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+Failiatiny Pure (shakti puRA Project)

Griuen 4he
the 3ituation of deucloping rUro alas it
S necessar oo briny ceTtn Conne tiu in those

eion S as wel Itis also De tes sar to overcome

the mcyn
chaliengs Such as oneven 4 hill- terruD lJhich
CC done wih he help o Microsense
G1OUCYnment hos
hos introdue C Projet named s shakti
PURA projeut
Projet hose moin focuS is to Prouidee tele
educahon, heal th care and otheY intomaion SerUices to
the remotfe area s oF the villages
UTbam Amenities is Pora
(puRA) proussio of
Area S, is ten laun dhed by the
fovme presidentLate, APJ kalam sir) of India. the
implemeninaenues of this pojett a MCET
(Manalingam (olleye oF engineexina TechnoloY) and (NPT
Nachimuthu polytechnic Colleye

The man conknt br the PURA networK

organised by a sudio which is Pregent in poly technic
Collee, locoued in MCET Ce mpus, The ma
this projec as
to Connet Remote areas b Urun
LocaHons with the means o f
Intemet services he areas which are at
of 20 m Pron noda Cenre distane
Thus man oF the se ConnecHviky tunec obF to be
Success bl 2 heir
per formanw are stable as peY
operations. the

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