The Way It End

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Here we are in New York City. A new lifesometimes I feel this as a dream I never imagined this before. This doesnt mean that I love to live here. Of course I dont want to live here. I just miss my old friends and old school and of course my Palm tree which I supposed to stay after the school and do my homework. Now theres no Palm tree here. Instead of a Palm tree there is a huge pond in the backyard. Firstly when I went through the backyard I felt like I missed my lovable placemy Palm tree. When I sighted this huge pond I forget about my Palm tree and stayed standing there and staring at the huge pond. I seemed to like it. Oh Jessica darling you are here I searched you everywhere in the house. Didnt you arrange your room? I didnt realized that my mum is here standing next to me and talking to me. Im still surprised and staring at the beautiful scene in front of me and didnt bother to reply to mum. Oh this place is really attractive and beautiful. Isnt it? I think youll like this place after all this isnt really a bad place. Mum asked again happily. 1

I think you are right about this house mum. Ill be getting used to this place. These words just slipped out of my mouth before I tried to stop myself. This is the one of the worst thing on me. Im not capable of controlling my mouth although its one of my body parts. But why should I worried about it after all I said the truth. I think you better go back to your room and arranged it. Tomorrow you have a big day honey. Mum voice was very series. And then she went back to the house before I tell something. Yahits going to be a big day to me. I murmured. I have to attend to a new school in this big city. Its really a big challenge. But Im not afraid of challenges. I love challenges. Those are the things which make my life so interesting. I headed back to the house thinking of my own life. Everyone said that Im different from other girls. Im not so quiet and no one was able to figure out what Im up to. Though Im a very active girl I always love to do new things as they are challenges. And always do what my heart says that it is right. I always believed my heart than other people.

And I didnt considered more about my beauty. My mother always consider about her appearance. She almost spent 4 or 5 hours in front of a mirror and does all makeups and everything. I think this was the reason that I dont considered about my beauty that much. I dont wanna spent more hours in front of a mirror and do some silly thing which my mum does. And I had my natural beauty. My blond hair and my black eyes made me pretty. So I didnt have to think about it after all. And I preferred black colour cloths. It matches to my white skin and I think black colour is good to eyes. But my mum had so many problems about my dresses and about me, not caring so much about my beauty as she does. I really dont matter about those things. My room, situated in the 2nd floor faced to the road, gives me to see everything happed in the street. I think this is not that bad. I told myself as arranging my room.

Next day I woke up early. I had to go to the school Amsterdain High School. I got ready and went to the downstairs seeking mum. She was in the kitchen when I came. Mum I got ready I told her when I sit in the table. Arent you going to the job today? No honey. I have gotta leave today. There are some works to do in this house. I would be able to finish them before you come home. Honey do you want me to pick you up after the school? Mum asked me as she prepares the table. Thanks mum. But it will be alright Ill take a bus. I told her and drank my milk. I dont eat in the morning. Simply a glass of milk is suited to me. But my mum always says that I need to care more about my body and eat something in the morning. But what should I do if I dont want to eat in the morning.

I handled my bag, gave a small kiss to my mum on the cheek and went away from the home. Bye mum Bye Honey Mum waved her hand and I waved back and stepped to the bus station. There was a girl standing at the bus station wearing a skirt and a blouse. She seems to be in my age. She had a straight blond hair and tined it in purple colour. And also well makeup. But her style didnt match to her. She looked at me and gave a small smile. Her smile made a dimple in her cheek and makes her more beautiful. I smiled back at her. Bus arrived and both of us got in to the bus. I sat next to her because there was no any other empty seat. Hi youre going to Amsterdain High School? I asked her. Im not afraid to talk to unknown people. But my mum said not to talk to unknown people. But what it matters after we talk each other we get known. This doesnt mean that Im talking to every unknown people I met. I do not do that. If theres a person whom I feel good, then I say hi and build up a conversation.

She gave her warm smile again and said Yes. Are you also going there? I never have seen you before Yah Im new to there. Today is my first day. My name is Jessica Wincher. I told her. Im Sarah Sarah Cullen. Nice to meet you Jessare you kay for calling you like that? Sarah asked. She was so friendly. Shortly our conversation made us as friends. She was also in my class. And also her house was next to mine. She was so nice and I liked her. Amsterdain High School was a huge one than I thought. There were lot of students and teachers there walking here and there. Some were chatting and laughing. Sarah shows me the way to the Principal office. Mr. Thomson is our principle. He is so strict about rules and regulations. But he has a good heart. She talks in the way to the office. She stopped in front of a large room. There was a label in the door named Principals Office we knock the door. A calm voice came from the inside of the room. Come in. I stepped in. Sarah stayed outside the door. A strong charming man was sitting at the chair behind the huge table. 6

Though he was old his face seemed to be young. He glanced at me and indicated a chair to sit down. Are you Miss Jessica Wincher? he asked in his calm voice. Yes Im sir, I told him. I wasnt scared. And I sat down as he told me from his eyes. His eyes were gray in colour and had a blond hair. I think you know about the rules and regulations in this school. And if you break them youll get punishments. Do you know your classes Miss Wincher? He asked keeping eye contact with me. Thank god I can speak while in eye contact. Yes sir I know about rules and regulations and Ill do my best to protect them. And I know about the class which I have to attend too. I told him. Then I hope its better you to head back to the class. Its time to start the classes. I wish you good luck Miss Wincher Thank you sir I smiled and went away from the room and joined Sarah.

We head back to our class room. Sarah told me so many things on the way. Mostly about Dessy who is the most popular girl in the school. She was a cheerleader. And about the guy, Will, she always wanted to be with and instead she is with Robert who was the best friend of Will. Will was the leader of the football team. He is so handsome and charming. And did not pay any interest on girls but Sarah said that he always believed that there was someone made for him and he havent met her yet. When we closer to our class she started to get panic. Sarah whats up you seem to be scared I asked her looking at her direction. Oh Jess from here you have to go alone. She was pleased. But why? Whats wrong? I asked her curiously. You dont have to know this Jess She was sweating. Of course I do wanna know split it Sarah. I urged her. Okay look Jess Im a freak. When I stepped in everyone will shout at me oh here is freak Sarah Janewhere is your friends and I dont want you to be get insulted like that for being with me. She was insane. Oh it wont be that bad. Come on Sarah we stepped in

Well I was wrong about that assumption I made. It was really bad. Everyone stared at us when we stepped in and there was a shout Here comes Sarah Jane oh she bought a friend and then they glanced at me Who is this Sarah Jane? one girl asked. She was so pretty and had a blond hair. Sarah murmured and told me that she is the Dessy. Then a boy shouted who sits next to her I think she is MariaSarah Janes friend. This was ridicules. Sarah was so upset about Maria thing. She told me sorry as no one heard her. She sat down at a corner table and showed me the seat next to her. I sat there. Then Mrs. Madimolas stepped in. Sarah showed her to me on the way to the class. Everyone shut their mouths. Mrs. Madimolas taught us French. Sarah told me that boy who shouted was Robert and the boy who sat next to him was Will. I took a look at Will. He was handsome as Sarah had mentioned before. But he seemed to be so silent. Mrs. Madimolas recited a poem in French and explained us the mean of it. Time passed quickly. Bell ringed and Mrs. Madimolas told us to write the comments about the poem. 9

Next we had History. I didnt like History. Sarah felt so sad about what happened at the class. I did my best to comfort her. At last it worked and she forgot it. History period was over and we headed to the cafeteria. We got over food plates and went to a small table where Sarah sat every day. No one glanced at us in the cafeteria. It was good. I did not wanted us to be insulted anymore. By the way why did you come here? Sarah asked me while she was getting ready to eat. My mum had got a transfer to here and we had to come here I said to her. Do you have any brothers or sisters or only both of you in the family? She asked while she was only getting her vegetable salad. Yah only both of usMy mother and me. My father died when I was small by an accident I heaved. Oh Im sorry Sarah told sadly. Its kay Sarah. Sometimes I missed him. But now Im used to that. That was true. 10

After we finished our lunch again we went to the classes and at the end of the school on the way to the bus station Dessy, Robert, Will and few other cheerleaders and football team members was standing near the car park. Sarah was nervous when we passed them. Dessy stepped forward us and stopped in front of us. Hi Sarah Dessy said. Hi Dessy Sarah nodded. Her voice is shacking because she was scared. I felt sorry about Sarah. Now she is my best friend and Im not going to let Dessy to make fun of her or her team mates. Your dress is no nice Sarah from where you get that? Did some aliens give it to you Sarah Jane? Dessy laughed at her own jokes and others hooted except Will. He looked away and didnt care about Dessys infant jokes. Sarah lets go I took Sarahs hand and kept moving to the station. I heard some more hooting and then they shade away. Thanks Jess Sarah said as she was up to cry.

Its kay Sarah. What are friends for...? I told her giving a warm smile. We went home. HmSarah shall we go shopping this evening? I asked her. Sure Ill be there at four oclock she smiled and went away. She seemed to be happy.



Mum Im home I shouted and went to kitchen for searching my mother. But she wasnt there. I searched everywhere inside the house and she wasnt there. I wondered where she is. Mum where are you? I shouted again while stepping into backyard. Over here honey she called back from the backyard. I stepped towards her. I searched you everywhere in the house. What are you doing here- I didnt get chance to finish it. My eyes were so busy in looking at the pool. It was cleaned and filled with blue water. Wow I whispered. Isnt it lovely honey? I thought you would like this place. She seemed to be overjoyed. Yes of course mum. I love this place oh thank you mum I hugged her. I really was glad to see this place. Ah mum I met a friend today. I said still hugging her. 13

What a good news honey. But Im not that much surprised because I know that you are very talented of making friends. Im so glad that you are happy now. Mum said moving one step away from me to see my face. Her face showed a real gladness expression. She was happy about me. And she was always proud of me. So whats her name? Mum asked happily. She is Sarah Cullen. She lives next to our house. Mum shall I go shopping with Sarah? I urged her. Ill be back home quickly. Please mum Sure honey why not. But dont be that much late. She said by looking at the pool. Bye mum. Love you I hurried to the house. Love you too honey I heard mothers voice behind me. When I stepped in I heard our door bell ringing. I hurried to open the door. It was Sarah. You arent ready yet. She asked by looking at me. She had changed into a pink skirt and a pink t-shirt. Sorry I went to backyard. Come in. Ill get ready in few minute. I ran to my room. Change into a black jean and a black jacket. Then I rushed back to the downstairs. 14

When I come to the downstairs my mum already had begun a chat with Sarah. Mum Ill be back soon. Bye I gave her a quick hug and a kiss then went away with Sarah. We had to walk to the mall. Both of us didnt have a car. Our parents believed that we are too small to drive a car. Though I havent seen Sarahs parents I thoughts they are same as my mother. All of them had same thoughts about us. Mall was not far as i thought. Sarah and I went inside. There was a lot of crowed in the mall. Suddenly Sarahs face changed and she was freeze. I look at the direction where her eyes glanced. Then I saw Dessy and another two cheerleaders. I thought it was Nicola and Chari. Sarah told about them before. They were Dessys friends. Sarah dont be afraid. Come on we will go other way. I took her hand because she stood there as a statue. We stepped to a shop. On the way we met Robert and few of his friends face to face. But there wasnt his best friend Will. Hereherelooks who we met. Robert gave a sarcastic smile. One of his friends stepped forward. 15

I looked at Sarahs face. She seemed to be scared and she was sweating. As Robert friend stepped forward Sarah stepped backwards. I didnt have any idea what is going on. Sarah was scared so much. By looking at her face I felt a bad thing is going to be happened. Robert friend stepped forward and caught her by her waist. And I saw a paint tube in his hand. Suddenly I figured out what is going to happened. At that time Robert and other friends of him gave us big sarcastic smiles toward us. Before Roberts friends hand with the paint tube moved towards Sarah I caught his hand tiredly. He looked at me with a pain. You better let her gone dude. I told him in a calm voice. Robert and others were staring at me. I saw Dessy and her friends also had joined them. Roberts friend let go Sarah. And his paint tube fell down because I pressed his hand hardly. Hey what do you think you are doing he said with a shaking voice.


You guys better her alone. Otherwise Im sure Ill punch you in your face. I think you dont wanna make your face ugly. I stilled sound calm. Sarah looked at me in a surprise. She didnt scare anymore. Hey girl let him go a hand went through my shoulder. I released Roberts friend hand. And turned around to see who is talking. Another friend of Robert stood there. He grabbed my waist toughly. I felt like my blood running had stopped. Before I figure out what Im going to do my hand clenched and passed towards his nose. Aww.He stepped backward holding his face by both of hand. She is a damned bitch he muttered holding one hand towards me. Then I saw he was bleeding. But what else I had to do. They are the one who came across us. Robert stepped towards me. I felt that this is going to be hard. Sarah also stood behind me. Everyone at the mall was staring at us. Before Robert reached me, he heard someone who called his name. Then I saw it was Will. He didnt look at me or Sarah. His eyes were towards Robert. Cut it out Robert. Leave those girls alone. He told Robert. His voice sounded as strong as he was. 17

But they- Robert didnt have a chance to finish what he was trying to say. You heard me. Come on lets go Will headed out of the mall and everyone followed him. Robert gave us a rude face and went away. Other people who watched the seen also went away as there nothing had happened. How did you do that? Sarah asked surprisingly. Oh I had learned it before. My father taught me some safe tricks before he left. I gave a small smile. You know no one had ever done anything to me before like you did. Im so glad to be your friend Jess. And thank you so much. Sarahs eyes filled with tears. Oh come on Sarah. Dont cry here. Thats not a big deal. Now I think you better tell me why they are racking you like this I looked directly at her eyes. Well thats a small thing one day at lunch by a mistake my pie fell in to Dessys head. And she had worn a new short skirt and a new half t-shirt that day. She told everyone it was a gift from Robert. Sarah sighed. They thought that I did it because I was jealous about her you know. But I told them that it was a mistake. But they didnt believe me. 18

Sarah looked hurt. They always made fun of me after that. Everything I wear gave me a funny look as they joke me. Now that thing will be change. Come on Ill show you some nice dresses which will be best for you. I said happily to comfort her. We did lot of shopping and then went directly to Sarahs home. Because I had to make her hair suited to her face. When we stepped inside Mrs. Cullen welcomed us. Sarah had told about me when she came back home after the school. I talked to her and then Sarah and I went to her room. Now Sarah go and wash your hair. I told Sarah. She looked at me making her eyes bigger and bigger I thought if she does it once again her eyes will fall to the floor. But why- Sarahs voice drop down. Look I know you had made your hair but I dont think that it will match you. So go and wash your hair. I told her again but this time strictly. Okaykay Sarah nodded and went to the bathroom. 19

When she came again her hair was wet and it was black. She looked prettier than before. I helped to dry her hair. She had a nice long curl also. Then I told her to dont do anything again to her hair and gave her a tied long top and a fit jean. She thanked me. After that I went home. It was a little bit late. Mum Im home I shouted. I knew my mum had been scared for my late come. She ran towards me and gave me a small hug. Oh honey I was worried about you. She looked sad. Sorry mumI had to do some work on Sarah. You know she need someones help to make her pretty. I felt guilty about my late come. So how is your shopping? She asked me directing me to the kitchen. It was really good mum. We enjoyed a lot I said with a grinned and I told myself that Im not going to tell about what happened at the mall. We ate and had a small chat about my school and other things. After that I help het to clean the table and then I wished her goon night and went to my bed room. 20

It was a long day and I felt tired. I brushed my teeth and put in my night dress and went to sleep. *************** I was in a beautiful place. Floor was designed by colourful marbles. Roof was just like the night sky. Diamond like glass lamp attached to the roof. It was just like sitting in the middle of a palace. I stood there wondering where I am. Then suddenly I heard a sound. Dad you cant do that. You cant marry again and not now. Mum is still missing. We gotta find her dad I looked wondering who is talking. A man with a gray hair stepped towards me. He was in anger. I thought he had to be 50 years old. He didnt see me. Dad listen a boy came behind him, talking to that man. I looked at the boy. But before that I heard a sound, a sound of an alarm. I opened my eyes. I was in my bed. It was a nightmare. ***************

I got up from my bed. Who is that boy? His voice is somewhat familiar to me. Im sure I know him. But I cant memorize who he is. And that old manI didnt know him. I had never seen him before. What was it all about? Okay it was just a dream. I told myself. Why should I bother about it? Then I went to bathroom and got ready for school. I remembered about Sarah. I hoped that she would have followed what I said to her yesterday. I went to the downstairs. Mum had already left for her job. There was a note from her attached to the refrigerator. I took it.

Honey I already prepared your milk. Drink it. Go to the school safely. Love you darling. God bless you. Love Mum


I love you too mum I murmured. Then I drank my milk and locked the door. I kept the key near the flower pot. Then walk to the bus station. I saw Sarah. She was looking at me happily and waiting for me. Oh there you are. You know my parents told me that I looked like myself again after few years ago and told me that Im so pretty. Im so happy. Thank you so much Jess. You are the best friend I ever had. She sounds like crazy. She is blushing now because of the happiness. Dont thank me Sarah. I just told you what are suited to thats all. I was happy too. I hoped everything will be alright at the school. We got in to the bus then went to the school. When we reached to the class Robert and few of friends stands in front of the classroom as they were waiting for us. Sarah, now dont get scared right I told Sarah as we saw them. Sarah who always gets scared when she saw them really tried to follow my advice. I touched her hand, to make her more comfortable and strong. We kept on moving forward.

Oh here comes brave girls shall we give them a warm welcome guys. Robert said by looking towards us. Robert now its enough. You have to let us be alone. Right I heard someone says it from behind. I turned to see who that is I couldnt believe my eyes. It was Sarah. I was shocked. I saw Robert also looked as he was surprised too and also others. I think you heard her I managed to wake up my voice again. Lets go inside Sarah. We dont have to waste our time here. We walked inside. It was another big shot for them. That was really kind of a funny thing but of course if you always win. It was near to start the school. Then Dessy and Will came in. Robert was still in a kind of a surprise. His eyes were focused on Sarah. I wondered if he was staring at her because of her braveness or because of her beauty. I looked at Sarah. She didnt care about others. She gets prepared for the lesson. Wow it was amazing. I told Sarah. I learned it from you Jess. She grinned. She was in happy. I was in happy too After all I got a chance make my best friends life good. 24


After morning session we got our interval. We headed back to cafeteria. We saw Robert and Dessy was talking each other. Their voices are getting higher and higher. But why Dessy? What did I do? I heard Robert says to Dessy. He was confused. You didnt done anything Robert. We are not made for each other. You know it very well. And you always knew that Im always dreamed about Will. Now Im getting a chance. So we just need break up Robert. Im sorry Then Dessy went away. Robert just stood there looking down. His expression was sad. Poor boy Sarah sighed. Her voice also shows that she was sorry for him. Now this I cant understand I told to Sarah. What? She asked as she doesnt realize what I meant. I cant understand why you feel sorry for Robert. Is that mean you like- I didnt get a chance to finish. I knew the answer. Her face went to red colour. She was blushing. Her eyes indicated that she was shy. No Notheres nothing like that she was nervous.

Alright then what? I need an answer from her. You mean what? Lets stop this and shall we go inside? She asked. I knew that she is trying to avoid the topic. But Im not giving chance for that. Robert had already gone inside. I didnt saw Will in the cafeteria. This Will guy is a mystery. I thought myself. We got our food and went to our usual place. Sarahyou got to tell me the truth. Spill it out I urged her. After all she is my friend. I got to know about this thing. Okay She didnt look at me. Her eyes were directed on to the table. Yes Ive fallen in love with Robert. But this is only a one side love. She sighed. I nearly drop my jaw. Sorry I didnt sure that I heard her correctly. But how he always bother you and make fun of you I couldnt realized it. I know Jess. But that the thing which makes me to fall on him. And I know he would never ever think about me like that. Im not beautiful as Dessy or her friends. Her face turned in to dark. I knew that I cant let her go with those feeling.



Really Why do you not ever try? But its okay you can try now because I think you are prettier than those cheerleaders. And I know that youll never dump him like that, as the way she did. I told her gladly. I knew that I was correct. Her eyes told me that her love is true. Do you mean that? she asked me. Her eyes were shinning. I saw its just because she was up to cry. And those tears were happy tears. Yes I do. I told her. But then suddenly her happiness fades away from her face. But how it get worked? He never looks at me like that. She was worried. I think he had looked at you like that but Im not exactly sure about it. Let give him some more times. I didnt know whether or not this thing will happen. But this had to be happened. Okay Jess I really can wait for him. Her face was normal again. I saw Robert had sat with his friends but Will wasnt there. He doesnt look worried anymore. He seemed to be happy.

Now I have to make things for Sarah. I hoped everything will be fine because I have no idea what should I do about this. I didnt have any experience about love life. No boy had asked me out before. Okay now lets go to the class back. Did you do all your homework in French class? I had to try a lot. My French is weak. I told her when we walk to the class. I knew it on the first day, when Mrs. Madimolas recite that poem. But hope youll get over from it. We went inside. Then there was Will and Dessy. She was very proud of being Wills girlfriend, but doesnt pay any attention to her. He was thinking about something, and he wasnt in happy. I thought hell probably worry about making Dessy as his girlfriend. Robert was also there having a chat with his friend whom I break the nose yesterday. We had History next. Mr. Dunken was our History teacher. Children, Ill give you some project to do. But you have to do it as a group. Each group will consist with two members. Now Im going to tell your project partners. Mr. Thomas took a sheet and started to tell the project name and partners.



Sarah and Robert, your project will be about the coffee plantation Mr. Dunken continued. Sarah was surprised. Robert didnt care about the project. He still had his chat with his friend. Then I heard calling my name Jessica and Will, your project name will be about reincarnation. What a surprise, now I dont know about this will guy and he always thinks about something. He doesnt concentrate about any other thing happened in surround. And now I have to do a project with him about reincarnation. I didnt know anything about reincarnation. After Mr. Dunken left I looked at Sarah. She was overjoyed. But she act as normal. But I knew her. Then I looked at Will who is my project partner. He was still lost in his thoughts. Dessy was worried because her partner was the boy with a broken nose. After the school, we went outside. JeezI cant believe this I heard Sarahs voice. Neither me I told her. We met Robert on the way. I hoped he was waiting for Sarah. Excuse me; Ill meet you at the bus station Sarah said with a smile and walk towards him. I looked for Will. We had only a week to finish our project. Everyone had already started to think about it because it was a compulsory one.

I found Will in the cafeteria. I wondered why he was there alone. I couldnt find Dessy there. I thought she had went for her rehearsals. Excuse me, Will? I asked him with a small voice. He looked at me then muttered something but I couldnt hear it. Sorry if I disturbed you but I think we have to discuss about our project, because I have no idea about it. I kept on talking. Look I need your help. I cant do this alone and Im low in History and- I stopped. He looked angry now. Fine can we talk about this tomorrow. Now I have to go before I say anything he went away. This is sucks I told myself then I stepped into the bus station. Sarah was already there. She was in happy. Oh Jess you are not going to believe this well we didnt talked that much but he was so funny. This is marvels, we can get known each other. She was thrilled, she must be thrilled thats not a big surprised I mean after all he is her dream boy. Hey what about you? You looked upset she asked me holding my hand. 30


Well nothing happened. He told me that he was in a hurry and then vanished I told her with a shrug. Probably you should talk him tomorrow. She said to comfort me. But why I felt bad. I knew he shouldnt have talked to me like that but maybe he got angry because I kept on talking but what should I do. Words are just slipping out from my mouth before I catch them. We went home I said bye to Sarah and went inside. Mum hasnt come yet. I went to my room and changed into a swim suit then went to the pool. I lay on there and closed my eyes. *************** I was again in that palace. I thought it was a palace because it was huge and it was just like a palace. Then I heard a voice comes from the corner room. I stepped to listen what they are talking. But you told me that you are marrying me as soon as possible. You told that she was the only obstacle we had to get us together. Then we removed her from our path easily. And now you are saying that you cant marry me now A woman was shouting inside that room.

Darling I didnt say that I cant marry you. I just cant marry you now. I have to give my son a little time. That voice was the one I heard yesterday from that old man. Oh is that you worried about, your son? What about our son Smith, dont you care about him. He havent seen this world yet, and you are telling that he had to be born without a father. I heard a sob from that woman. I cant hide him that long Smith, the world is going to know about this soon. I know darling Im going to marry you soon. But I need few more days. I promise we will marry soon. The old man said with a charming voice. Then there was silence. I think you better go now before he comes home. Love you sweet heart. Love you too Smith then the door lock moved. *************** I felt cold in my cheek. I opened my eyes. I was in the middle of the pool. I felt a little tired. The sky had turned into a black. It had already got night. I saw a light in my mothers room. She had come home and why she didnt search me. May be she had, and maybe she had found me here and let me to be in the pool some more times. I went to my room. 32


I was confused. What was it all about? Who were that woman and that old guy? What was that obstacle? Why I see such a dream. I am sure it was not just a dream. It has to be something. Something I have to figure out soon before this made me mad. I went to sleep. I didnt feel hungry. And I havent seen my mum. She was probably tired of her work. I didnt want to bother her. But sleep didnt come to me. My mind was tired of thinking about that dream. Finally I was able to sleep.

This was amazing. My mum had left early in the morning. I couldnt found a note. I thought maybe she had lot of worked to catch because she is new to here. I got ready and went to the bus station looking for Sarah. Should I tell her about my dreams? I asked myself. No, she will think Im nuts. I had to find about this before I tell anything about it to others. Sarah wasnt there when I stepped into the bus station. I looked at her house. I didnt see anyone. Then I looked at the time from my wrist watch. Hey sorry Im late I heard Sarahs voice coming behind me. I looked behind. She was breathing hardly. Did you run? You looked so tired. Did you stay up all the night? I asked her. There was a dark places under her eyes. Do I look that much tired? Well I didnt stay all the night. I went to sleep at two oclock in noon. Her voice also shows that she was tired and sleepy. I thought shell sleep in our Music period. It was so boring.



And why did you stay all the night? I asked her. Well I did some researches about the coffee plantation. I thought about our project a lot her face turned in to red colour. Ah thats good, but dont work that much youll get sick. I know Im concerned about her. I have to be. She is my best friend here. We went to the school. I saw Robert and Dessy are talking about something. Will was sitting on the bonnet of his car which was a BMW. He was lost in his dream world again. How could I work with this mental case I said to myself. Robert saw us when we passed them. Sarah He called to Sarah and ran toward us. Dessy looked angry and then ran into the direction of girls bathroom. Oh hi Robert Sarah said with a smile. Hi, you looked very tired today. Didnt you sleep? He asked looking in to her eyes. Hm I just try to figure out some path to get started for our project. By the way Robert this is my best friend Jessica. Jess this is Robert. 35

I shook his hand. Hi Jess, well sorry about the things happened before. I hope youll forget them. Robert grinned. Its okay. I wont keep them in mind. I shrugged. Sarah is you free this evening. Robert asked. Thats good. He is asking her out. Ow Im sorry Robert but my mum and I going shopping this evening. Sarah said. Why she said something like that. She wanted him. And when he asked out she said no. Oh Robert looked disappointed. What about tomorrow evening. Robert asked again. Sure tomorrow will be great. Sarah gave a smile. Then she looked at me. I knew what she was going to tell. I think I have to go for the cafeteria, I havent got anything in this morning. See you at the class Sarah I said and gave a smile to Robert. See you soon Jess I heard Sarahs voice. I hurried to the cafeteria. 36

I didnt want to eat anything. But I thought to have some milk because I liked to drink them. I got a glass of milk and walk on our table. I sat there and thought about my dream. I heard a footsteps coming towards me. I turned to see who that is. Hello Will stood next to me. Hello I said wondering. Well Im sorry about what happened yesterday. So if you free now can we talked about our project? Will asked taking the seat next to me. Yah sure, so from where we have to start it. I asked him. This guy was totally a mystery. Yesterday he was in anger with me. And now he was sitting next to me as a friend. He told me lot about our project. Then I saw Dessy was standing next to him. He looked at her. His face turned to dark. He muttered something to himself. I think I should go. I told standing there to go. Then Will caught my hand. Our discussion wasnt over. He said to me, and let me to sit down again.

Will, I need to talk to you. Why you are doing this to me. Dessy asked. Her eyes filled with tears. I felt a bit uncomfortable to see her. I didnt do anything to you Dessy, just leave me alone. Will said he had got angry again. Dessy left the cafeteria. She was crying I felt sorry for her. Im sorry Will said to me. He had got upset again. Its okay I said. Whats the hell is this. Why should I have to stay? Okay I have to do a project with him. Thats it. Look I dont have a good mood to discuss about it. Shall I come to your place today now this was a shock to me. Will asking me to come to my place. Yes sure. You can come to my place today. Ill meet you after the school. I said. I know I cant stop my mouth. Yah right. Ill wait for you at my car. Will said. Then he went away. How was this possible? What should I say to my mum? Oh its okay. She wasnt at home. And we are just doing our project Will and I walked away.

38 37

I met Sarah on the way. Hi I saw you and Will there. What happened? She asked. She was in happy. Nothing. We were talked about our project. Hey I need to ask you something. Why did you say Robert that you cant come to day? I asked her. Oh dear we must give them a time to think how much we are valued to them. Thats the reason she said with a grinned. Now this thing is really complicated. I thought. By the way today Will is coming to our home to do our project. He said that he will wait there in his car. Will you come with me? I asked Sarah. She stopped then looked at me. It would be nice but I said Robert to pick me home. You know we have to make things. And I think I probably let you both to do your job alone. She smiled, and that smile said something which she didnt say. Sarah theres nothing between us. Okay. And I dont like him. He is a mental patient. I said to her. But she smiled again and said Dont say it again. You will have to get it back. We went to the class. 39

Dessy wasnt there. Will and Robert had taken their seats. Robert looked at Sarah and gave a heart falling smile. She started to blush again. Will was there again lost in his thoughts. But for the surprise he smiled to his desk and then looked at me. I looked away quickly. What had happened to him? Is he mad? God save me. I nodded. We did a lot of worked today. When we got our interval Sarah and I went to the library. Robert was also joined us. They looked perfect. They did researches about their project. I took a book regarding Reincarnation and started to read it. Reading books wasnt my type. It was bored. I fell asleep. *************** Jessica do you hear me someone whispered into my ear. I nodded. You got to help me and my son It sounded like a woman. Who are you? I asked her. Honey you dont know me. But you have to be more aware. You have to keep your eye on the surrounding. And be careful, sooner or later they are going to kill you if you crossed their path. Dont be like me honey. God bless you 40

Wait who are you? Whos going to kill me I shouted. *************** JessJess wake up. I heard someone calling and shaking me. I woke up. God, are you okay Sarah asked. She had got scared. Robert was stood next to her. Some other people were stared at me. Yah Im fine what happened I murmured. Truth was I didnt feel fine at all. I felt tired and my mind was confused. Who is she? Whos going to kill me? I didnt understand anything. You started to shout in dream. I got scared. You talked about something like killing. I stared at her. That doesnt sound good. I had to say something. Oh sorry. I saw a horror movie in dream. Sorry I didnt mean to scare you guys I lied to her. She gave me a look as she knew that I was lying to her. We went away from the library. No one talked on the way to the class. Finally Robert said something to Sarah and she started to laugh. We went to the classroom.

But I couldnt concentrate on anything. My mind was thinking about the thing that woman told me and the previous dreams. I tried to match them. Finally I built a story. Smith guy and this lady were already married. I thought myself. They had a boy. Then Smith had fallen in love with another woman and his wife had known about their affair and they had killed her. Now they are going to marry again. And his son doesnt let him to marry again because he didnt know that her mother had killed by them. And the woman whos going to marry Smith is pregnant. But why did she tell me to be careful. I didnt have to do anything with them. I was confused again. I heard the bell ranged. School was over. Sarah hugged me and went with Robert. I took a breath and stepped to the ground. I forgot about the Will. I kept on walking to the bus station. My mind was filled with ton of questions. And I felt tired too. I heard someone calling my name. I looked to see who it was. It was Will. Hey what happened? He asked me. He was very handsome. I felt like I wasnt able to breathe again when he looked into my eyes like that. I felt like my cheeks are burning.

42 41

Oh sorry I forgot about you. I was thinking about something else. I told him. I looked away. I didnt want to show him that Im blushing. So do you want to make this some other day? he asked. I looked into his eyes again. He looked worried. No its alright. Lets go. I told him. His eyes were bright again. He let me the way to him car, and opened the door to me. I slipped in to his car. His car was comfortable. He got in to his driving seat and put on his belt. He advised me to do so. Then he drove to my house. He parked his car near the road and we get in to the house. Do you want something to drink? I asked him. Just a beer please he said kindly. I checked the fridge to see there any beer had left from my mother. I was able to find one. I handed it to Will. So where we are going to work. He asked me. I thought a bit. I cant take him to my bed room. What about backyard? It is a beautiful place. I hoped you are going to like it. I said with a smile.

Sure lets see. He said with a grinned. We both went to the backyard. When we got near to the pool he stopped and smiled again and said, Youre correct this place is beautiful. I like this place. I know Im always correct I said with a shrug. Oh really explain me? He grinned again. He looked happy. I wondered whether he was the same guy I saw in school. Now I think we have to get back to our work. I said, though I havent a mind to work. I wanted to tell about my dreams to someone. Not Sarah of course. But whom? Then I thought to say all these things to my mum. Shell understand me. We did lot of discussions about reincarnation. I note down main points. After sometimes I went inside to take something to eat. We had a good time. He was a different person; he did jokes about Mrs. Madimolas and made me to laugh until my cheeks get hurt. Jess he said in a low voice. Yes? I looked into his eyes. It filled with a pain.



Thank you for giving me such a good time he said as he really meant it. I stared at him without saying anything to him. I didnt know what to say. Then again I couldnt keep my mouth shut. Will I know that you have some big problem and you are in a pain. He looked down. But I didnt stop. If you want you can tell it to me. May be I can help you No one can help me Jess, thanks he looked sad again. But I didnt give up. Then you can share your pain with someone. Thatll make you feel better. I said him again. Okay you are not going to let me go until I tell it to you, arent you? he smiled again at me. But it was mixed with a pain. I guess you are right I told him and gave a comfortable smile. He stared at me few minutes, and then he looked at the pool and started to tell his story.

Few weeks ago my mum disappeared. He looked hurt. His eyes told that he loved his mother so much. We informed police and did everything to find her but we didnt get any clue about her. He looked at me. I saw there are tears in his eyes. I never had seen a boy crying in front of me. I felt sad about him. Then I saw someone coming into us. It was my mum. Will looked away and wiped out his tears before my mother come near. Mum you are home early. I thought I wont be able to see you today too. I sounded glad to see her. Oh Im sorry honey. I had to leave early. Who is this? A new friend? She looked at Will. Then suddenly her face changed. She looked kind of scared. Hi Mrs. Wincher Will said forwarding his hand. Im Will. Oh nice to meet you Will, I think Im too tired. She said. She had got panicked and she tries to hide it. I didnt know what had happened to her. She was good before she saw Will. This was totally a mess.

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I think you should take some rest Mrs. Wincher. I think I also have to leave now. Nice to meet you too Mam. Will said bye to me and then left. Mum also smiled at me and left to her room. I sat near the pool and dropped my legs to the water and thought a while. What happened to my mum? Why did she get scared? Does she try to hide me something? No of course not. May be she was really tired. Then I went to my bed. I didnt want to eat because I already had eaten with Will. I almost felt tired therefore my sleep came to me when I lay on my bed. *************** Jessicadarling A woman whispered to my ear. Im sorry I know you dont like this, talking to you in your dreams. But honey I have no one to say these things, no one to help me except of you. Please protect my son William. He is in danger. And dont pull yourself into danger But I dont know him. How can I protect him? I asked confused is in my voice. Of course you know him darling. Thank youThe woman went away. I saw her face. She was so beautiful. She had a long curled hair. I thought she might be a princess. There are no words to explain her beauty. *************** 47

Next day morning I waked up. My mum had gone as I thought. Does she have some problems? It might be cause of her new place at work. May be she had a hard time there. I got up quickly from the bed and watch the clock. OH MY GOD. IM LATE I ran to the wash room and brushed my teeth quickly, then dressed up. I ran to the bus station. But no one was there. God I missed my bus I murmured. Then I started to walk to the school. I thought I might be able to go there before the bell ring. A car stopped in front of me. I wondered who was there. Then a guy got out from the car. It was Will Hey where are you going? he said with a smile which made him more handsome. I missed my bus I said with a bored voice. Then get in. you can go with me. Hey said opening the passenger door to me. 48

I slipped in to the car and thanked him. My stomach groaned because I havent got my milk. He looked at me with a funny smile. Jeez did he hear it? Oh shit I told myself trying to not to looked at him. Shall we drink something? he asked me. Yah sure I told him. I was really glad. I couldnt stand without my glass of milk. He stopped at a coffee shop. Then opened his door and got out from the car. He came near my door and opened it for me. I got out and thanked him again. He gave me a nice smile. We sat down in a table. What can I bring for you sir? A waitress came near to us and asked. She had a note book on her hand. Hm one coffee and he looked at me. One glass of milk I said to her. She wrote them in her book and went away. You want something to eat? If so we can order. He asked me. No I dont eat in the morning. A glass of milk is enough for me. Then he shook his head. Our order came and we started to drink them. 49

There was a silent between us. I dont like to stay in silence. So did you and Dessy broke up. I asked from him. I saw his face changing. Why I cant keep my mouth shut for a while. I- Im sorry. I said quickly. He looked at the table and said in a very low voice. We didnt have an affair. Sorry I said because I didnt hear a single word he said. Now he was looking at me. Everyone think that I had an affair with Dessy and thats why she broke up with Robert. He sounded sad. But I dont have anything with her. I dont like her. The day before she dumped Robert she asked me to take her to the jeweler shop as Robert had left. Then I took her to there. She asked me to come with her because she was afraid to go alone. He stopped and took a slip from his coffee. He began again. There was a beautiful necklace. She said that she liked it so much and she hadnt enough money for that. I had to get away from her. I felt sick when I stay with her. So I paid for that necklace and gave it to her. Thats the thing happened. She had thought that I liked her. But you see I dont like her. He was upset again.


I have to say something. I have to cheer him up. Do you feel sick now too? I grinned to him. Well I feel better with you. He grinned back. He paid to our drink and we went to the school. Bell had already ringed. We both ran to the class. But before we enter to the class we heard someone calling to us. We both turned back. It was Mr. Thomas. Both of you are late. He said in his clam voice but mixed with anger. Sir- Will try to speak. But Mr. Thomas cut him off. Both of you know that you two broke a rule. You both have to stay one hour more. Both of you get detention. Now you can go to the class room. Then he went away. Im Sorry I said to Will. It was my fault he had got detention for that. Its okay now lets go inside or well get a week for the detention. He grinned. He didnt look upset. He looked happy. This was amazing. A guy had got detention without doing any fault. And he looked happy. I couldnt understand it. 51

We went inside. Everyone stared at us when we walk in. Dessys jaw opened when she saw us both coming together and there was a smile on Wills face. Sarah looked at me in amusement. I felt like my cheeks are burning. Youre looking pretty when you are blushing like this. Will whispered in to my ear. Now Im blushing more and more. No guy has said a thing like that before. We walked into our seats. Mr. Dunken again started to teach. Sarah sent me a chit.

Where have you been???? Sorry I was late to my bus.

Sarahs face turned into a smile. Then she wrote something and passed it to me.

Where you met Will you had a date with him?

Now my cheek started to burn again. Why cant I control my body? Whats wrong with me? 52

No Im not... we are only project partners. He gave me a lift to school today because I miss my bus.
Mr. Dunken glanced at us. We stopped writing chits and concentrated on the lesson. After the morning session Sarah and I went to the cafeteria. Jess, do Robert and I look as a couple. Sarah asked me on the way to the cafeteria. She didnt look at me. Jeez He asked from you? Did he??? this was good news. She liked him so much. Now she has got him. What if Will asked from me? Should I say him yes? How silly I am. Why did I think something like that? He is a nice guy and very handsome and popular. He wont ask me out. I think I should drink a glass of milk. He did and I said yes to him. Did I do the correct thing Jess? Sarah shifted her head and looked at me. There was a fear in her eyes. And it showed that she never want to let him go. She loved him truly. Yes Sarah. You did the correct thing. You both are born for each other. So youre going with him after the school and now I have to look someone to go with me. I grinned.

Is it okay with you if I went with him? Sarah sounded as a small child. Of course you can. I was just joking. Im so happy about you Sarah. I gave her a small hug. Robert came toward us with a smile in his face. Hi you gals seemed to be busy. He said with a grinned. Yes we are. I said to him freeing me from Sarahs hand. Look if you broke my friends heart or if you hurt her you wont have a nose in your face. He touched his nose quickly. You are good in breaking noses did you have any degree on it? He was in happy too. He seemed to love her so much as she does. We all went together for our table. Dessy looked at us and gave me a rough look. But I didnt care. I didnt do anything to her. We got our foods and started to eat. May I join you guys? a voice heard from my back. I looked to see who that was. For my amusement, it was Will. Sure Robert said with a smile. Will sat next to my seat. Congratulation Will said to Robert and Sarah. Both of them gave a shy smile. They talked so much about sport and we also joined them. 54


We got a free period to refer about our project. Some went to garden and some went to some classes. Sarah, Robert, Will and I went to library. I didnt want to go there. I didnt like library. I took a book to read as others went away for searching some good books. Will came back. He had two giant books in his hand. He passed me a one with a pencil and a paper. Then he continued reading other book he bought. He didnt lift his head. I was too bored. I looked at the book. Then turned the pages and started to read. ***************

No I cant wait no longer Smith. I cant hide our baby. After few days everyone will know that Im pregnant. What do I tell them whose child is this? She started to cry. I couldnt see her face. It wasnt clear. The old man turned to look her. Dont cry darling. Tell me what should I do? Ill do anything for you and for our little baby. Then marry me Smithtomorrow. The woman stopped crying. Ill marry you tomorrow honey. But what if my son- The old man couldnt able to continue. Send him to his mother Smith. He was worrying about his mother. Then send him to her. The woman said quickly. But- Old man was confused.

Smith I want you to marry me. Why cant you do that? the woman I saw before asked. Honey you know what it matters to me. Of course Ill marry you. Just give me sometimes. I want to talk with my son more. The old man said. I saw his face clearly. He was nice looking, dark eyes, and tall.

You have to choose him or us Smith. She was sobbing again. Alright. Ill try to talk to him. If he didnt agree ***************



JessJess wake up. Someone was shaking me. I could barely open my eyes. Jess talk to me. I saw Will, Robert, and Sarah stood around me. Will was holding my shoulders. His hands were warm. I wanted to grab him and hug him. I looked at them. Im fine. I had another bad dream. I think I should go home and sleep for a while. Alright Ill pose pond your detention, both of yours. And I think Will can take you home. Can you Will? It was Mr. Thomsons voice. I looked around to see him. He was standing next to Robert. Yes sir I can Will said trying to stand me up. I felt so tired. I felt my knees would be failed to keep me standing up. Will put his hand through my waist to help me to stand up. He took me to his car and helped me to get in. I felt like Im sick. What happened to you. You looked scared, very scared. Will asked driving slowly.

It was a bad dream. These days I see some bad dreams. I told him. But I didnt want to tell him about it more. Does he like me? What its about? He asked again. This time I was able to control my mouth. I dont know. I was like some horror movie. May be I should write a novel. I was too tired to grin. May be you should take a rest. Ill cover our project. Dont worry about it he said. But- I couldnt finish. We already had reached to my house. I was able to get out of the car alone. Though he tried to help me I said no. he had already helped me a lot. And I was upset. May be he want to get rid of me. That is why hes trying to do it alone. But how could he say something like that and broke my heart. But I couldnt make myself to move forward. Will hold me and helped me to get in. Before we reach for the door, the door was opened. My mum was stood there. Honey what happened. She stepped to me, and took me to her hand.



She was too tired and weak, so principal said to take her home. Will answered like a gentleman. Why should he talk like that such a good way? He wanted me to get away from him. Thanks son for taking her to home. Mum didnt look at him. She was afraid to look at him. Will said bye to us and left. Mum took me to my room and helped me to lie on my bed. I didnt care to change my dress. Black jean and Black strip top was good to me. And my heart was broken. I didnt know whats wrong with me. Honey are you okay? Mum sounded worried. Yes mum Im fine. Ill take some sleep. I said to her., getting ready to sleep. She gave me a kiss to top of my head and then left. I fall into sleep. *************** Jessica please helps him. Hes going to die. Williams mother was crying and begging from me. Dont cry I told her. How can I help him?

His father is going to kill him. She said again. Where is he? He is in the old factory of Smith. The one situated near the river. She showed me the path. Dont worry. Ill try my best to save him. ***************



I jumped from my bed and ran to the downstairs. Mum was sitting in the table. She was worried about something. Jessica are you fine dear? Where are you going now? Its almost seven oclock. She said glancing at me. I slow down. Her eyes were too tired. Mum what is it? I asked her. I knew something was there she wanted to tell me. Honey please dont get upset. Im Im just going to marry tomorrow. I dropped my jaws. Look I know itll be a shock to you. But I want to marry him soon. I couldnt found my voice. I was shocked. She was going to marry tomorrow! How can she do it like that? I havent seen her with any guy. Mum you cant marry tomorrow I was able to tell it to her. I dont have any obligations about her marrying to a Mr. Unknown person. But tomorrowShe cant marry tomorrow.

Honey please try to understand. I know it will be hard for you. I want to marry him quickly. Honey Im pregnant. Im sorry but I have to marry him. I love him Jessica She was crying. She was pregnant and she will marry tomorrow I was shocked. The way she said it, the way she cried, it was so familiar to me. Suddenly I remembered the woman who cried in my dream asking that old man to marry her. Is his name Smith? I couldnt control my mouth. My eyes were filled with tears. How can I think that it was her? No she was marrying someone else. Same thing can be happened. I- I tried to tell her Im sorry but she cut me off. Yes. But how how did you know. You dont know him. She looked at me in confuse. This made me to freeze. No this cant be happening. She cant be that woman. My mother but before I control myself I stepped near to her. Does he have a son named William? I asked her now Im really losing my control.



How could you- did that boy told you about me? she looked scared. What boy? I had no idea who is she talking about. And I didnt want to know any other thing. My mum is a murderer. That can be. My heart is beating so fast. My knees are getting melt. The boy who came with you today and yesterday? How could he know me? Now she was in anger. Will what will have to do with this. I was shocked again. Will was William. He was in sad because he lost his mother. He told me it before. And now I did understand everything. How could you do such a thing mum? How could you kill someone? I was shouting and crying so hard. This must be a nightmare. This cant be happening. I should wake up now. But she came to me and holds me so tide. It was hard to breath when she hold me like that from my neck. This wasnt a dream. Now she is trying to kill me and Will. NoIm not going to let this happen. Im not going to let Will die. How did you know those things? Now she was so furious.

Mum I could hardly breathe now. Youre hurting me. She didnt lose her hand. You know how much I love him. You have no idea. Do you? Have you even liked a boy? No. you cant understand. You all are fools. But Im going to marry him somehow. She was like an evil. I thought that shell kill me too. But I dont care. I cant let innocent people to die because of my mum. Of course not Will. I wont let them to kill him. I love Will. He is the first boy I felt these kinds of feelings on him. What do you think that Im your real mother. She laughed. What the hell is she talking about? Your dad was infertile. He was a patient. I didnt know it till I married him. Then he adopts you. But he couldnt live longer. He left us. And I had to feed you. I did everything to you. And now you arent let me to marry him? How dare you? Im going to have my own child. I dont want you to cross my path Jessica. I couldnt imagine. Im not their daughter. She doesnt need me anymore. This cant be happening. Something must be wrong here. Tears fall from my eyes quickly.



I met him long ago. And we fall in love. He was my boss. I came here for him and for our child. Not because of you silly girl. She threw me away. She was so powerful. I hit the floor hardly. I was unconscious.

My head was aching. I opened my eyes. I couldnt move. I wondered why. Then I remembered what happened. I tried getting up. But I was tide on a chair. I was in my room. My mother had gone. I wondered where she is. I couldnt talk because she had paste a plaster on my mouth. Then I remembered about Will. I must save him. But I had to get myself out her. I felt some smell. I tried to figure out what was it. It was smelled like gas. OH MY GOD I thought. She had leaked the gas and she is trying to kill me. Please help me lady. Please. I shouted from my mind. Thinking that lady will come and help me to escape and save his son if hes still alive. Does he still alive? Yes he had to be alive. He cant die. I begged from the god to help him. I heard the sound of foot step coming towards me. Then my door was opened with a thunder speed. I saw Robert and Sarah there. Sarah ran to me and removed my plaster. Then untied the ropes and took me to the out quickly.



It didnt take a minute to blast the entire house after we got out from there. We threw forward from the huge air column. All of us fell into the ground. Sarah was shocked. My hand had got wound and they are bleeding. My head was also cut. Sarah and Robert also had got injured. I tried to stand up. By a hard attempt I was able to stand up. Then I saw Robert leg had got barely injured. The parts of the house had blown off and the pieces had injured us. Are you alright? I asked Sarah. There were few cuts in her hands and face. Yah She nodded and looked at Robert. He was still lying in the ground. We both helped him to stand. He could barely walk. What the hell had happened? He wanted to know. Ill explain you guys later. Thanks for saving my life. But how did you knew. We took Robert near the road. People had started to gather. We came to see you if you are okay now. But no one seemed to be at home. When we turned back I felt a gas smell and I told Robert. He said he smell it too. Then he broke the door and we entered in. we heard a sound in upstairs. When we hurried to the upstairs and broke the door of your room 67

She paused a little and took a deep breathe. You know the remaining part. I nodded. Who the hell was locked you and let you to die. We couldnt get more information from Will about you. We all were planned to meet you. But Will was late so we came to see you without him. Then I remembered about the Will. I should go for him. I looked at them. But Robert was still continuing his part. I dont know why he didnt show up. He was the one who wanted to see- I cut off him. I had no time to spend talking here. I must run for Will before I was late. Look guys I need your help. Will is in danger. I was hurried to tell them. Will is in dan- Sarah was shocked. But I ignored her. Look you have to call the police and tell them to come to the old factory near the river. I took the key of Roberts car from his pocket, and then ran in to his car. Hey where are you going? Robert shouted. Ill be back soon. Just do what I told you 68

I got into his car. I never had driven before. But I had no time to think about it. I had seen my father drive his car in past. I started the car then turned to the road and drive to the factory. I speed up. I wanted to go there as soon as possible. I wished from the god to save him and dont make me late. I came to the factory. I saw my mums car there too. Now she is not my mother anymore. But no matter what she did Ill consider her as my mother for my rest of life. I stopped the car and ran inside the factory. It was dark. I heard someone shouting at the end of the factory. I ran to there. I saw them near the river. But they didnt see me. Will was stood near the river. He was bleeding. He had injured. He could barely stand up. The old guy I saw in dream was there too, holding a gun pointed to Wills chest. My mother was there stood behind him laughing. You should have asked what I said the old man was shouting to Will. You are a fool as your mother. And now you are also going to join her. You missed her so much. Dont you?

Will didn't said anything. I thought he had given up his hoped. I got closer enough to jump to that old guys hand. They didnt saw me neither did Will. The old man put twitched his finger to shot Will. But before he released his finger I jumped to his hand. The gun fired. Everyone was frozen. I looked at Will. He was alive. Then suddenly someone fell to the river. My eyes moved quickly to the river. MUM!!! I shouted. My mum was the one who had got shot. I couldnt control myself. I ran to jump to the river but Will caught me. Then we saw police was coming and at the same time I heard someone jumped into the river. DAD NO!!! I heard Will also shouting. Two policemen ran to us and caught us without letting to jump to the river to save our parents. But it was too late. We couldnt see them anymore. Both of them had driven away far away from us. One of the policemen took us to the hospital and let us to have treatments.



They asked everything from us from the beginning. Both of us told the truth. But I didnt mention the dream to them. Instead of that I told them that my mother was tried to kill me too because I didnt let her to marry and she told me about the Will and His mother. They believed it, then let both of us be alone and went away. We didnt talk each other. I was still thinking about my mother. I loved her very much. I didnt want to lose her. I remembered the way we stayed happily. My eyes filled with tears when I remembered those things. I didnt remembered that Will also with me. I felt someone wipe out my tears. Then I saw it was Will. Im sorry he said in a low voice. I didnt say anything. I just stared down trying to struggle with tears. But I was helpless. He hugged me. Im sorry about your mother he said again. She wasnt my real mother I told him with a sob.

That was truth. She wasnt my real mother. But she fed me, kept me in happy, and also tried to kill me part of my body said that. But I didnt care about that. She was my mother and she will be. What you mean? He was surprised, and then pulled me away to see my face. She told me that they adopt me. She wasnt my real mother. I couldnt see his face. I was crying so hard. But I love her. I dont care if she wasnt my real mother, I dont care if she tried to kill me. Ill always love her. Ill always love both of my parents. Hey dont cry. Will said rubbing my hair. Both of us are alone now. He wasnt crying. I loved my mu too and always Ill. She loved me so much too. I couldnt believe that she was died. He was desperate. I knew it before I associate you. I said without crying. I had to be strong. I have to step forward. What you mean by you knew it? he asked curiously.



I knew all these things happening. Your mum told me everything but it wasnt clear in dream. I didnt know it was my mum. I couldnt recognize her. I looked at him. He was still confused. Do you remember I told you I had bad dreams. Well they are about our story. Your mum already knew that they are going to kill you and she told me where it will happen. But she didnt tell me that it was my mother your father going to marry. I didnt know why. But when I ran to save you my mother said the same thing I heard a woman saying in dream. Then I figure out it was about us. But I didnt knew you were the William Smith He looked into my eyes when he heard his name. He was more confused. He was funny in this mood. This made me to laugh but I was able to hide it. Wait how you knew my real name. No one knew my real name except for my parents. You mum told me your name. Thats why I couldnt recognize you and warned you before. He seemed to believe me. I told him everything I hide before. I saw a drop of tear falling from his eyes when I told him about his mum.

Suddenly our room got dark. Then a small light grow and there was his mum standing in front of us. Son she looked at Will. Ill always stay with you and protect you. Ill always love you I love you too mum Will murmured. Jessica thank you so much for believing me and saving my sons life. You didnt care about your life. You are a brave girl Jessica. Your father will proud of you dear. Then the light fade away and current came back. Was it a dream? Will asked still staring at the place where No you are not dreaming I told to him with a little smile. The door was opened. Sarah, Robert and their parents came inside. Their parents talked with us so friendly and told us to say anything we need. We thanked them. Then they walked away. So is that true what those police guy said to our parents? Robert asked looking at us. Yes Will and I said at the same times.



Hey dont worry about anything. We re always with you guys. Sarah grinned. I grin to her back. How is your leg Robert. I asked him I got treatments and it will be cured soon. You guys must have to have some rest. Well meet you soon. Take care both of you. Robert put his hand around Sarahs shoulder and walked away. Nice couple I sighed. I looked at Will. His face had changed. He was again lost in his thoughts. Will? I asked him. Jessica he said with a charm voice. I couldnt realize what happened to him. Will you come and live with me? he asked from me. I was shocked. I knew I had no house to live. But Will is asking me to shift to his apartment. Look you can leave any time you want. Im not forcing you. Now both of us are alone. So we can help each other. And- his voice dropped down. He took a deep breathe, and looked in to my eyes. 75

You are the one I waited for in my life. You are so brave and different. I started to think about you after I saw you in the mall. That was the first time I saw you. I have fallen in love in the first sight. I couldnt believe myself. Will had fallen in love with me Im so happy. I love you Jessica. Will you come with me? he asked kneeling in front of me and asking for my hand. This was so romantic. I felt a drop of tears falling from my eyes. I said yes and gave him my hand. He stood up and pulled me towards him. My heart was beating so hard. I was so closed to him. I felt his heart also beating so fast. Then his lips reached mine. Then he started kissing me deeply liked he had reached to my soul. That was my first kiss and my first love.



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