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 Do you think racism is predictable?

I think racism is predictable. It was predictable during the 2008 elections where

people of color voted for Barack Obama.

 Which factor mentioned do you think plays a larger part in the prevalence of racist

attitudes: education level or geography/neighborhood? Why?

Education plays a part in the prevalence of racist attitudes to some extent but not

as much as neighborhood. In the neighborhood, there is segregation between whites and

people of color. Only a few white people had neighbors that were people of color.

 What do you think of the solutions to the problem of racism that were proposed in this


The talk proposed the solution to the problem of racism exchange programs where

students interact with people of all races. Also having a neighborhood that can

accommodate all races like cities.

 How do these solutions address or fail to address the types of racism we learned about

this week?

The solutions fail to address the types of racism as living with other races does

not guarantee that there will be no racism. Students can still be discriminated against at

schools and also people can still be discriminated in their own neighborhoods.

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