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Baldr : “I had a bad dream last night“

Odin : “Bad dream? What was the dream about Baldr?”

Baldr : “I saw a ship at the sea beneath the sky filled with crows. And I was lying on the deck – cold, stiff,
…… and dead.”

Frigg : “That dream, seems like a sign of something that’s about to come”

Odin: “That dream is a sign that Baldr will be die and Ragnarok will come – the ruin for the gods will

Baldr : “What should I do now??”

Frigg : “Be at ease, we’ll take care of it.”

Baldr : “But that dream felt so real! It made me feel so scare I can’t rest easy.”

Frigg : “Calm down my son, we’ll take care of it really soon.”

After that conversation, Odin went to Niflheim, the icy world of the dead to find an answer from that

Mysterious Woman: “Hmm… Odin son of Borr, Why did you come here?”

Odin: “My son Baldr had a dream that he died in the middle of a ship deck.”

Mysterious Woman: “HaHaHa (Evil laugh). It means that Baldr will die as soon as possible and we will
celebrate his death.”

After hearing the woman’s words, Odin returned to Asgard as soon as possible to meet his wife.

Frigg: “Odin? You’re back? Do you bring any news?

Odin : “Yes, our son Baldr will die soon and ragnarok will come after his death.”

Frigg: “No! Baldr will not die if I act.”

Odin : “Don’t rush and do stupid things, because that might bring Baldr closer to his death.”

Frigg ignored Odin’s words and just walked away.


Heimdall: (arrived) “All-Father why did you call me?”

Odin: “Maybe you’ve heard about Baldr’s dream and Frigg jumped into action to prevent Baldr’s death.
But I fear that it will be Frigg’s actions that will lead to Baldr’s death, therefore I order you to keep an
eye on Frigg’s actions and report to me.”

Heimdall: “Alright, I will do as you say All-Father.”

Then Heimdall went to watch Frigg. After some time, Heimdall returns to report Frigg’s actions to
Heimdall: “All-Father, I want to report what Frigg has done.”

Odin: “Speak, what have you seen.”

Heimdall: “Frigg has traveled all over the universe taking an oath to all things in the universe not to hurt

Odin: “Alright, leave it alone and tell the gods what Frigg did to Baldr.”

After a long time Frigg returns and is greeted by the Aesir in Asgard.

Frigg: “Baldr, come here, I have sworn the entire universe not to hurt you, now I will cast a spell on you

Baldr: (hesitatingly looks at Odin and whispers) “What should I do now??”

Odin: “Trust your Mother and get going.”

Frigg: (Conjuring spell) “Fehu Wunjo Algiz Uruz Ansuz Perth”

Odin: “Alright, all Aesir here, Frigg has cast protection magic on Baldr.

Now, all of you, attack Baldr without hesitation!”

All The Aesir in Asgard attacked Baldr without hesitation and none of the attacks worked. Loki who
saw that felt jealous and approached Frigg.

Loki: “Is it true that you asked the entire universe to take an oath not to harm Baldr?”

Frigg: “Yes, I already have all of them swear except for one, the Mistletoe Tree.”

Loki: “Why don’t you take an oath to the Mistletoe tree?

Frigg: “How could the Mistletoe Tree hurt my son.”

Loki: “How indeed.”

After that Loki immediately went to Mistletoe and took some branches of the Mistletoe tree and
made arrows, after that he returned to Asgard and approached the blind god named Hodr.

Loki: “Hodr, why don’t you join the attack on Baldr.”

Hodr: “I want to go but no one helps me to aim and I don’t have any weapon.”

Loki : “Here take this Mistletoe crossbow and I will lead you to aim it… just like that….. now shoot!”

Mistletoe’s arrows flew into the air and hit Baldr right in the heart, Baldr immediately fell.
Frigg: “Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo My Son!!!!!

Odin: (in shock) “How could this happen??!”

Heimdall: (shockedly says to odin) “I don’t know, how could this happen??! Even though I was watching
with my eyes.”

Odin: “It’s not your fault Heimdall, it’s my fault letting Frigg act unsupervised by myself.”

Heimdall: “Does this mean Ragnarok will come after this??”

Odin: “Yes maybe, but I’ll try to do something so it won’t happen.”

Baldr’s body was then held aloft and carried to his own ship. Odin leaned over and whispered into
Baldr’s Ear, but no one knows what he said.

Frigg: “All the Aesir who are here, who wants to go to Helheim to negotiate with Hel, the goddess of
death for Baldr’s return?”

Hermod: “I’ll head to Helheim to negotiate with Hel.”

Odin: “Use my steed, Sleipnir.”

Hermod then rode for 9 days through pitch-black Valleys until he reached Gjoll the noisy river that
separated The living from the dead.

Hel: “Hermod Son of Odin, why do you come to the realm of the dead? What do you want?”

Hermod: “I want you to return Baldr’s soul to his body.”

Hel: “YOU HAVE NO SHAME!! The Aesir have never come here, but once you come, you instantly ask for
things that doesn’t make sense!”

Hermod: “But this is for the benefit of all of us and the 9 Realms.”

Hel: “Do you think I’m stupid?? It’s all for the benefit of the Aesir and Asgard you say?? But if you still
insist, I will give you one condition.”

Hermod: “Just tell us what your conditions are and we Aesir will do it.”

Hel: “Tell all of the universe to cry over Baldr’s death.”

Hermod : “That’s impossible!”

Hel : “You ask me to do the impossible, of course my condition is also hard to do.”

Hermod: “Alright, I’ll pass it on to All-Father.”

Then Hermod returned to Asgard to submit the negotiation offer.

Hermod: “All-Father, I have returned and brought with me the results of the negotiations with Hel.”

Odin: “Tell me what conditions Hel gave.”

Hermod: “The condition is that if Baldr’s soul wants to return then all the universe must weep over his

Odin: “Alright then, for the Aesir and Vanir Gods, scatter throughout the universe and make all creatures
cry over Baldr’s death.”

Hermod : “Yes All-Father, I’ll also take my leave to do it now.”

Then all the Aesir and all the Vanir Gods scattered across the universe, and Heimdall went to the
mountains to meet a Giant (Jothun).

Heimdall: “ Jothun! Cry for Baldr’s death!”

Jothun: “Why must I cry over Baldr’s death? What good will it do for me?”

Heimdall: “For Baldr to come back to life and maintain peace throughout the 9 Realms.”

Jothun: “Peace you say?? My life as a Jothun has never been peaceful because of you The Aesirs have
always oppressed us.”

Heimdall: “Even so, don’t you want to make the world return to the way it was?”

Jothun: “Let Hel keep Baldr’s soul locked up in Helheim because Baldr gave me no joy.”

Heimdall who heard that immediately returned to meet Odin.

Heimdall: “All-Father, there is one who won’t cry over Baldr’s death.”

Odin: Who is it???

Heimdall: “He’s a Jothun in the mountains of Jothunheim, I ordered him to mourn the death of Baldr.”

Odin: “Find out who that Jothun is and report to me.”

Heimdall: “Yes All-Father.”

Heimdall then investigates who Jothun is and discovers that he never existed and learns that it was
Loki who was disguised as Jothun.

Then Heimdall immediately report to Odin that it was Loki who disguised himself as Jothun, hearing
that Odin immediately held Aesir Judgment for Loki.


Heimdall: “Loki, on charge of murdering Baldr and betraying the gods, the punishment you will receive
will be very severe because there is sufficient evidence against you. Do you have any self defense?”

Loki: “I’m Loki The Jotnar, I admit what I did but what I did was because of you gods who always looked
at me cynically, like seeing me differently from the other gods because I am a descendant of Jothun.”

Odin: “Loki, you have confessed what you did, then I am Odin who has many names namely Glad O’
War, One Eyed, True Guesser, I am Grimnir, I am All-Father, I have as many names as the wind blew and
my crows Huginn and munin and also my wolves Freky and Geri, gave you punishment that has never
existed in these 9 Realms.”

Heimdall: “I am Heimdall the guardian of the Bifrost, the Guardian of the Apocalypse, and the bearer of
the Gjallarhorn, stating that Loki The Jotnar is guilty and will be tied up in a cave with his son’s

Loki: “I am Loki The Jotnar, The Trickster, Son of Jothun Farbauti and Laufe promise to escape from the
punishment of the gods and destroy the gods and Asgard. Wait until it’s time and you gods will never be
able to rest easy before calamity comes from me and my army.”

Loki was locked in a cave in an unknown realm and bound by the intestines of his second child, his
first child was cursed to become a wolf, and his first wife Sigyn always accompanied loki to his

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