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The Meaning of the Back Side of the The Meaning of the Front Side of the

Medal Medal
The twelve stars can refer to the Apos- Mary is standing upon a globe, crush-
tles , who represent the entire Church
as it surrounds Mary. They also recall
ing the head of the serpent beneath
her foot. She stands upon the globe,
the vision of St. John, in which “a great as the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Her
sign appeared in the sky, a woman feet crush the serpent to proclaim Sa- Medal
clothed with the sun, and the moon tan and all his followers are helpless
under her feet, and on her head a before her (Gn 3:15). The year 1830 is
crown of 12 stars.” (Rev. 12). The “M” the year the Blessed Mother gave the
stands for Mary, and the interweaving design of the Miraculous Medal to St.
of her initial and cross shows Mary’s Catherine Laboure. Its Story and Its
close involvement with Jesus and our
world. Meaning
The Meaning of the Back Side of the The Meaning of the Front Side of the
Medal Medal The
The twelve stars can refer to the Apos- Mary is standing upon a globe, crush-
tles , who represent the entire Church
as it surrounds Mary. They also recall
ing the head of the serpent beneath
her foot. She stands upon the globe,
the vision of St. John, in which “a great as the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Her
sign appeared in the sky, a woman feet crush the serpent to proclaim Sa- Medal
clothed with the sun, and the moon tan and all his followers are helpless
under her feet, and on her head a before her (Gn 3:15). The year 1830 is
crown of 12 stars.” (Rev. 12). The “M” the year the Blessed Mother gave the
stands for Mary, and the interweaving design of the Miraculous Medal to St.
of her initial and cross shows Mary’s Catherine Laboure. Its Story and Its
close involvement with Jesus and our
The Medal of the Immaculate Concep- with her for several hours. During the Mary explained that the rays symbol-
tion—popularly known as the Miracu- conversation, Mary said to her, “My ize the graces she obtains for those
lous Medal—was designed by the child, the good Lord wishes to give you who ask for them. However, some
Blessed Virgin Mary itself. No wonder, a mission.” gems on the ring were dark, and Mary
it wins such extraordinary graces for explained that the rays and graces
The Second and Third Apparition
those who wear it and pray for Mary’s were available but did not come be-
intercession and help. On November 27, 1830, she saw Mary cause no one had ask for them. The
standing on what seemed to be a half vision then changed to show Our Lady
The First Apparition
globe and holding a golden globe in standing on a globe with her arms
On the night of July 18, 1830, St. Cathe- her hands as if offering it to heaven. now outstretched and with the daz-
rine Laboure was awakened by a child Our Lady explained that the globe rep- zling rays of light still streaming from
(perhaps her guardian angel) and sum- resented the whole world. Streaming her fingers. Then Mary spoke to
moned her to the chapel. There she from the rings on Mary’s fingers as she Catherine to have a medal struck upon
met with the Virgin Mary and spoke held the globe were many rays of light. the model she saw.

The Medal of the Immaculate Concep- with her for several hours. During the Mary explained that the rays symbol-
tion—popularly known as the Miracu- conversation, Mary said to her, “My ize the graces she obtains for those
lous Medal—was designed by the child, the good Lord wishes to give you who ask for them. However, some
Blessed Virgin Mary itself. No wonder, a mission.” gems on the ring were dark, and Mary
it wins such extraordinary graces for explained that the rays and graces
The Second and Third Apparition
those who wear it and pray for Mary’s were available but did not come be-
intercession and help. On November 27, 1830, she saw Mary cause no one had ask for them. The
standing on what seemed to be a half vision then changed to show Our Lady
The First Apparition
globe and holding a golden globe in standing on a globe with her arms
On the night of July 18, 1830, St. Cathe- her hands as if offering it to heaven. now outstretched and with the daz-
rine Laboure was awakened by a child Our Lady explained that the globe rep- zling rays of light still streaming from
(perhaps her guardian angel) and sum- resented the whole world. Streaming her fingers. Then Mary spoke to
moned her to the chapel. There she from the rings on Mary’s fingers as she Catherine to have a medal struck upon
met with the Virgin Mary and spoke held the globe were many rays of light. the model she saw.

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