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I am pleased to write this note to help in your assessment of Ms. Sonika Reguraj, an applicant to your Analytics/Data Science
graduate study. As a supervising manager of Sonika, I have known her for four months during her internship with us. Hence,
I can show light on her capabilities.

As both a front-end and back-end developer, Sonika has contributed significantly to nearly two projects here, and these works
demanded deep levels of expertise in data visualization, data base design and management and contextual use of programming
languages such as Python and SQL. I find that Sonika has intense passion for technology and thus regardless of the hurdles or
complexities in any project she faced, this passion was getting her moving and giving her results. In fact, with minimum
guidance, she achieved for her team important project milestones - be it opting the right technology after a prolonged stalemate
or converging on an apt framework or impressively simplifying the UI.

Her outstanding effort for which she will be remembered would be her work on the project of amazon product reviews using
sentiment analysis. She adapted machine learning algorithm for our unique use case and came up with concrete findings using
textual analysis.

The aforesaid points in my purview, as a supervisor of her work, I am thoroughly satisfied with what she brought as technical
knowledge and interpersonal skills. She has proven herself to be a dependable person. In fact, as a mentor for her coworkers,
she was an important resource for them in matters pertaining to usage of computer languages and their libraries for different
projects. Others trusted her fully, for she earned that repute through her strong technical skills and personal and professional

I would certainly wish to bring to your cognizance that she was a continuing participant in our company's compassion team,
consistently assisting in efforts to rebuild broken communities. Though this would consume much of her time, she was willing
to commit time and effort.

I would heartily recommend her to this education. I expect that she will be one of your academically eminent students you are
proud of.

If you have questions regarding the applicant, please feel free to reach me.


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