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About KAIF DAO Platform 3

Overview KAIF DAO Platform 3

Competitor analysis 4

Problems and Solution 5

What makes KAIF DAO Platform Unique 6

Vote-to-earn 6

KAIF DAO IP Shares 7

Geographic expansion 7

Ecosystem 9

Overview 9


KAIF Marketplace 11

KAIF Betting 12

KAIF Wallet 12

KAIF Membership area 14

KAIF Metaverse 14

Getting started 16

Roadmap 16

Token 17

Tokenomics 17

Allocations 17

Vesting 19

Use of tokens 19

Team 21

Advisors & Influencers 21

Legal Disclaimer 22

Introduction 22

Company 22

Token 22

IP Shares 23

Jurisdictions 23

Miscellaneous 24

About KAIF DAO Platform
Overview KAIF DAO Platform

KAIF DAO Platform is the first Vote-To-Earn platform that allows companies
to engage with the community through voting, activities and proposals.
Users earn money for completing these interactions. The results of the team,
the success of the athlete, the appearance of related products - all this can be
not only the result of the work of coaches, marketers, and managers. After
receiving a DAO passport, members of the KAIF DAO Platform will be able to
become the main driving force for change in the organization. Every day, the
range of options expands. From the design of sports equipment and the
taste of your favorite drink to changes in the composition of the team and
the formation of plans for the development of the brand. All this can become
an object of discussion and community voting.

The first Vote-to-earn crypto project that is capable of revolutionizing the

community. The influence of each individual participant turns into REAL
COMMUNITY power, which washes away all boundaries for supported
projects. After all, who, if not the community members, wants their favorite
representatives of brands and sports to achieve success?!

The unique mechanics allows participants to vote for their favorite idea
regarding a particular organization and obtain physical or digital benefits.
With the accumulation of a critical mass of such votes, the organization
should listen to the opinion of the majority of DAO participants.

Companies and individuals in the sports world have long been looking for an
objective and reliable way to receive feedback from the public. KAIF DAO
Platform provides one-stop connectivity to communities around the world.
Through DAO voting, organizations will be able to hear the wishes of their
participants. Moreover, to understand their desires at a particular moment in
time, and not with a delay of several weeks or even months, as is often the
case now. Companies can instantly change their vector of activity and
improve their product based on feedback.

In a rapidly changing environment, organizations that see community

sentiment first are destined to succeed. Those who have achieved significant
results know this. That is why, KAIF DAO Platform intends to give them a
two-way communication channel, which has no analogues.

Participants who vote not only become influencers in relation to their favorite
company, but also receive tokens for each such vote. Everyone is free to
choose whether to spend tokens on the marketplace or trade them on the

Competitor analysis

Unlike our competitors who create similar products, KAIF DAO focuses on
creating a global ecosystem that allows you to take part in the development
of not only a certain team, club, or company, but in all areas of interest to a

Problems and Solution

The KAIF DAO Platform helps create an active community around the
product. The larger the community - the higher the demand and interest in
the product;

The opinion of the community is taken into consideration in the

development of the team, the company, and the product, which means that
the company develops more rapidly;

The community is ready to carry out necessary actions, such as subscriptions

and comments;

Companies get a tool to get proposals on its growth, similar to petitions. If a

petition gains a lot of votes, the company considers it and grows again.

One of the key problems we solve is the involvement of customers in the

product and the life of the brand/company/sports team.

Let's take a restaurant as an example. Previously, if you liked a certain place,

all you could do was visit the restaurant more often or share your impressions
on social networks, then with a DAO passport, you can take a more active
part in the development of this place. You can raise the heading for changing
the music that plays in the institution.

For companies, a unique opportunity opens up for instant feedback from

regular visitors and changes for the better.

Previously, to influence the policy of the company, it was necessary either to
buy out a controlling stake or raise a resonance in the information field. With
a DAO passport, this can be done without getting up from the couch in a few

In addition, KAIF DAO allows you to create an active community involved in

the development of the brand and helping to improve and scale the

Platform members have the opportunity to purchase exclusive digital and

physical assets and can engage and get benefits.

What makes KAIF DAO Platform Unique


Voting - questions that the company puts up for a vote. Issues that originate
from the community are considered.

Members receive benefits for participation in activities in fiat money or the

platform's internal currency (token).

The things that interest members the most are analyzed and selected by the
platform. The more of the community shows interest in a certain topic - the
sooner it will be put up for a vote. DAO passport holders have the right to
leave their vote in favor of this or that decision. After the voting takes place,
the participants are awarded tokens. Thus, they can influence the objects of
their interests and earn KAIF tokens.

In the voting format, companies can bring up important issues in order to
resolve the issue not on their own, but together with the community. This
allows you to both speed up the adoption of key decisions, and allows you to
interact with a large audience in real time, and take into account its opinion
as much as possible. Companies can offer activities for the audience. Such
tasks can be both interaction in the virtual space and offline tasks. For
completing active tasks, users will receive rewards.


One of the KAIF DAO Platform's priority goals is to empower fans around the
world to have an impact on organizations. Everyone deserves to vote
regardless of time zones, continent, or country.

Unfortunately, blockchain and cryptocurrency technology are not acceptable

in many jurisdictions. That's why Platform has adopted the KAIF brand
division of intellectual property rights. IP shares are secured by blockchain
architecture and encrypted by tokens. Anyone can participate fully in the
project's ecosystem.

𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑃 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑠 = 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛𝑠

Patents and trademarks are territorial, even if blockchain is not. At the same
time, in the majority of countries, and according to the Berne Convention for
the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, copyright protection is obtained
automatically without the need for registration or other formalities. Some
countries have a system in place to allow for the voluntary registration of
works. Intellectual property rights are considered individually in each
jurisdiction, and the company is working hard to ensure that users are not

Geographic expansion

As part of the go-to-market strategy, three tasks are solved:

● attracting millions of users around the world with minimal cost;

● retention of users in the system;

● creating a motivational environment for regular use of the application.

The main markets in which KAIF develops are determined by
underdeveloped services in the field of crypto-governance and the presence
of a stable solvent demand for such services from a significant part of the

In countries with highly developed economies, there is strong competition

for each new client attracted. That is why KAIF starts its journey from the
countries of Eastern Europe.

Having taken a leading position in the region, KAIF DAO will begin to expand
to the countries of Western Europe, MENA, Turkey, Asia, and the USA.


The KAIF ecosystem will be built around the KAIF DAO Platform, which we
intend to position as a research and development center, a place of constant
technological innovation and automation for online and offline sports,
providing sophisticated solutions for fans, clubs, athletes, advertisers, and
other stakeholders.

We envisage the KAIF DAO Platform as the main venue where the
community will be able to engage with their favorite sports clubs and
companies, and become involved in the real management of their affairs and
activities, purchase an existing sports club or even create a brand new one.


DAO members expand the platform community, functions and capabilities and
earn real money or an internal token for each helpful action or vote. Then can
exchange them for real money or spend them in a marketplace, which will
feature exclusive products and company offers. Mobile apps are the most
comfortable tool for members to interact with sport clubs and companies
through voting, buying and other assets.

The application will have the opportunity to purchase a DAO Passport, and
become part of the DAO community of the company, getting the
opportunity to participate in the life of your favorite company, regardless of
the area in which this company implements itself - it can be both sports
profits and the restaurant business.

The company model itself is built in such a way that member has several
options for taking part in the life of the company - participation in voting, the
ability to put forward their own ideas for voting (changing the shape of the
players, changing the logo, improving the structure and even buying new
players, or it can be voting for a place to open a new offline business outlet).

Each member will have the opportunity to take part in various activities
offered by companies on the site - thus helping the organization develop and
receiving tokens as a reward.

All this is done within one application, which makes the functionality more
structured and convenient, unlike other projects.

In total, there are 4 levels of DAO passport, each of which offers different
functionality and gives a different level of opportunities to members.

KAIF Marketplace

This service will allow the members of the KAIF DAO Platform to make
various payments and purchases for the token. Buying for fiat money and
cryptocurrencies will also be available to visitors of the marketplace.

KAIF Betting

According to a recent study, the global sports betting market will grow at an
average annual rate of 11% over the projected period from 2019 to 2027.

The paper notes that betting remains illegal in many regions of the world
due to multiple regulatory requirements. However, several countries are
expected to loosen regulations in the coming years, as tax revenues from the
industry are quite impressive.

Consequently, with the relaxation of regulations, Europe is likely to become

one of the leading regions in the global market. A similar situation could
unfold in Asia-Pacific and North America.

The study stresses that the huge number of sports fans in countries such as
Singapore, Thailand, Uruguay, Brazil, South Africa and Australia will also
contribute to the popularization of sports betting.

An important impact will have virtual currencies, which have recently

become extremely popular. Litecoin, Ripple, Dogecoin and Bitcoin are
penetrating the sports betting market at a good pace, and players
increasingly prefer them because of the ease of transactions.

In addition, if a player lives in a region where real money betting is banned,

he can use cryptocurrency. In addition, it is absolutely transparent and safe.

One of the problems that will hinder the development of the betting
industry, TMR considers religious and social prejudices associated with sports

In addition, the dangers of cyberattacks and betting addiction also pose a

serious threat to the global sports betting market.

Implementation of AI and blockchain in sports betting applications is a key

trend gaining popularity in the sports betting services market. Sport betting
applications are increasingly adopting blockchain technologies to accurately
automate real-time data using smart contracts, which help sports betting in
payment, bet confirmations, past event analytics, monitoring and event

KAIF Wallet

In the future, wallet integration is planned to make it easier for users to

interact through fiat and cryptocurrencies. Wallet integration is planned in all
internal services of the project. The main benefits of the service will be:

● work with the most popular cryptocurrencies and financial payment
systems, which will make the wallet universal

● integration into many services to improve the user experience of


● easy integration for businesses

● operational online support

● work with limits and refunds.

The full implementation of the KAIF ecosystem expansion strategy will be

complemented by providing access to fiat transactions at competitive rates.
Therefore, in order to successfully expand the audience of users of KAIF
ecosystem products, the planned launch of our own financial institution will
be a rational decision.

KAIF Membership area

As a member, you are able to vote on the main decisions for the growth of
the KAIF DAO Platform capitalization.You're able to add a DAO for your
business to the KAIF DAO Platform and raise both - the platform and your
own company.

KAIF Metaverse

We believe that, in the future, almost every company will have a presence in
the metaverse. Bayern Munich will broadcast football matches and sell
tickets, Amazon will design digital malls, Disney will digitize its theme parks,
and Netflix will have digital movie theaters.

We are going to make The World's First Vote-to-Earn Metaverse space.

Each member, player, and staff member may have an avatar. Multiple online
events combined with gamification elements will create attraction points for

We envisage two strategies for the KAIF metaverse:

● initially, to get a proof of concept, we will consider buying land plots in

Sandbox38, Decentraland39, or another metaverse to test the product
model and marketing approach;

● at a later stage, we will stick to the development of our own KAIF
metaverse that shall allow us to have a dedicated virtual space for
each our client

In partnership with digital artists, we plan to create unique avatars in the

form of NFTs: famous players, personalities from different fields of activity,
company founders, critics, judges and commentators - anyone can become a
part of the KAIF metaverse.

Getting started



THE KAIF DAO Platform – is a Vote-to-earn app where users earn money by
voting or completing tasks from companies, and companies quickly and
cheaply get opinions directly from users.

KAF tokens are internal tokens of the platform. The project issues a total of
809,710,000 BSC-20 standard to serve the platform ecosystem, for use for
different platform activities, creation of decentralized management, and


1. Token sale – it will matter in 3 rounds, including: a Seed round, Private

round and a Community round. In total, no more than 17,290% of tokens will
be sold for the entire period of the token sale.

2. Tokens specified in the Marketing pool can be used for Advisors, partners,
influencers rewards and for community incentives.

3. DAO technologies R&D token pool is a token pool used to continue

software development.

4. Staking is the pool that will be used to reward token holders participating
in the staking process.

5. Team is the allocation with the longest unlock time, which by the number
of tokens does not exceed 2 rounds of the tokensale. This pool is designed for
the continued reward of the platform's founding team. It encourages further
improvement both on an ideational level and in the context of development.


It will take 25 months to achieve full unlocking of all KAFs. The unlock rate
increases during months 1-22 and decreases during the remaining period
due to the platform development plans

Fig. 3: Kaif tokens unlocking

Users who purchased KAFs in the Community round will be able to take
advantage of the unlocked tokens sooner. Because of this, Private round
tokens do not prevail over the first phase of the tokensale.

KAF are tokens of the platform, all interactions between the participants take
place via these tokens. Initially, KAF tokens allow different groups of platform
visitors to interoperate, depending on their activities within the ecosystem -
fans, teams, clubs, influencers and advisors, etc. They can be purchased in
one of the token sales rounds, received as a reward, and purchased on the
secondary market or be obtained by marketing activities and referral system.

Use of tokens

KAIF tokens are tokens of the platform, all interactions between the
participants take place via these tokens.

Initially, KAIF tokens allow different groups of platform visitors to
interoperate, depending on their activities within the ecosystem - fans,
teams, clubs, influencers and advisors, etc

Tokens can be purchased in one of the token sales rounds, received as a

reward, and purchased on the secondary market or be obtained by
marketing activities and referral system.

For all user groups, KAIF tokens provide access to a variety of activities,

● Setting up a Club DAO;

● Sophisticated governance mechanisms and features;

● Choosing a consensus mechanism;

● Designating delegates to the governance committee(s);

● DAO web portal (IOS and Android applications) for fans' interaction
with each other;

● Extended range of matters that can be resolved through the Fan

Token governance;

● Real participation in the sports club management;

● Issuing NFTs and other digital collectibles;

● Experiences;

● Online and offline events;

● Marketplace;

● Sports metaverse (TBD);

● Live votes;

● Fan-communities upgrade - to give fans an opportunity to create

digital art for supporting their favorite team;

● Different levels of Fan Passport

The entire tokenomics part of the project is based on providing a single

convenient method of calculation on the platform and also to create a
convenient fan system that allows fans to significantly influence and interact
with the life of the team.


Advisors & Influencers

Legal Disclaimer

The White Paper is intended to provide the potential KAIF Platform tokens
holders with information regarding the KAIF Platform and the KAIF Tokens

This Whitepaper is made for informational purposes only and is not intended
to and should not be relied upon or construed as a legal opinion or legal
advice regarding any specific issue or factual circumstance, including but not
limited to a basis for any investment decision.

No data presented hereinafter constitutes an offer or solicitation to buy or

subscribe for debentures, stocks, or shares issued by any person or entity;
units in a collective investment scheme; or any other security or class of
securities, nor shall be interpreted in that way.


KAIF Token means cryptographic BSC-20 standard tokens, issued by KAIF

Platform LTD (“Company”) and can only be used through the KAIF Platform
for the services concerned and offered by us. The Company is duly
incorporated and validly existing under the laws of the British Virgin Islands
with registration No 2101863 and has the power and authority to carry on its
business as now conducted. According to the Financial Services
Commission's declaration, the virtual assets and virtual assets-related
products used as a means of payment for goods and services which provide
the purchaser with the ability only to purchase goods and services (utility
tokens) would not be captured by financial services legislation. So based on


KAIF Tokens are not securities, are not registered with any government entity
as a security, and shall not in any case be considered as such. KAIF Tokens are
not intended to be a digital currency, commodity, or any other kind of
financial instrument, do not represent any share, stake or security, or
equivalent rights, including, but not limited to, any right to receive future
revenue shares, and do not represent any ownership right.

KAIF Token is a utility token that provides its holder with access to the
specific services of the KAIF Platform and which may be used for the
governance of the relevant Club DAO. In particular, KAIF Token may give its
holder the right to obtain additional services from the Club DAO and to vote

on various matters regarding the Club DAO according to relevant terms and

IP Shares

IP Shares refer to the respective percentage of the ownership of the joint

intellectual property rights to the Consolidated Composite Copyright Work
("CCCW") "Business Solutions of Blockchain Based "PROJECT" which may
include, without limitation, trade name and the trademark, trade secrets,
technologies, concepts, know-how and other confidential information,
mobile applications, and other software ("Joint Intellectual Property"). The
holders of IP Shares ("IP Owners") will have the right to transfer their IP
Shares and license the Joint Intellectual Property, and the right to practice
thereof subject to the following limitations: IP-Managing Company reserves
the right to apply for and be granted all patents in any country or countries of
the world to the Joint Intellectual Property and all reissues and extensions
thereof; and all applications for industrial property protection, including,
without limitation, all applications for patents, utility models, and designs
which may hereafter be filed for said invention in any country or countries of
the world, together with the right to file such applications; and all forms of
industrial property protection, including, without limitation, patents, utility
models, inventors certificates and designs which may be granted for said
Joint Intellectual Property in any country or countries of the world and all
extensions, renewals and reissues thereof. IP shares are secured by
blockchain architecture and encrypted by tokens. The percentage of the
ownership to the Joint Intellectual Property will be defined by the number of
tokens held. Holders of IP Shares shall grant to the IP-Managing Company a
non-exclusive license for the use of the Joint Intellectual Property subject to
the terms and conditions of the smart contract attached to the respective
KAIF Token.


The marketing and sale of the KAIF Tokens are being made in the permitted
jurisdictions on the basis that the KAIF Tokens do not constitute a security,
financial instrument, or otherwise regulated investment in those jurisdictions
such that the prospectus or other disclosure requirements and other investor
safeguards that would apply to a securities offering will not apply to the
issuance and sale of the KAIF Tokens in the permitted jurisdictions.

You understand and agree that it is your obligation to ensure compliance

with any legislation relevant to your country of domicile concerning the use
of the KAIF Platform and that the Company should not accept any liability for
any illegal or unauthorized use of the KAIF Platform, as well as use and
buying of the KAIF Tokens.


Certain statements in this Whitepaper constitute forward-looking

statements. When used in this Whitepaper, the words “may,” “will,” “should,”
“project,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “intend,” “expect,” “continue,” and
similar expressions or the negatives thereof are generally intended to identify
forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements, including the
intended actions and performance objectives of the Company, involve known
and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other important factors that could
cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company in
the development of the Platform to differ materially from any future results,
performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking
statements. No representation or warranty is made as to future performance
or such forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements in this
Whitepaper speak only as of the date hereof.

This Whitepaper may be executed in other languages. In case of any

discrepancies between different versions, the text in the English language
shall prevail.


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