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Write Your Report Below:

Write Your Essay Below:

In many countries, the waste from houses is piled up, and this problem becoming a challenge to
the government itself. It seems to me that a legal requirement is not in fact the most necessary
thing which will I explain below.

Firstly, rubbish from home is not dangerous to nature if people separate which one can
decompose and which one cannot. In addition, people would make fertile soil from organic
waste from households and fertile soil might be sold in the neighborhood. Furthermore, plastic
rubbish from households can be recycled, and there are a lot of factories that would recycle
plastic rubbish for free even buy your plastic waste. For example, in Java there a factory will buy
your waste oil from cooking, and in Tanjung Palas the community is already trained and explain
to other residents that waste plastic can be used whether for decoration or for plan pot. This
results that the important thing to solve waste is to make people understand that there are a lot
of ways to recycle waste households without using government policy. Meanwhile, the
government might be making regulation that reduces using plastic bags or train society to
recycle their own waste not only that the importance to waste of their own product might save
the planet.

Is true that laws are needed to improve recycling, but in my opinion for government is not
necessary the important thing that makes the community understand how to recycle or process
the rubbish without damaging nature such as burning the trash.

To conclude waste of household is a problem in a lot of countries due to the use of a large area,
piles up then leading to disease. This problem is not only a government problem but also a
community problem because this directly impacts their life. I partly agree legal requirements
would solve this issue, there is a need for a lot of cooperation between society and government.

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