02 MLRepresentationOfData

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Machine Level

of Data
CSC159 – Computer Organization
Lesson Outcomes
 Numeric conversion between number bases
 Decimal ↔ Binary ↔ Octal ↔ Hexadecimal
 Fractional Conversions
 Signed Numbers Representation
 Sign-magnitude, 1s complement, 2s complement
 Arithmetic operations
 Addition and Subtraction
 Floating point format
 IEEE 754 standard – single precision

UiTM Terengganu - naza Topic 2: Machine Level Representation of Data 2

Number System
 Number system is based on positional
notation (place value)
 Decimal system: system of positional notation based on
powers of 10.
 Binary system: system of positional notation based
powers of 2
 Octal system: system of positional notation based on
powers of 8
 Hexadecimal system: system of positional notation
based powers of 16

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Number System (cont.)
 Decimal or base 10 number system
 Origin: counting on the fingers
 “Digit” from the Latin word digitus meaning “finger”
 Base: the number of different digits including
zero in the number system
 Example: Base 10 has 10 digits, 0 through 9
 Binary or base 2 1 byte = 8-bit
1 word = ?
 Bit (binary digit): 2 digits, 0 and 1

 Octal or base 8: 8 digits, 0 through 7

 Hexadecimal or base 16: 16 digits, 0 through F

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Number System (cont.)
 Base or Radix
 The number of different symbols required to
represent any given number
 The larger the base, the more numerals are
required but the fewer digits needed
 Base 10: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
 Base 2: 0, 1
 Base 8: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
 Base 16: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F

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Converting from Base 10
 Powers Table

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

8 32,768 4,096 512 64 8 1

16 65,536 4,096 256 16 1

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From Base 10 to Base 2
Base 10 42 Remainder

Quotient 2 ) 42 ( 0 Least significant bit

2 ) 21 ( 1
2 ) 10 ( 0
2) 5 (1
2) 2 (0
2) 1 Most significant bit
Base 2 101010
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From Base 10 to Base 16
5,73510 = 166716
4 3 2 1 0

16 65,536 4,096 256 16 1

1 6 6 7
Integer 5,735 /4,096 1,639 / 256 103 /16 7
=1 =6 =6
Remainder 5,735 - 4,096 1,639 –1,536 103 – 96
= 1,639 = 103 =7

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From Base 10 to Base 16
Base 10 5,735 Remainder

Quotient 16 ) 5,735 ( 7 Least significant bit

16 ) 358 ( 6
16 ) 22 ( 6
16 ) 1 ( 1 Most significant bit
16 ) 0
Base 16 1667

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From Base 10 to Base 16
Base 10 8,039 Remainder

Quotient 16 ) 8,039 ( 7 Least significant bit

16 ) 502 ( 6
16 ) 31 ( 15
16 ) 1 ( 1 Most significant bit
16 ) 0
Base 16 1F67

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From Base 8 to Base 10
72638 = 3,76310
Power 83 82 81 80

512 64 8 1

x7 x2 x6 x3
Sum for
Base 10 3,584 128 48 3

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From Base 8 to Base 10
72638 = 3,76310
56 + 2 = 58
464 + 6 = 470
3760 + 3 = 3,763

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From Base 16 to Base 2
 The nibble approach
 Hex easier to read and write than binary

Base 16 1 F 6 7

Base 2 0001 1111 0110 0111

 Why hexadecimal?
 Modern computer operating systems and networks
present variety of troubleshooting data in hex

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 Number point or radix point
 Decimal point in base 10
 Binary point in base 2
 No exact relationship between fractional
numbers in different number bases
 Exact conversion may be impossible

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Decimal Fractions
 Move the number point one place to the right
 Effect:
multiplies the number by the base number
 Example: 139.010 139010
 Move the number point one place to the left
 Effect:
divides the number by the base number
 Example: 139.010 13.910

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Fractions: Base 10 and Base 2
Place 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4
Value 1/10 1/100 1/1000 1/10000
Evaluate 2 x 1/10 5 x 1/100 8 x 1/1000 9 x1/1000
Sum .2 .05 .008 .0009

.1010112 = 0.67187510

Place 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6

Value 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64

Evaluate 1 x 1/2 0 x 1/4 1x 1/8 0 x 1/16 1 x 1/32 1 x 1/64

Sum .5 0.125 0.03125 0.015625

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Fractions: Base 10 and Base 2
 No general relationship between fractions
of types 1/10k and 1/2k
 Therefore a number representable in base 10
may not be representable in base 2
 But: the converse is true: all fractions of the
form 1/2k can be represented in base 10
 Fractional conversions from one base to
another are stopped
 If
there is a rational solution or
 When the desired accuracy is attained

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Mixed Number Conversion
 Integer and fraction parts must be converted
 Radix point: fixed reference for the
 Digit to the left is a unit digit in every base
 B0 is always 1 regardless of the base

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Complementary Representations
 We normally represent signed integers by a
plus or minus sign and a value
 In computers, we cannot use a sign symbol
 Must restrict to 0’s and 1’s
 Representation of signed numbers:
 Sign-and-magnitude
 1s complement
 2s complement

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Sign-and-Magnitude Representation
 Represent signed integers by a plus or minus
sign and a value
 In computer, we cannot use a sign
 Must restrict to 0’s and 1’s
 Example: +ve value -ve value
+1 00000001 -1 10000001
+2 00000010 -2 10000010
+3 00000011 -3 10000011
+4 00000100 -4 10000100
+5 00000101 -5 10000101

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One’s Complement
 Numbers that begin with 0 are positive
 Numbers that begin with 1 are negative
 Performed by changing every 0 to 1 and every
1 to 0 (inversion) FLIP!
 Example: +ve value -ve value
+1 00000001 -1 11111110
+2 00000010 -2 11111101
+3 00000011 -3 11111100
+4 00000100 -4 11111011
+5 00000101 -5 11111010

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Two’s Complement
 Find the 1’s complement and add 1 to the result
 Example, find the 2’s complement of +2 in
+2 = 000000102 , -2 = ?
2’s complement:
1) Find 1’s complement
00000010 (flip)
2) Add 1
+ 1
11111110 = -2
UiTM Terengganu - naza Topic 2: Machine Level Representation of Data 22
Floating Point (Scientific Notation)
 In many calculations the range of numbers used
is very large
 A number can be represented by using scientific
representation commonly used in physics,
chemistry, and engineering
 The computer version of the scientific notation is
called floating point

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Floating Point (Scientific Notation)
Example (Decimal):
1. 523.467 = 52.3467 x 101
2. 3417000000000000 = 3.417 x 1015
3. - 0.000000001234 = - 1.234 x 10-9

Example (binary):
1. -10000.1 = -100.001 x 22
= -1.00001 x 24
2. 0.000101 = 1.01 x 2-4
UiTM Terengganu - naza Topic 2: Machine Level Representation of Data 24
Floating Point (Scientific Notation)

number = m x a e
m – mantissa
a – base
e – exponent (positive or negative integer)

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Floating Point (Scientific Notation)
 Single precision format uses 32-bit


< 1-bit > <8-bit > < 23-bit >

 Double precision format uses 64-bit

< 1-bit > < 11-bit > < 52-bit>

UiTM Terengganu
Topic 2: Machine Level Representation of Data
- naza
Floating Point (Scientific Notation)

 Sign  0 = positive , 1 = negative

 Exponent  excess-127 (single precision)

 Significand  similar to mantissa but with

an implied 1 bit, an implied binary point,
followed by the rest of the fraction

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IEEE 754 format
(single-precision floating point)

Step 1 - Convert to binary

Step 2 - Put into 1.xxxx X 2y
Step 3 - Get the sign
Step 4 - Get the biased exponent
Step 5 - Get the mantissa & the
Step 6 - Put into IEEE format Sign Biased Mantissa /
Exponent significand

1-bit 8-bit 23-bit

Step 7 - Convert to hexadecimal

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1. Represent the decimal value 15.25 using
32-bit IEEE single precision format in
hexadecimal form.

2. Convert BBE0000016 IEEE single precision

floating point number to its decimal value.

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Convert the following numbers to IEEE single
precision format in hexadecimal form:

a) 1011110.100012
b) 0.0000000000110112
c) -712.510

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