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Email reply

Date of email: 2022-05-30
Subject: Application for a Category 3 ADLA


Dear Madam

I acknowledge receipt of your email dated 2021-05-30 regarding the above-mentioned

matter and wish to point out the following:

We note your clarifying comments in this regard and advise that these comments together
with the relevant documentation have been referred to our Compliance and Enforcement
Division of the Financial Surveillance Department (FinSurv) for the fit-and-proper process
as set out in section A.3(C)(iii) of the Currency and Exchanges Manual for Authorised
Dealers in foreign exchange with limited authority.

Once the above-mentioned matters have been fully addressed, this Department will set up
a meeting with the representatives of Maunde International Money Senders Group Pty
Limited (Maunde) during which Maunde will be required to present its business model.
Additionally, FinSurv’s Analysis and Information Flow Division will, during the
aforementioned meeting, supply the necessary guidelines and requirements to be met by
Maunde for the implementation of a reporting system by Maunde.

Yours faithfully

K Viljoen
Compliance Officer: ADLA Supervision Division
Financial Surveillance Department

Publisher: Date published:

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