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Comprehensive Nursing Process

Chapter 1. Assessment – 30 points

A. Nursing Health History (8 pts)
B. Physical Examination (8 pts)
C. Diagnostic Procedure (4 pts)
D. Anatomy and Physiology (5pts)
E. Pathophysiology (5 pts)

Chapter 2. Planning – 25 points

A. 5 Prioritized nursing diagnosis (5pts)
B. NCP (20 pts)

Chapter 3. Implementation – 20 points

A. Medical Management
a. Drug study (5 pts) (to be written in your index card)
b. Treatment (3 pts)
c. Diet (3 pts)
d. Activity/Exercise (3 pts)
e. Surgical Management (3 pts)
f. Client’s Daily Progress Chart (3 pts)

Chapter 4. Evaluation – 10 points

A. Narrative Evaluation (2 pts)
B. Discharge Planning Instructions:
a. Medication (2pts)
b. Exercise (2pts)
c. Treatment (2 pts)
d. Health Teachings (3 pts)
e. OPD follow up (2 pts)
f. Diet (2 pts)

Presentation – 10 points

CHAPTER 1 - Assessment 30 points

Nursing Health History
Physical Assessment
Diagnostics Procedure List down names of dx. And significant results
PLEASE SEE ATTACHED (for full details)
Anatomy and Physiology Please see attached
Pathophysiology Please see attached (present in concept
incorporating – meds/ncp ect)
CHAPTER 2 - PLANNING 25 points
2 NCP’s Please see attached
Submit day 1
Drug Study List in bullet the names of meds and
actions/classification with at least 2-3 nursing
Please see attached (INDEX CARD) -FULL DETAILS
Activity /excercise
Surgical Management If any
Client’s Progress Chart Please see attached
Discharge Planning IF applicable
METHODS - Hypothetical if not applicable
Chapter 1 – Assessment (30) Chapter 1 – Assessment (30)
A. Nursing Health History (8 pts) A. Nursing Health History (8 pts)
B. Physical Examination (8 pts) B. Physical Examination (8 pts)
C. Diagnostic Procedure (4 pts) C. Diagnostic Procedure (4 pts)
D. Anatomy and Physiology (5pts) D. Anatomy and Physiology (5pts)
E. Pathophysiology (5 pts) E. Pathophysiology (5 pts)
Chapter 2- Planning (25) Chapter 2- Planning (25)
A. 5 Prioritized nursing diagnosis (5pts) A. 5 Prioritized nursing diagnosis (5pts)
B. NCP (20 pts) B. NCP (20 pts)
Chapter 3. Implementation – 20 points Chapter 3. Implementation – 20 points
A. Medical Management A. Medical Management
a. Drug study (5 pts) a. Drug study (5 pts)
b. Treatment (3 pts) b. Treatment (3 pts)
c. Diet (3 pts) c. Diet (3 pts)
d. Activity/Exercise (3 pts) d. Activity/Exercise (3 pts)
e. Surgical Management (3 pts) e. Surgical Management (3 pts)
f. Client’s Daily Progress Chart (3 pts) f. Client’s Daily Progress Chart (3 pts)
Chapter 4. Evaluation – 15 points Chapter 4. Evaluation – 15 points
A. Narrative Evaluation (2 pts) A. Narrative Evaluation (2 pts)
B. Discharge Planning Instructions: B. Discharge Planning Instructions:
a. Medication (2pts) a. Medication (2pts)
b. Exercise (2pts) b. Exercise (2pts)
c. Treatment (2 pts) c. Treatment (2 pts)
d. Health Teachings (3 pts) d. Health Teachings (3 pts)
e. OPD follow up (2 pts) e. OPD follow up (2 pts)
Presentation -10 Presentation -10
Chapter 1 – Assessment (30) Chapter 1 – Assessment (30)
A. Nursing Health History (8 pts) A. Nursing Health History (8 pts)
B. Physical Examination (8 pts) B. Physical Examination (8 pts)
C. Diagnostic Procedure (4 pts) C. Diagnostic Procedure (4 pts)
D. Anatomy and Physiology (5pts) D. Anatomy and Physiology (5pts)
E. Pathophysiology (5 pts) E. Pathophysiology (5 pts)
Chapter 2- Planning (25) Chapter 2- Planning (25)
A. 5 Prioritized nursing diagnosis (5pts) A. 5 Prioritized nursing diagnosis (5pts)
B. NCP (20 pts) B. NCP (20 pts)
Chapter 3. Implementation – 20 points Chapter 3. Implementation – 20 points
A. Medical Management A. Medical Management
a. Drug study (5 pts) a. Drug study (5 pts)
b. Treatment (3 pts) b. Treatment (3 pts)
c. Diet (3 pts) c. Diet (3 pts)
d. Activity/Exercise (3 pts) d. Activity/Exercise (3 pts)
e. Surgical Management (3 pts) e. Surgical Management (3 pts)
f. Client’s Daily Progress Chart (3 pts) f. Client’s Daily Progress Chart (3 pts)
Chapter 4. Evaluation – 15 points Chapter 4. Evaluation – 15 points
A. Narrative Evaluation (2 pts) A. Narrative Evaluation (2 pts)
B. Discharge Planning Instructions: B. Discharge Planning Instructions:
a. Medication (2pts) a. Medication (2pts)
b. Exercise (2pts) b. Exercise (2pts)
c. Treatment (2 pts) c. Treatment (2 pts)
d. Health Teachings (3 pts) d. Health Teachings (3 pts)
e. OPD follow up (2 pts) e. OPD follow up (2 pts)
Presentation -10 Presentation -10

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