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KWASU International Journal of Education (KIJE) Vol.

5 Number 1, October 2022



Omiola, Matthew Adetayo (Ph.D.)
GSM Numbers: +234 8160686593
Ibrahim, Tukur
GSM Numbers: +234 813764354
Gidado, Lawal
Department of Science Education,
Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State
GSM Numbers: +234 8067272735

This study assessed the impact of virtual learning platform in addressing the issue of large
class as perceived by education students in Federal University Dutsin-Ma Katsina State. The
target population was all seven hundred and thirty-two (732) three hundred level education
students at the Faculty of Education in Federal University Dutsin-Ma who registered for
Educational Technology course. Three hundred and sixty-six participants were randomly
selected using simple random sampling technique from the total population. Researchers’
designed questionnaire was used to elicit responses from the respondents. The validation of
the instrument was done by two lecturers in the Faculty of Education in the Federal
University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State. The instrument was pilot-tested using 20 students who
are not part of the main study. The instrument reliability was established by using Cronbach
Alpha and the value obtained are: Section A = 0.78; Section B = 0.75 respectively. The data
collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages as
well as inferential statistics of t-test. The findings of the study revealed that the respondents
agreed that virtual learning could be used to ease the issue of large class during
teaching/learning activities in tertiary institutions. The finding also confirmed that the
respondents preferred virtual learning resources for addressing the issue of large class in
the process of teaching/learning activities in the tertiary institutions. The findings showed no
differences in the perceived benefits of using virtual learning in addressing the issue of large
class based on gender. It equally revealed no significant differences in the preference of
virtual learning in addressing the issue of large class based on gender. Based on these
findings, it was recommended that the proprietors at all levels should encourage the use of
virtual learning in the tertiary institutions by making adequate provision to fund it.
Keywords: Perception, Tertiary, Institution, Virtual Learning, Dutsin-Ma,
Educational Zone

KWASU International Journal of Education Vol. 5 Number 1 , October 2022. Website:
KWASU International Journal of Education (KIJE) Vol. 5 Number 1, October 2022


The population of students applying to tertiary institutions in every country
particularly in Nigeria is on the increase as observed by the researchers. This is because
education is the best legacy that every parent or every nation of the world can give to her
citizen. Access to education may likely make individual within the society to be useful to
themselves and to the society at large. In the same vain, access to quality and productive
education may be hindered by overcrowded students in the class if not properly
controlled. Contemporary educators need to integrate information and communication
technology to solve some challenges confronting education. Part of these technologies
that could be adopted is ‘Virtual Learning Technology’.
Learning is acquisition of knowledge, skills and experience that may lead to
change in behavior. Learning as defined by Ambrose (2010) is a process that leads to
change, which occurs because of experience and increase in the potential for improved
performance and future learning. The importance of learning is that it helps the
individual to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge so that one can achieve the set
objective. An important fact about learning is that it is a means to improve knowledge
and gain skills that will help in reaching specific goals. Learning is the process of
acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and
preferences that lead to change in behavior (Richard, 2015).
Virtual Learning is defined as the learning acquired through interaction with
computer and other information and communication technology hardware and software
that are relatively based on open systems. This type of learning allows interactions and
encounters with other participants and providing access to a wide range of resources
(Pelet and Lacarte, 2012).Virtual learning by Abdullah, Noh, Yusuff, & Mansor (2013),
referred to an online classroom and a social space in schools that contains a calendar,
social networks, shared workspace, and online assessment. Virtual learning is a software
tool that supports the management of education and teaching by using the internet
(Trafford and Shirota, 2011). The virtual learning platform is more comprehensive
compared to computer-aided instructions (CAI) as it contains the communication
dimension as well as interaction and discussions between teachers and students or among
students (Piccoli, Ahmad, and Ives, 2001). Virtual learning has been used synonymously
with the concept such as e-learning, online learning, distance learning or web-based
learning as reported by Ibrahim and Osman, (2017).
Olibie, Ezoem and Ekene (2014) said virtual learning is an enabling process which
depends on learners’ awareness and for virtual learning to be achieved, there must be
awareness to knowledge and understanding of the meaning, structure and the components of
the new technology. When this is done, it will provide the base for effective learning among
the students in the universities. Tertiary institution needs to integrate virtual learning
effectively into their systems because the world is becoming more technologically inclined.
This is the reason Oye, Lahad, Madar and Rahim (2012) called the new technological trend
an e-driven world. This e-driven world has brought unimaginable

KWASU International Journal of Education Vol. 5 Number 1 , October 2022. Website:
KWASU International Journal of Education (KIJE) Vol. 5 Number 1, October 2022


changes in all aspects of life. Consequently, students should be well equipped through
virtual learning to provide them with the necessary experiences for personal growth and
Virtual learning expands the possibility of using internet facilities, platforms,
satellite links, and related system to access, analyze, create, exchange, use data, get
information, and knowledge in ways which until recently, were almost unimaginable. In
fact, it involves learning acquired by students through the interaction of digitally
delivered content. It involves network-based inputs and tutoring support obtained on
online tool and media such as internet, intranets, extranets, simulations, games, virtual
worlds, clouds, satellite broadcasts and web platforms (Jarman, 2011; Schutt and Linegar,
2013; Pelet and Lecarte, 2012).
Class size refers to the number of students in a given course or classroom,
specifically either the number of students being taught by individual teachers in a course
or classroom or the average number of students being taught by teachers in a school,
district, or education system. The term may also extend to the number of students
participating in learning experiences that may not take place in a traditional classroom
setting, or it may also refer to the total number of students in a particular class in a school.
It should be noted that schools, districts, state and federal education agencies commonly
track and report “average class sizes.” While average class sizes are commonly expressed
as a ratio of students to teachers. A class above fifty students in the class may be termed
as a ‘large class’ (Kokkelenberg. 2008).
Fewer studies still have examined the impact of class size on student performance
in higher education. Bandiera (2009) examine administrative records from a leading UK
university and find a significant negative, but highly non-linear effect of class size on
student tests results. They conclude that changes in class size have a significant impact
on student performance but only at the very top and bottom of the class size distribution.
Furthermore, it was reported that students at the top of the grade distribution are most
negatively affected by class size, particularly in large class sections. Similarly,
Kokkelenberg (2008) find that average grades decline significantly with class size at a
public northeastern U.S. University. The finding reports that grades drop dramatically
with class size up to twenty students.
Correa (1993) posits a theoretical explanation for the importance of class size in the
education production function that focuses on the role of individual faculty-student
interaction. His model describes teachers that must weigh efforts directed to the whole class
versus individual student attention. The larger the class the greater the instructor effort
devoted to class wide activities at the expense of individual attention. In this way, individual
student learning and outcomes decline as class size increases. His model illustrates the
importance of separating class size effects from total student responsibilities effects. Lazear
(2001) outlines a theoretical model where class size itself is important due to the role that
class size plays in setting the classroom environment. Large classes (more students) may
allow students to be more disruptive, allow them to “hide” from

KWASU International Journal of Education Vol. 5 Number 1 , October 2022. Website:
KWASU International Journal of Education (KIJE) Vol. 5 Number 1, October 2022


participation, engagement, or even attendance, while small classes may more easily lend
themselves to pedagogical activities that improve learning, such as hands on activities
and student-faculty classroom interaction.
Based on the researchers’ observation, there many courses in the tertiary
institutions where lecturers and students experience challenge regarding the issue of
large crowd. Most especially the general courses that are compulsory for all students. In
the same vain, the interaction made with some tertiary institution students on the
negative effect of overcrowded of students for lecture revealed that, it has a negative
effect because it reduces the overall performance of the students while the students find it
difficult to achieve the objective of the lessons. It is because of this, that the researchers
seek to find out the impact of virtual learning platform in addressing class size issue as
perceived by students at Federal University Dutsin-Ma. Katsina State, Nigeria.

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to determine the impact of virtual learning platform
in addressing class size issue as perceived by students of Federal University Dutsin-Ma.
Katsina State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study determine:
1. Students’ perception of the benefits of virtual learning in addressing class size issue
2. Students’ preference of virtual learning platform for easing the issue of large
class and for learning other course contents
3. Difference in the Students’ perception of the benefits of virtual learning in
addressing class size issue based on gender
4. Difference in the students’ preference of virtual learning platform for learning
generally based on gender

Research Questions
The following questions were used to guide the conduct of this study:
1. What is the Perception of virtual learning platform in addressing class size issue
among Federal University Dutsin-Ma students?
2. Do Federal University Dutsin-Ma students prefer the use of virtual learning
platform for easing the issue of large class and for learning other course contents?
3. Is there any significant difference in the Students’ perception of virtual learning
in addressing class size issue based on gender?
4. Is there any significant difference in the students’ preference on the use of virtual
learning platform for easing the issue of large class and for learning other course
contents based on gender?

Research Hypotheses
The following hypotheses are tested at 0.05 significance level:
Ho1: there is no significance difference in the in the Students’ perception of virtual
learning in addressing class size issue based on gender.

KWASU International Journal of Education Vol. 5 Number 1 , October 2022. Website:
KWASU International Journal of Education (KIJE) Vol. 5 Number 1, October 2022


Ho2: there is no significance difference in the in the students’ preference on the use of
virtual learning platform for easing the issue of large class and for learning other course
contents based on gender.

This study adopts a descriptive survey research type. The target population was
all the Faculty of Education three hundred level (300 level) students that registered for
Educational Technology course. The total population was seven hundred and thirty-two
(732) students for 2019/2020 session. Simple random sampling technique was used to
select three hundred students from the total population above. The instrument used for
this study was a researchers’ designed questionnaire with a Likert scale of Agree,
Strongly Agree, Disagree and Strongly Disagree. The face and content validations of the
instrument was done by two lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Federal University
Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State. The instrument was pilot-tested using 20 students who did not
take part in the main study and the reliability co-efficient the data collected were
computed using Cronbach Alpha. The value of the internal consistency of the instrument
was obtained: Section A = 0.70; Section B = 0.78; Section C = 0.75. These reliability co-
efficient values were considered appropriate for the study. The researchers made
distribution of the questionnaire to the respondents and waited patiently to collect it. The
data collected was sorted and analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency count,
percentages, mean, and standard deviation to answer research questions while inferential
statistics was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 significant level.

Research Question One
What is the Perception of virtual learning platform in addressing class size issue among
Federal University Dutsin-Ma students?

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KWASU International Journal of Education (KIJE) Vol. 5 Number 1, October 2022


Table 1: Students’ perception of virtual learning resources in addressing issue of large

class during teaching/learning activities
Virtual learning benefits Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly
Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %

What is your perception on

virtual learning in addressing
class size issue?
Students can learn easily using 45, (12.3) 321, (87.7) 0, (0) 0, (0)
virtual platform instead of
overcrowding in the class with no or
little stress
Teacher and student interaction can 45, (12.3) 321, (87.7) 0, (0) 0, (0)
be easily done virtually without
meeting physically in the class with
large number of students
Students and students interaction 45, (12.3) 321, (87.7) 0, (0) 0, (0)
can be done with ease without
physical gathering in the class which
may lead to contact of diseases
Virtual learning can be used to 45, (12.3) 321, (87.7) 0, (0) 0, (0)
address the issue of large class in the
tertiary institution of learning
Virtual learning enables individual 45, (12.3) 321, (87.7) 0, (0) 0, (0)
student to learn at their own pace
since learning materials are made
open for students

The result from table 2 revealed that respondents in this study agreed that virtual learning
can be used to ease the issue of large class during teaching/learning activities in the
tertiary institution.

Research Question Two

Do Federal University Dutsin-Ma students prefer the use of virtual learning platform for
easing the issue of large class and for learning other course contents?

KWASU International Journal of Education Vol. 5 Number 1 , October 2022. Website:
KWASU International Journal of Education (KIJE) Vol. 5 Number 1, October 2022


Table 2: Students’ preference of the virtual learning resources for addressing large class
issue in the process of teaching/learning
S/N Items Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Freq. % Freq. Freq. Freq.
% % %
1 Virtual learning is the most 15, (4.1) 351, (95.9) 0, (0) 0, (0)
prefer learning platform in
addressing the issue of large in
the tertiary institution
2 Conventional method of 0, (0) 0, (0) 100, (100) 0, (0)
learning is the prefer means of
addressing the issue of large
class in the tertiary institution
3 None of virtual learning nor 0, (0) 0, (0) 100, (100) 0, (0)
conventional learning styles
can address the issue of large
class in tertiary institution

The result in table 3 indicated that the respondents preferred virtual learning resources
for addressing the issue of large class in the process of teaching/learning activities in the
tertiary institution.

Research Question Three

Is there any significant difference in the Students’ perception of virtual learning in
addressing class size issue based on gender?
Hypothesis One
Ho1: there is no significance difference in the in the Students’ perception of virtual
learning in addressing class size issue based on gender.

Table 3: difference in the students’ perception of virtual learning in addressing large

class in the tertiary institution based on gender
Group N X Std df t Sig. (2-tailed)
Male 184 9.38 1.658
364 0.120 0.904
Female 182 9.40 1.634
The result of independent t-test in the table 4 shows that, there was no significant
difference in the perceived benefits of virtual learning resources in addressing the issue
of large class based on gender. This is because t(364) = 0.120; sig(2-tailed) = 0.904 and
p > 0.05. The hypothesis one is hereby retained or accepted.

KWASU International Journal of Education Vol. 5 Number 1 , October 2022. Website:
KWASU International Journal of Education (KIJE) Vol. 5 Number 1, October 2022


Research Question Four

Is there any significant difference in the students’ preference on the use of virtual
learning platform for easing the issue of large class and for learning other course contents
based on gender?

Hypothesis Two
Ho2: there is no significance difference in the in the students’ preference on the use of
virtual learning platform for easing the issue of large class and for learning other course
contents based on gender.

Table 4: difference in the students’ preference on the use of virtual learning platform for
easing the issue of large class and for learning other course contents based on gender
Group N X Std df t Sig. (2-tailed)
Male 184 7.94 0.216
364 0.768 0.443
Female 182 7.97 0.179
The t-test analysis in table 5 indicated that, there was no significant difference in the
students’ preference on the use of virtual learning platform for easing the issue of large
class and for learning other course contents based on gender. This is because t (364) =
0.768; sig (2-tailed) = 0.443 and p> 0.05 alpha level. Based on this, the hypothesis is

The finding of this study showed that the students in the university are aware of
virtual learning platform for teaching/learning activities in the university. This finding is
in line with the finding of Omiola (2021) on the perception of tertiary institution students
on the use of e-library resources in in Dutsin-Ma Metropolis.
The finding equally indicated that virtual learning can be used to ease the issue of
large class during teaching/learning activities in the tertiary institution. The finding as
well revealed that the respondents preferred virtual learning resources for addressing the
issue of large class in the process of teaching/learning activities in the tertiary institution.
This finding is in line with the finding of Ojeleye and Omiola (2020) on assessment of
secondary schools preference among e-learning, m-learning and d-learning during covid
19 pandemic experience in Nigeria where the respondents preferred m-learning as users’
friendly learning style during covid 19 pandemic experience in Nigeria.
The finding showed no difference in the perceived benefits of using virtual learning
in addressing the issue of large class based on gender. It also no significant difference in the
preference of virtual learning in addressing the issue of large class based on gender. This is
in support of the finding of Bello (2020) on the impact of e-learning on academic

KWASU International Journal of Education Vol. 5 Number 1 , October 2022. Website:
KWASU International Journal of Education (KIJE) Vol. 5 Number 1, October 2022


performance of upper basic science and technology in Kaduna State, Nigeria where both
male and female enthusiasm to learning are performed on the same average.

Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that virtual learning
platform can be used to address the issue of large class in the tertiary institution and that
tertiary institution students prefer the use of virtual learning platform in the teaching
/learning activities in the school.

The following recommendations are given based on the findings of this study:
1. Government should encourage the use virtual learning in the tertiary institution
by making adequate provision to fund it.
2. University authority should make virtual learning a priority in the school.
3. Training and re-training on the use of virtual learning should be encouraged in
the university among staff and students.

Bandiera, O.; Larcinese, V. & Rasul, I. (2009). Heterogeneous class size effects: new
evidence from a panel of University Students. C.E.P.R. CEPR Discussion Papers:
Bello, A. (2020). Impact of e-learning on academic performance of upper basic students
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Foundations (FUJEF), 3(2), 197 -209.
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Education Economics, 1(2), pp. 129-35
Jarmon, L. (2011). Homo virtualis: Virtual worlds, learning, and an ecology of embodied
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Education Learning and Development 2(1), 34-48.
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learning and research in academic libraries in Dutsin-Ma Metropolis. A project
submitted for the award of Diploma in Library and Information Science at the
Department of Library Science, Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State.

KWASU International Journal of Education Vol. 5 Number 1 , October 2022. Website:
KWASU International Journal of Education (KIJE) Vol. 5 Number 1, October 2022


Omiola, M.A & Ojeleye, A.A (2020). Assessment of secondary school students preference
among e-learning, m-learning and d-learning during covid 19 pandemic experience in
Nigeria. FUDMA Journal of Educational Foundations (FUJEF), 3(2), 114 -121.
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Networks and Wireless Communications (IJNWC) 2(2), 122-130.
Pelet, J. E. & Lecarte, B. (2013). Virtual worlds as the next asset of virtual learning
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Schutt, S. & Linger, D. (2013). We learn as we go: what five years playing with virtual
worlds has taught us. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning
Environments 4(2), 124-136.

KWASU International Journal of Education Vol. 5 Number 1 , October 2022. Website:

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