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In the past, people usually stayed in one place throughout their lives.

These days, people often move

around. They often live in several different places in their lifetime. So, what are the advantages and
disadvantages of the above?

In terms of advantages, living in place will give us a sense of belonging, a family whose living location has
stayed the same throughout many generations may feel a closer bond to their own family home and
with each other over the shared experience, neighbors who grows up alongside each other and have
been there since the day of their grandparents also develops a much closer neighborly bond and as a
result, the community becomes a much stronger collective. Take me as an example, living in place has
allowed me to make many friends, it's convenient for me to go to school, and entertainment areas like
parks and supermarkets are quite close to each other. Another benefit of living in place and not moving
from place-to-place means that when you encounter any inconveniences or troubles that you cannot
solve by yourself, you can trust your neighbors to have your back or at least be mentally supportive of
you through your troubles in their own ways. One more advantage of staying in place and not move a lot
is the stability of day-to-day commute and the lack of stress involved in finding another suitable place to
move to, there is also the headaches of organizing and packing your items and on top of that, the
financial burden of hiring a moving company or alternatively, the labour cost paid by yourself to move
your personal belongings from place to place.

In terms of disadvantages that can be perceived from living in the same place your whole time, it could
be the extra worries about selling off your previous residency in order to move to your current house of
your own choosing. Depending on how far away your current dwelling is comparatively to your soon-to-
be acquired abode, it may be a much more hassling task to negotiate prices or give tours to prospective
buyers. There is also a lot more emotional attachment to your current house which may prevents your
sale of it. One more subjective con that varies from person-to=person is the fact that staying in the same
place your entire life may make you feel dull and monotonous as well as the mundane day-to-day
routine may wear your down much more emotionally compared to a constant change of sceneries
around you.

In terms of the pros and cons of moving around constantly. While there are advantages to living a
nomadic life such being able to experience living in multiple places, meeting all different kinds of people
of varying personalities ultimately widening your social network. There are also some deal-breaking
disadvantages of moving constantly. At stated in the previous paragraph, it could be very physically,
mentally and financially taxing to move around constantly. Not only that, while you may meet a lot of
different people there’s no guaranteed that you could get along well with them, and if you have young
children, it could be very detrimental to their childhood and their growth if they have to keep changing
schools and making new friends.

Overall, living in one place or moving has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the
individual. In my opinion, I would like to live in more places in the future, because I like to travel around
to explore this beautiful country of Vietnam or other countries in the world.

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