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Digital Signal Processing

Lecture 7 Contents (The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform)

Follows Sections 4.2.3 and 4.4 of the textbook (Proakis
and Manolakis, 4th ed.).

Dr. Muhammad Imran Farid
Lecture 7 Contents
• The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)
• How are the CTFT and DTFT different?
• DTFTs are 2pi-periodic
• Deriving the inverse DTFT
• The DTFT and IDTFT formulas
• Relationships between the FS, FT, and DTFT
• The 4 kinds of Fourier Transforms
• How does the DTFT converge?
• Inverse DTFT of a pulse (i.e., an ideal low pass filter)
• DTFT examples

Lecture 7 Contents
• Delta function
• One-sided exponential
• Time-domain pulse
• DTFT convolution property
• LTI systems and sinusoidal inputs: new frequencies can't be introduced
• Response of a real LTI system to a real cosine
• Example: system responses involving pure cosines
• Magnitude and phase response
• Ideal filters in the frequency domain
• Why is linear phase response desirable?
• Why can't we have zero delay in the real world?
Digital Signal Processing
Lecture 7 (The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform)
Dr. Muhammad Imran Farid

• We still have a continuous signal in the frequency domain
• We have a fix set of frequencies in the discrete world
• The DTFT is evaluated for any w but its 2π periodic
Graphically this is how DTFT looks like

Why we choose the

boundary between –π
and π

• This is the highest discrete time frequency that we can create

• That’s why we put the boundary between –π and π, as every frequency lies within this range

• If everything is real we only draw from 0 to π because we can predict what the left side looks
like when I see the right side
• Inverse DTFT

Eq. 1

Proving that RHS of Eq. 1 is equals to LHS

Proved that RHS = LHS

• Drawing connection between all the Fourier stuff we had studied

Looks a lot same

• One way to see the relationship between DTFT and FS

Original D.T. signal

If we take the FS of this

signal we will get ak
• Another way of thinking
about this is; if I convert
original D.T. signal to
impulse train
• The height of the
impulse train is the
same as discrete dots
• Like weighted impulse

• Usually when we take the FT, we insist that when we integrate it, we will get the finite number
• Here when we integrate we will get infinity as we are summing the infinite copies of the signal
• But we have made exception for the periodic signal and for these cases If I have to take the FT what we
will get will be an impulse train and the height of impulse train were the FS coefficients.
• All Fourier world is some how linked with each other…….
• When the DTFT works?

Convergence problem (1st condition)

sup is the maximum value of the signal

Its like adding a finite amount of FS

Also called the mean square

convergence (2nd Condition)

• In Looser condition 1st condition does not satisfy but the 2nd condition does
• Example is the Gibbs phenomena. 1st condition fails as we always have 9% shoulder in the filter but in the
2nd condition it will get smaller and smaller as we increase N


• If we limit the sinc in time domain we will get the approximate signal in the frequency domain with Gibb’s
phenomena, as shown in Fig. 1.
• Even if we includes a lot of terms in the time domain, we still will get the Gibb’s phenomena in the
frequency domain, as shown in Fig. 2.
• Convergence in the sense that difference between square pulse and the approximate version of it
becomes less……. 14
What if we have
delta function in
the time domain?

• Everything in the discrete world

has to be periodic, unlike the
continuous world
• So delta will going to repeat itself
every 2π

• So the IFT of δ(w) is the comb function with height 1/2π

Exponential input

By infinite sum formula

• We are interested in the magnitude response of this complex function

• When w = 0 we will get this value

• When w != 0 we are going to simplify it further; a mathematical trick

• How does it looks like graphically?

• Sinc is going to repeat at every 2π

• Intuition is the same that for pulse we will get sinc function but in the case of
discrete time pulse we will get sinc function which is going to repeat every 2π

What would be the DTFT of it?


• ANALYSIS: Complex exponential comes in and what comes out is the very same thing multiplied
by the complex number, which is the frequency response evaluated at this frequency.
• Just to make it even more explicit


What's the output?

• X[n] only has one frequency at π/3, so H(w) also exist at π/3
• No need to convert X[n] to X(w)

• Lets pay attention at the magnitude and phase of frequency responses

• Filter usually classified by the Magnitude response

All pass can have the

phase difference

• With finite number of n we cannot get the frequency response like above
• Why we have taken the phase as a straight line? Is it desirable ?


The corresponding time
domain is the sinc function

Impulse response

• Have infinite values but more importantly have the –ve values, means the filter is non-causal
• So a number of reasons due to which we cannot use the ideal filter to be used in the physical system because
their impulse response is not very desirable
• But we can make a nice impulse response that comes pretty close to the ideal low pass filter and a linear phase;
means doing the nice filtering and only delaying the output
• So If we have to get a good filter then we can bear a delay in the output …….
• Discrete world follows the continuous world
• Z- transform is the generalization of the DTFT
• Z- transform is the discrete version of the Laplace transform to solve
difference equation of LTI systems
• After that Insha'Allah we will pay attention at DFT (Discrete Fourier


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