The Whistle: "All That Is Needed For Evil To Prosper Is For People of Good Will To Do Nothing"-Edmund Burke

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“All that is needed for evil to prosper is for people of good will to do nothing”—Edmund Burke

Whistle No. 110, April 2022

Newsletter of Whistleblowers Australia (ISSN 2205-0280)

In memory of an Stan was different from most whis- The first recorded incident of fuel
tleblowers. He owned an airline, indeed contamination was a successful forced
aviation whistleblower several aviation businesses including landing of a light aircraft after engine
Australian Air Charter and Turbo Aero failure on 31 December 1997, at
Kim Sawyer Maintenance. He had been flying for Shepparton, Victoria. In 1998, there
more than thirty years having com- were six major fuel system component
STAN VAN DE WIEL passed away in pleted his initial training with Schutt failures on AusAir Piper Chieftains.
December. Stan was a prominent Aviation in 1968. By 1971 he held the Each incident was reported to CASA. In
whistleblower and member of WBA for position of chief pilot and chief instruc- October 1999 a Schutt charter flight
many years. He organised the 2004 and tor of Pilot Makers Flying school. experienced engine surging on take-off
2008 WBA Conferences in Melbourne. When his wife was diagnosed with a at Oakey, Queensland. In early Decem-
Stan was a friend and mentor to many. terminal illness in 1980, Stan took his ber 1999 there were frequent engine
As I was leaving his funeral service, I family back to the Netherlands to be failures. On December 12, Stan de-
had a conversation with an aviation near her family. From 1980 to 1989 he tected large globules of a foreign
student from India. Stan mentored him was involved with training at the KLM substance during a routine pre-flight
as he had many other students. He was Academy in Holland. In 1996, he fuel inspection. The Mobil agent took
distressed as many were. Stan was returned to Australia and purchased up the matter in response to Stan’s
highly regarded for his knowledge, Schutt Aviation. complaint and a refinery chemist at-
experience and wisdom. His misfortune Founded in 1946 by Arthur Schutt, tended the next day taking samples.
was to blow the whistle on bureaucrats the company had been a major general Two days later, Stan’s son experienced
who could never admit they were aviation business, but events surround- an engine failure while flying a com-
wrong. ing the Jet Corp fiasco had caused it to pany aircraft but managed a successful
be downgraded to a smaller charter, landing. Minutes later a Royal Victo-
flying school and surveillance operator rian Aero Club aircraft, piloted by a
with its own maintenance facility. The student pilot, experienced a similar
operation was losing $500,000 per year. failure within seconds of lift-off. On 16
Stan’s objective was to get it back on its December 1999, Mobil took immediate
feet. In the first year under his owner- action through its local agent by
ship Schutt broke even. If not for the advising all clients of the possible
whistleblowing, it would have made a contamination of its product. Schutt
profit. In 2001, the group employed 23 then decided to ground all sixteen of
full and part time staff in engineering, their aircraft and the RVAC followed.
ground, administrative and flying, with All matters were reported to CASA.
Stan van de Wiel an annual turnover of $4m. It could
have been an Australian success story.
The best account of his whistleblow- Instead, it was an Australian whistle-
ing is given in a submission to the 2014 blowing story.
Aviation Safety Regulation Review His whistleblowing concerned the
(, Submission contamination of aviation fuel at the
107 (ProAviation) The case study Mobil Refinery at Altona in Mel-
“Shooting the Messenger” (pp. 33–48) bourne’s west. The contaminant was
documents his whistleblowing and the ethyl diamine, a neutralising agent used
retaliation that followed. Stan was not to protect refinery plumbing from
alone in finding problems with the corrosion, but to be removed from the
regulation of aviation safety. There are product before dispatch. The problem
ten case studies in Submission 107, and was that the refinery’s dispensing and
among the other 268 submissions there cleaning equipment broke down
are many examples of those working in regularly, resulting in contaminant
the aviation industry having problems being present in the aviation fuel,
with the regulator, the Civil Aviation leading to aircraft engine failure. Stan’s
Safety Authority (CASA). It is the story misfortune was to be at the geographic
of a regulator not doing its job and then epicentre of the fuel contamination.
punishing those who do; a story of Except for the Royal Victorian Aero
regulating too little and too late, a story Club (RVAC) his aircraft were closest
of cover-ups, and a vendetta against a to the Mobil Altona refinery and were CASA was an unresponsive regula-
whistleblower who was not a typical among the first to be refuelled every tor. They did not act on previous
whistleblower. morning. They were the most seriously incidents. They had been advised in

2 The Whistle, #110, April 2022

early 1998 of the problem. When Stan one month only. The CASA website alternative dispute resolution, and legal
and the President of the RVAC visited detailed the actions against Stan and assistance insurance. His submission is
CASA on December 17, they were was available for public notice. Hence, worth reading. You can find it at
shown the door with the comment “old the company lost most of its clients to (DR218).
poorly cared for aircraft.” When the their competitors. Stan engaged legal
contamination issue began to receive counsel. Their first request was removal
media attention, Stan received numer- of the details on the website, but CASA
ous calls, initially from pilots who had would not comply. When ordered by
reported incidents of dirty fuel and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal
poorly running engines since late 1997. (AAT) to amend the details, CASA
When he contacted the Australian ignored them. On April 16, 2002,
Transport Safety Bureau about reports CASA cancelled his chief pilot ap-
missing from their data base, they proval and the company’s operating
replied the reports were not regarded as certificate. In November 2002, an AAT
significant, and they had insufficient decision reversed the cancellations.
funds to investigate the more than a However, it was too late. Schutt Avia-
dozen incidents per year. Stan recorded tion went into liquidation in April 2002.
a meeting with the director of CASA, Stan’s chief pilot approval was linked
Mick Toller, where he reported the to the company. If there was no com-
nature of the contaminant, and advised pany, there could be no chief pilot. Stan
of Schutt Aviation’s actions. Stan’s lost both his career and his company.
diary notes record that Mr Toller A vendetta is never easy to redress.
rebuked him. He told me “I should Stan fought for twenty years to renor-
mind my own business if I knew what malise his position in the aviation
was good for me.” industry through legal and parliamen-
tary process. Like so many other
complainants to the 2014 Regulation What we learn from Stan’s story is a
Review, he could not break through the problem that he often referenced, a
culture of the bureaucracy. Stan’s problem of culture. CASA had a prob-
actions may have saved lives, but that lem of culture. CASA was seemingly
appeared to be immaterial. His battle more interested in control than safety.
was costly. In a submission to a 2014 The culture of CASA was the culture of
Productivity Commission Inquiry into Australia, of mates protecting the mis-
Access to Justice, Stan wrote takes of mates. Stan was the outsider,
“I have spent in excess of $1,000,000 but only to CASA and not to the many
in legal fees and have never had a satis- other aviators who complained. Stan
factory result. As the lead applicant had more than thirty years’ experience
Eventually CASA responded. On
(plaintiff) in a Class Action in Victoria when he blew the whistle on contami-
December 23, 1999, seven thousand
against the Mobil Oil Company (2000) nated fuel. He knew more about flying,
light aircraft in south-east Australia
it cost me $550,000 in legal fees just to aircraft maintenance and safety than
were grounded. Mobil advised their
satisfy the Court that such an action was most, more than the many bureaucrats
agents in Victoria, NSW and southern
legal in Victoria. No mention of the who had never piloted a plane. He
Queensland and suspended all aviation
actual subject matter of the action up to believed in natural justice and model
gas sales. It took until late January 2000
this point, just the State allowing an litigation. He was practical. He had the
for CASA to begin to address the
individual to pay for interpretation of a attributes bureaucrats hate. He came up
problem by identifying the contaminant
specific law.” against a culture that no statute, no law,
and cleaning all aircraft engines. By
He saw the legal system to be as and no parliamentary inquiry can fix.
April 2000, most aircraft were back in
unresponsive as CASA. Stan was an Qantas promotes itself as the Spirit
the air, but the total clean-up took a year
astute observer of law. In his submis- of Australia, advertising a century of
to complete.
sion, he wrote that little legislation is aviation safety. However, the real spirit
Stan was subsequently targeted. His
written in a straightforward manner was embodied by Stan who fought
airline was subjected to frequent audits
allowing practical interpretation by against the odds for aviation safety.
and surveillance. On November 26,
laypeople. He wrote that a person who CASA shot the messenger but they
2001, he received two notices from
defends himself has a fool for a client, couldn’t silence his message.
CASA demanding he show cause why
but he is only a fool because he dares
his approval as chief pilot and his
enter a sacred realm of mystic rules Kim Sawyer is a long-time whistleblower
company’s operating certificate should advocate and an honorary fellow at the
interpreted differently on each occa-
not be cancelled. The immediate out- University of Melbourne.
sion. He had a European perspective in
come was that the company was
his observations. He advocated for the
compelled to cease all flying operations
truth-seeking inquisitorial system
until an initial stay was granted allow-
rather than the adversarial system, for
ing Stan to continue as chief pilot for

The Whistle, #110, April 2022 3

Media watch
NYPD honors speaking from his home in upstate New almost impossible given the country’s
York. “I thought, ‘I know the truth.’ … defamation laws, which is why this case
whistleblower Frank Every single word was mine, and it study from Chanticleer’s bad conduct
Serpico — 50 years late came from the heart.” files leaves out the names.
The New York Police Department Serpico was shot in the face during a Within a few weeks of moving from
has recognized Frank Serpico’s drug arrest in Brooklyn in 1971 months one public company to another, a male
service and injury in the line of before he testified and has maintained senior executive started to exhibit
duty more than 50 years later that the other officers he was with never bullying behaviour towards a female
with an official certificate and made a call for an “officer down.” executive.
inscribed medal of honor. While the department gave Serpico a
Associated Press, 5 February 2022 medal recognizing his injury in 1972, it
was handed over without ceremony or
the accompanying certificate, he told
the newspaper.
In recent years, the department has
awarded medals to recipients at annual
large public events.
Mayor Eric Adams responded to the
coverage, saying Serpico's “bravery
inspired my law enforcement career.
Frank — we’re going to make sure you The woman contacted friends
get your medal.” working at the man’s former company
On Thursday, Serpico tweeted a and was immediately told that similar
photo of the framed medal of honor and bad behaviour was the reason he had
Retired New York City Police Officer certificate that reads in part, “in left, although there was no public
Frank Serpico speaks to reporters
recognition of an individual act of disclosure of what had occurred.
after a rally
extraordinary bravery performed in the This brings out the first lesson to be
line of duty.” learnt from this case study. Boards of
MORE THAN 50 YEARS after Frank
He has continued to speak out directors are not good at doing their due
Serpico testified about endemic corrup-
against corruption and abuse by the diligence.
tion in the New York Police Depart-
police since his retirement in 1972 and Boards don’t necessarily need to
ment, the department finally recognized
says he has supported and listened to show the sort of techniques used by
his service and injury in the line of duty
other whistleblowers over the years, investigative journalists and detectives.
with an official certificate and inscribed
including those who testified about the They just need to get someone to ask the
medal of honor.
now-terminated stop-and-frisk policy. right questions of people in the know.
The former undercover detective, 85,
In 2017, he publicly supported The key message is, don’t take at
received the honor in the mail Thurs-
quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who face value the recommendations of a
day, the New York Daily News reported.
protested against racial injustice while headhunter with an overly generous
Serpico testified in December 1971
playing in the National Football incentive to place another executive in
to a panel appointed by Mayor John
League. a highly paid job, or someone on your
Lindsay to investigate police corrup-
tion, breaking the “blue wall of executive team who vouches for them.
silence,” the protection that fellow In this case, the hearsay proved to be
officers sometimes give each other, Why whistleblowers true because bad behaviour occurred
such as refusing to testify. again and was documented in real time.
Al Pacino went on to portray him in
rarely win Surely, there is a way for a board to find
Chanticleer (Tony Boyd) out about someone’s real character
the hit 1973 movie “Serpico,” and his
Australian Financial Review without breaching privacy laws?
story is also relayed in a book by Peter
4 March 2022 Once the female executive was put
Current Daily News and former on alert by her contacts at the other
Bad conduct in the workplace does company about the bullying boss, she
Associated Press reporter Larry
not necessarily have negative conse- began to take detailed notes of every
McShane interviewed Serpico in
quences for the perpetrator. It’s incident, and there were many.
December about the 50th anniversary of
usually the whistleblower who suf- She soon found that the man’s
his appearance before the Knapp
fers, and more often than not it’s a behaviour towards her was being
woman. repeated in other parts of the office with
“I felt that finally I was going to tell
the world and nobody’s going to inter- other female employees.
rupt me,” Serpico told the newspaper,
Australia in an open and honest way is

4 The Whistle, #110, April 2022

So, she began to include their stories This is an important turning point in harassment was a case of “he said/she
in her records without telling the other the case study because the woman now said”, sought legal advice on the
women. She later verified the facts with had the full protection of Australia’s independent report.
the other women. whistleblower laws. The legal advice concluded that
Under the Corporations Act, a there was insufficient evidence to prove
person causing or threatening to cause a case of bullying and harassment
detriment to a whistleblower or breach- against the male executive.
ing a whistleblower’s confidentiality, Chanticleer has not read the
including during an investigation into independent report, but assumes it
the whistleblower’s concerns, can face includes the same information about the
civil and criminal penalties. male executive as The Australian
The complaint went straight to the Financial Review found.
director on the board assigned to handle These include lying, asking people to
such matters. He consulted the ignore things, freezing people out,
This executive was smart. She had chairman who immediately appointed a regularly harassing a female employee
been in business for many years and law firm to conduct an independent to have drinks, and demanding that a
learnt of the traps for women who investigation. female employee travel with him on
complained too quickly about another The investigation was thorough and business trips.
person’s bad behaviour. the person who undertook the inter- One wonders whether the law firm
Anything less than a formal views was caring and considerate. Also, conducted any investigation into the
complaint backfires badly because the human resources provided strong apparent breach of confidentiality.
employer gets the impression you are a support to the woman. The male executive at the heart of the
whinger. This categorisation is en- During the investigation, the law complaint later left the public company
trenched if the complaints start to stack firm was given access to the female and went to another one.
up, no matter how truthful they are. executive’s detailed notes. This resulted The female whistleblower says this
An early, one-off complaint can in other women in the office being outcome felt to her like a victory, even
result in a warning being given to the included in the complaint against the though the company had not publicly
offender, who then has the opportunity same male executive. shamed the executive.
to be vindictive. “There is some good to come out of
Serial bullies know this and take full it,” she says. “It did not go on for years,
advantage of it. and I got to keep my job.”
The senior male executive in this “One big lesson for me is boards
case was viewed as a person who need to do proper checking of people
believed he was the smartest person in they hire, rather than just taking the
the company and could not be word of those who are friends.”
challenged on that. She says it is extremely difficult to
The other strategic thinking that have complete confidentiality around
influenced the actions of the female the actions of a bully because the small
employee was her knowledge that the group of people who run a company are
executive committee of the company bound to talk to each other.
Soon after this occurred, there was
was tight. The worst aspect of this case study is
an apparent breach of the company’s
Any allegations against a member of the severe mental impact it had upon the
legal obligation to guarantee confiden-
the team would come up against the women caught up in it.
inherent bias built into hierarchical
Two women were called into an
corporate structures, which are bound
office by the male executive who was
together by common remuneration
the subject of the complaint, and told:
“Someone has been talking out of
At this stage in the case study, the
female executive was nervous because
This upset both women, one of
she was on her own and unsure of how
whom complained to the chairman. But
human resources would respond to a
for some reason, no action was taken
complaint of bullying and harassment.
against the male executive.
She contemplated finding another
One of the women involved later One woman had to take time off for
job, but after discussing it with her
broke down in tears and was scared to several months, another was forced to
partner, decided to dig her heels in.
return to the office. leave the company.
After enduring many months of
The law firm conducting the “I ended up taking time off,” the
bullying and harassment, which was
independent investigation delivered a whistleblower says. “I lost my confi-
carefully and contemporaneously
report which redacted the names of the dence. There are personal consequences
recorded in a notebook, she believed
women who had complained. of calling out bad behaviour.
she had enough to make a formal
The chairman and designated “The other problem with this is that
director, who believed the bullying and it is really complex behavioural stuff

The Whistle, #110, April 2022 5

that happens every day in the business. police officers who take seriously their instructed to ask her therapist to put the
The person is saying one thing to one oaths of office to report any suspected diagnosis “depression” on it. He
person and another thing to someone wrongdoing to management, regardless refused to do so.
else.” of who the wrongdoer is, that are in the In January, she was informed that
One positive aspect of this case study firing line. she would have to attend an expeditious
is that the female whistleblower felt In the Free State, senior administra- disciplinary hearing, to be chaired by
well supported by human resources tor Patricia Mashale is at the front of one of the members whose irregular
when it all came to light. this line. The usual weapon is dismissal promotion she had reported, leading to
But she still felt a sense of injustice using unfair labour practice or expedi- its reversal. The Human Rights
when she learnt the man who had tious disciplinary actions, but the way Commission has intervened, having
caused her such anguish at work could in which Mashale has been targeted by given her whistleblower status. Two
walk into another highly paid job at her colleagues during the past few weeks ago she discovered that the
another company. months points to her own life, and personal phone she is now using has
The Australian Financial Review possibly the lives of family members, been hacked. She cannot access her
could only publish the names of those being in danger. She has now heard emails, and her bank has informed her
involved in this case study if it was there are plans to arrest her on a that her personal details have been
willing to cop a defamation action. trumped-up charge of perjury and leaked.
The only defence is truth. This remove her to somewhere far away This latest development, the threat of
would require this masthead to from her home without registering an unprocedural arrest, is linked to the
subpoena the women involved and ask details on the police system. She fears harassment case opened against her in
them to give evidence in court, which that they want to make her “disappear.” 2020. Having obtained a protection
would open them up to forensic and As a senior and experienced admin- order herself against the management
likely aggressive cross-examination by istrator in a unit dedicated to priority member, Mashale has challenged his
a barrister. crimes, Mashale has dutifully reported action through a rescission application,
That would force them to relive the corruption, including irregular appoint- which, following several postpone-
incidents and reignite the emotional ments and promotions, and firearms- ments, is set to be heard on 13 April.
upheaval and mental stress caused by related criminality, to her line managers She has been informed that the charge
what had happened. or the Hawks [Directorate for Priority she now faces is one of perjury for
There would be no certainty of a Crime Investigation] The current wave submitting an affidavit to the family
defamation defence succeeding. In fact, of persecution started after she sent a court stating that the protection order
there is a high probability it would fail dossier on corruption in disciplinary obtained against her had been set aside
and lead to aggravated damages being hearings, and how they were being used — which it has been pending her rescis-
awarded to the “victim” — the male to settle scores, to the national police sion application to be heard, together
executive. commissioner, Khehla Sitole, in Janu- with the management member’s matter,
ary 2021. in April.
It was never acted on, but details
were probably leaked to his former Free
Does the police service State colleagues. Initially a charge of
want corruption-fighting misconduct for reporting to Sitole was
whistleblower Patricia opened, but it was not pursued. Then a
case of harassment was opened against
Mashale to “disappear”? her by one of those she had named in
Mary de Haas the dossier, and her personal cell phone
The Mail & Guardian, 1 March 2022 was illegally seized by police officers.
Months later it has not been returned to
UNDER the guiding hand of police her, despite the illegality of the seizure
minister and disgraced former national having been drawn to the attention of 2020 protest by former members of the
police commissioner Bheki Cele, the the national head of legal services six South African Police Service who claim
South African Police Service has been weeks ago, with the request that it be they were unfairly dismissed
increasingly following in the same returned.
brutal, corrupt footsteps as its apartheid She is also under surveillance. On 21 Mashale has been giving her support
predecessor. November, the car she usually drives to to hundreds of Free State officers who
As then, it does not hesitate to turn collect her son from a boarding school have been irregularly dismissed. Advo-
on its own. In the early 1990s, a security a long distance away, which was driven cate Malesela Teffo, from whom she
police officer was murdered before he by her older son, was followed all the and others receive legal assistance, has
could expose his white colleagues who way home by police officers in won many cases to reinstate illegally
were stealing petrol from police stores. unmarked vehicles who, on finding that dismissed workers and the police ser-
The corruption appetites of the new she was not in the car, lost interest. vice refuse to reinstate them, despite
power elite have “grown with the Severely traumatised, she sought several labour court orders. They have
eating,” according to political analyst professional assistance and, when she now discovered that despite supposedly
Paulus Zulu, and it is the very many handed in her medical certificate, was having been dismissed, these officers

6 The Whistle, #110, April 2022

have never received dismissal letters Whistleblower who called email to Theranos COO [Chief Operat-
signed by the national police commis- ing Officer] Sunny Balwani, who wrote
sioner, and their details are still out Elizabeth Holmes a scathing reply belittling Shultz’s
reflected on the police service’s reacts to guilty verdict knowledge of mathematics and science.
administrative systems. Their contribu- Amy Larson “The only reason I have taken so
tions to the Government Employees KRON4 News, 6 January 2022 much time away from work to address
Pension Fund and the South African this personally is because you are Mr.
Revenue Service continue, but they are Shultz’s grandson,” Balwani wrote.
not receiving their salaries. Shultz’s grandfather, George Shultz,
Who is pocketing their salaries? was a former U.S. secretary of state and
They have attempted to open fraud and Theranos board member. Even his own
corruption charges against police grandfather told him, you’re wrong.
management but have allegedly been “He didn’t believe me. He said
told to change their statements before Elizabeth has assured me that they go
cases are registered. At least one other above and beyond all regulatory
police officer has been threatened with Erika Cheung and Tyler Shultz (Photo standards,” Tyler Shultz told NPR
malicious, and serious, criminal by Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images) [National Public Radio] Wednesday.
charges. “It would have been easier to quietly
Like Teffo, Mashale has been TWO WHISTLEBLOWERS who helped quit and move on with my life,” Shultz
drawing the attention of the parliamen- blow the cover off Theranos’ secretive told NPR.
tary committee and the presidency to blood lab and expose Elizabeth Holmes
these abuses for years but no action of fraud were recent college graduates
whatsoever has been taken against who wanted to do the right thing.
Cele, who is responsible for allowing Tyler Shultz and Erika Cheung were
criminality to flourish in the police low on Theranos’ totem pole, working
service. as entry-level lab techs.
Sitole has become a scapegoat but Holmes was their famous boss. The
the rot is far more widespread. Until CEO had achieved fame, wealth, and
there is a forensic audit of all manage- adoration in 2014 by claiming she had
ment members and their qualifications, technology that could save patients’
nothing will change. The removal of lives through revolutionary blood
Elizabeth Holmes walking outside
Sitole must also be accompanied by a testing. Holmes graced the cover of
the federal courthouse in San Jose,
forensic investigation of Free State Fortune Magazine for a story about her California on 16 December 2021
police management, and all allegations remarkable accomplishments, and her (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
of illegal conduct. Unless these steps goal was to become the next Steve Jobs
are taken, immediately, the insatiable of Silicon Valley. When Tyler Shultz and Cheung left
corruption appetites will continue to Shultz was just 22 years old. Theranos, Holmes hired one of the most
flourish, many competent and experi- Cheung’s first job after graduating from high-powered attorneys in America,
enced officers will be lost, and violent the University of California, Berkeley, David Boies, to go after them with
crime will continue its destructive path. was working for Theranos in Palo Alto, defamation lawsuits that accused them
Mashale fears that the criminal California. of leaking trade secrets. Neither had
police tactics used in the arrest of Teffo They both joined Holmes’ biotech much money saved up, and they
by apartheid-era police officers, leading company because they admired her wondered how they could possibly
to his detention in prison for 10 days quest to help patients have access to afford to hire an attorney for their own
without having appeared in court, will cheaper, more accessible, and more legal defenses.
be used against her, possibly with lethal accurate blood testing using microtech- Holmes also hired private investiga-
consequences. Why, despite its sup- nology. tors to follow her former employees,
posed support for the Constitution, the But as they worked in the lab, Shultz she admitted to prosecutors.
rule of law, and whistleblowers, and its and Cheung came to the same disturb- Instead of backing down and staying
anti-corruption rhetoric, have all those ing realization: Theranos’ blood testing silent, Cheung and Tyler Shultz began
who could have acted to protect her and machines were severely flawed. speaking with an investigative Wall
prosecute wrongdoers not done so? When they told Theranos executives Street Journal reporter, John Car-
Her persecution, and the threat she is that the lab’s blood testing machines reyrou, who was working on a story
now facing, must lead to immediate were not producing accurate results, about Theranos’ flawed technology.
action at the highest levels of govern- their concerns fell on deaf ears, accord- Holmes exchanged text messages
ment to ensure her protection, while ing to witnesses who testified at with Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani, her
simultaneously initiating concerted Holmes’ criminal fraud trial. then-boyfriend and Theranos COO,
action to root out the endemic criminal- On April 11, 2014, Shultz emailed while they were trying to figure out who
ity which festers at all levels of the Holmes to tell her that Theranos had was leaking information to the Wall
police service and poses a threat to the doctored research and ignored quality- Street Journal.
lives of all South Africans. control checks. Holmes forwarded the

The Whistle, #110, April 2022 7

Texts illuminating Holmes’ inten- Major Ian Fishback, included in a report released later that
tions were read to the jury during her month by Human Rights Watch.
fraud trial. who exposed abuse of “Ian’s greatest quality is not his
In addition to going to the press, detainees, dies at 42 courage, but his humanity,” Christo-
Tyler Shultz and Cheung also wrote Sam Roberts pher Nicholson, a former Army buddy,
letters to state regulators, detailing New York Times, 23 November 2021 wrote on, where by the
major problems they witnessed in time of Major Fishback’s death friends
Theranos’ blood lab. IAN FISHBACK, an Army whistle- had raised more than $18,000 toward a
Cheung said she was “terrified,” but blower whose allegations that fellow goal of $60,000 to transfer him to the
she sent her letter to state regulators members of the 82nd Airborne Division Austin Riggs Center, a private psychi-
anyway, because she knew what was in Iraq routinely beat and abused atric treatment facility in Stockbridge,
happening at Theranos was wrong. prisoners prompted the Senate to Massachusetts.
Patients were suffering major health approve anti-torture legislation in 2005, “I always marveled at the way he
scares from false blood test results, died on November 19 in Bangor, could shoot at and be shot at by terror-
including a pregnant woman who was Michigan. He was 42. ists, watching his friends die in battle,
told she suffered a miscarriage. then in the very next instant risk himself
In a Ted Talk titled, “Speaking Truth to demand that the prisoners be treated
to Power,” Cheung said, “Despite all with decency,” Mr. Nicholson wrote. “I
that emotion and all that volatility, I still remember I once called him an expert
did it. And luckily it triggered an on warfare and he looked mildly
investigation that shone to light that offended and responded that he was an
there were huge deficiencies in the lab expert on justice.”
and stopped Theranos from processing In his letter to the senators, Major
patient samples.” Ian Fishback Fishback said that troops were often
“Fraud is not a trade secret,” Shultz torn among what they were trained to
told the Wall Street Journal. His family, which announced the do, instructions in field manuals, orders
Earlier this week, a jury convicted death in a statement, said the cause had from superiors and the exigencies of
Holmes on four counts of fraud and not been determined. In the climax to a actual combat.
conspiracy. Her face was stoic and her distinguished but abbreviated career “I am certain that this confusion
body was motionless as she sat next to that the family said had begun to contributed to a wide range of abuses
her defense attorneys. Holmes left the unravel as a result of neurological including death threats, beatings,
courthouse in San Jose surrounded by a damage or post-traumatic stress broken bones, murder, exposure to
swarm of media cameras. disorder resulting from combat tours in elements, extreme forced physical
She did not answer any questions Iraq and Afghanistan, he died in an exertion, hostage-taking, stripping,
from reporters. adult foster care facility where he had sleep deprivation and degrading
Hours after the jury’s verdict was been admitted following court-ordered treatment,” he wrote. “I and troops
announced, Tyler Shultz tweeted, “This treatment with anti-psychotic drugs under my command witnessed some of
has been a long chapter of my life. I am after he became delusional and created these abuses in both Afghanistan and
happy that justice has been served and public disturbances. Iraq.”
that this saga is finally in my rearview Major Fishback was one of three “Do we sacrifice our ideals in order
mirror.” former members of the division who to preserve security?” he continued.
“Proud of the impact that Erika and I said soldiers in their battalion had “Will we confront danger and adversity
had. Hope to inspire other young systematically abused prisoners by in order to preserve our ideals, or will
professionals to hold their leaders assaulting them, exposing them to our courage and commitment to
accountable,” Tyler Shultz tweeted. extreme temperatures, stacking them in individual rights wither at the prospect
Cheung did not make a public human pyramids and depriving them of of sacrifice?”
statement following the verdict. She sleep to compel them to reveal intelli- He concluded his letter: “I strongly
had already said what she needed to say gence — or, in some cases, simply for urge you to do justice to your men and
at Holmes’ trial. the American soldiers’ amusement. He women in uniform. Give them clear
She was one of the first witnesses said his complaints were ignored by his standards of conduct that reflect the
federal prosecutors brought into the superiors for 17 months. ideals they risk their lives for.”
courtroom to testify against Holmes He reported some of the abuses in Later that year, the Senate voted 90
during a 3-month-long trial. September 2005 in a letter to top aides to 9 to approve Senator McCain’s
Holmes is now facing up to 20 years of two senior Republicans on the Senate Detainee Treatment Act, which prohib-
in prison. Armed Services Committee: John W. ited “cruel, inhuman or degrading treat-
Warner of Virginia, the chairman, and ment or punishment,” although subse-
John McCain of Arizona. The aides said quent amendments carved out caveats.
his reports were sufficiently credible to Time magazine named Major
warrant investigation. Fishback one of the 100 most influen-
Additional allegations from two tial people in the world that year.
other members of the division were

8 The Whistle, #110, April 2022

In 2017, Major Fishback spoke at a Elon Musk is mocking and Kia cars around the world. The
panel discussion about the intersection defect meant that some cars were liable
of human rights and national security at whistleblowers. Here’s to seize up or even go up in flames
the Gerald R. Ford School of Public why that’s a good thing. without warning. Kim took it upon
Policy at the University of Michigan. Mary Inman, Poppy Alexander, Ariella himself to alert the U.S. government,
Major Fishback said several years Steinhorn and Amber Scorah flying from Seoul to Washington on his
ago that his original testimony on Newsweek, 14 January 2022 own dime, bringing his college-age
abuses had been discredited by the daughter as an interpreter.
Army, in part because doctors said he SOMEWHERE on Elon Musk’s Twitter Kim was the first whistleblower to
was suffering from post-traumatic feed, between the musings about TITS receive an award under the Motor
stress disorder. U and Dogecoin, you’ll find an invita- Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act
Although he was promoted to major tion, of sorts: passed in 2015, which allows the U.S.
from captain, Major Fishback decided Department of Transportation (DOT) to
to leave the Army and the United States pay a monetary award to a whistle-
altogether. He moved to Sweden to blower whose information leads to the
accept a Fulbright scholarship, worked successful resolution of an enforcement
for a human rights organization, applied action for violations of vehicle safety
for European Union citizenship and laws. As part of a larger penalty,
sought, he said, to “make sure Europe is Hyundai agreed to pay out $81 million
able to fend off the United States and to DOT—and under the law, Kim was
Russia.” entitled to up to 30 percent of it, or $24
“I’m done,” he told Carol Stiffler, million.
the editor of the weekly Newberry News Twenty-four million dollars isn’t
and a former classmate of his sister, in $300 billion, but it’s enough cash to
January 2020. “I gave the U.S. a make the biggest electric car aficionado
lifetime of service — very admirable or space fan think twice. If you’re an
service. And if this is the repayment, it employee who can make 100 times
is not acceptable.” your annual wage via a whistleblower
At the time, his father called him “a reward for bringing forward infor-
natural-born warrior” who “was simply No one can know what is in Musk’s mation that will save lives, you
standing up for the rule of law.” head when he’s firing off tweets in the probably will. No matter how much you
Major Fishback’s departure was middle of the night. But it’s fairly like your job.
delayed by the pandemic, though, and certain in this instance, given he had a And where does that $24 million
he returned home from Sweden after his “cyberwhistle” specially made for the come from? The company. A success-
life had begun to fall apart. occasion, Musk’s intention was to ful whistleblower gets a percentage of
He began receiving psychotropic mock would-be whistleblowers, subtly the fine and penalties levied by the
drugs and was involuntarily committed threaten them against coming forward, government for the safety infraction.
in September, when his behavior or demonstrate his conviction that That potential whistleblowing em-
became erratic, resulting in an arrest at nothing could bring him down. Perhaps ployee Musk is mocking? They could
a football game. His father said that as it’s all of the above. It’s not a coinci- very well hit Musk’s own bottom line
of last month he was still depressed, but dence that the tweet came out a few hard, not to mention tarnish the com-
that he was “ditching his demons” and days before Tesla was publicly accused pany’s reputation (knowing Hyundai
“coming back to reality.” by insiders at the company of misrepre- hid the fact that its engines seize up is
“We know the community supported senting its vehicles’ autonomous likely going to affect a customer’s
Ian through his recent difficult times,” driving capabilities, causing a dozen purchasing decision). The recent fraud
the Fishback family said in its state- accidents and one fatality. convictions in the Elizabeth Holmes
ment. “He faced many challenges, and The cyberwhistle has since sold out, Theranos case show that it’s not only a
many of us felt helpless. We tried to get and is no doubt a collector’s item for the financial risk to ignore an employee
him the help he needed. It appears the Musketeer acolytes across the nation who flags a problem. Whistleblowers at
system failed him utterly and tragi- who are united by their blind trust in Theranos called multiple meetings with
cally.” Musk. But if Musk thinks his billions of senior scientists to express their con-
“We will seek justice for Ian,” the dollars and millions of Twitter follow- cerns, only to be shut down repeatedly
statement concluded, “because justice ers exempt him from being held by Holmes. Holmes is now facing
is what mattered most to him.” accountable for safety issues in his cars, potential time in prison.
he may want to look carefully at a Musk’s approach of mocking whis-
recent case with Hyundai. tleblowers on social media may be a
In 2015, Hyundai engineer Kim new tactic, but it’s from an old
Gwang-ho discovered that his company playbook. Despite the benefits hearing
failed to comply with its legal obliga- a dissenting voice can bring to a
tion to report a serious safety defect company, and the potential financial
affecting engines placed in Hyundai and reputational cost for ignoring that

The Whistle, #110, April 2022 9

voice, most companies completely miss companies that embrace whistleblow- which expose vehicle safety hazards.
the opportunity internal dissent offers ers are more profitable than those who But it’s just as important.
and fail to ward off a blown whistle in don’t. Not only do firms with more So thank you Elon, for inventing the
the simplest way imaginable. Like Kim, robust internal whistleblowing earn a Tesla vehicle. And thank you, too, for
most whistleblowers only become greater return on assets than firms who publicizing the fact that there is a
whistleblowers after numerous at- stifle dissent, but they also see 20 whistleblower reward to check your
tempts to right wrongs through internal percent less in settlement costs. power. Just don’t try to expand your
company channels fall on deaf ears. And whistleblowing isn’t going anachronistic empire to Mars. We, and
away. Many people aren’t aware that the whistleblowers who courageously
they can in fact be compensated for speak out, aren’t having it.
exposing a wrong. Just last year,
Congress created a whistleblower Mary Inman and Poppy Alexander are
reward program for money-laundering partners in Constantine Cannon’s
violations. Congress is also considering whistleblower practice, specializing in
a proposal to create a consumer protec- representing whistleblowers bringing
claims under the various U.S. whistle-
tion whistleblower program through the blower reward programs, including the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau DOT, SEC, IRS, SEC, CFTC and
(CFPB). And then there’s the False FinCEN programs and the federal and
Claims Act, which allows individuals to state False Claims Acts.
Elon Musk arrives on the red carpet for bring forward information related to a Ariella Steinhorn and Amber Scorah
the Axel Springer Award 2020 on 1 company defrauding the government are co-owners of Lioness, a media
December 2020, in Berlin, Germany. company that brings forward stories
and which has been around since the
Britta Pedersen-Pool/Getty Images about everyday people’s encounters
Civil War. As employees feel more
empowered and see others come with power.
Many in leadership fail to act on these
forward to expose wrongdoing and
attempts by employees to raise a flag.
receive financial compensation for
Instead, they wake up to find
themselves embroiled in a news cycle,
doing so, companies are going to have One whistleblower system
to face the fact that covering things up
taking a defensive stance to an allega-
is going to get more and more difficult. that doesn’t work
tion, responding from the reptilian, not John Kiriakou
higher thinking, part of the brain. There’s no denying Musk has done
great things; he had great ideas. And LA Progressive, 4 March 2022
Neanderthal man couldn’t afford to
maybe there are still some out there
hear dissent; he had no time to question Joe Carson, a nuclear safety
who appreciate his “69” jokes and his
that the leader was guiding the herd engineer, flagged waste, fraud, abuse
misogynistic dismissal of a senator who
away from the mastodon. Similarly, and illegality at the Department of
dares to challenge him. But automobile
public relations campaigns are de- Energy again and again and again.
safety isn’t quite so humorous—cute
ployed to drown out or discredit voices His story should show Congress what
whistle meme or not—when someone
a company or leader doesn’t like. A needs to get fixed.
playing World of Warcraft in a Tesla
well-intentioned person is attacked,
hits a pedestrian.
rather than being seen as providing a
helpful, potentially life-saving insight. Musk sits now installed as head of a
Beyond that, whistleblowing is valu- company that has ballooned in valua-
able as a check on power. Unchecked tion to be eight times that of GM and 13
times that of Ford. Mars is his next
power can cause a company or its lead-
frontier. But what will it look like when
ership to become out of touch, sitting in
he anoints himself Technoking of
a silo, doing things like deciding it’s a
Mars? Thanks to recent whistleblowers,
good idea to play video games while
we can get an idea.
driving cars, because that’s what they’d
Recently, a SpaceX engineer called
like to do. The irony is, when you
out what she said is the sexual harass-
become as powerful as Musk is, fewer
ment that women have to endure while The Department of Energy complex
and fewer people penetrate the inner in Washington, D.C.
circle, but it becomes more important building rockets in Elon’s world, and
than ever to hear the voices of dissent. the indifference he shows to environ-
mental matters. Six women from Tesla I WRITE A LOT about whistleblowers.
Musk also doesn’t seem to see the They’re usually national security
irony of the fact that he himself built his have joined a lawsuit alleging the
company fostered a culture of “rampant whistleblowers like Daniel Ellsberg, Ed
reputation as an outlier; whistleblowers Snowden, Jeffrey Sterling, Daniel Hale
sexual harassment” at its factories. At
are nothing if not outsiders. To step up and Darin Jones. But I’ve become
both companies, several women
and speak out, whistleblowers stop friendly with another one, Joe Carson, a
complained to HR about the behavior
toeing the party line and challenge the nuclear safety engineer at the U.S.
and maintain nothing was done about it.
groupthink. They have the guts to tell a Department of Energy who has a
This kind of whistleblowing has no
leader the things they may not want to unique case that is largely being
financial reward attached, unlike those
hear, but need to hear. Research shows

10 The Whistle, #110, April 2022

ignored by the media, whistleblower It took 10 years, but the Merit Systems make his whistleblower revelations.
support organizations and even other Protection Board found in Carson’s That’s what federal employees outside
whistleblowers. favor, ruling that the Energy Depart- the Intelligence Community are trained
Carson is not your typical whistle- ment to do. See something wrong? Go to the
blower, who makes a revelation of MSPB. If the whistleblower doesn’t get
wrongdoing and then deals with the retaliated against the appellant satisfaction at MSPB, he can also go to
fallout. Instead, he blew the whistle on because of his whistleblowing by the independent Office of Special
waste, fraud, abuse and illegality at the taking away critical duties from his Counsel. They are supposed to be the
Department of Energy (DOE), and then job assignments, issuing letters of entities to order the federal department
did it again and again and again. And to admonishment, and by reassigning or agency to correct the wrong that the
make matters more difficult for him, he him from his home in Tennessee to whistleblower is bringing to light, and
had to deal with the fallout not just from Maryland. This retaliation, not if they can’t, Special Counsel is
DOE, but from the governmental surprisingly, resulted in illness and supposed to file a federal suit to get the
organizations set up to protect whistle- stress, as well as necessitated the courts to fix the problem. But it doesn’t
blowers. Consequently, he has spent appellant to take a large amount of always work the way it’s supposed to.
decades in court. time from work to consult with his Carson told an interviewer, “My 30-
Carson was born in Brooklyn and attorneys and other advisors. plus year whistleblowing story has
earned a degree in mechanical essentially two parts: the first part was
engineering from the University of The Energy Department was ordered against DOE. The second part is against
Rochester. He was then hand-picked by to pay Carson $400,000 for legal fees the Office of Special Counsel and
Admiral Hyman Rickover, the father of and costs. But the story doesn’t end MSPB.”
the nuclear navy, to spend six years on there. Frankly, Carson’s complaints
a nuclear submarine. In 1982, Carson about DOE were just the beginning.
moved into the private sector, working He used his notoriety to file repeated
as an engineer at several nuclear energy complaints against the Department of
facilities. In 1990 he joined the DOE as Energy, mostly dealing with safety
an engineer. issues. Indeed, since 1991, he has filed
Just one year later, in 1991, Carson over 20 whistleblower disclosures,
blew the whistle on wrongdoing for the several of which are still pending in Oak Ridge National Laboratory
first time. He reported that the Energy federal courts. Carson maintains that main campus
Department was illegally using paid the Department of Energy cares little
consultants to supplement employees. for the safety of its employees, its In a perfect world, a whistleblower
He argued that this was designed to contractors, or the American people and makes a revelation to MSPB, the organ-
“milk the system.” The agency immedi- that it ignores safety regulations and ization takes months, maybe even a
ately retaliated by declining to imple- laws at its facilities around the country. year, to do an investigation, and it
ment his safety findings, which detailed finally makes a determination. It fixes
serious workplace issues in the DOE’s Stickler for process the problem or it goes to court. It
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, nuclear facili- I’ve gotten to know Joe Carson over the shouldn’t take decades, millions of
ties, putting lives in danger. years. He’s a stickler for process. He dollars in legal fees, and multiple
believes that if the government sets up federal courts to come to a conclusion.
a process under which whistleblowers Couple that with multiple whistle-
must make their disclosures, then that’s blower revelations like those made by
the way it’s supposed to be done. Carson and you have an unworkable
The government has done that quagmire.
through the Merit System Protection When Carson and I first met, Joe
Board, or MSPB, and the DOJ’s Office asked me why I hadn’t made a whistle-
of Special Counsel. MSPB is an blower complaint to the MSPB or to the
independent, quasi-judicial agency in Office of Special Counsel when I blew
the executive branch that serves as the the whistle on the C.I.A.’s torture
guardian of federal merit systems. Its program.
mission is to “Protect the merit system In my case, I couldn’t report to my
principles (of government) and promote chain of command because it had itself
an effective federal workforce free of created the torture program. I couldn’t
prohibited personnel practices.” In go to the congressional oversight
other words, it is precisely the place committees because they had secretly
where a federal whistleblower should approved and appropriated funds for the
go to report evidence of waste, fraud, torture program. I couldn’t go to MSPB
abuse, illegality, or threats to the public because there was no mechanism for
Joe Carson
health or public safety. Intelligence Community employees to
Carson, unlike many whistleblow- go there. I couldn’t go to the Office of
ers, has gone repeatedly to the MSPB to Special Counsel because it and its sister

The Whistle, #110, April 2022 11

organization at the Justice Department, agency.” It is supposed to prosecute law on the books. But does that matter
the Office of Legal Counsel, had government entities who violate the if nobody enforces it?
“legalized” the torture program. My rights of whistleblowers. But it shirks Congress has to rebuild the whistle-
only choice was to go to the media. I that responsibility. Ideally, there should blower reporting system from the
wished there had been a viable process be no federal whistleblower cases in the ground up. That means three things.
for me and for other national security courts. They should all be settled by
whistleblowers. There just wasn’t. MSPB or the Office of Special Counsel. • No. 1: The Senate must allow for
But they just don’t do their jobs. And as the immediate appointment and
Complaint takes a decade a result, the courts get clogged with confirmation of non-ideological
MSPB and the Office of Special cases like Carson’s that last for decades. professionals to staff the MSPB.
Counsel have been around for a long And third, the Merit System Protec- Congressional inaction hurts only
time, so why does it then sometimes tion Board has proven itself to be a whistleblowers.
take a decade or more for the whistle- politicized, ideological organization • No. 2: Congress must amend the
blower’s complaint to be heard? that is more concerned with power and law reauthorizing the Merit System
Carson’s personal experience contains patronage than with helping anybody. Protection Board to force federal
the answer. U.S. senators, who vote on nominees to entities to create and maintain
When Carson made his revelations the MSPB, have fought over its working conditions conducive to
to MSPB he soon learned several things ideological balance since 2017. And as whistleblowing. That should have
about both DOE and the whistleblow- crazy as it sounds, senators couldn’t been settled by Carson’s first case. It
ing process. agree on any of President Donald wasn’t.
First, he learned that DOE, like many Trump’s MSPB nominees. Two of the • And No. 3: Congress must specify
other governmental entities, is clueless three MSPB seats remained vacant, in the MSPB reauthorization bill,
about whether its employees are while in 2019, the third member’s term pending now in the House of
protected from retaliation after making expired. Since then, there have been no Representatives, when and how it
a whistleblower revelation. The DOE new members appointed to MSPB. would report to Congress on federal
argued in Carson’s many cases that it Every single position is vacant. whistleblowing.
owed Carson no protections whatsoever
Inaction is not acceptable.
and that there was nothing illegal about Why alone?
retaliating against a whistleblower. Carson raises another important point in
They saw him only as a disgruntled interviews and in his letters to congres-
employee. (That’s why Congress was sional and White House leaders. Where
forced to pass a whistleblower protec- are outside groups in all this? Where are
tion law in 1989 and to update it during the federal employees’ unions? Where
the Obama administration. Federal are the whistleblower organizations and
departments and agencies simply NGOs? Where are the faith-based
violate the rights of whistleblowers all organizations on some of these broader
the time.) issues? (Carson is a longtime member
of a Christian engineers’ organization.)
Why do whistleblowers have to fight
their fights against waste, fraud, abuse,
and illegality in the federal space alone?
That’s the $64,000 question. This is
an important issue. Congress has
dropped the ball. There’s no functional
organization for a federal whistle-
blower to go to. There’s no oversight.
The Office of Special Counsel, with
its 130 employees, doesn’t have the John Kiriakou
resources to comply with the whistle-
1943 billboard during wartime research blower protection law that’s supposed
on building a nuclear bomb to cover the entire federal government
and its 2.1 million employees. The
Second, the Office of Special Counsel Merit System Protection Board is
has dropped the ball and will not act as paralyzed by political infighting.
a prosecutor and bring cases on behalf Outside organizations don’t want to get
of whistleblowers, exactly what it was involved. Carson is saying that the
created to do. emperor has no clothes. Why isn’t
The Office of Special Counsel says anybody else saying so?
in the first sentence of its mission The system is utterly and completely
statement that it is “an independent broken. Sure, there’s a whistleblower
federal investigative and prosecutorial

12 The Whistle, #110, April 2022

Beatings, forced-feeding, She provides parents with a recording which reached 4,000 shares in a day.
device and listens to the result. If it After it went viral, the media was
starvation: a whistle- sounds improper to her and the parents, coming to me. The post raised a lot of
blower’s shocking she advises them to file a police awareness, and a lot of parents
complaint and take their story to the approached me.”
discoveries at Israel’s media. (And she makes sure the other
day care centers parents know about her endeavors.)
Noa Limone On the day the recording mentioned
Haaretz, 26 December 2021 above was made, Hakimi says, only two
children came to the day care – the baby
For three years Hadas Hakimi has who wore the recording device and the
been informing parents about 2-year-old. The other three children
abusive preschool and day care staff were ill and stayed home.
around the country. “Out of every 10 “At the beginning of the recording
day cares tested, eight come back you hear the day care worker greet both
improper.” children with a saccharine display of An Israeli preschool. Credit: Hadas Parush
warmth and love,” she says. Around 20
minutes after the parents left, according Thanks to the perceptive mother and
to the parents and Hakimi as they say Hakimi, the day care center in Kfar
they heard in the recording, “she puts Yona isn’t operating at the moment, but
them in the room where they nap. You it wasn’t shut down by a police order.
hear the door close, and there it ends.” The recording was made in June, but
According to Hakimi, from that the case still awaits the prosecution.
moment, you don’t hear the door open “Upon receipt of the complaint the
again until the end of the day. “You police opened an investigation in which
hear prolonged crying, and then all actions have been taken,” the police
silence,” she says, adding that she said, with the state prosecution adding,
assumes the baby and toddler cried “The case file was sent to the prosecutor
themselves to sleep. Later, the children but was immediately returned to the
wake up, “and then for four and a half police for the investigation to be com-
hours you hear wall-shaking screams,” pleted, as it lacked vital documents.”
she says.
Hadas Hakimi. Credit: Hadas Parush “It’s a cry of hunger, frustration and No training, no screening
fear. I don’t know if even a light was on Hakimi, 38 of Hod Hasharon near Tel
If one recording she has heard stays in the room. I’m trying to imagine the Aviv, was originally a fitness trainer.
etched on Hadas Hakimi’s heart till her 2-year-old standing alone on the bed for Before the case of abusive day care
last day, it’s the seven and a half hours seven hours. At a certain point you hear owner Carmel Mauda in 2019 — an
from a day care center in Kfar Yona him say, in a pleading voice, 'water, event that rocked her world and drove
north of Tel Aviv. Almost throughout, water, bottle,' but he gets no water, no her to her current life’s work — she had
you can hear a baby and a 2-year-old bottle. No one comes in or out of the no connection to the world of preschool
alone in a room; for four and a half room. Only half an hour before pickup or day care. Her only son, 14-year-old
hours their terrible wailing goes time, the day care worker finally opens Uri whom she raises alone, was never
unanswered. the door. She says, ‘What happened? hurt by an employee in such a setting.
“The mother of a 5-month-old baby What are you crying for like somebody When he was 1, Uri was diagnosed
told me that her son is at a day care with died?’” with Camurati-Engelmann disease, a
four other babies,” Hakimi says. “She After listening to the recording, genetic syndrome characterized by
says he comes back with puffy eyes as Hakimi found herself crying for two thick bones in the arms, legs and skull.
if he cried a lot, and very bad diaper months. “I’d be doing something, “He has a hard time walking and
rash.” remember the worst of their cries and uses a wheelchair some of the time. He
Hakimi gave the mother a recording start crying myself,” she says. “I really doesn’t speak at all,” Hakimi says, her
device and advised her on how to use it think I had PTSD. I’ve heard lots of voice cracking for the first time despite
and hide it. The next evening they had screaming, cursing, even beating in my the many sad topics we explore. “I live
the recording. But unlike the countless day, but this story will stay with me to it every day, but suddenly when I talk
times she did this before, this listening my grave.” about him out loud it becomes real and
was so hard on her she spread it out over According to Hakimi, when she it’s like somebody else’s life I’m
two days. approached people in the media with describing, not my own.”
For three years Hakimi, known to the tape, nobody wanted to publish it. Is her motherhood of a special needs
many parents as “the children’s “They told me, ‘there’s no cursing child linked to her crusade to save
guardian,” has been working tirelessly there. There’s nothing to broadcast’,” children from day care abuse? Hakimi
to inform parents about abusive she says. “So I uploaded a post where I doesn’t think so. “It’s deeper than that.
preschool and day care staff in Israel. described the contents of the tape, It’s not about my child,” she says,

The Whistle, #110, April 2022 13

adding that her devotion to the issue pen, some crying in a stroller, being abusive. Nobody suspected Carmel
stems from closure of a personal issue, ignored.” Mauda either. Everybody thought she
but she declines to elaborate. Hakimi realized that entering day was wonderful. It was the assistant who
Hakimi started small: comments to care centers by posing as a worker had led to the exposure. The parents say the
parents whose children were harmed by limited returns. “Then the taping kids would come to the day care
Mauda, participation in protests and project was born,” she says, “a happily, and kiss and hug her.”
highly emotional posts where she snowball. From two or three parents According to Hakimi, the situation is
reached parents who removed their who approached me, it grew to another no better at supervised day cares.
children from abusive day care centers. 10 and another 20.” “Supervision means that once every
“I’d send them a private message and The moniker “the children’s three months, at best, an inspector
ask about the place,” she says. “If they guardian” was coined after she exposed comes to the day care to see how it’s
told me the name, I’d go there and offer an abusive day care worker in Kiryat run. But her visit is prearranged. The
to work there as an assistant.” Motzkin near Haifa, leading to the workers know the day and time the
worker’s dismissal. The mother who inspector will come,” she says.
You entered day care centers under- recorded the caregiver with Hakimi’s “So what’s she going to see? How
cover? help suggested the nickname, and the children are yelled at and beaten?
“Yes. I have a criminal mind. I Hakimi adopted it, opening a Facebook When I entered the day cares as a
bought a hidden camera and went in.” page under it. worker I saw how it works. You put on
“Not a day goes by that I don’t get a show for the inspector. I expect them
I’m trying to understand how such a dozens of messages there,” she says, to do surprise inspections, to stand
thing happened. After all, you’re not a adding that her recording devices see outside the day care and listen how the
private investigator. How did you know, action throughout the country. “I run a children are spoken to, what the
for instance, where to buy a hidden thick binder to connect people, to pass approach to the children is. Don’t
camera? the devices from one to the other.” announce your arrival ahead of time.
“I looked it up online.” That’s not supervision.”
Hakimi’s first experience was at a Out of every 10 day care centers In fact, she believes that the situation
day care center in Petah Tikva for ages where you planted a recording device, at municipal day care centers is worse.
up to 3. “I saw workers slam children can you estimate how many come back “The vast majority of municipal day
into chairs, and feed children violently problematic? cares that I’ve heard recordings of are
and unpleasantly,” she says. “Out of every 10 day cares tested, run like military units. You wouldn’t
“I’ve seen kids yelled at, spoken to eight come back improper, but not all to believe that 3-year-olds are spoken to
abusively. I’d come home and feel the same degree. It can be humiliating like that,” she says. “This month I had
awful. After a week I went to the police and repulsive speech, it can be neglect, about 10 municipal day care centers,
with the footage, but these awful sights it can be physical violence. I find it and at all of them, after we went to the
weren’t considered criminal. Eventu- improper to humiliate someone, to take Education Ministry, they fired the
ally the day care closed down because a child who raised a hand to another workers. But why were they hired in the
parents wouldn’t enroll” their kids child, stand him to the side and tell the first place?”
there. child who was hit to go hit back, for Hakimi adds that in many recordings
instance. When you listen to a recording from municipal day care centers, you
and shiver, when you listen and it’s constantly hear shouting. “The day care
clear that these people shouldn’t be is run exclusively by yelling: ‘Get up!
working in education, that’s problem- Sit there! Move over there! Why like
atic.” that?’ Screaming and threats all day,”
Sure enough, according to the Taub she says.
Center for Social Policy Studies in “I’m not talking about any love and
Israel, the vast majority of staff warmth. Last night I sat up late listening
members at day care centers for to a recording from a municipal day
children up to 3 years old have no care. You hear the worker tell the child:
A demonstration in Tel Aviv against training in childcare. Then there’s the ‘You’re eating alone today! You hear?’
violence by workers at the country's overcrowding and the fact that there’s — screaming. He sits alone to eat, then
preschools. Credit: Moti Milrod no screening of people working in the she goes back and yells at him. ‘Get up!
field. Bring your plate! Sit with them here for
The next day care center she worked “The day cares where the recording the picture. Good. Look at me every-
at was in Ariel in the West Bank. “I devices were placed aren’t the only body. Say cheese! Now get up, go back
lasted only one day,” she says. “The ones that raised parents’ suspicions,” there, you’re eating there!’
worker changed diapers on the dining Hakimi says, adding that often it’s not “She sat him with everybody else
table. There were 20 kids there to one the parents who initiate the placing of a only to take a picture to send the
caregiver, me, because the other worker recorder but day care workers. parents. You get it? And that’s how she
did nothing but order me to change “A lot of times the parents suspect tyrannizes and abuses the children all
diapers. Babies spent whole days in the nothing. A lot of times they’re shocked the time. It’s not a slip of the tongue, not
to discover that the day care operator is

14 The Whistle, #110, April 2022

a moment of losing it. It’s like this share the content of the recordings,” she tions on how to use it. “The mother
throughout the day.” says. She also didn’t reveal the listened to the recording for 10 minutes
The day before, Hakimi adds, “The caregiver’s identity to worried parents and then couldn’t listen anymore,”
child’s mother met with the inspectors. who messaged her privately. Hakimi says. “She told me, ‘She put
At first she was afraid to play them the “I asked them to write me a private him in a room and closed the door. He’s
recording and just told them about the message saying who was in a day care screaming his heart out and she doesn’t
worker’s attitude toward the children. in a certain neighborhood in Jerusalem. go to him’.”
They defended her and said that she’s They all mentioned names but not the Hakimi says the similarity to the case
simply assertive. So she played the relevant caregiver, so I realized it would in Kfar Yona isn’t surprising. “A lot of
recording and they all turned red. This be very hard to reach the right parents,” these caregivers do the same thing.
morning she was informed that the Hakimi says. They put them in a room and shut the
worker had been fired.” “So I added the street name, and door and then do who knows what,” she
At my request, Hakimi plays me a within minutes I heard from a mother says, adding that in most cases, and
sample of recordings from municipal whose daughter was enrolled in the day unlike the Kfar Yona case, the caregiv-
day care centers. Not once do the care I meant. She was very anxious and ers take the children out every few
workers speak to the children in a pleaded with me to tell her if there was hours to feed them. “These kinds of
normal tone. They only yell, spew a problem with the caregiver I had the cases are usually closed by the police. It
vulgarities and/or speak in a humiliat- recording of. I agreed to play the isn’t considered proof of abuse,” she
ing, degrading way. And the children recording for her without giving the says.
remain silent, whimper or cry. caregiver’s name and she immediately This time, too, Hakimi listened to the
identified her.” full recording, which went on for eight
“I can’t stand you” hours. “You hear the caregiver putting
But for now, it’s not the abusive day two babies in a room,” she says. “For
care workers but Hakimi who's being two hours you hear terrible screams. At
threatened with lawsuits. Two day care some point the caregiver takes one baby
workers are suing her, seeking a total of out of the room, and then you hear the
800,000 shekels ($254,000) in dam- baby screaming for 10 minutes.”
ages. Hakimi launched a crowdfunding Is there any basis for Hakimi’s
campaign to raise money for her theory that this baby was being force-
defense. fed? I ask her how you can tell this just
“It’s support for a social project in a Carmel Mauda, left, who received a from listening, and she suggests that I
public battle,” she says. “It’s not for me. nine-year sentence for assaulting listen for myself. At the beginning, the
I didn’t put myself at risk because my children at a day care. baby wails softly and the caregiver yells
own child was hurt, I did it for the Credit: Ilan Assayag “Enough! Enough! Stop it already! Stop
children who are in these day care it! Enough! Behave!” The baby cries
centers.” When that mother then pulled her louder and the caregiver keeps yelling
She also wants to believe that if the daughter out of that venue, the “Quiet! Quiet!”
workers lose in these lawsuits — as caregiver sued Hakimi for 200,000 For a moment or two, the crying
she’s confident will happen — it will shekels, claiming that the Facebook almost stops, but then it resumes,
deter preschool teachers from suing post libeled her. morphing into screams before another
assistants, parents and other activists “She demanded 140,000 shekels in brief spell of quiet. At one point, the
who expose abuse at preschools and compensation within 48 hours and a baby has a coughing attack. A man’s
day care centers. published apology,” Hakimi says. “She voice can be heard in the background
Hakimi says the first lawsuit stems said I damaged her reputation. But her asking if it’s the right time to eat.
from a recording in which a caregiver at name didn’t get written anywhere and I This goes on for 10 minutes, screams
a home day care – in a caregiver's home didn’t publish the recording. I wasn’t that are briefly interrupted and then
– in Jerusalem says to a 2-year-old boy: willing to apologize. I did what I had to resume. Intermittent coughing and
“I can’t stand you, you savage, it would do and I wouldn’t do things any differ- choking sounds. The caregiver shouts at
take nerves of steel to tolerate you,” and ently.” Meanwhile, the day care in the baby to be quiet and offers no words
similar things. “When the boy asks for question continues to operate as usual. of comfort or encouragement. Toward
water, really begs for it, she screams at Hakimi says the second lawsuit the end she says, “You think I’ll give in
him, ‘You’re not getting any water! against her involves a “much more to you? I never give in, sweetie.” Then
You’re being punished!’ I see this as horrifying” recording and seeks she says, “She finished everything.”
harming human dignity.” 600,000 shekels in damages. She and With the consent of the mother who
Hakimi was unable to contact the her lawyer haven’t yet filed a defense made the recording, Hakimi played it
other parents from that day care, so, to brief. for the other parents from the day care
reach the other parents, on Facebook This case concerns a home day care center. “There were parents who came
she asked for recommendations for center in Petah Tikva for five babies to my home and heard the whole
home day cares in the area. “I didn’t between the ages of 6 months and 1 recording,” she says. “They cried and
write the name of the caregiver or the year. One mother contacted Hakimi and said I saved their child.”
name of the day care center, and I didn’t received a recording device and instruc-

The Whistle, #110, April 2022 15

In the lawsuit, the caregiver alleges sentence she received was dispropor- sounds like a blow, and then stronger
that Hakimi accused her on social tionate because the physical injury to screams.”
media of abusing children but doesn’t the children wasn’t serious. What about M says her daughter, who wasn't
provide proof. Hakimi stands by her their psyches, and their parents’ crawling or standing yet, came home
claim that she did nothing besides play psyches?” with a bruise on her leg. After the
the recording for parents. experience at both day cares, M lodged
Hakimi also says that even when “No one cares” a complaint with the police. “The first
cameras are installed in the caregiver’s She also notes that even cases where one was closed a month ago for a lack
home, in accordance with a law passed there is evidence of physical harm don’t of evidence, and the second has been
in 2018, it’s often of no use. Some always make it to court. She tells of a sitting in the prosecutor’s office for four
caregivers don’t turn the cameras on, or mother from Tel Aviv who contacted months now,” she says.
the police find that nothing has been her because she suspected something “I gave the police a lot of material for
recorded. was amiss at her baby daughter’s day the investigation. Names of people who
In this instance, aside from closing care center. worked with her, for instance. But they
two babies in a room for two hours “On the recording you can hear the didn’t get in touch with them. They just
during which they cried nonstop, and caregiver slapping a baby and then you questioned [the caregiver] once and
what sounds like a baby being force- hear the baby crying,” Hakimi says. gave the case to the prosecutor’s office,
fed, Hakimi says another baby is heard “But there’s no video footage, so the and it’s still stuck there. The day care is
crying in his bed for a long time without case isn’t moving.” The baby’s mother, still operating as usual.”
a response. “She yelled at him to be M, says that ever since she heard the The police responded: “The investi-
quiet too,” she says, adding that “this is tape six months ago, she hasn’t been gation into the complaint that was filed
one of the toughest recordings I’ve ever able to sleep at night. in Tel Aviv has been completed and the
received.” Disturbingly, M says this is the investigative material has been
She says that to her, shutting babies second day care where she sent her forwarded to the prosecutor’s office for
in a room and force-feeding are just as daughter with a secret recording device; a decision, as is standard practice. The
bad as physical violence. “I hear so after hearing the recordings from each police will continue to examine and
many recordings, and sometimes the place, she quickly pulled her daughter investigate any suspicion of abuse of
curses aren’t the worst thing. Leaving a out. minors and the helpless to protect them
screaming baby all alone in a room for “At the first day care, my daughter and prevent them from being harmed,
two hours or more – it’s an abomina- was 5 and a half months,” she says. “I anytime and anywhere.”
tion. Can you imagine what the child is suspected that something was wrong The prosecutor’s office added, “The
going through? because there were things that didn’t case was transferred to us a month ago
“I don’t understand why people in add up between what the caregiver told and is currently under review.”
this country don’t get it. Why do these me and my daughter’s behavior. On the “This case will be closed,” Hakimi
cases get stuck in the prosecutor’s recording we heard them leaving the predicts. “And the caregiver will go on
office for six months? Is a child’s babies alone in a room for hours while working. This is what happens in the
psyche really that worthless? Why do they were crying and screaming, and no vast majority of cases. An entire gener-
you need broken bones to prove abuse? one went in and tended to them at all.” ation here is being subjected to abuse
Hundreds of cases like this are closed M switched her daughter to the and no one cares.”
every year. Hundreds. And it never second day care center after receiving Hakimi says the light punishments
reaches the media.” warm recommendations from other for abusive caregivers are another part
parents in her Tel Aviv neighborhood. of the problem. “Did you hear about the
Because of her previous experience, she case of the preschool assistant from
outfitted her daughter with a recording Afula?” she asks, referring to Lilach
device just one week in, even though Amsalem, who was convicted of
she didn’t notice anything amiss. assaulting four toddlers.
“The recording was unbelievable,” “Shocking things were captured on
she says, holding back tears. “You camera, and the parents still had to be
hardly hear other children all through- dragged through the courts for two
out the day. I don’t know where they years, and all she received was three
were. There's no mention of food or months of community service. And
water. No caring attention, no shows of what kind of community service? At a
The police responded: “Regarding affection, no playing. In the background community center that young children
the case under investigation in Petah you hear television shows for adults.” go to!”
Tikva, the investigation is currently M describes her daughter, who was 8 Hakimi is a walking encyclopedia of
ongoing, and when it is completed it and a half months at the time, as an alert abuse cases at preschools and day cares.
will be forwarded to the prosecutor’s and active baby with a very easygoing She cites the details of one case after
office for review and a decision on how temperament. “After she was ignored another, including many that have long
to proceed.” for many hours, she began to whine a been forgotten.
Hakimi says: “Carmel Mauda is little, and then you hear the caregiver “I don’t know how she sleeps at
filing an appeal now, arguing that the screaming at her, and something that night,” M says of Hakimi. “What you

16 The Whistle, #110, April 2022

hear on the recordings gets into your dollar store and a high school spread priests and kings. The prophet is known
head and heart in a way that’s hard to among the low-flung homes. for having the courage to deliver unwel-
grasp. What she’s doing is a holy Fifteen narcotics detectives and come news even though he was
mission. She’s our angel. I don’t know patrol officers — foot soldiers in Amer- reluctant to do so.
where I’d be without her.” ica’s Sisyphean war on drugs — were Jeremiah grew up in 1980s Baton
As we're speaking, Hakimi’s looking for a local man who, one Rouge, the Deep South capital of
WhatsApp account overflows with informant had assured them, was Louisiana, on the eastern bank of the
messages from parents. “Today, 30 trafficking crack cocaine and armed Mississippi River. The city is steeped in
parents sent their children in with with an assault rifle. segregation and tension among the
recording devices. They’re all writing Police in SWAT gear stormed the mostly Black population and mostly
to me that they’re worried the caregiv- house. Neighbors gathered along the white police force.
ers will notice the device, and I reassure fence, blocked by a phalanx of cops.
them and offer moral support,” she They heard a commotion from inside,
says. then muffled screams, then nothing.
“And there are parents who listened Less than 15 minutes after police
today to what was recorded yesterday went inside, paramedics came out with
and say they're hearing shouting and a 32-year-old Black man on a stretcher
want to know if this is normal. and carried him into an ambulance. The
Honestly, I don’t feel like I have the man’s mother looked on from behind
energy for this sometimes.” the fence, shocked and confused,
pacing as she begged for one of the
So why don’t you stop? officers to explain what had just
“Every time I think I’ll just help happened. She received no answers.
these 30 and then I’ll be able to rest, but Around 2 a.m., a local television
then more people contact me. It just station reported a statement from the
keeps growing, and I can’t help but Baton Rouge Police Department: A
respond. I’m looking for an organiza- man “was in distress” after swallowing
Jeremiah Ardoin
tion or a large nonprofit group to adopt drugs when detectives arrived to
my project so I’ll have legal protection execute a search warrant, and he had
In the decade before he was born,
– because these lawsuits are wearing died. “No foul play is suspected,” said
civil rights demonstrations at Southern
me out – and also to get some financial the sheriff’s office, the agency investi-
University in Baton Rouge turned
support. I can’t keep doing this alone.” gating the case.
deadly when police killed two unarmed
If she can find such support, Hakimi Police did not announce what their
Black students. Afterward, in 1980, a
says she's ready to go after abusive day raid had yielded from the house that
federal civil rights investigation found
care operators her whole life. “Not day: one marijuana blunt, two cell-
the Baton Rouge police department was
many people are cut out for this,” she phones, $231 in cash and “one small
discriminating against Black people
says. suspected crack cocaine rock.” The crit-
looking to become cops. The U.S.
ical facts about what happened in those
Department of Justice issued a consent
What makes you capable of doing 15 minutes were held close by police
decree to force the department to
this? and would go unexplained for years.
“The things I’ve been through in life The narcotics officers who had
After Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005,
have toughened me. Also, I’m a person answers knew better than to speak
out-of-state troopers who came to help
of faith.” about them publicly. But in private
with recovery efforts quickly left the
conversations at police headquarters, in
state after witnessing rampant racism
jokes among those who were in the
and misconduct in Baton Rouge law
house, that day had a name: The Flag
“We’re lost in this evil” Street Massacre.
enforcement. They said officers there
Brett Murphy harassed Black residents who had fled
USA Today, 18 January 2022 from New Orleans, wantonly sprayed
The weeping prophet from Baton
mace into crowds, went into homes
Rouge, Louisiana
ON THE AFTERNOON of May 2, 2013, without warrants and, in one case,
Jeremiah Ardoin is the son of a sheriff’s
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, police kicked offered to let a visiting trooper beat an
deputy and an oilman. His mother,
in the door of 6349 Flag St., a faded inmate as a thank you gift.
Annette, wore the badge, and his father,
blue shotgun house set atop cinder More recently, in 2016, Baton Rouge
Horace, was a technician inside one of
blocks and surrounded by a chain-link police shot and killed Alton Sterling, a
the refineries that rise above Louisi-
fence and scorched grass. The neigh- Black man selling CDs. Protests envel-
ana’s bayou with bellowing smoke-
borhood, an unincorporated sliver east oped the city. Less than two weeks
stacks and lights like skyscrapers.
of Airline Highway, is almost entirely later, a gunman ambushed and killed
They named Jeremiah after the Old
Black. One in 3 live below the poverty three officers, wounding another three.
Testament “weeping prophet,” who
line. There are a couple of churches, a The fraught relationship between the
warned that Jerusalem faced destruc-
people and those who police them is as
tion because of the sins of Israel’s high

The Whistle, #110, April 2022 17

much part of Louisiana’s DNA as the year-old — her grandson — from day “The family already went through
oppressive humidity. care. Casa, a God-fearing woman who enough,” Ricard replied. The funeral
In such an environment, Jeremiah’s calls everyone “baby” and swallows up was a closed casket.
parents raised their three children to be near-strangers in hugs goodbye, didn’t Casa had only clues about what
self-sufficient. Horace taught them how want the boy to be with anyone else. happened inside the house on Flag
to hunt. Annette taught them to cook. Street. Robinson’s widow, Alaysha
They steered their kids clear of the Robinson, had been in the bedroom.
street by sending them to private There, Alaysha said, four officers
elementary and middle schools. barged in and pounced on her husband
In high school, Jeremiah told his before repeatedly punching him in the
mom he wanted to follow in her face and chest. Where is it? they barked.
footsteps and be a police officer. “I’ve One officer struck Robinson with the
wanted this all my life,” he said. butt of his rifle and dragged him off to
Annette quit smoking the day he the living room, according to Alaysha.
graduated from the academy in 2008, a They turned over furniture, cushions
bargain she made with God to keep her and drawers throughout the house.
boy safe on the job. Photographs the family took of the
Jeremiah went to work for the Baton scene afterward show blood smeared on
Rouge Police Department. The uniform the walls and door jambs, and pooled on
was a tight fit around his barrel chest. the tile.
His arms are roped with tattoos show- Casa and Alaysha filed a wrongful
ing the Freemasons symbols and his death lawsuit in 2014 against the city of
four children, including a baby girl who Baton Rouge and the officers who
died hours after she was born. raided the house on Flag Street. But the
By 2013, he was five years into the case languished. Their attorney didn’t
job with a house in Baker, a small file motions to move the case forward
suburb that borders the northern edge of for more than three years.
Baton Rouge. He was making $80,000 In court, Baton Rouge attorneys
a year and started investing in livestock denied that the officers on the raid did
that he butchered and sold to neighbors. anything wrong. “At no time was
Goats, chickens, pigs and turkeys plod- Dontrunner (Robinson) beaten, kicked,
ded through mud in his backyard, vying or abused,” they said in one filing. “No
over patches of shade to keep cool. deadly force was ever utilized.” After
On May 2, 2013, the day his col- Dontrunner Robinson three years, a judge agreed to dismiss
leagues kicked in the door on Flag the suit after the city argued the
Street, Jeremiah was working a detail at On the way back from the day care, family’s attorney had abandoned it. It is
Baton Rouge General Medical Center. a family friend called from the hospital: still officially pending.
At 5:21 p.m., paramedics rushed the 32- Dontrunner’s dead. Casa pulled over Casa and Alaysha learned virtually
year-old Black man they’d pulled from and wept until she was out of breath. nothing about Robinson’s death. They
the blue house through the emergency She climbed into the backseat with her said the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s
room doors, flanked by multiple narcot- grandson. Office — which conducted an investi-
ics officers. The man on the gurney was “I just held him for a minute,” she gation of the incident — and Baton
Dontrunner Robinson. recalled. Rouge police did not release any
Jeremiah looked down at Robinson Casa found a frenzy of neighbors, records to the family or the public. Casa
and saw a mash of blood and swollen kin and family friends waiting for her at and Alaysha hoped to hear from the
flesh, with an open gash the size of an the hospital. The officers there would state attorney general or maybe even
apple slice above his left eye. His upper not let Casa see her son’s body before the FBI to tell them they were looking
body was mottled with bruises. Too they sent him to the coroner. It’s into possible civil rights violations. But
many to count. evidence, they told her. the calls never came.
Police told doctors that the bedroom Casa sent her brother-in-law, Lester Eight years later, Casa struggles to
door had hit Robinson’s face when they Ricard, a pastor, to the funeral home to understand how other cases of police
kicked it in. identify the body. If the swelling hadn’t brutality and in-custody deaths
In the moment, Jeremiah did what’s gone down by the time he arrived, garnered nationwide protests and
expected of police in situations like Ricard said, he may well have not reform efforts while she couldn’t get
this: nothing. recognized his nephew. He spoke with basic information about what happened
the mortician, who explained how to her son. George Floyd was painted
State secrets much work it would take to prepare on city streets and tweeted by profes-
After the paramedics took her son from Robinson’s face and head for an open sional athletes. But nobody outside her
Flag Street to the hospital, Casa casket funeral. family and the neighborhood seemed to
Robinson Bean left the chain link fence know her son’s name.
and drove off to pick up Robinson’s 2- ***

18 The Whistle, #110, April 2022

Across Louisiana, mothers and other The episode and the coverup that intervention training and quarterly
loved ones seeking answers have been followed were particularly alarming reviews of body camera footage. “I’m
on the wrong side of police secrecy for considering the agency’s role. When not one that believes in covering up and
years. When I visited last summer, there’s an in-custody death or deadly that blue wall of silence,” he said.
word spread through an unofficial shooting, local Louisiana police depart- Davis would not discuss Cavalier’s
network of grieving families and local ments often rely on the State Police to situation specifically. But he said he
activists that a reporter was looking into find out what happened and determine values transparency and that officers
some cases. They hoped an outsider whether officers were at fault. Since the would be within their rights to report
might be able to shake loose new Greene scandal broke, critics have misconduct to the FBI or attorney
evidence. argued the agency is not equipped to general if they felt the internal griev-
Tara Snearl said she can’t find hold itself accountable, let alone others. ance procedure had fallen short.
anyone at the Port Allen police depart- Carl Cavalier was one of a cohort of
ment willing to discuss her son’s cold troopers inside the State Police who
case homicide or the bungled investiga- worked to leak information about
tion that followed in 2017. Greene’s killing. He collected email
“They won’t even tell me who the and other documents showing the
lead detective is,” Snearl said. department brass blocked internal
The department refused to release investigators when they wanted to
investigative files. A Port Allen police arrest one of the troopers responsible.
official emailed that the chief “is Cavalier went public this past
declining all interviews” concerning the summer and sat down for local TV
case. interviews, in a suit and bowtie, to
Breka Peoples, an activist in Shreve- explain the documents.
port, said the local police department is Federal prosecutors are now probing
covering up multiple in-custody deaths whether State Police leaders obstructed
and at least one rape in the back of a justice to protect the troopers, as well as
patrol car. Families are left with little the abrupt disbanding of an internal
recourse. “They don’t have anywhere to panel that was supposed to be investi-
turn,” Peoples said. “And no one is held gating other incidents of excessive
accountable.” force against Black motorists. Carl Cavalier
In the meantime, State Police
commanders suspended Cavalier and Most department leaders who agreed
sent him a letter saying they intend to to interviews for this story said some-
fire him for disloyalty to the department thing similar: The code of silence may
and for making unauthorized public be a problem in law enforcement, but
statements, among other infractions. not in their own agencies. Yet rank-and-
Cavalier has since filed a lawsuit file cops and other officials around the
against the department, alleging state were often terrified to talk openly
discrimination and retaliation. about police misconduct for fear of
I met Cavalier for lunch in New retaliation from peers and supervisors.
Breka Peoples Orleans in June. He had been using a One source insisted on meeting at
pseudonym over the phone, Elijah midnight in an abandoned warehouse.
Earlier this year, the Associated Steele, the name he used during under- Another left records stashed in a grave-
Press published videos showing Louisi- cover operations, because he was wary yard and on top of car tires. A private
ana State Police troopers beating, of outsiders connecting his name with detective was sure we were being
stunning and dragging Ronald Greene, the department’s leaks. He showed up watched at a coffee shop.
an unarmed Black man, after a car to the restaurant two hours early to Another former officer said he was
chase in 2019 outside Monroe. “I’m make sure nobody was watching or so scared after reporting misconduct in
sorry,” he pleaded, blood splashed on listening. 2018 that he sent his wife and children
his skin and clothes. “I beat the ever- Cavalier told me he leaked away to live with his in-laws. He
living f--- out of him,” one officer said information about the Greene case installed a motion-sensored camera on
in an audio recording. Greene stopped because the oath he took when he his porch and slept on the couch with a
breathing soon after. became a police officer requires him to rifle across his chest.
For almost two years, troopers lied to help a mother in distress like Mona. “When you come forward with this
Greene’s mother, Mona, by saying her “I didn’t seek this trouble out,” stuff and you see nothing’s happening,
son had died in a car crash. They had Cavalier said. “I deserve to keep my you start getting scared,” said Allen
refused to release the videos revealing job.” Ordeneaux, a former police officer in
the truth. Lamar Davis, who was appointed Amite. “Because this stuff is fixing to
“We’re lost in this evil,” she told me State Police superintendent in October blow up in our face.”
recently. 2020, said the Greene scandal prompted Contributing: Daphne Duret and
a raft of reforms, including bystander Gina Barton

The Whistle, #110, April 2022 19

Whistleblowers Australia contacts What doesn’t change
The Australian government is amazingly persistent in its
Postal address PO Box U129, Wollongong NSW 2500 prosecution of whistleblowers. The legal actions involved in
Website the prosecution of Bernard Collaery contain so many
Facebook complications that it is easy to lose sight of the central fact
Australia-Inc-172621456093012/ that the Australian government was involved in criminal
Members of the national committee activities and then, over a decade later, initiated legal actions against two of those who helped expose the government’s
evil deeds. If you want to support protests against this huge
Previous issues of The Whistle injustice, contact the Alliance Against Political Prosecutions (
New South Wales contact Cynthia Kardell,
phone 02 9484 6895,
Wollongong contact Brian Martin, phone 02 4228 7860.
Queensland contact Feliks Perera, phone 0410 260 440,
Queensland Whistleblowers Action Group
Secretary: Greg McMahon, phone 07 3378 7232

Editor: Brian Martin,
Phone 02 4228 7860 Bernard Collaery
Address: PO Box U129, Wollongong NSW 2500
Thanks to Cynthia Kardell and Lynn Simpson for Why should anyone believe politicians who claim to be
proofreading. concerned about whistleblowers when they do nothing to
stop political prosecutions?

Whistleblowers Australia membership

Membership of WBA involves an annual fee of $25, payable to Whistleblowers Australia.
Membership includes an annual subscription to The Whistle, and members receive
discounts to seminars, invitations to briefings/ discussion groups, plus input into policy
and submissions.
To subscribe to The Whistle but not join WBA, the annual subscription fee is $25.
The activities of Whistleblowers Australia depend entirely on voluntary work by
members and supporters. We value your ideas, time, expertise and involvement.
Whistleblowers Australia is funded almost entirely from membership fees, donations and
Renewing members can make your payment in one of these ways.
1. Pay Whistleblowers Australia Inc by online deposit to NAB Coolum Beach BSB 084
620 Account Number 69841 4626. Use your surname/membership as the reference.
2. Post a cheque made out to Whistleblowers Australia Inc with your name to the
Secretary, WBA, PO Box 458 Sydney Markets, Sydney, NSW 2129
3. Pay by credit card using PayPal to account name Use
your surname/membership as the reference.
New members:

20 The Whistle, #110, April 2022

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