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What lies inside?

It was the week before Halloween 1979, Adam, Sarah, and Theodore were planning to
investigate an abandoned house on the outskirts of town. For many years, not a soul had been
living there. It was rumoured to hold a diary from the family that once occupied the home.
Yet the teenagers were not scared; they were eager to explore the house.
Sarah and the boys had a great history, being friends since primary school. Sarah had short
brown hair that curled up to her neck and hazelnut eyes. She had a great passion supernatural
things and in return, was not frightened of much. Adam was slim and tall, he liked going on
adventures, expanding on his curiosity and finding out if the stories are true. Theodore was a
cool kid, with blonde hair and green eyes. He also loved the season of Halloween.
The house was on the edge of the town, surrounded by the deep and gloomy forest. It was a
two-story high-country house; the house had not been touched for many years. The roof was
caved in, in many places, while the paint was peeling and had faded. No one had ever dared
to go near this house, except these teenagers. On the night of Halloween, nearing midnight
the teens snuck out of their homes and started to venture out past that deep woods to three
edge of the town. As they started to come closer to the house, the air grew colder.
Whilst walking up the front stairs of the house, they could hear the old planks of wood
squeaking beneath their feet and the old, brittle concrete, moulding into their footprints.
Adam, the bravest out of the group cautiously wrapped his shivering hand around the rusty
door handle and gradually pulled open the door.
They went in observing all the old furniture and trying to find any clues that would lead them
to the diary. All the rooms were crammed and filled with dusty, cobweb-covered antiques and
ancient chandeliers hanging from the unstable roof. The wallpaper was no longer on the wall
and the stench of decay from the wood made the air hard to breathe. As they continued to
explore the house, on the second floor they found the pristine looking diary lying on the
window seal behind the old, shredded curtains that laid low to the ground.
People had their suspicions about the diary and how it had stories of the family that once
lives there. Sarah took the oddly pristine diary off the window seal and said to Adam and
Theodore “Guys I found it”. Adam was most eager to open it.
The first page read: Dairy entries
1. Dad and the flickering light pg.1, 2. Mum all alone with the ghost pg.6, 3. Julian and the
spirits pg.8
They decide to turn to page 6. This entry talked about Mum and how, one day she decided to
go up to the attic with diary in her hand to try find her old tea set. The next day she was found
lying dead on the floor. The teens were fascinated by this story and wanted to find if out if
she was still there.
As they started to approach the small stairway, a strong, cold gust of wind suddenly passed
through them, rushing down their spines. Although Sarah was trying to keep the diary close
to her chest, clenching her fingers around it, the cold started to numb her fingertips. Every
step they took it got darker and darker. Sarah started to feel unusually anxious about the
situation. Adam and Theodore started to hear faint whispers coming from somewhere
Then Sarah started to hear the faint sound in the background as well. “What could be making
this noise?” said Adam as they climbed up to the ‘third story’. “I don’t know” said Theodore,
Sarah kept quiet. The teens discovered a small attic upstairs. It revealed many cardboard
boxes lying all over the ground, covered in years of accumulated dust and cobwebs spread
across the whole room like a blanket. There was a highchair in the middle of the attic which
was rocking back and forth in front of a red light flashing through a small, shattered window.
The whisper got louder and louder… with every footstep they took, the sound intensified.
“She might be in there” said Adam as he pointed to the boxes. Every time Sarah looked up a
weird ghostly figure would appear sitting down behind the wooden rocking high chair. It was
a women wearing a white gown with long overgrown nails and deep piercing blue eyes.
Sarah could feel something was wrong. All of a sudden, as the boys tried to open the box, the
high chair stopped rocking back and forth, and everything went still. No whispers, no
flashing red light, and no Adam and Theodore!
“Adam…..Theodore……” said, Sarah. There was no response.
All of Sarah’s bravery, love for adventure and supernatural thing disappeared, she was all
alone with no way out. She felt a bony, prickly and leathery hand wrap around her throat.
Hundreds and thousands of thoughts flew through her mind at once “You should have never
stepped foot in this house” whispered the ghostly woman in Sarah’s ear.
Anyone that possesses the diary in the attic, is attacked by the evil ghosts and spirits of the
house, and is NEVER to be seen AGAIN………

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