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TYL’s Project Information and Socioeconomic Management (PRISM) System Benefits for

the Speaker of DTHA at a Glance

You are sure to make better laws if and when armed with an in-depth knowledge of your
constituents, their socioeconomic characteristics and environments, which will be provided by
the PRISM. Legislators can then monitor multiple urban and rural indicators as well as projects,
forecast community needs, and plan accordingly to help improve the quality of life in their

The speaker will be able to use the PRISM to research, develop, implement, and monitor the
progress of his plans and projects.

Benefits of using PRISM will include the following:

• Increase of efficiency, accuracy and quality of work.
• Save time.
• Provide decision support.
• Better management of resources.
• Automate tasks.
• Increase access to government.
• Enhance public participation.
 Increase productivity
 Build an information base
 Faster access to information: Once digitally rendered, data can be consumed by any
number of individuals or groups, as open or protected as decided. Easy, anytime
access to data results in time saved. Decisions can be arrived at in a shorter amount of
 Improved data quality: Without manual copying or redundancy in manual data input,
there is less opportunity for error or inaccuracies. Better data produces better decisions.

If equipped with the PRISM, then the leadership and staff of the Delta State House of Assembly
(DTHA) can quickly access information on the different constituencies and communities, LGAs,
infrastructure and environmentally sensitive areas, and all matters concerning the
implementation of development plans, and other planning information.

Comprehensive planning

Within the DTHA, legislators and planners will use PRISM while preparing budgets, which will
set the standard for policy decisions regarding short- and long-range changes to the state’s
socioeconomic and physical environment. PRISM tools will help to analyze problems more
quickly and thoroughly, formulate solutions, and monitor progress toward desired goals.

It will provide excellent knowledge of the state. This will even be useful for planning, designing
and implementing your election campaigns.

Project management and monitoring

PRISM can also be used to conduct periodic review of projects with compliance analyses. The
PRISM GIS can even analyze different scenarios, giving decision makers more choices than
ever before.

The combination of a readily available database of constituency projects, associated

socioeconomic and environmental data, with maps and live images, will help the DTHA to
provide a new level of service to the public. So if someone says he/she has completed a
project, you can sit in the office and see the actual level of work performed.

The functionality offered to users will include viewing and printing thematic reports and
expository maps, zooming in and out, measuring of real distances, making queries and
selections, and exporting and importing data.

We intend that the PRISM GIS becomes a basic tool helpful for conducting the daily business
and budgetary oversight of the DTHA with improved efficiency and productivity.

Although the PRISM applications can be used to manage legislator’s constituency projects, the
real benefits can only be fully realized by applying it across the entire business workflow of the


Such a planning support system (PSS) will provide an environment in which you can quickly
create and test alternative development scenarios and determine their likely futuristic impacts.

The PRISM visualization tools will give legislative officers the ability to visualize the impact or
probable result of their projects and proposed changes or envision the results of smart growth
initiatives. You can interactively change or simulate existing and proposed, modeled
environments or scenarios using the “what if” analysis technique of potential developments.

The in-built maps are to be accompanied with data which will allow projections on the numbers
of residents or households, public school students, etc., at specified growth rates, for successful
needs assessments and choices of projects.

Better management of resources and improved workflow

Geodemographics data (geographic and attribute data about the most important socio-
economic and environmental characteristics of the state, and its LGAs) will also create a solid
foundation upon which to base capital allocation decisions.

PRISM tools can be used to evaluate multiple pieces of data – demographics, transportation
infrastructure, high-density locations, demand, patronage or use/utility information, etc. – in
order to determine where to place a facility. For instance, the best placement for a
(constituency) project as simple as a bus stand may be along the most-frequented route,
instead of as a stand-alone brick-and-mortar on a less busy road.

Linking location to information is a process that applies to many aspects of decision making in
government. Choosing a site, targeting a population segment, planning a network, zoning a
neighborhood, allocating scarce resources, and responding to emergencies—are all problems
that involve questions of geography. This helps to gain new insights and make more informed
decisions about the provision of utilities, health, public, and other socioeconomic services.

Where are my constituents or publics? In which neighborhoods or areas do electorates/voters

with particular profiles live? Which areas are most vulnerable to seasonal flooding or other
natural disasters? Where are public utilities located, and when did they last receive any
maintenance? These are sample questions for which the PRISM will be able to produce quick
For anyone trying to evaluate development information, the best way to view it is on a map. Not
just any map, but intelligent digital maps made possible by the new geographic information
system (GIS) technology. Everyone, including people who have never used maps to analyze
data, is actually finding that maps make processing information much easier and more effective.

Ultimately, the PRISM will reduce the time to analyze and approve a budget, increase
department throughput, improve the quality of plans, and bring new standards into the whole
process of lawmaking. The system will also automatically generate your reports.

Adding capabilities not currently available in the DTHA

You will be able to visualize locations and present real evidence of competing and alternative
options (sites). In combination with demographic data, standard tabular data can be spatially
represented on a map to define the needs of key locations.

The environmental sector among others, often require hands-on information gathering and
reporting even in the field, to be analyzed back in the office. In the PRISM workflow, data can
be obtained and also entered directly without going to the field, eliminating the wastage of
scarce resources and decreasing the risk of error. Immediately, staff can view and interrogate
the data and make entries into the master database even without printing of paper maps or

Creation of new administrative areas and demarcating voting areas as well as resolving of
disputes will become much easier and faster.

Easily determine the best location for a proposed project. You can now actually sit in your office
and view the whole state, with all of its terrain and make sound predictions, with real world
simulations that correctly envisage the future (of the state or your projects) with or without your
planned intervention. That is the ability to visualize your results and impacts (what the proposed
solution will look like), even before you implement your projects.

Measurements of centrality and accessibility can be performed within the served areas as a
limiting factor of the spheres of influence of infrastructure. Once you can determine and
ascertain the maximum number of kilometres you would want anyone to travel to access any
public service, then the government can plan and predetermine the most suitable sites and
number of such services.


This system will become a useful archive of and for projects – that is previous and future
achievements, especially for the speaker and members. Historical record of your contributions
to the development of the state– a legacy, a positive antecedent that will outlive your tenure and
time at the DTHA.

You can quickly click and see how many people are in each location (LGA) and evaluate the
need and risk levels of individual communities. Better plans and results are guaranteed if for
example, you have at your fingertips and can quickly retrieve, such information as the
percentage of the population which is of school leaving age, and of the elderly; and the distance
to the nearest hospital, school, fire station, police station., highway, etc.; and which tells you
how far the people have to travel to enjoy these services.

A comprehensive transport database containing detailed information on the features of each

road even with construction information (e.g. names of contractors and project engineers, dates
of completion and maintenance, etc.) and ownership and hierarchies (highway, federal or state,
local government owned, feeders, asphalt, laterite, interlocking tiles, etc. i.e. on basis of the type
of surface) will be generated. With this you can monitor the usage of funds allocated to roads

You will easily generate map content and reports from such data with the push of a button and
in a matter of minutes with reports, graphs, summaries and calculations.

Development change analysis to show pace of growth or the results of your intervention can
easily and quickly be performed to show what it was before, during and after your tenure.

And finally, this is sure to become a landmark innovation and achievement, standing as a lasting
and visible record, a unique legacy (the success) of your leadership at the Delta State House of


Infrastructure (projects) and all their

information will be in database and legend
Bus stands in green

Similar maps, tables and legends
Roads can be automatically generated
easily and quickly, on the fly, and in
a matter of minutes for your own
studies or for making scientific and
advanced presentations.

Backend database that is easy to understand and manipulate for any kind
of analysis, either qualitative or quantitative, simple or complex.
Another PRISM display similar to that shown in previous page but with pictures (uploaded)
this time, indicating the history or level of completion of a particular legislative or
constituency project, that is at different stages. This will also have a database (not shown) like
above, with the graph showing primary school enrolments (numbers) per LGA. These
datasets are also your surest way of creating and executing exceptional, high-powered and
extremely convincing presentations, especially to equally high-powered audiences. They will
be archived for future governments and generations as well as a testimony of your tenure or
stewardship. Then the house and its leadership can easily justify its budgets.
An endless array of maps is possible, like those showing such information as mineral resources, their
exploitation and risk patterns (maps below, in the next page shows pipelines criss-crossing the terrain
and power stations).
Oil Spillage at
this point..

The first map reports an oil spill and its area of spread (arrow and ring). Once the system is setup and any
data is generated on the fly, they become an enduring legacy for future legislatures and Deltans. Note
that these will not be static maps, but they will be ‘live’ digital maps and useable for multiple analyses and
printing, according to need.

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