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Pre- Board Exam-2020

Paper: English (Objective) Time Allowed: 30 Min
Class: 2 year
Maximum Marks: 20
Note:- For possible answers A, B,C and D to each question are given. The choice which you think is correct ,
fill that circle in front of that question with marker or ink pen. Cutting or filling two or more circle will
result in zero in that question.
Choose the correct option of the following underlined words from Book-II(Modern prose and Heroes)
i-She would announce in deep, funeral tones.
(a)funny (b) loud (c) suppressed (d) mournful
ii-Corn is scarce and food is lacking:
(a)Abundant (b) Short (c) Enhancing (d) perishing
iii-In North Africa Abd-al-Rehman barely escaped assassination :
(a) Arrest (b) Death (c) Murder (d) Suicide
Choose the correct option of the following underlined words from Book-II
iv-Christopher could not tackle it parched though he was until he had boiled:
(a) dehydrated (b) torn (c) tired (d) hunger
v-The changes in all branches of Turkish life have been stupendous.
(a) stupid (b) sensitive (c) pending (d) amazing
vi-It was the starting point for Lord Lister’s work on inflammation of wounds.
(a) brewing (b) swelling (c) cure (d) infection
Choose the correct option of the following underlined words from the novel Good Bye Mr. Chips:
vii-He was not very articulate did not at first think it worthwhile to contradict them:
(a) expressive (b) dumb (c) loud (d) rude
viii-Chips would ring out, in that jerky high-pitched voice that had sprightliness in it .
(a) Cheerfulness (b) boldness (c) lovableness (d) dearness
ix-Ralston claimed to have doubled the school endowment :
(a) rooms (b) donation (c) teachers (d) students
x-Sometimes she persuaded him completely:
(a) convinced (b) pressurized (c) requested (d) persecuted
Choose the correct option of appropriate preposition:
xi-The teacher has impressed________us the value of discipline:
(a) in (b) upon (c) out (d) at
xii-His poems are known____________all students of literature:
(a) of (b) to (c) in (d) at
xiii-He jumped__________the river:
(a) over (b) into (c) on (d) for
xiv-He is very particular__________ his cloths:
(a) of (b) to (c) about (d) at
xv-He was honorably acquitted__________ the charge:
(a) of (b) to (c) in (d) at
-Four option A,B,C or D are given at the end of every sentences only one of them is correct choose the convert
xvi-He gave me a ten rupees note:
(a) He gave me a ten rupees notes: (b) He give me the ten rupees note:
(c) He gave me a ten rupee notes: (d) He gave me a ten rupee note:

xvii-None of the two boys has done his work:

(a) None of the two boys has done his work (b) None of the two boys have done their work
(c) Neither of the two boys has done his work (d) Neither of the two boys have done their work
xviii-Either you or I are wrong:
(a) Either you or I am wrong (b) Either you or I were wrong
(c) Either you or I was wrong (d) Either I or you is wrong
xix-He will not succeed unless he did not work hard:
(a) He will not succeed unless he does not work hard (He would not succeed unless he does not work hard
(c) He will not succeed unless he works hard (d) He will not succeed unless he has not worked hard.
xx-Although he is old, but he is strong:
(a) Though he is old, but he is strong (b) Although he is older, but he is strong
(c)Although he is old, yet he is strong (d) Although he is too old, but he is strong
Pre- Board Exam-2020
Paper: English (Subjective) Time Allowed: 2:40 hrs
Class: 2 year
Maximum Marks: 80
Q2-Write short answers to any SIX (in 3-5 lines) questions from Book-II. (12)
i-Why do we come to believe that life can exist only on a planet like the earth?
ii-How can students suffering from health problems, be saved from failure?
iii-What is the effect of superstitions on our life? iv-Describe Jerome’s visit to the Chemist.
v-What other blunders did Leacock commit after leaving the manager’s office?
vi-What is the secret of China’s wonderful progress? vii-Describe some great famines of the past.
viii-Give an account of the all-round progress made by Muslim sparin under Abd-ul-Rehman III.
ix-Justify the author’s act of destroying books.
Q3-Write short answers to any SIX questions from Book-II. (12)
i-Why were examinations a great trial to Churchill?
ii-In after years, how did the knowledge of English which Churchill acquired at Harrow school, stand him in good
stead? iii-What was the attitude of Turkish government towards the Allies after world war-I?
iv-How did Pasteur prove that “Spontaneous generation” was not a fact?
v-Write a brief note on Fleming’s early life? vi-Describe Christopher’s journey to kidal.
vii-How did Fleming discover penicillin?
viii-Describe the reforms introduced by Mustafa Kamal with reference to the industrial and economic development.
Q4-Write short answers to any EIGHT (in 3-5 lines) questions from the novel Good Bye Mr. Chips. (16)
i-Who was wetherby?
ii-What contribution did Brookfield make to England?
iii-Describe Katherine’s tragic death.
iv-What kind of speech did Mr. Chips deliver at the farewell party?
v-How did Chips see the world of change and conflict?
vi-Describe the personality of Mr. Ralston.
vii-Trace out similarities between Chips and Brookfield.
viii-Why did John Rivers favour Chips?
ix-Describe briefly Mr. Chips as a teacher.
x-What memories did cling to Chips after Linford’s departure?
xi-Describe Mr. Chips meeting with Katherine one night before their wedding.
xii-Who was Maynard? What memories did chips have about him?
Q5-Write an essay (300-400 words) on any ONE of the following topics. (15)
i-My aim in life
ii-Technical Education
iii-A visit to a historical place
iv-Atomic Energy
Q6-Use any FIVE of the following idioms/ phrases in sentences of your own. (10)
i-at a loss (ii) to call a spade a spade (iii) make fun of (iv) rank and file
v-maiden speech (vi) to cast a slur upon (vii) put up with (viii)Through thick and thin
Q7- Translate the following passage into English: (15)
‫ پر تلے ہوءے ہیں اور‬U‫اس وقت پاکستان بہت سی ملکی اور بین االقوامی مشکالت میں گھرا ہوا ہے۔ہمارے دشمن دن رات ہمیں نقصان پہنچانے‬
‫ شاطر اور چاالک ہے۔ ان تمام مشکالت سے نکلنے کے لیے ہمیں ایک‬،‫ہم سب اس سے بخوبی آگاہ ہیں۔ملت اسالمیہ کا دشمن بہت ہی ہوشیار‬
‫ اور اذیت کے اس منجدھار سے نکال سکے۔ چھیاسٹھ سال گزر جانے‬U‫ دیانت دار اور قوم پرست رہبر کی ضرورت ہے۔ جو ہمیں تباہی‬،‫مخلص‬
‫کے بعد بھی ہم اپنی منزل سے کوسوں دور نظر آتے ہیں۔ مسلمانوں کو اپنا گمشدہ تابناک ماضی تالش کرنے کی ضرورت ہے۔‬

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