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Country Profile Project

o Country flag

o Background Report:
You are employed by a government agency or large multinational firm to prepare brief
summaries of regions or countries for major officials who will be visiting that area. Your
assignment is to prepare such a report for a country by first providing factual material and
then preparing brief physical and cultural aspects of the country, including its economic base.
Please create this report via powerpoint. Make sure to include all the information requested
below as it applies to your country.

o Past, Present, and Future:

To supplement your Country Background Report, discuss the major problems faced by that
country in the recent past, the present, and the likely future problems. Please discuss status
of the country in terms of political, economic, cultural, and environmental issues. Address
sustainability: Can your country and its people continue their current lifestyle based on the
status of the country? What are some changes that might need to be made?

o Regional Map:
Provide a map that indicates where the country is located on the globe. Show what continent
it is on and what countries surround it.

o Background Report:
o Basic Information

o Name of Country: _____________________________________

o Capital City: __________________________________________
o Country Population: ____________________________________
o Largest City: __________________________________________
o Population: _____________________________________
o Second Largest City: ___________________________________
o Population: _____________________________________

o Physical Environment

o Area: _____________________sq. mile/____________________sq. km.

o Elevation
o Lowest Location: _______________________________
o __________________miles; ______________ft.
o Highest Location: _______________________________
o __________________miles; ______________ft.
o Major Physical Features
o Largest River: __________________________________
o Mountain Ranges: _______________________________
o Other Significant Features (large lakes, volcanoes, etc.):

o Cultural Environment

o Population Data (as of date: 20___)

o Birth Rate: _________________
o Death Rate: ________________
o Annual Growth Rate: _________
o Life Expectancy: _____________ years
o Literacy Rate: _______________ percent
o Average education level ____________
o Majority Population Age ______________

o Cultural Traits
o Dominant Ethnic Groups (over 10% of total population)
o Name o Percent
o ________________________ o ________________________
o ________________________ o ________________________
o ________________________ o ________________________

o Dominant Religion (over 10% of total population)

o Name o Percent
o ________________________ o ________________________
o ________________________ o ________________________
o ________________________ o ________________________

o Dominant Languages (over 10% of total population)

o Name o Percent
o ________________________ o ________________________
o ________________________ o ________________________
o ________________________ o ________________________

o Economy
o Currency
o Exchange Rate of local currency to U.S. Dollar ___________
o Gross Domestic (National) Product: $_______________________
o Major Imports _________________
o Top Import Partners _______________
o Major Exports ________________
o Top Export Partners _______________
o Per Capita Income: $____________________________________
o Percent of Population in Agriculture: ________________________%
o Major Agricultural Products (LIST):

o Percent of Population in Manufacturing: ______________________%

o Major Manufactured Products (LIST):

o Steel Production in Tons/Year: ______________________________

o Major Mineral Products (LIST):
o Political System
o Type of Government: _______________________________________
o Major Political Parties (LIST):
o Head of State–President Andrzej Duda(since 2015)
o -Leadership Profile
o i.e. agenda, rise to power
o Head of Government–Prime Minister Matuesz Morawiecki(since 2017)
o Leading Political Parties
o -Which party is in power now?

Natural Resources
Main oil/energy source:
International Relations Outlook
Main Country Allies

Main Country Enemies

Briefly explain common ties/differences

Key Political Issues of the People

Political Risk Outlook i.e likelihood of war

Military Capabilities

Recent Political Events

i.e. upcoming election overview/forecasts

Recent Economic Events

i.e. change in currency value

changes in GDP growth, inflation rate, unemployment rate

new laws affecting business activities

Any wage and price controls?

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