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Thesis Layout




Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Research Background: This section will include information on the existing literature
about the significance of leadership within the organizational context, its significance, and its
advantages specifically in the context of startups and the Ed-Tech product space. Also, the
research which has been made relevant to this topic will be discussed under this section with
a brief view of the findings of each researcher and a critical review of each thereby
highlighting the gap in the literature. Also, a discussion on the concept of leadership styles
and the importance of the followed leadership within start-up organizations will be made by
reviewing the existing body of knowledge concerning the chosen topic. Any prior studies
concerning attributes of strong leadership for businesses scaling performance will be
discussed in relevance to their own research topic.

1.2 Research Problem: The current issues and problems in this area of research will be
explored and discussed here so as to emphasize the need for this study. This section will
highlight the rationale behind pursuing the current topic of research.

1.3 Aims and Objectives: The specific aim and objectives of the study will be specified

The specific objectives of this study are:

● To identify the role of leadership in business growth and performance in context to

Indian Ed-tech startups
● To determine the main components of leadership effectiveness that contributes to the
scaling of start-ups and specifically Indian Ed-tech startups
● To analyze the impact of strong leadership on the scaling of start-ups and specifically
Indian Ed-tech startups

1.4 Contribution of the study: The practical and theoretical contributions of the present
study will be discussed under this section so as to present the novelty of this research. The
key definitions and variables identified will be mentioned here.

1.5 Thesis Structure: The chapter scheme of the thesis will be presented here.
Chapter 2: Literature Review

In this chapter, the researcher will survey the abstracted academic journals, conference
proceedings, technical reports, books, and other relevant publications to analyze and review
the secondary literature sources. It will be divided into the following subsections:

2.1 Introduction: An introductory paragraph of this chapter shall be placed here. It will give
a brief on the contents of this chapter.

2.2 Overview on Start-up businesses and organizations: This section of the study will be
aimed at providing an introduction to a start-up business, its features, different perspectives
and significance in context to the current organizational context to the readers in terms of its
definition, development, and present settings based on the existing literature. The literature
pertaining to the studies relating to emerging start-up businesses in emerging markets like
India will also be discussed in this section.

2.3 Ed-Tech industry and start-ups: This section will discuss the present settings of the Ed-
tech sector in India and Ed-tech start-ups in detail. Those aspects related to the significance of
Ed-tech start-ups with respect to online learning that holds importance in India will be
discussed in this section.

2.4 Influence of Leadership: This section will discuss the concept of leadership and the role
of leadership in business growth and performance in detail. The various theories and factors
related to leadership, its attributes, traits and styles that influence the organizational settings
will be discussed in detail.

2.5 Leadership effectiveness and Scaling of start-ups: This section will discuss in detail
the influence of leadership on the scaling of start-ups which are significant in describing the
Ed-tech industry start-ups. The prior literature discussing the relationship between applied
leadership and scaling of Ed-Tech start-ups in India from various perspectives will be
discussed under this section.

2.6 Research Gap: The gap identified from the review of literature will be presented here.

2.7 Conceptual framework: As per the variables defined from the literature, a conceptual
framework will be developed that will showcase the relationship among different study

2.8 Hypotheses Development: Based on the conceptual framework, the hypotheses to be

tested for the study will be proposed.

2.9 Chapter Summary: A brief summary covering the main aspects discussed in this chapter
will be presented at the end.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction: This section will provide the definition and relevance of research
methodology and further provide a brief on the contents of this chapter
3.2 Research Paradigm: This section will list and define the research paradigms or
philosophies such as positivism and interpretivism. The study will adopt a positivism
approach, and this section will point out the justification behind the selection.

3.3 Research Approach: The research approaches such as qualitative and quantitative will
be explained here along with the details pertaining to the selected approach. The study will
make use of the quantitative approach to examine the significant impact of leadership in the
expansion of start-ups in the Ed-Tech sector within emerging markets like India.

3.4 Research Design: The research designs such as descriptive, explanatory and exploratory
will be explained here. The study will adopt a descriptive research design and will explain
the same here.

3.5 Data Collection Method: The methods (quantitative research method and qualitative
research method) selected for collecting data regarding the role of leadership in business
growth and performance in context to Indian Ed-tech startups will be elaborated on here. The
quantitative data will be collected through the questionnaire method by selecting samples
for analyzing the impact of leadership in the expansion of start-ups in the Ed-Tech sector
within emerging markets like India.

3.6 Population and Sampling: The target population, sampling design, and sample size will
be described here.

3.7 Data Analysis and Interpretation: The method and tools used to analyze the collected
data will be listed here. Statistical Analysis will be used for quantitative data analysis related
to the aspects identified under the impact of leadership in the expansion of start-ups in the
Ed-Tech sector.

3.8 Ethical Considerations: The ethics followed by the researchers during the course of the
study will be specified here. This will relate to the privacy, validity and reliability issues.

Chapter 4: Data Analysis

4.1 Statistical Analysis: The data analysis tables based on the statistical analysis performed
would be presented under this section.

Chapter 5: Results and Discussion

5.1 Introduction: This chapter will describe the results and compare it with the existing body
of literature reviewed in Chapter 2. In the introduction section, a brief about this chapter will
be provided.

5.1 Discussion on Statistical Data: The results obtained from the statistical analysis will be
discussed and compared with the literature here.

Chapter 6: Conclusion and Recommendation

6.1 Major Findings: The major findings obtained in the study will be elaborated here by
showing the connectivity with the objectives.

6.2 Recommendations: Suggestions pertaining to the research area will be provided here.

6.3 Limitations: The limitations which might have affected the results of the study will be
listed here.

6.4 Further research: The direction of future areas of research will be explained here.

References: In this module, the list of secondary sources that have been used for the study
would be cited to ensure adherence to ethics and ease of future referencing.


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