry Film Thickness (DFT) shall be minimum 406 microns
with tolerance +200 & -0 microns.


16 P/Laying P.V.C. / XLPE insulated & P.V.C. sheathed cable of 360.000 mtr 222.00 79920.00
1.1 KV grade with aluminium conductor of IS:1554 P-I / IS :7098
P - I of Group 1 of approved make in ground as per IS:1255
including excavation of 30cmx75cm size trench, 25 cm thick
under layer of sand,IInd class bricks covering, refilling
earth,compaction of earth, making necessary connection,
testing etc. as required of size.25 sqmm 4 core (Armoured)

PWD Electrical BSR Chittorgarh Item E110106D

17 P/Laying P.V.C. / XLPE insulated & P.V.C. sheathed cable of 180.000 mtr 178.00 32040.00
1.1 KV grade with aluminium conductor of IS:1554 P-I / IS :7098
P - I of Group 1 of approved make in ground as per IS:1255
including excavation of 30cmx75cm size trench, 25 cm thick
under layer of sand,IInd class bricks covering, refilling
earth,compaction of earth, making necessary connection,
testing etc. as required of size. 16.0 4 core (Armoured)

PWD Electrical BSR Chittorgarh Item E110105C

18 Plate Earthing as per IS:3043 with G.I. Earth plate of size
600mm x 600mm x 6.0mm by embodying 3 to 4 mtr. below the
ground level with 25 mm dia. G.I. 'B' class watering Pipe
including all accessories like nut, bolts, reducer ,nipple, wire
meshed funnel, and C.C. finished chamber covered with hinged
type with locking arrangement C.I. Cover, C.I. Frame of
size300mm x 300mm complete with alternate layers of salt and
coke/charcoal, testing of earth resistance as required.

6 set 4250.00 25500.00

PWD Electrical BSR Chittorgarh Item E150200
19 Operation and maintenance of already installed pumping
machinary including repairing of pump set, electric panel etc.
48 month 44874.33 2153968.00
IGNP BSR 2013-14 Item no 10 Ch XVI
20 Operation and maintenance of various size HDPE pipe line
including patrolling, dewatering, T & P transportation of jointing
material, reparing of pipe line removal of choking of pipe line /km/
and operation of valve etc. 1080.000 month 550.00 594000.00
IGNP BSR 2013-14 Ch XVI Item 11
21 Laying,Jointing,Testing and Commissioning of Ductile Iron(DI)
Pipes of any class in assorted length with specials, valves
etc.including local handling and transportation from PHED store
and 1.20 then refilling of soil with proper compection and
disposing of all surplus soil as directed with in a lead of 30 mtr
as per satisfaction of EiC. (Rates are Exclusive of Earth Work
and jointing materials)

i 300 mm dia 1200.00 RMT 100.00 120000.00

ii 350 mm dia 1800.00 RMT 115.00 207000.00
22 Employing patwari for recording irrigation, assessing cultivator
wise demand, collecting irrigation revnue and electric bills of
pump house and deposting the revnue in the bank and bill
amount in the AVVNL office, framing Barabandi, issuing water
slips to cultivators, enforcing Barabandi, and reporting against
defaulters according to Rajasthan Farmers Participation in
Irrigation management Act 2000, Maintaining equipement and
records according to RFPIM 2000 and imparting three sessions
of training in one year to members of WUA for operation and
maintenance of sprinkler system and various records as per
RFPIM 2000
Per ha
CCA per
3750.000 annum 89.00 333750.00
IGNP BSR 2013-14 Ch XVI Item 12
23 Cost of Dedicated Electrical Line from GSS to Pumping Station. Pump
5.000 House 500000.00 2500000.00
Lum - Sum Rate
24 Cost of Control room cum pump house. Pump
5.000 House 880000.00 4400000.00
As per sample estimate
25 Cost of Diggies Construction and Link canal Renovation Pump
1.000 House 2000000.00 2000000.00
Lum-sum amount
Total 75959698.00
Add. 2% contengencies charges 1519193.96
G.Total 77478891.96
Say Rs (in lacs) 774.79

Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer

Water Resources Sub Dn. II Chittorgarh Water Resources Division,
H.Q. Nimbahera Chittorgarh



o. No
Item L B H Qty.
1 Survey work in a grid at defined interval using Total
Station instrument and preparation of Block level plan
showing all permanent features/ utilities including trees,
for planning of dam/ canal / water course / pipe network
alignment and superimposing it on digitalized sajra map
and developing contours at interval desired by Engineer
Incharge. Block level plan is to be submitted in hard copy
three set and soft copy in Auto Cad format, using layer
system, showing all features.Note:- Khasra map will
be provided by Department. (ii) In hilly / semi hilly area -
Block level to be taken @ 15 meter grid

For complete Command area 100% CCA 750 Ha.

2 Geo-refrencing of digitized khasra map and marking chak
& sub chak of requiredsize for micro irrigation and
providing chak & sub chak wise GCA, CCA detailsin excel
format. Soft copy with two set of Hard copy shall be
provided.Rate shall be paid per Ha CCA

For complete Command area 100% CCA 750 Ha.

3 Planning of field distribution pipe network up to chak and
sub chak level,hydraulic design of pipe network planning
& design of outlet arrangement withdrawing and Irrigation
scheduling up to chak level. Chak Plan showing
pipenetwork is to be provided in soft copy & two set of
Hard copy.Rate shall be paid per Ha CCA

For complete Command area 100% CCA 750 Ha.

4 Preparation of l-section of pipe lines as per approved pipe
network & hydraulicdesign from competent authority
(showing safety valve & control valvearrangement,
filteration system and other accessory if required). Design
anddrawing of thrust blocks, pedestals and valve
chamber, are to be provided. All design, drawing should
fulfill the design specification as per the tender
documentand IS code / relevant mannuals.Rate shall be
paid per Ha CCA

For complete Command area 100% CCA 750 Ha.

5 Irrigation scheduling with timing up to subchak level is to
be preapred as per approved design and revenue record.
Rate shall be paid per Ha CCA
For complete Command area 100% CCA 750 Ha.
6 Planning and design of Diggie for micro irrigation system
including design of intake/ sump well, pump house and
other ancillary developments to be done in the campus
and providing all hydro- electro mechanical designs and

For complete Command area 100% CCA 3 No.

7 Supplying, laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of
buried HDPE grade PE 80 / PE 100 pipe net work system
within the chak upto Hydrant (chak size up to 200 Ha and
sub chak 4.5 HA and Hydrant at every 1.25 Ha to 1.5 Ha)
including fittings as per approved design & drawings and
fulfilling IS code / mannuals
specification. This item is including excavation, refilling,
ramming and disposal of extra excavated material. This
item is for water allowance @ 2.5 cusec / 1000m acre and
pipe line terminating at Hydrant is to be designed to carry
minimum 3.5 lps discharge and 20 M head.
The rates are inclusive of material, lead & lift and also
inclusive of all kind of taxes, levies, turnover tax, service
tax, income tax, octroi, vat, panchayat tax, royalty, GST &
contractor profit.
Note: This is including cost of supply & fixing of manual
operated Hydrantoutlet assembly as per the respective
item, but excluding cost of safety valves, control valves
and metering arrangements.

For complete Command area 100% CCA 750 Ha.

8 Cost for supplying, laying, jointing, testing and
commissioning of safety valve i.e air valve, NRV, PRV,
scour valve, check valve, butterfly valve, sluice valve,
gate valve, ball valve, dismentalling joint etc. essential for
safety and smooth operation of pipe network including
civil work (pedestal,valve chamber etc.) is to assesed
from detailed sample estimate.

For complete Command area 100% CCA 750 Ha.

9 Cost of primary filteration (if required) including
siltation chamber, hydrocyclone filter with isolation
valve & manifold etc. arrangement, cost estimate
can be prepared or it can be taken @ Rs 2000 per
Ha CCA for estimation purpose only. Primary
filteration can filter material up to 200 micron

For complete Command area 100% CCA 750 Ha.

10 Cost of secondary filteration system including
auto clean screen / disc filter having
interconnecting manifold between filters in high
quality MS pipe as per relevent IS standard, duly
fabricated & external surface duly epoxy painted
to 150DFT including DP switch and controller
and battery backup. Providing and fixing Inlet,
Outlet, Bypass Butterfly Isolation valves & Check
valve in CI, PN10 Wafer type and counter flanges in
ANSI B 16.5# 150 for designed discharge cost
estimate can be prepared or it can be taken @ Rs
3500 per Ha CCA for estimation purpose only.
Secondary filteration for micro irrigation is required
to filter particle size up to 130 micron.

For complete Command area 100% CCA 750 Ha.

11 Cost of hydro electro mechanical works including
pumps, motors, mud pumps, trash rack, screens, all
valve arrangement, flow / pressure meter, water
level recorder, control panel within the pump house
and supply & installation of transformer (with
one standby) etc. can be taken @ Rs 25000
per kw of capacity of total pumps (including
standby capacity). This is excluding the cost of
electric transmission line from GSS / Grid to the
pump house.

For complete Command area 100% CCA 750 Ha.

half system of command area will run at a time
hance power requirment will be as follows system running at a time 375 KW
12 Cost for supplying, designing and installation of
PLC- SCADA system with all parts and GPRS
based transmission system (RTU) for operation of
pipe irrigation network as per designed irrigation
scheduling up to Chak / Sub-Chak Level is to
assesed from detailed sample estimate for pattern
adopted. Sample patterns can be as under; With
SCADA contorl up to 20 Ha sub-Chak Level and
solonoid control valve up to hydrant up to 4.0-5.0ha

750.00 Ha
13 Manufacturing, supplying, lowering, laying and
jointing in position to correct line spirally welded
SAW/Fabricated MS Pipe having bevelled end
plates I coils, confirming to IS 3589-200 I or its
latest revision / amendmendment, for following
thickness and inside diameter including all taxes,
transportation and freight charges, inspection
charges, loading/ unloading charges, including cost
of labour and material, specials (Tee, bend etc.),
field joints, satisfactory hydraulic testing,
disinfection, commissioning etc. complete as per
technical specifications and direction of Engineer-
in-Charge; (excluding earthwork, internal lining and
outer coating).
Note : Providing and fixing of all requisite specials
as per drawing, design and layout are inclusive in
RM measurement of the item and shall not be paid

i Dia of Pipe : 400.00 mm (I.D.) Thickness of pipe

6.00 mm
sprinkler irrigation system Suction and Delivery Pipe
3 25.00 75.00 Mtr.
Total 75.00 Mtr.

14 Providing and applying Spray applied, 100% Solids

(Solvent free) Two Component PU ( Polyurethane)
coating as per AWWA C222 Standard on external
surface of M.S. Pipe including preparation of pipe
outer surface as per SSPC-SPIO/NACE No 2 near
white blast cleaning. Anchor profile
obtained shall be more than 75 microns, including
field joints coating at site complete as per technical
specification and direction of Engineer in Charge.
(i) PU external surface coating on MS pipes shall be
factory applied only.
(ii) Rates are for single coat of PU of thickness 625

sprinkler irrigation system Suction and Delivery Pipe

3 25.00 (2 *Π* 0.40) 188.46 Sqm.
Total 188.46 Sqm.
Say 188.00 Sqm.
15 Providing and applying Solvent free, two pack liquid
epoxy lining to internal surface of M.S. Pipe as per
BS 6920:2000 and AWWA C2 I0 standard including
preparation of internal surface of pipe by cleaning
as per ISO 8502-3 and abrasive blasting to a
surface finish to SA 2.5 to DIN, ISO 8501-1 and
surface profile of 50 to 75 microns as per DIN-ISO
8503- 4, including field joints coating at site
complete as per technical
specification and direction of Engineer in Charge.
Liquid Epoxy shall be NSF/WRAS approved for
drinking water.
Note: (i) Liquid epoxy lining on internal surface of
MS pipe shall be factory appliedonly.
(ii) Dry Film Thickness (DFT) shall be minimum 406
microns with tolerance +200 & -0 microns.

sprinkler irrigation system Suction and Delivery Pipe

3 25.00 (2 *Π* 0.52) 245.00 Sqm.
Total 245.00 Sqm.
Say 245.00 Sqm.
16 P/Laying P.V.C. / XLPE insulated & P.V.C.
sheathed cable of 1.1 KV grade with aluminium
conductor of IS:1554 P-I / IS :7098 P - I of Group 1
of approved make in ground as per IS:1255
including excavation of 30cmx75cm size trench, 25
cm thick under layer of sand,IInd class bricks
covering, refilling earth,compaction of earth, making
necessary connection, testing etc. as required of

i 25 sqmm 4 core (Armoured) for Pumps 6 60.00 360.00 Mtr.

Total 360.00 Mtr.
17 P/Laying P.V.C. / XLPE insulated & P.V.C.
sheathed cable of 1.1 KV grade with aluminium
conductor of IS:1554 P-I / IS :7098 P - I of Group 1
of approved make in ground as per IS:1255
including excavation of 30cmx75cm size trench, 25
cm thick under layer of sand,IInd class bricks
covering, refilling earth,compaction of earth, making
necessary connection, testing etc. as required of

i 16.0 4 core (Armoured) 3 60.00 180.00 Mtr.

Total 180.00 Mtr.
18 Plate Earthing as per IS:3043 with G.I. Earth plate
of size 600mm x 600mm x 6.0mm by embodying 3
to 4 mtr. below the ground level with 25 mm dia.
G.I. 'B' class watering Pipe including all accessories
like nut, bolts, reducer ,nipple, wire meshed funnel,
and C.C. finished chamber covered with hinged
type with locking arrangement C.I. Cover, C.I.
Frame of size300mm x 300mm complete with
alternate layers of salt and coke/charcoal, testing of
earth resistance as required.

For Every Pumps 6 6.00 Each

Total 6.00 Each
19 Operation and maintenance of already installed
pumping machinary including repairing of pump set,
electric panel etc for 5 years. (4 months of Rabi
season in a year) 6 x 8 48.00 Month
20 Operation and maintenance of various size HDPE
pipe line including patrolling, dewatering, T & P
transportation of jointing material, reparing of pipe
line removal of choking of pipe line and operation of
valve etc.
Total month (for 5 years) 3 x 8 24.00 Month
sprinkler irrigation system (Assumed) 3 9000.00
27.00 X 40.00 1080.00
Say 1080.00 Km-
21 Laying,Jointing,Testing and Commissioning of
Ductile Iron(DI) Pipes of any class in assorted
length with specials, valves etc.including local
handling and transportation from PHED store and
1.20 then refilling of soil with proper compection
and disposing of all surplus soil as directed with in a
lead of 30 mtr as per satisfaction of EiC. (Rates are
Exclusive of Earth Work and jointing materials)

i 300 mm dia
L/S main line 3 200.00 600.00 RMT
R/S main line 3 200.00 600.00 RMT
Total 1200.00 RMT
ii 350 mm dia
L/S main line 3 300.00 900.00 RMT
R/S main line 3 300.00 900.00 RMT
Total 1800.00 RMT
22 Employing patwari for recording irrigation,
assessing cultivator wise demand, collecting
irrigation revnue and electric bills of pump house
and deposting the revnue in the bank and bill
amount in the AVVNL office, framing Barabandi,
issuing water slips to cultivators, enforcing
Barabandi, and reporting against defaulters
according to Rajasthan Farmers Participation in
Irrigation management Act 2000, Maintaining
equipement and records according to RFPIM 2000
and imparting three sessions of training in one year
to members of WUA for operation and maintenance
of sprinkler system and various records as per
RFPIM 2000

sprinkler irrigation system 1 750.00 750.00 Ha.

Total 750.00 Ha.
(for 5 years) 5.00
Total 3750.00 Ha.
23 Cost of Dedicated Electrical Line from GSS to
Pumping Station. Lump-Sum Rates

24 Cost of Control room cum pump house. As per Sample Estimate

25 Cost of Diggies Construction and Link canal

Renovation Lump-Sum Rates

Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer

Water Resources Sub Dn. II Chittorgarh Water Resources Division,
H.Q. Nimbahera Chittorgarh
PART-"B " Electrical work
S.No. Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount

Pump Room for Diggies

1 Wiring of light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/
call bell point with 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR
PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper conductor
1.1 kV grade and 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC
insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor
1.1 kV grade (IS:694) of approved make in
surface / recessed ISI marked MMS ( IS:9537 P - III
) PVC conduit & it's accessories, round tiles,18
SWG M.S. box with earth terminal, 6 A switch, 3.0
mm thick ISI marked phenolic laminated sheet, zinc
plated / brass screws, cup washers, making
connections, testing etc. as required.

shortpoint (upto 3 Mtr) 5.00 P. point 215.00 1075.00

PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E020101
medium point ( Upto 6 Mtr) 6.00 P. point 338.00 2028.00
PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E020102
long point (Upto 10 mtr) 6.00 P. point 474.00 2844.00
PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E020103

Wiring of 3 pin 5 amp. Light plug point with 1.5 sq. mm

nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible
copper conductor 1.1 kV grade and 1.5 sq. mm nominal
size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth
conductor 1.1 kV grade(IS:694) of approved make in
surface / recessed ISI marked MMS ( IS:9537 P - III )
PVC conduit & it's accessories, 18 SWG 175 mm x 100
mm x 60 mm M.S. box with earth terminal, 6 A switch, 6
A socket, 3.0 mm thick ISI marked phenolic laminated
sheet, zinc plated / brass screws, cup washers, making
connections, testing etc. as required. On Board 6.00 P. point 90.00 540.00
PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E020301
P&F 240/415 V AC MCB with positive isolation of
breaking capacity not less than 10 KA (B/ C/ D tripping
characteristic) ISI marked IS 8828(1996)]/ conforming to
IEC 60898 in existing board/sheets including making
connections, testing etc. as required. 40 A to 63 A rating
Group I 6.00 Each 286 1716.00
PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E060113
4 P & F 18 swg MS Recessed fan box hexagonal/round of
size 130 mm dia depth 75mm, 12mm dia rod fan hook
with 100mm length extended on each side.
2.00 Each 95 190.00
PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E170600
5 P & F strip type fluorscent tube fitting fabricated from
(CRCA sheet and finished with powder coating / stove
enamelled paint) / (extruded non corrosive UV resist EP
channel) complete with accessories (Low Loss Copper
Choke, starter, starter seat) / Electronic Choke with
terminal block duly prewired with copper conductor
including making connection, testing etc. as
required( without tube).1x36 watts with EB Group I

6.00 Each 377 2262.00

PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E190103
6 P & F florescent tube rod in existing fixtures as required
Flourscent powder coated (minimum 3 star rating) 36/40
watts Group I 6.00 Each 63 378.00
PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E190712
7 P & F IP-43 protected street light luminaire on existing
bracket suitable for FTL / T5 lamps, housing made out
from CRCA sheet steel finished with stove enameled
paint, having deep drawn aluminium alloy, powder
coated canopy reflector cum control gear tray, UV
Stablized clear ribbed acrylic diffuser held with synthetic
gasket, min 6 nos. of toggles for securing acrylic cover
with housing with all necessary accessories (Low Loss
Copper Choke, starter, starter seat) / Electronic Choke
prewired with pvc insulated copper conductor including
making connection testing etc. as required(without tube).
1 x 36 watts Group I

4.00 Each 1395 5580.00

PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E200101
8 P & F paper phenolic resin bonded laminates confirming
to IS : 2036 - 1995 for boxes/ frames including making
holes for switches etc, with brass screws, washers/ zinc
plated nut and bolts as required. 4.8 mm thick Group I
0.22 sqm 819 180.18
PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E050502
P & F ISI marked 6 amp bakelite batten/angle holder
9 including making connection testing etc as required.
Grade I 2.00 Each 20 40.00
PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E071500
10 P & F socket size flush type 120/280 watt rotary 5 step
fan regulator including making connection testing etc. as
required. Group I 2.00 Each 210 420.00
PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E072200
Supplying and drawing FR PVC insulated and
unsheathed flexible copper conductor ISI marked ( IS:
694) of 1.1 KV grade and approved make in existing
surface or recessed conduit casing capping including
making connections etc as required. 2 x 2.5 sq. mm + 1
x 1.5 sq mm 80.00 mtr 53.00 4240.00
PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E040108
12 P&F Recessed/ Surface mounting heavy duty horizontal
type sheet steel Distribution board phophatised/ powder
painted complete with suitable rating insulated copper
bus bar, shorting link , neutral link, earth link and din
bar,masking sheet, conforming to IS13032 & IS8623
including making internal DB terminations with copper
lugs , testing etc. as required. Double door (single
phase) 8 Way group I
1.00 each 897.00 897.00
PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E060533
13 P & F of Double ball bearing, capacitor start single phase
metallic blade fresh air fan, in existing opening including
cost of hardware, flexible copper conductor, making
connections testing etc as required. 225 mm sweep
Group I
1.00 Each 1614.00 1614.00
PWD Electric BSR 2013 Chittorgarh Item No.E170901
TOTAL 24004.18
Add. 2% contengencies charges 480.08
G.Total 24484.26

Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer

Water Resources Sub Dn. II Chittorgarh Water Resources Division,


PART-"B " Electrical work
S.No. Item Quantity Unit
Pump Room for Diggies
1 Wiring of light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq. mm nominal
size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper conductor 1.1 kV grade and 1.5 sq. mm
nominal size FR PVC insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor 1.1 kV grade
(IS:694) of approved make in surface / recessed ISI marked MMS ( IS:9537 P - III ) PVC
conduit & it's accessories, round tiles,18 SWG M.S. box with earth terminal, 6 A switch, 3.0
mm thick ISI marked phenolic laminated sheet, zinc plated / brass screws, cup washers,
making connections, testing etc. as required.

i- shortpoint (upto 3 Mtr) 5.00 P.Point

ii- medium point ( Upto 6 Mtr) 6.00 P.Point
iii- long point (Upto 10 mtr) 6.00 P.Point
2 Wiring of 3 pin 5 amp. Light plug point with 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC insulated
unsheathed flexible copper conductor 1.1 kV grade and 1.5 sq. mm nominal size FR PVC
insulated unsheathed flexible copper earth conductor 1.1 kV grade(IS:694) of approved
make in surface / recessed ISI marked MMS ( IS:9537 P - III ) PVC conduit & it's
accessories, 18 SWG 175 mm x 100 mm x 60 mm M.S. box with earth terminal, 6 A 6.00 P.Point
switch, 6 A socket, 3.0 mm thick ISI marked phenolic laminated sheet, zinc plated / brass
screws, cup washers, making connections, testing etc. as required. On Board

3 P&F 240/415 V AC MCB with positive isolation of breaking capacity not less than 10 KA (B/
C/ D tripping characteristic) ISI marked IS 8828(1996)]/ conforming to IEC 60898 in existing
board/sheets including making connections, testing etc. as required. 40 A to 63 A rating 6.00 Each
Group I
4 P & F 18 swg MS Recessed fan box hexagonal/round of size 130 mm dia depth 75mm,
2.00 Each
12mm dia rod fan hook with 100mm length extended on each side.
5 P & F strip type fluorscent tube fitting fabricated from (CRCA sheet and finished with
powder coating / stove enamelled paint) / (extruded non corrosive UV resist EP channel)
complete with accessories (Low Loss Copper Choke, starter, starter seat) / Electronic
Choke with terminal block duly prewired with copper conductor including making 6.00 Each
connection, testing etc. as required( without tube).1x36 watts with EB Group I

6 P & F florescent tube rod in existing fixtures as required Flourscent powder coated
6.00 Each
(minimum 3 star rating) 36/40 watts Group I
7 P & F IP-43 protected street light luminaire on existing bracket suitable for FTL / T5 lamps,
housing made out from CRCA sheet steel finished with stove enameled paint, having deep
drawn aluminium alloy, powder coated canopy reflector cum control gear tray, UV Stablized
clear ribbed acrylic diffuser held with synthetic gasket, min 6 nos. of toggles for securing
acrylic cover with housing with all necessary accessories (Low Loss Copper Choke, 4.00 Each
starter, starter seat) / Electronic Choke prewired with pvc insulated copper conductor
including making connection testing etc. as required(without tube). 1 x 36 watts Group I

8 P & F paper phenolic resin bonded laminates confirming to IS : 2036 - 1995 for boxes/
frames including making holes for switches etc, with brass screws, washers/ zinc plated 0.22 sqm
nut and bolts as required. 4.8 mm thick Group I
P & F ISI marked 6 amp bakelite batten/angle holder including making connection testing
9 2.00 Each
etc as required. Grade I
10 P & F socket size flush type 120/280 watt rotary 5 step fan regulator including making
2.00 Each
connection testing etc. as required. Group I
11 Supplying and drawing FR PVC insulated and unsheathed flexible copper conductor ISI
marked ( IS: 694) of 1.1 KV grade and approved make in existing surface or recessed 80.00 mtr
conduit casing capping including making connections etc as required. 2 x 2.5 sq. mm + 1 x
1.5 sq mm
12 P&F Recessed/ Surface mounting heavy duty horizontal type sheet steel Distribution board
phophatised/ powder painted complete with suitable rating insulated copper bus bar,
shorting link , neutral link, earth link and din bar,masking sheet, conforming to IS13032 & 1.00 each
IS8623 including making internal DB terminations with copper lugs , testing etc. as
required. Double door (single phase) 8 Way group I
13 P & F of Double ball bearing, capacitor start single phase metallic blade fresh air fan, in
existing opening including cost of hardware, flexible copper conductor, making connections 1.00 Each
testing etc as required. 225 mm sweep Group I

Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer

Water Resources Sub Dn. II Chittorgarh Water Resources Division,


S.No. Item Qty. Unit Rate Amount
1 Excavation including loading, unloading, disposal and
dressing of excavated rock within initial lead of 50 m. and
lift upto 1.5 m. in dry or moist including dressing of
excavated area with cost of dewatering wherever required
and all applicable taxes and levies etc. complete in all

(a)Soft/disintegrated rock 58.56 cum 118.00 6910.08

WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh Item 2(a) Page 13
2 Preparation and dressing the sub grade including removal
of irregularities up to 7.5 cm in soil, morrum mixed with
pebbles, small boulders and and kankar & murrum for Bed

39.22 sqm 7.30 286.31

WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh Item 14(a) Page 30
3 Providing and Laying in position of Cement concrete
Nominal mix (1:3:6) including leads of all construction
materials, curing, compaction and finishing with rendering
in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and
making good the joints excluding the cost of centering,
shuttering and reinforcement. Well graded crusher broken
stone aggregate of maximum size upto 20 mm

27.18 cum 4029.0 109508.22

WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh P.No. 29 Item No. 8(d)

Random rubble stone masonry (using R. R. stones where 75

% stones to be not less than 15 cm in size in any direction
and weighing not less than 23 kg.) for foundation including
curing all leads of all construction materials including curing
etc. complete. in cement sand mortar (1:5)
29.12 cum 3300.00 96096.00
WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh P.No. 21 Item No. 2(c)
5 Random rubble stone masonry (using R.R. stones where 75%
stones to be not less than 15 cm in size in any direction and
weighing not less than 23 kg.) for Masonary work in super
structure including curing all leads of all construction materials
including curing etc. complete in cement sand mortar (1:5). 55.54 cum 3471.00 192779.34
WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh P.No. 21 Item No. 1(c) & Item No. 22 /8(a)
6 Plaster in cement sand mortar 1:3 including racking of
joints, smooth finishing & curing etc. complete including all
leads of all construction materials of thickness 20 mm.

175.20 Sqm 255.00 44676.00

WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh P.No. 24 Item No. 1(b)
7 Centering and shuttering for slabs, beams, lintels Columns,
trough with or without caps and base including propping
and remove
149.60 Sqm 180.00 26928.00
WRD BSR 2020 ChittorgarhP-35, ITEM No- 4
8 Supplying of MS reinforcement including labour charges for
bending, binding and placing in position all reinforcement
as per drawing including cost of binding wire and all leads
and lifts using Tor or ribbed bars (IS1786-1985)

2289.67 Kg 72.00 164856.10

WRD BSR 2020 ChittorgarhP- 36 , Item-11(b)(ii)
9 Providing and Laying in position of Cement concrete
Nominal mix (1:1.5:3) including leads of all construction
materials, curing, compaction and finishing with rendering
in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 coarse sand) and
making good the joints excluding the cost of centering,
shuttering and reinforcement. Well graded crusher broken
stone aggregate of maximum size upto 20 mm
Extra labour charges for RCC due to obstruction in laying
and placing the reinforced cement concrete due to
Column,slab,cantilever,projections stair cases lintels,
beams, chajjas,retaining walls,piers,
abutments,galleries,arch covers, bed plates, sluice capstan
bases etc.

28.26 cum 5011.00 141610.86

WRD BSR 2020 Chittorgarh P-28 Item 6(d)& page 36 itenm no. 12(b)
10 Providing and Fixing steel windows or ventilators with
openable wire gauge shutters of standard rolled sections
confirming to I.S. 1038 (revised) joints welded i.e. providing
and fixing fly screen of 14 mesh x24 gauge with suitable
screws to the body by metal beading 20x3 mm complete
with projecting hinges, bars, handles. lugs. with a priming
coat of red oxide paint
4.32 Sqm 1977.00 8540.64
PWD BSR Chittorgarh 2019 Item 9.38 Ch B-9
11 Providing and fixing T-iron frames for doors window and
ventilators of mild steel tee-sections, joints mitered and
welded with 15x3 mm lugs 10 cm long embedded in cement
concrete blocks 15 x 10 x 10 cm of 1:3:6 (1 cement :3
course sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)
or with wooden plugs and screws or with fixing clips or with
bolts and nuts as require including fixing of necessary butt
hinges and screws and applying a priming coat of approved
steel primer.
42.72 Kg 100.00 4272.00
PWD BSR Chittorgarh 2019 Item 9.13 Ch B-9
12 Providing and fixing MS sheet single leaf door shutter in
angle iron frame 35 x35 x5mm suitabilly diagonally bracked
with 25 x3mm flat iron above and below lock rail of size 50
x5mm beading extra including all fittings, as per direction of
Engineer-in- charge but excluding cost of Chowkhats :
including two coats of anti corrosive red oxide primer paint
MS sheet 20 S.W.G
11.52 Sqm 1783.00 20540.16
PWD BSR Chittorgarh 2019 Item 9.26.2 Ch B-9
13 White washing with lime to give an even shade including all
scaffolding on new work three or more coat. 1455.00 Sqm 14.25 20733.75
PWD BSR 2019, Circle Chittorgarh, P-B 131 , ITEM No-12.44.1
Total 837737.46
Add. 2% contengencies charges 16754.75
G.Total 878976.47
Say Rs (in lacs) 8.79

Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer

Water Resources Sub Dn. II Chittorgarh Water Resources Division, Chittorgarh


o. Item No. L B H Qty.
1 Excavation including loading, unloading,
disposal and dressing of excavated rock within
initial lead of 50 m. and lift upto 1.5 m. in dry or
moist including dressing of excavated area with
cost of dewatering wherever required and all
applicable taxes and levies etc. complete in all

Wall Foundation = 2 x 6.60 x 1.20 x 1.00 = 15.84 Cum

= 2 x 5.60 x 1.20 x 1.00 = 13.44 Cum
Column Foundation = 4 x 1.45 x 1.45 x 1.00 = 8.41 Cum
Total 29.28 Cum
For Two pump house = 58.56 Cum

2 Preparation and dressing the sub grade

including removal of irregularities up to 7.5 cm
in soil, morrum mixed with pebbles, small
boulders and and kankar & murrum for Bed

Wall Foundation = 2 x 6.60 x 1.00 = 13.20 Sqm

= 2 x 5.60 x 1.00 = 11.20 Sqm
Column Foundation = 4 x 1.45 x 1.45 = 8.41 Sqm
Total 19.61 Sqm
For Two pump house = 39.22 Sqm
3 Providing and Laying in position of Cement
concrete Nominal mix (1:3:6) including leads of
all construction materials, curing, compaction
and finishing with rendering in cement sand
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and
making good the joints excluding the cost of
centering, shuttering and reinforcement. Well
graded crusher broken stone aggregate of
maximum size upto 20 mm

Wall Foundation = 2 x 6.60 x 1.00 x 0.30 = 3.96 Cum

= 2 x 5.60 x 1.00 x 0.30 = 3.36 Cum
Column Foundation = 4 x 1.45 x 1.45 x 0.30 = 2.52 Cum
Floor PCC = 1 x 5.00 x 5.00 x 0.15 = 3.75 Cum
Total 13.59 Cum
For Two pump house = 27.18 Cum
4 Random rubble stone masonry (using R. R.
stones where 75 % stones to be not less than 15
cm in size in any direction and weighing not less
than 23 kg.) for foundation including curing all
leads of all construction materials including
curing etc. complete. in cement sand mortar
o. Item No. L B H Qty.
Wall Foundation = 2 x 7.00 x 0.80 x 0.70 = 7.84 Cum
= 2 x 6.00 x 0.80 x 0.70 = 6.72 Cum
Total 14.56 Cum
For Two pump house = 29.12 Cum
5 Random rubble stone masonry (using R.R.
stones where 75% stones to be not less than 15
cm in size in any direction and weighing not less
than 23 kg.) for Masonary work in super
structure including curing all leads of all
construction materials including curing etc.
complete in cement sand mortar (1:5).

Wall = 2 x 7.00 x 0.40 x 2.85 = 15.96 Cum

= 2 x 6.00 x 0.40 x 2.85 = 13.68 Cum
Deduction = -2 x 0.90 x 1.20 x 0.40 = -0.86 Cum
= -1 x 1.20 x 2.10 x 0.40 = -1.01 Cum
Total 27.77 Cum
For Two pump house = 55.54 Cum
6 Plaster in cement sand mortar 1:3 including
racking of joints, smooth finishing & curing etc.
complete including all leads of all construction
materials of thickness 20 mm.

Wall outer side = 2 x 7.80 x x 3.00 = 46.80 Sqm

= 2 x 6.80 x x 3.00 = 40.80 Sqm
Wall inner side = 2 x 5.00 x x 3.00 = 30.00 Sqm
= 2 x 4.00 x x 3.00 = 24.00 Sqm
Deduction = -4 x 0.90 x x 1.20 = -4.32 Sqm
= -2 x 1.20 x x 2.10 = -5.04 Sqm
Total 87.60 Sqm
For Two pump house = 175.20 Sqm
7 Centering and shuttering for slabs, beams,
lintels Columns, trough with or without caps
and base including propping and remove

= 1 x 7.80 x 6.80 = 53.04 Sqm

OVERHANG SLAB Long wall = 2 x 7.40 x 0.30 = 4.44 Sqm
OVERHANG SLAB Short Wall = 2 x 7.80 x 0.30 = 4.68 Sqm
Beam = 2 x 7.80 x 0.40 = 6.24 Sqm
Beam = 2 x 6.80 x 0.40 = 5.44 Sqm
outer beams = 8 x 0.30 x 0.40 = 0.96 Sqm
Total 74.80 Sqm
For Two pump house = 149.60 Sqm
8 Supplying of MS reinforcement including labour
charges for bending, binding and placing in
position all reinforcement as per drawing
including cost of binding wire and all leads and
lifts using Tor or ribbed bars (IS1786-1985)

(II)Tor or ribbed bars (IS :1786-1985)

16 mm dia main bars for beams = 4 x 2.00 x 7.80 = 62.40 RM
= 4 x 2.00 x 6.80 = 54.40 RM
16 mm dia main bars for Slab = 1 x 35.00 x 6.80 = 238.00 RM
16 mm dia main bars for Columns = 4 x 4.00 x 3.15 = 50.40 RM
total = 405.20 RM
@ 1.58 = 640.22 Kg.
o. Item No. L B H Qty.
10 mm Dia Distribution for beam = 1 x 63.00 x 1.75 = 110.25 RM
= 1 x 55.00 x 1.75 = 96.25 RM
10 mm Dia Distribution for Slab = 1 x 55.00 x 8.00 = 440.00 RM
shear bars = 4 x 8.00 x 1.95 = 62.40 RM
10 mm Dia Distribution for Columns = 4 x 15.00 x 1.75 = 105.00 RM
total = 813.90 RM
@ 0.62 = 504.62 Kg.
Total 1144.83 kg
For Two pump house = 2289.67 kg
9 Providing and Laying in position of Cement
concrete Nominal mix (1:1.5:3) including leads
of all construction materials, curing, compaction
and finishing with rendering in cement sand
mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 coarse sand) and
making good the joints excluding the costof
centering, shuttering and reinforcement. Well
graded crusher broken stone aggregate of
maximum size upto20 mm
Extra labour charges for RCC due to obstruction
in laying and placing the reinforced cement
concrete due to reinforcement.
Column,slab,cantilever,projections stair cases
lintels, beams, chajjas,retaining walls,piers,
abutments,galleries,arch covers, bed plates,
sluice capstan bases etc.

Slab = 1 x 7.80 x 6.80 x 0.15 = 7.96 Cum

Beams = 2 x 7.00 x 0.40 x 0.40 = 2.24 Cum
Beams = 2 x 6.00 x 0.40 x 0.40 = 1.92 Cum
Columns = 4 x 0.40 x 0.40 x 3.15 = 2.02 Cum
Total 14.13 Cum
For Two pump house = 28.26 Cum
10 Providing and Fixing steel windows or
ventilators with openable wire gauge shutters of
standard rolled sections confirming to I.S. 1038
(revised) joints welded i.e. providing and fixing
fly screen of 14 mesh x24 gauge with suitable
screws to the body by metal beading 20x3 mm
complete with projecting hinges, bars, handles.
lugs. with a priming coat of red oxide paint

Steel windows 2 0.90 1.20 2.16 Sqm

For Two pump house = 4.32 Sqm

11 Providing and fixing T-iron frames for doors

window and ventilators of mild steel tee-
sections, joints mitered and welded with 15x3
mm lugs 10 cm long embedded in cement
concrete blocks 15 x 10 x 10 cm of 1:3:6 (1
cement :3 course sand : 6 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) or with wooden
plugs and screws or with fixing clips or with
bolts and nuts as require including fixing of
necessary butt hinges and screws and applying a
priming coat of approved steel primer.
o. Item No. L B H Qty.
Window 4 1.20 4.80 Rmt
4 0.90 3.60 Rmt
Door 2 1.20 2.40 Rmt
2 2.10 4.20 Rmt
Total 15.00 Rmt
Qty in kg (weight 1.424 kg/m) 15.00 1.424 21.36 Kg
For Two pump house = 42.72 Kg
12 Providing and fixing MS sheet single leaf door
shutter in angle iron frame 35 x35 x5mm
suitabilly diagonally bracked with 25 x3mm flat
iron above and below lock rail of size 50 x5mm
beading extra including all fittings, as per
direction of Engineer-in- charge but excluding
cost of Chowkhats : including two coats of anti
corrosive red oxide primer paint MS sheet 20

(a) Single leaf shutters 3 0.90 1.20 3.24 Sqm

1 1.20 2.10 2.52 Sqm

TOTAL 5.76 Sqm

For Two pump house = 11.52 Sqm
13 White washing with lime to give an even shade
including all scaffolding on new work three or
more coat.
Wall outer side = 2 x 7.80 x x 3.00 = 46.80 Sqm
= 2 x 6.80 x x 3.00 = 40.80 Sqm
Wall inner side = 2 x 7.00 x x 3.00 = 42.00 Sqm
= 2 x 6.00 x x 3.00 = 36.00 Sqm
Deduction = -4 x 0.90 x x 1.20 = -4.32 Sqm
= -2 x 1.20 x x 2.10 = -5.04 Sqm
Total 67.32 Sqm
For Two pump house (a) = 134.64 Sqm
Solar plant Boundry wall = 2 X 50.00 x x 2.00 = 200.00 Sqm
Solar plant Boundry wall = 2 X 50.00 x x 2.00 = 200.00 Sqm
RMC DIGGI and pump house boundry = 2 X 65.00 x x 2.00 = 260.00 Sqm
RMC DIGGI and pump house boundry = 2 X 55.00 x x 2.00 = 220.00 Sqm
LMC DIGGI and pump house boundry = 2 X 60.00 x x 2.00 = 240.00 Sqm
LMC DIGGI and pump house boundry = 2 X 50.00 x x 2.00 = 200.00 Sqm
Total (b) 1320.00 Sqm
TOTAL (a+b) = 1454.64 Sqm
Say = 1455.00 Sqm

Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer

Water Resources Sub Dn. II Chittorgarh Water Resources Division, Chittorgarh

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