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MARCH 2023

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Head of Department

Department of Automobile and Mechanical Engineering

Thapathali Campus, Institute of Engineering

Kathmandu, Nepal


We would like to express our sincere gratitude towards our supervisor Assistant Professor
Prajwal Raj Shakya, Head of Department and Assistant Professor Debendra Bahadur
Raut, Deputy Head of Department, Department of Automobile and Mechanical
Engineering and other faculty members for their continuous guidance and support
throughout this work. We would also like to thank our family and friends who supported
us morally and emotionally throughout this work. We would also to express our
thankfulness to Mr. Newton Jha who helped us economically throughout the project.

Last but not least We would also like to thank Bhaktaman Nakarmi, In-charge and Senior
Instructor, Workshop and machining section and other instructors for guiding us in
various machining operation throughout this project duration.





The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to Institute of Engineering
for acceptance, a project entitled “Design, fabrication and testing of Hammer mill for
Crushing of Pharmaceutical glass waste” submitted by Aayush Adhikari, Aayush Aryal,
Bishal Kumar and Raj Kumar Sah in partial fulfillment of requirement for Degree of
Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering.

Supervisor, Prajwal Raj Shakya
Assistant Professor
Department of Automobile and Mechanical Engineering
Institute of Engineering, Thapathali Campus

External Examiner
Er. Amit Acharya
Senior Divisional Engineer
MoICS,Government of Nepal

Asst. Prof. Prajwal Raj Shakya
Head of Department
Department of Automobile and Mechanical
Institute of Engineering, Thapathali Campus



Crushers are needed in a lot of industries for the sole purpose of size reduction. Locally
available machineries that are effective and affordable are very scarce. This has pushed
some workers around the country to crush glass, neglecting the hazards involved so as to
meet the demand of the various sectors. Hammer mill is specifically designed for
crushing pharmaceuticals glass wastes which are of borosilicate composition. A hammer
mill has been designed with due considerations to standard design requirements and cost
to cater to this need. The power required to deliver the required performance of the
machine was determined to be 2250 W. The rotor speed is obtained as 400 rpm. The
major factors considered for the material selection are the mechanical properties, wear
of materials, environmental properties, fabrication properties and cost. The actual
capacity was obtained to be 45 kg/h after the performance evaluation of the
machine,where it was designed to achieve the target 50kg/h. The machine has Fabrication
cost of Rs 45,000.



Acceleration due to gravity g m/s 2

Angular velocity of rotor w rad/s

Belt tension, tight side T1 N

Belt tension, slack side T2 N

Belt tension, maximum T N

Bending moment BM Nm

Diameter of small pulley D1 m

Diameter of large pulley D2 m

Distance between the pulleys C m

Pitch length Lp m

Power of motor P Watt

Feed rate m Kg/hr

Compressive strength cs MPa

Feed size xf mm

Final product size xp mm

Allowable power Ha Watt

Angle of wrap correction K1 -


Belt length correction factor K2 -

Diameter of outer side D mm

Diameter of center hole d mm

Density of mild steel ρ mildsteel kg /m


Mass of hammer MH kg

Weight of hammer WH N

No of hammer NH -


HP Horse power

KW Kilowatt

KWh Kilowatt hour

KG Kilograms

RPM revolutions per minute

GPa Giga pascals

MPa Mega pascals

UDL Uniformly Distributed Load

Table of Contents




LIST OF ABBREVATION..............................................................................................viii

Table of Contents................................................................................................................ix

LIST OF FIGURES..........................................................................................................xiii

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION..................................................................................1

1.1 Background................................................................................................................1

1.2 Problem Statement.....................................................................................................2

1.3 Objectives...................................................................................................................2

1.3.1 Main objective.....................................................................................................2

1.3.2 Specific Objectives..............................................................................................3

1.4) Limitations................................................................................................................3

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................4

2.1 Background of crushing.............................................................................................4

2.2 Mechanism of size reduction.....................................................................................4

2.3 Crushing theory..........................................................................................................5

2.4 Size Reduction Equipment.........................................................................................6

2.4.1 Jaw Crusher.........................................................................................................6

2.4.2 Gyratory Crusher.................................................................................................7

2.4.3 Ball Mills.............................................................................................................7

2.4.4 Stamp Mills.........................................................................................................8

2.4.5 Hammer Mill.......................................................................................................9

2.5 Materials and method...............................................................................................10

2.6 Hammer mill efficiency...........................................................................................10

2.6.1 Hooper geometry...............................................................................................11

2.6.2 Crushing chamber..............................................................................................11

2.6.3 Screen configuration..........................................................................................11

2.6.4 Hammer design..................................................................................................11

2.6.5 Hammer arrangement........................................................................................12

2.6.6 Hammer tip speed..............................................................................................12

2.6.7 Rotor Speed.......................................................................................................13

2.7 Pharmaceutical glass................................................................................................13

2.7.1 Types of glass used for pharmaceutical packing...............................................13

2.7.2 Mechanical Properties.......................................................................................15

CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY..........................................................................16

3.1 Methodology............................................................................................................16

3.2 Flowchart.................................................................................................................18

CHAPTER FOUR: DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS...................................................19

4.1 Power calculation of motor......................................................................................19

4.2 Selection of belt drive..............................................................................................19

4.3 Pulley Design...........................................................................................................23

4.4 Hammer....................................................................................................................24

4.5 Vertical plate............................................................................................................26

4.6 Horizontal shaft/pin shaft/stopper shaft...................................................................27

4.6.1) Design of shaft.................................................................................................28

4.6.2) Endurance Limit Modifying Factors...............................................................28

4.6.3) Soderberg approach for Design of Shaft..........................................................29

4.6.4) MATLAB CODE for shaft design...................................................................29

4.7 Washer.....................................................................................................................31

4.8) Nut and bolt............................................................................................................32

4.9) Key..........................................................................................................................33

4.10) Bearing..................................................................................................................34

4.11) Metal screener.......................................................................................................35

4.12) Motor....................................................................................................................35

CHAPTER FIVE: DRAWINGS........................................................................................37


6.1) Grinding Machine:..................................................................................................51

6.2) Lathe machine.........................................................................................................52

6.3) Milling machine......................................................................................................53

6.4) Drilling machine.....................................................................................................54

6.5) Arc welding............................................................................................................54

6.6)Sheet metal folding machine...................................................................................55

6.7)Sheet metal shearing machine.................................................................................56

6.8) Rolling machine......................................................................................................56

CHAPTER SEVEN: TESTING........................................................................................58

7.1) Testing with Graded samples..................................................................................58

7.2) Testing with mix samples.......................................................................................59

CHAPTER EIGHT: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS................................................................60

8.1 Economic Analysis..................................................................................................61

CHAPTER NINE: RESULT AND CONCLUSION........................................................63

9.1)Result and Discussion..............................................................................................63

9.2) Conclusion..............................................................................................................63



Figure 1 : Jaw Crusher.........................................................................................................6

Figure 2 : Gyratory Crusher.................................................................................................7
Figure 3 : Ball mills.............................................................................................................8
Figure 4 : Stamp mill...........................................................................................................8
Figure 5 : Hammer mill.......................................................................................................9
Figure 6:Flow chart............................................................................................................18
Figure 7 : 5" pulley............................................................................................................24
Figure 8 : Hammer.............................................................................................................25
Figure 9 : Vertical plate.....................................................................................................26
Figure 10 : Pin/stopper shaft..............................................................................................27
Figure 11 : Key..................................................................................................................34
Figure 12 : Journal bearing................................................................................................34
Figure 13 : Metal screener.................................................................................................35
Figure 14 : Grinding machine............................................................................................51
Figure 15 : Lathe machine.................................................................................................52
Figure 16 : Milling machine..............................................................................................53
Figure 17 : Drilling machine..............................................................................................54
Figure 18 : Arc welding.....................................................................................................55
Figure 19 : Sheet metal folding machine...........................................................................55
Figure 20 : Sheet metal shearing machine.........................................................................56
Figure 21 : Rolling machine..............................................................................................57
Figure 22 : Medium sample...............................................................................................58
Figure 23 : Largest sample................................................................................................58
Figure 24 : Smallest sample...............................................................................................58
Figure 25:Glass powder of largest sample.........................................................................59
Figure 26:Glass powder of medium sample......................................................................59
Figure 27:Glass powder of smallest sample......................................................................59


1.1 Background

Solid waste management in developing countries is a major concern to government and

the society. Increase in industrialization and human population has brings about an
increase in the quantity of waste generated on daily basis. Solid waste are the useless and
unwanted products in solid state, discarded by members of the society. The poor
management of glass waste in developing country is a source of concern to the society.
This waste poses a threat to urban management, defaces the aesthetics of the country’s
cities through mounting heaps of glass waste, and also a health hazard to citizens through
the blockage of drainage systems, causing erosion and flooding. Waste management
deals with all kinds of waste, whether generated during the extraction of raw materials,
processing of raw materials into intermediate and final products, consumption of final
products, or other human activities including municipal (residential, institutional,
commercial), agricultural, and special (health care, household hazardous wastes, sewage

Solid waste can be classified on the basis of their source as: Municipal Solid Waste,
Industrial Solid Waste and Agricultural Solid Waste. Most cities in developing countries
spend 20-50% of their environmental budget on solid waste management and only 20-
80% of the waste is collected. The standard of waste management in developing countries
is at its lowest with poor documentation of waste generation rates, inefficient storage and
collection system, and the under-utilization of disposal sites. There are various kinds of
solid wastes and they can be classified into organic waste (food waste) and inorganic
(glass waste, plastic waste, etc.). Most waste gotten from the home are usually
biodegradable and do not pose so much problems in land fill. Non-biodegradable solid
waste (glass waste) usually causes a major problem in landfill and also in the sea as they
do not go back to their original state so easily. Glass waste is of very great importance as
it does not ever degrade and it is 100% recyclable. Recycling is an excellent way of
saving energy and protecting the environment. Waste glass comes from various sources,

in the form of glass sheets, containers, jars and bottles, and can be recycled with the help
of a crushing machine to avoid generating new glass, which in turn saves energy. Glass
crushing machines are designed with the aim of pulverizing glass to aid in the recycling
process, and can be used independently by institution, bar, hotel and restaurant owners
alike, or as a part of an integrated glass recycling system, comprising of crushers and
material separation machines.

Many institutions, homes and bars make use of bottles for drinks; processed food, water,
etc. which are preserved in it. After consumption of such goods/products, the bottle waste
on regular bases which usually end up in landfills, rivers, dumpsites, etc. and this causes
a lot of nuisances, block drainage system, flooding, and pollution as they do not
decompose over time. These glass bottles can be recycled to produce new bottles, used to
reinforce blocks and as sand fills in swampy areas. The energy needed to create new
bottles can be cut by almost half when the older ones are recycled and used. Hence in
other to manage the effect of waste on the environment and save energy and cost, there is
the need for a glass recycling via glass crushing machine. The aim of this research work
is to design a glass crushing machine for recycling of glass waste.

One of the simplest and easiest ways of crushing glass into the fine particles is using
hammer mills. Hammer mill is basically a closed drum like structure where aggregate
material is turned into pieces by repeated impact from the hammer.

1.2 Problem Statement

Pharmaceutical glass wastes cannot be reused as other brewery glass wastes.Unused

pharmaceutical glasses thrown randomly in the environment, as there is no appropriate
method for the recycling of those glass wastes.They do not decay and remain in the
environment for the long time creating a lot of health problems and environmental
hazards.Thus, instead of throwing those glasses haphazardly, it can be reduced in terms
of space occupancy, reused, and recycled using this mechanism (Hammer mill) .

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 Main objective

 To design, fabricate and test hammer mill for crushing of pharmaceutical

glass wastes.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

 To carry out design analysis of the hammer mill

 To fabricate the Horizontal shaft hammer mill
 To test the machine and carry out the performance evaluation of the
 To alter the size of powdered glass by changing the size of metal screener.

1.4) Limitations

There are several limitations of our project (Hammer mill) for crushing pharmaceutical
glass wastes. Some of them are listed below:

a) High noise levels: Hammer mills can be noisy, which can be a workplace hazard and
may require hearing protection for workers.

b)Wear and tear: Hammer mills are subject to wear and tear, which can lead to
maintenance issues and downtime.

c) Requirement of pre-operations:A level of operation is required before feeding the glass

wastes into the chamber i.e it requires removal of aluminum cap, rubber and sticker.


2.1 Background of crushing

Crushing is accomplished by compressing the material (to be crushed) against hard

surfaces, or by impacting on surfaces that are rigidly constrained to follow defined paths
. Crushing is completed following a number of steps, with three to six as typical
reduction ratios in each step. Reduction ratio is defined as the ratio of maximum particle
feed size to maximum particle product size produced after crushing. The mechanism of
the size reduction process is very difficult to understand, but in recent years researchers
have made attempts at analyzing the problem in detail. A lump of material subjected
to a sudden impact will generally break into three significant sizes. The sizes
produced are large, intermediate and small finer particles, the finer particles produced
are usually more compared to the other sizes.

Impact occurs when a particle is impacted by a single rigid force. Like hitting the
material with a hammer or throwing the material against a hard surface. Compression
occurs when a particle is disintegrated by two rigid forces or surfaces, pressure is applied
to the material to be crushed due to the rigid forces resulting in the breakage of the
material. Shear is produced by a fluid or by particle-to-particle interaction; the crushing
force is applied coplanar to the material cross section and attrition arises from particles
scraping against one another or against a rigid surface, this method is extensively used in
the fabrication of grinding machines for various grains. The material parameters are the
diameter, shape and size of the material, homogeneity and the initial stress condition.
The process parameters are the type of stress applied, particle configuration,
frequency, temperature, stressing velocity and specific energy. And lastly, the machine
parameters include size and geometry of the stressing machine and the shape, size and
hardness of the stressing tool.

2.2 Mechanism of size reduction

The mechanism of the size reduction process is very difficult to understand, but in recent
years researchers have made attempts at analyzing the problem in detail. A lump of
material subjected to a sudden impact will generally break into three significant
sizes. The sizes produced are large, intermediate and small finer particles, the finer
particles produced are usually more compared to the other sizes. Richardson, et al (2002)
explained that if the energy in the blow is increased, the size of the larger particles will
become smaller and more numerous. The number of fine particles produced from the
impact will be considerably increased while their size will remain fairly consistent to the
sizes produced when the lump was impacted at lower speeds. Studying this closely
Richardson, et al (2002) established that the size of the fine particles is closely connected
with the internal structure of the crushed material, and the size of the larger particles is
more closely connected with the process by which the size reduction is affected. The
force application methodology (for crushing) may affect the particle breakage pattern.
Richardson, et al (2002) further suggested that the basic patterns for size reduction may
be identified as the impact, compression, shear and attritionThe product final shape and
size depends on the selection of these parameters. For efficient crushing, the process is
usually performed in two steps: In first step the large debris is reduced and is called the
primary crushing stage, and at a later, secondary stage, the material is further reduced to
the desired particle size. The extraordinary diversity of tasks to be performed by
comminution has led to the development of a large number of different types of machine
for crushing and grinding.

2.3 Crushing theory

Crushing theory is mainly concerned with the relationship between the energy required to
reduce the size of a glass of known size and the product size.

Kick’s law assumed that the energy required for size reduction is equal to the reduction
ratio based on the ratio of the volume before to the volume produced after crushing
(Richard, 2002). Alternatively, the energy required is directly proportional to the size
reduction ratio.

=k K ( )

Where p = power of motor

m. =¿ feed rate in tons per hour i.e. 50 kg/hr

k k = average work coefficient

c s = compressive strength = 1800 Mpa for borosilicate glass

x f = feed size

x p= final product size

2.4 Size Reduction Equipment

Size reduction equipment is the equipment used to reduce the size of materials; they are
crushers, grinders, ultrafine grinders, and cutters. Crushers break large pieces of solid
materials to considerably smaller sizes.

2.4.1 Jaw Crusher

Jaw crushers use compression to break feed particles. The jaw crusher has a set of
vertical jaws, a fixed and swing jaw. The swing jaw, moves back and forth relative to the
fixed jaw. It acts like a class II lever or a nutcracker. Jaw crushers are classified based on
the pivot position of the swing jaw. The swing jaw of the crusher is fixed at the upper
position, that of the dodge crusher is fixed at the lower position while the universal
crusher swing jaw is fixed at a midway position.

Figure 1 : Jaw Crusher

2.4.2 Gyratory Crusher

Gyratory crushers are similar in basic concept to jaw crushers. It basically consists of a
concave surface and a conical head; both surfaces are typically lined with wear resistant
steel plates, typically manganese steel surfaces .The inner cone moves in a slightly
circular motion, but does not rotate. The movement is generated by an eccentric
arrangement. Inside the crushing chamber the main shaft assembly which moves in an
eccentric motion is located to crush the particles in the crushing chamber. When feeding
the crusher the eccentric motion allows the articles to fall down and then be compressed
to break apart between the main shaft assembly and concave. This process is repeated
several times to break the particle into smaller pieces every time and the particle will
eventually leave the crusher at the bottom when the size is small enough to pass through
the outlet.

Figure 2 : Gyratory Crusher

2.4.3 Ball Mills

In a ball mill steel balls and the materials to be ground are placed in a rotating container;
the materials are ground by moving the container. Torque is transmitted to the gears of
the ball mill, to rotate the barrel. When the barrel rotates, the steel balls (or any other
media used for the grinding) in the barrel are lifted and then they fall down freely,
impacting the materials in the barrel. The action is grinding rather than crushing.

Figure 3 : Ball mills

2.4.4 Stamp Mills

A stamp mill is made up of a set of heavy steel stamps loosely held in a frame vertically.
The stamps are lifted by cams on a horizontal rotating shaft, this mechanism allows the
stamps to slide up and down. As the cam moves from under the stamp, the stamp falls
onto the ore below, crushing the rock, and the lifting process is repeated at the next pass
of the cam.

Figure 4 : Stamp mill

2.4.5 Hammer Mill

Conventionally, hammer mill operates on the principles of impact and pulverization. It

consists of a rotor assembly on which swinging hammers are mounted with screener on
bottom. The rotor shaft of this mill can be placed vertically or horizontally, but generally
horizontal placement is preferred . The shaft carries elements known as hammers . The
hammers are constructed in several shapes such as T-shaped element, bars, or rings
pivoted to the shaft or to disks fixed to the shaft as preferred. The hammers are allowed to
swing freely instead of being rigidly attached so as to absorb shock loads encountered
when they come into contact with very hard substances or material. The screen (normally
perforated mild steel sheet) is mounted below, above and/or around the hammers. These
screens can be changed intermittently. Hammer mills are operated at high speed to
achieve fine pulverization and disintegration of inputted materials. Grinding is achieved
through impact and attrition between particles of the material being ground, the housing
and the grinding elements . As the material being ground is fed into the grinding
chamber, it is initially struck by the rotating hammers and then thrown against perforated
plate. Therefore, the material is ground by the repeated impacts of the hammering
elements, collisions with the screen and walls of grinding chamber as well as particle on
particle impacts .As soon as the particle size of material is reduced to the size smaller

than that of the holes of the screen, it will pass through the screen and separate out
through the outlet of the mill. The fineness of the particles is regulated by the use of
sieves of different mesh sizes.

Figure 5 : Hammer mill

2.5 Materials and method

The machine consists of hopper feeding tray, a crushing chamber,rotating disc, journal
bearings, bolts and nuts, crushed product outlet tray, electric motor, machine main frame
and V-belt. The machine is design to provide resistances against:

 Friction/ impact on rubbing surface (Screener)

 Strain of the machine element and possible heating up cause by operation of the

The machine is designed such that the efficiency of the hammer mill can be increased via
the following means:

 Increase in resistance against wear: This can be achieved by reducing the strain in the
material of its working
 Decreasing the number of deformation cycles of the materials to ground and
 Finally, by decreasing the breaking stress of the working tool of the material’s tool.

Reasons for using hammer mill :

 The ease of fabrication of hammer mill over other differently available crushers like
Gyratory crushers, Jaw crushers makes it a promising candidate.

 Another major convincing fact for gyratory crushers, jaw crushers and ball mills is
that they are generally used for size reduction in aggregates making hammer mill a
promising device for glass crushing.

 Hammer mill can be made easily from locally available materials at our level and it
will be more beneficial economically to make the complete structure of the hammer
mill rather than to bringing from other countries.

2.6 Hammer mill efficiency

Mark, (2012) asserted that the hammer mill efficiency depends on several factors,
including( but not limited to a hopper that provides uniform feed distribution) shape of
the crushing chamber, screen configuration, hammer pattern (its total number and
position), hammer tip speed and the characteristics of the material to be crushed.

2.6.1 Hooper geometry

The hopper design is based on the criterion of angle of repose. This is the maximum
slope at which a heap of any loose or fragmented bulk material will stand without sliding
(Chelecha, 2003). The angle of repose can range from 0° to 90°. The morphology of
different materials affects the angle of repose.

2.6.2 Crushing chamber

Mark, (2012) describe the two prevalent crushing chamber designs as the full circle or
tear drop and the impacting plate hammer mills. The impact plated design usually
achieves a smaller and finer particle size reduction but it utilizes more horsepower while
the tear drop achieves more capacity with less horsepower, but with coarse products.

2.6.3 Screen configuration

According to Mark, (2012) the particle size and grinding efficiency is controlled by the
amount of open area in a hammer mill screen. He suggested that the screen should be
designed to provide the greatest amount of open area. Factors affecting the screen’s open

area include not just the hole size, but also the way the holes are staggered on the screen,
the stagger angle, and the land (non hole) dimension (Mark, 2012). Screens with fewer
holes have less open area, are easier to produce and generally cost less. Screens with
inline holes are also easy to produce. However both types of screens do not provide good
crushing efficiency and lead to poor final products due to excessive crushing.Inline holes
cause accelerated screen wear because the land between the holes will wear quickly.
Screens with little open area may take longer to wear, but the mill’s actual crushing cost
per ton will be higher because of the increased energy cost (Mark, 2012). Kim, (2002)
asserted that the optimal screen openings are those aligned in a 60-degree staggered
pattern. This pattern also assists in maintaining screen strength. The method will result
in a 40 percent open area using 3.2 mm holes aligned on 4.8 mm centers.

2.6.4 Hammer design

The design and placement of hammers is determined by operating parameters such as

rotor speed, motor horsepower, and open area in the screen. Optimal hammer design and
placement will provide maximum contact with the material. Mills in which the rotor
speed is approximately 1,800 rpm, hammer specification should be about 250 x 63.5 x
6.4 mm thick. For a rotor speed about 3,600 rpm, hammers should be 150 to 200 x 50 x
6.4 mm thick. The number of hammers used for a speed of 1,800 rpm should be 1 for
every 2.5 to 3.5 horsepower (hp), and for 3,600 rpm, one for every 1 to 2 horsepower (hp)
(Kim, 2002).

2.6.5 Hammer arrangement

How hammers are arranged in the crushing chamber is termed as the hammer pattern. It
is generally considered very important for the immediate trailing hammer to not “track”
with the hammer preceding it. Tracking is when a following hammer travels over the
same space or holes in the crushing chamber. Tracking hammers will travel over exactly
the same screen openings (Alles, 2003). Mark, (2012) and Alles, (2003) both recommend
that for maximum impacting efficiency hammers should be staggered. Staggered
pattern provides better representation of over the screen area, which will result in
cleaner screen openings. Blocked screen openings will reduce operating efficiency and

generate additional heat which is bad for the system. Blocked screen openings will
effectively reduce your screen area and open space area per horsepower. It will also
increase motor amperage load and wear to the parts in the crusher chamber (Alles, 2003).

For crushing friable materials to produce relatively coarse product, selecting a light
hammer pattern is recommended as the fewer hammers per pin the fewer collisions with
the material particles. In many cases, hammer mill efficiency can be improved from 5 to
10 percent simply by reducing the number of hammers used in a mill (Mark, 2012). The
reverse is the case for tougher materials, increasing the number of hammers will
maximize contact between hammers and particles and thereby increase mill capacity.
Because more work is done by the hammers and screens on harder materials, reducing
the clearance between the hammers and screen will improve the overall crushing results
(Mark, 2012).

2.6.6 Hammer tip speed

The speed of the hammer at its tip furthest away from the rotor is known as the tip speed.
This is critical for proper size reduction; the tip speed is calculated by multiplying the of
the drive shaft speed in revolutions per minute by the circumference of the hammer tip
arc (Kim, 2002).

Pi∗D∗shaft rpm
Feet per minute
( )
12 ¿

2.6.7 Rotor Speed

The hammers of a hammer mill can weigh over 100 kg and can work on feed up to 200
mm. Wills & Napier-Munn, (2006) give the speed range of the rotor varying between 500
and 3000 revolutions per min (rpm). A hammer mill designed by Sepor manufacturing
company was 44 designed for a rotor speed of 1260 rpm. The machine is powered by a
7.5 horse power motor with a feed size of 150 mm. The hammer mill capacity is 1815
kg/h using a 9.53 mm diameter perforated screen plate and 1135 kg/h using a 4.76 mm
diameter screen for the same machine (
The LC-201 Small Holmes Hammer mill model designed by Gilson Inc. for coal

processing processes feed sizes up to 51 mm at a maximum rate of about 454
kg/h. Final size is approximately 1.6 mm and rotor speed is 3450 rpm. The machine has
a 2 horse power motor (

2.7 Pharmaceutical glass

For decades glass has been used as one of the primary materials for medical packaging
solutions. The packaging of pharmaceutical products has to be of superlative quality as
the integrity of the products cannot be compromised under any circumstance. The type of
glass containers used as pharmaceutical packaging materials is specific to the contents
packaged. This is because the glass container comes in direct contact with the
preparations. The packaging should not interact physically or chemically with the
medications to cause changes in the quality of the product. Glass offers many benefits in
the packaging of medical preparations. It is extremely sturdy, is ideal for bulk
transportation, poses a low health hazard, does not react chemically with the product and
colored glass can protect light-sensitive medicines from UV rays.

2.7.1 Types of glass used for pharmaceutical packing

a. Borosilicate Glass

b. Treated Soda-Lime Glass

c. Regular Soda-Lime Glass

d. General-Purpose Soda-Lime Glass

Borosilicate Glass: This glass is called “Type I”, “Neutral Glass” or “Hard Glass”. It is
ultra-resistant to both heat and cold due to its very low coefficient of expansion. With a
high melting point of 3,000 °F/1648 °C, it can withstand sterilization. Borosilicate is a
highly resistant material to thermal shock, and chemical substances as well as being
chemically inert. The presence of boric oxide gives it a high hydrolytic resistance and
reduces leaching action. The durability of borosilicate glass and the ability to contain
strong acids and alkalis make it perfect to package water for injections and parenteral and
non-parenteral medications. It is the pharmaceutical packaging material most preferred
for aqueous products.

Treated Soda-Lime Glass: This glass is also called “Type II”, “Soda-Lime-Silica Glass”
or “Dealkalized Soda Lime Glass”.It is resistant to water. The surface of this type of glass
is treated with sulfur which neutralizes the alkaline oxides making it more weathering
and chemically resistant. Like Type I glass it has high hydrolytic resistance, it is more
chemically inert than borosilicate although it has a lower melting point in comparison and
therefore is easier to mould. Containers of this type are used as medical packaging
solutions for alkali-sensitive products, infusion fluids, blood and plasma, and large-
volume containers. Type II glass containers are best used for more acidic and neutral
aqueous preparations for both parenteral and non-parenteral preparations.

Regular Soda-Lime Glass: Also called “Type III” or “soda-lime-silica glass”, this is the
most common form of untreated glass produced. Due to its high concentration of alkaline
oxides, it can impart alkalinity to aqueous substances. This glass has average chemical
resistance and moderate hydrolytic resistance. This pharmaceutical packaging material
flakes easily and is not very tolerant to sudden changes in temperature and may therefore
crack. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is best used for packaging solids and non-
aqueous preparations like tablets and powders. For parenteral use and non-parenteral
preparations suitable stability test data will be required. It should not be used for freeze-
dried preparations or alkaline sensitive solutions.

General-Purpose Soda-Lime Glass: This is Non-Parenteral glass also called “Type IV”
that is only used for oral dosages or topical purposes. Used for very basic applications, it
cannot be used for products that need to be autoclaved. Containers of general-purpose
soda-lime glass have low hydrolytic resistance.

2.7.2 Mechanical Properties

Hardness Mohs 6 / Knoop 420-520

Poisson’s Ratio 0.20

Young’s Modulus 64 GPa

Compressive strength 9327 kg/cm^2

Tensile strength 832 kg/cm^2


3.1 Methodology

We selected the following methodologies that have major influence on our project
objectives. The methodologies can be listed below as:

1)Intensive literature survey was carried out so as to broaden our knowledge in particle
size reduction and related areas.

2)Based on the literature review the concepts of hammer mill design was developed. The
concepts were reviewed severally and sketches of various concepts made.Software used
for the design are described below:


SolidWorks is a solid modeling computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-

aided engineering (CAE) application published by Dassault Systems. SolidWorks
is a solid modeler, and utilizes a parametric feature-based approach which was
initially developed by PTC (Creo/Pro-Engineer) to create models and assemblies.
The software is written on Parasolid-kernel.

Parameters refer to constraints whose values determine the shape or geometry of

the model or assembly. Parameters can be either numeric parameters, such as line
lengths or circle diameters, or geometric parameters, such as tangent, parallel,
concentric, horizontal or vertical, etc. Numeric parameters can be associated with
each other through the use of relations, which allows them to capture design

Design intent is how the creator of the part wants it to respond to changes and
updates. For example, you would want the hole at the top of a beverage can to
stay at the top surface, regardless of the height or size of the can. SolidWorks
allows the user to specify that the hole is a feature on the top surface, and will
then honor their design intent no matter what height they later assign to the can.

Features refer to the building blocks of the part. They are the shapes and
operations that construct the part. Shape-based features typically begin with a 2D
or 3D sketch of shapes such as bosses, holes, slots, etc. This shape is then
extruded to add or cut to remove material from the part. Operation-based features
are not sketch-based, and include features such as fillets, chamfers, shells,
applying draft to the faces of a part, etc.


MATLAB is a programming language and environment that is designed for

numerical computing, data analysis, visualization, and algorithm development.
MATLAB stands for Matrix Laboratory, and it allows users to manipulate
matrices, plot functions and data, create user interfaces, and implement various
algorithms. It is commonly used in a range of applications, including engineering,
physics, finance, and biology.

One of the strengths of MATLAB is its graphics capabilities. It provides powerful

tools for creating 2D and 3D plots and graphs, which can be customized to suit
your needs. These tools allow you to visualize your data and gain insights into
your computations.

MATLAB also comes with a range of toolboxes that provide additional

functionality for specific applications. These toolboxes provide advanced features
and functions that are tailored to specific applications, such as signal processing,
control systems, and image processing. This makes MATLAB a versatile tool that
can be used for a range of applications.

We used MATLAB for designing the main shaft for the hammer mill.

3) Selection of parameters based on the adopted concept and design were made.

4) Scientific principles, standard engineering theories, equations and data were adopted
during the design analysis.

5) Design calculations and specifications of every component of the machine were

carried out after which the assembly of the components will be done.

6) Assembly and component drawings was produced. Based on these drawings, the
construction of the machine was carried out.

7) The components were produced one after the other in accordance with the drawings,
after which the practical assembly of the component to form the machine was done.

8) Test runs of the machine were carried out. First the machine was tested for dynamic
synchronization of running parts without load. Secondly the machine will be tested again
severally on load.

9) Corrections on test were carried out based on data generated during test runs on load.

3.2 Flowchart

Figure 6:Flow chart


4.1 Power calculation of motor

The energy required to crush glasss particle is according to the kick’s equation.

Kick's theory, also known as the "energy consumption theory," is a model used to
describe the process of crushing materials, particularly brittle materials like glass. This
theory was proposed by German physicist and mathematician, Fritz W. Kick in 1885.

The theory suggests that the amount of energy required to crush a material is proportional
to the size reduction ratio. The size reduction ratio is the ratio of the initial particle size to
the final particle size.

P xf
E= =k K∗C s ∗ln ⁡( )

Where p = power of motor

m =¿ feed rate in tons per hour i.e. 50 kg/hr

k k = average work coefficient

c s = compressive strength = 1800 Mpa for borosilicate glass

x f = feed size

x p= final product size

5 ( )
⸫ p=2144.73 W =2.87 Hp ≈ 3 Hp

4.2 Selection of belt drive

Belt drive is used in this design as it simplifies the design of the machine and reduces the
cost. Considering the power ,belt drive B was selected.

V-Belt: A v-belt is a flexible and efficient power transmission device capable of

transferring power from one shaft to another. It is known for its trapezoidal shape that

wedges securely into the sheaves of a shaft. The unique shape of V-belts helps them fit
tightly and snugly into the grooves of a sheave, giving them additional surface contact
and increased stability.

When there is belt tension, vertical forces perpendicular to the top of a V-belt push its
walls against the grooves of the sheave. As the forces increase, the belt wedges tightly
into the sheave grooves, which increases the friction between the surfaces of the belt and
the sheave walls. The ever-growing connection allows for a higher torque to be
transmitted, while the increased friction minimizes the loss of power through slippage.

The cross-sectional dimensions of V belts have been standardized by manufacturers, with

each section designated by a letter of the alphabet for sizes in inch dimensions. Metric
sizes are designated in numbers.

The Pitch length for V belts are given by,

π ( D+ d ) ( D−d )2
Pitch length ( Lp ¿ = 2 C+ +
2 4C

where D = pitch diameter of the large sheave and d = pitch diameter of the small sheave.

Similary the Torque experienced by driver pulley ( T driver )=

Similarly the angle of Wrap is given by,

−1 D−d
Angle of wrap (Φ driver ¿=π−2∗sin ( ¿ )¿

The value of allowable power per belt is given by,

Allowable power( H a ¿=k 1∗k 2∗H tab

Where ,Ha = allowable power per belt

K1 = angle-of-wrap correction factor,

K2 = belt length correction factor,

For finding torque exerted on driven shaft the value of tension on tight and slack side
need to be determined

ΔF ( expfΦ )
F 1=Fc +
exp ( fΦ ) −1


F 2=F1− ΔF

Where F1 and F2 are tension on tight and slack side respectively and

ΔF =
π∗N 1∗d

where Hd is design power

Nb is number of belts for power transmission

N1 is RPM of driver pulley

d is diameter of smaller sheave

hence torque on driven shaft is given by,

( F 1−F 2)∗D
T driven =T shaft=


Power of the motor(P)= 3 HP = 2238 W = ( H nominal )

Diameter of motor pulley(d) = 3 in.= 76.2 mm

Diameter of shaft pulley(D) = 5 in. = 127 mm

Rated rpm of motor ( N 1) = 900 rev/min = 94.24 rad/s

We know,

D N1
d N2

or, N 2= ∗d ; where N_2 = rpm of shaft

or, N 2= ∗76.2

⸫ N 2=540 rpm=56.55 rad /s

Velocity of belt (v) = 1000 m/s
π∗d∗N 1= =3.59

Center to center distance (c) = 455 mm Nominal length ( Lp ¿ =

π ( D+ d ) ( D−d )
2 C+ +
2 4C
π ( 127−76.2 )
or, L p=2∗455+ ∗( 127+76.2 ) +
2 4∗455

⸫ L p=1230.6 mm 1231 mm( 48∈.)

Belt B is selected for minimum sheave diameter of 135 mm.

From table 17.9,

Power = 3 Hp = 2238 W

So we select belt B .

Length conversion diameter from table 17.12 ( Lc )=45 mm

We know, L p=L+Lc

or, 1231 = L + 45

or, L = (1231-45) mm

⸫ L = 1186 mm.

where L=inside circumference of inside v-belts.

We select belt B1200 as value of L is 1186 mm and 1186 is near to 1200 mm. In market
we found B48 where 48 is in inch.(1200 mm 48 inch)

Power of the motor(P)= 3 HP = 2238 W = ( H nominal )

Diameter of motor pulley(d) = 3 in.= 76.2 mm

Diameter of shaft pulley(D) = 5 in. = 127 mm

Rated rpm of motor ( N 1) = 900 rev/min = 94.24 rad/s

We know,

D N1
. =
d N2

or, N 2= ∗d ; where N_2 = rpm of shaft

or, N 2= ∗76.2

⸫ N 2=540 rpm=56.55 rad /s

Velocity of belt (v) = 1000 m/s
π∗d∗N 1= =3.59

Center to center distance (c) = 455 mm Nominal length ( Lp ¿ =

π ( D+ d ) ( D−d )2
2 C+ +
2 4C
π ( 127−76.2 )
or, L p=2∗455+ ∗( 127+76.2 ) +
2 4∗455

⸫ L p=1230.6 mm 1231 mm( 48∈.)

Belt B is selected for minimum sheave diameter of 135 mm.

From table 17.9,

Power = 3 Hp = 2238 W

So we select belt B .

Length conversion diameter from table 17.12 ( Lc )=45 mm

We know , L p=L+Lc

or, 1231 = L + 45

or, L = (1231-45) mm

⸫ L = 1186 mm.

where L=inside circumference of inside v-belts.

We select belt B1200 as value of L is 1186 mm and 1186 is near to 1200 mm. In market
we found B48 where 48 is in inch.(1200 mm 48 inch)

4.3 Pulley Design

V-belt pulleys (also called vee belt sheaves) are devices which transmit power between
axles by the use of a v-belt, a mechanical linkage with a trapezoidal cross-section.
Together these devices offer a high-speed power transmission solution that is resistant to
slipping and misalignment.

V-belt pulleys are solely used for transmitting power between two parallel axels. The
most notable difference between a v-belt pulley and other types of pulleys (round belt,
flat, etc.) would be the geometry of the groove or grooves located around the
circumference of the pulley; these grooves guide and gain traction on a v-belt.

Figure 7 : 5" pulley

ρcast iron=7130 3 Diameter of a outer side ( D )=127 mm

Diameter of center hole(d) = 30 mm

Weight of pulley (W p ¿=M pulley ∗g= ρcast iron∗V pulley∗9.81

2 2
7130∗π (D −d )
¿ , W p= ∗20∗9.81

∴ W p=16.6 N

4.4 Hammer

The hammers are usually attached to a rotating shaft and can be either hard or soft,
depending on the material to be milled. The hammers can also have different shapes and
sizes, such as flat, curved, or pointed.The hammers used in our hammer mill are of flat
type. The hammers are usually made of hardened steel or stainless steel, but some
pharmaceutical applications may require mild steel. The hammers may also have an
impact surface of extremely abrasive material, such as haystellite and carbaloy.

Figure 8 : Hammer

Thickness(t) = 25mm

Width(w) =30 mm

Length(L)=75 mm


Diameter of hole(d) = 15 mm

Length of hole (L) = 25 mm

( π 2
Mass of hammer ( M H ¿= ρmildsteel∗V hammer ¿ , M H =7850∗ 75∗30∗25− ∗16 ∗25
4 )
∴ M H =0.402 Kg

Weight of a hammer( W H )=3.943 N

No of hammer( N H )=20

Weight pf total hammer( W H )=78.86 N 79 N

4.5 Vertical plate

The plate is a flat, circular plate that is mounted on a shaft and rotates at high speeds
within the hammer mill. As the plate rotates, it impacts and breaks the glass against a
series of hammers or beaters attached to the outer circumference of the plate. The plate is
typically made of a material such as mild steel to withstand the high impact forces and
abrasion that occur during the crushing process.

Rotating plate in hammer mills for glass crushing are used in a variety of industrial
applications, including recycling facilities, glass manufacturing plants, and waste
management facilities.

Figure 9 : Vertical plate

Dimensions so far:

Diameter of plate(d) = 185 mm

Thickness of plate(t)=6 mm

Diameter of center hole(d 1 ¿=32 mm

Diameter of peripheral hole(d 2 ) =16 mm

And, ρmildsteel ¿=7850 kg /m 3

Mass of a vertical plate( M p ) =V plate∗ρmildsteel

¿ , M p= ∗( d −d1 −d 2 )∗t∗ρmildsteel∴ M p =1.218 kg
2 2 2

No of vertical plate ( N p ) =2

Weight of total vertical plate(W p ¿ ≈ 24 N

4.6 Horizontal shaft/pin shaft/stopper shaft

Hammer is mounted on pin shaft while stopper shaft is used to stop the high-speed
revolving hammer to impact on main shaft.

Diameter of rod (d) = 16 mm and,

ρmildsteel =7850 kg/m

Length of rod ( Lrod ¿=135 mm

Mass of rod ( M rod ¿=V rod∗ρmild

or, M rod =π r 2∗Lrod∗ρmild ∴ M R =0.371 kg

No. of rod ( N R )=8

Weight of total rod (W R ¿ 29 N

Figure 10 : Pin/stopper shaft

4.6.1) Design of shaft

For steels, simplifying our observation of we will estimate the endurance limit as:

Se=0.5Sut Sut ≤ 200 kpsi (1400 MPa)

Se=100 kpsi Sut > 200 kpsi

Se=700 Mpa Sut > 1400 Mpa where Sut is the minimum tensile strength. Se in this
equation refers

to the uncorrected endurance limit.

4.6.2) Endurance Limit Modifying Factors

Marin identified factors that quantified the effects of surface condition, size,
loading,temperature, and miscellaneous items.

Marin equation is therefore written as


where ka = surface condition modification factor

kb = size modification factor

kc = load modification factor

kd = temperature modification factor

ke = reliability factor13

kf = miscellaneous-effects modification factor

a) Surface Factor, ka

The surface of a shaft is highly polished, with a final polishing in the axial direction to
smooth out any circumferential scratches. The surface modification factor depends on the
quality of the finish of the actual part surface and on the tensile strength of the part
material. To find quantitative expressions for common finishes of machine parts (ground,
machined, or cold-drawn, hot-rolled, and as-forged), the coordinates of data points were
recaptured from a plot of endurance limit versus ultimate tensile strength of data gathered
by Lipson and Noll. The data can be represented by


where Sut is the minimum tensile strength and a and b are to be found from table.

b) Size Factor,kb

The size factor kb is given by expression:

Kb= 1.24*d-0.107 ,Where d is diameter at location of shoulder.

c) Loading factor,Kc

The value of loading factor Kc for shafts during bending is taken as unity.

4.6.3) Soderberg approach for Design of Shaft

Substitution of the values of alternating and mean component of torque on equation

given above along with factor of safety gives the value of diameter d at critical location.

4.6.4) MATLAB CODE for shaft design

n=input('Enter the value of factor of safety: ');

kf=input('Enter the value of Kf factor: ');
kfs=input('Enter the value of kfs factor: ');
Ma=input('Enter the value of alternating component of moment: ');
Tm=input('Enter the value of mean component of Torque: ');
a=input('Enter the value of a: ');
b=input('Enter the value of b: ');
Sut=input('Enter the value of ultimate strength: ');
syt=input('Enter the value of yield strength: ');
itr=input('Enter the value of steps till which iteration is to be carried out: ');
%provide input for syt in 10^6 and sut in general mega pascals %
for i=1:itr
0.333; disp(Diameter_new)


>> Shaft_hammer_mill_Final

Enter the value of factor of safety: 1.8

Enter the value of Kf factor: 2.7

Enter the value of kfs factor: 2.2

Enter the value of alternating component of moment: 47.85

Enter the value of mean component of Torque: 39.57

Enter the value of a: 4.51

Enter the value of b: -0.265

Enter the value of ultimate strength: 630

Enter the value of yield strength: 530000000

Enter the value of steps till which iteration is to be carried out: 3




Hence the diameter at shaft at critical location is found out to be 28.2 mm but 30mm
diameter shaft was used on basis of bearing avaliability.

4.7 Washer

Washers are typically made of hard, durable materials such as steel, and are placed
between the hammers and the screen or between the hammers and the mill housing. They
act as a cushion, absorbing some of the impact and reducing the wear and tear on the

Washers are available in different shapes and sizes to fit different hammer mill designs
and applications. They can be flat or conical, and may be made of different materials
depending on the specific requirements of the application. The use of washers in hammer
mills can help to prolong the life of the equipment and reduce the need for maintenance
and repairs, ultimately saving time and money for the operator.

Dimensions of washer used in hammer mill :

Thickness(t) = 3 mm

Diameter( D 1) = 30 mm

Diameter of center hole( D 2 ¿=17 mm

ρmildsteel =7850 kg/m

∗( D1−D 2 )∗3
2 2
Mass of washer(mw ¿=¿

∴ mw =12 gm

No of washer ( N w ¿=16 +24=40

Total weight of washer (w w ¿=4.7 N

Fig 11: Nut and washer

4.8) Nut and bolt

Nut and bolt assemblies are used in hammer mills to secure and fasten various
components of the mill together, such as the housing, screens, and hammers. The size and
strength of the nuts and bolts used in a hammer mill depend on the size and capacity of
the mill, as well as the specific requirements of the application. It is important to follow

the manufacturer's recommendations when selecting nuts and bolts for a hammer mill, as
using the wrong size or strength of fasteners can lead to equipment failure or damage.

Proper maintenance of the nut and bolt assemblies in a hammer mill is essential to ensure
that they remain tight and secure. Loose or worn nuts and bolts can cause vibrations,
which can lead to premature wear and tear on the equipment and reduce its efficiency.
Regular inspection and tightening of the nut and bolt assemblies can help to prevent these
issues and prolong the life of the hammer mill.

Thickness(t) = 10 mm

Diameter( D 1) = 30 mm

Diameter of center hole( D 2 ¿=16 mm

ρmildsteel =7850 kg/m

∗( D1−D2 )∗10
2 2
Mass of nut(mn ¿=¿

∴ mw =39.70 gm

No of washer ( N w ¿=16

Total weight of nut ( w n ¿=6.3 N

4.9) Key

The key used in the shaft of a hammer mill is typically a rectangular metal rod that fits
into corresponding slots on both the shaft and the rotor of the hammer mill. The purpose
of the key is to transfer torque from the shaft to the rotor, allowing the hammers to rotate
and crush the material being processed. It is important that the key is properly installed
and maintained to ensure efficient and safe operation of the hammer mill.

Dimensions of the key used:

Length = 50 mm

Height= 14 mm

Mass of key (mk ¿=7850∗50∗8∗14=43.96 g

No of key (n k ¿=2

Weight of key( W k )=0.86 N

Figure 11 : Key

4.10) Bearing

A journal bearing is a type of plain bearing that supports a rotating shaft. It usually
operates in a hydrodynamic regime of lubrication, where a thin film of oil separates the
shaft and the bearing bushing. This reduces friction and wear, and allows for high speeds
and loads. A journal bearing can be either solid or bushed. A solid journal bearing is a
cylindrical hole in a housing, while a bushed journal bearing is a metal sleeve inserted
into a housing.

Journal bearing must have stiffness and damping properties sufficient to prevent bearing-
contributed vibration and to result in the proper gear contact. The stiffness and damping
properties of the journal bearing affect the rotor system dynamics. In this bearing the
shaft rotates inside a loose fitting bearing shell .Lubricant such as oil , grease is used
between the surfaces.

The size of journal bearing is selected in accordance with diameter of shaft i.e 30 mm.

4.11) Metal screener
Figure 12 : Journal bearing
A metal screener for
a hammer mill is a type of perforated metal screen that is used to control the size and
shape of the particles produced by the mill. It is installed at the discharge end of the mill,
where the material exits after being crushed by the hammers. The size and configuration
of the holes in the screen determine the size and quality of the final product. A metal
screener for a hammer mill can be made from high-quality carbon steel for long wear life
and easy maintenance.

According to requirement of glass powder, different screener can be used.

Figure 13 : Metal screener

4.12) Motor

The product specification of motor used in the project as per our design is tabulated
Product Specification

Brand Sunride Electricals

Power 2.2 Kw

Voltage 220-440V

Class E

Frame Size 112M

Full Load Rpm 1000 Rpm

Motor HP 3 HP

Fig:3 phase induction motor


Drawing sheet number one: Part drawing of hammer

Drawing sheet number two: Part drawing of key
Drawing sheet number three: Part drawing of vertical plate
Drawing sheet number four: Part drawing of washer
Drawing sheet number five: Part drawing of main shaft
Drawing sheet number six: Assembly drawing of rotor
Drawing sheet number seven: Part drawing of rotor assembly
Drawing sheet number eight: Part drawing of base stand
Drawing sheet number nine: Part drawing of outer casing
Drawing sheet number ten: Part drawing of screener
Drawing sheet number eleven: Assembly drawing
Drawing sheet number twelve: Assembly drawing
Drawing sheet number thirteen: Exploded assembly



50.00 16.00







6.1) Grinding Machine:

A grinding machine is a machine tool that uses an abrasive wheel to cut or remove
material from the surface of a workpiece. The abrasive wheel rotates at high speed and
has many small grains that act as cutting tools. The grinding machine can perform
various types of grinding operations, such as surface grinding, cylindrical grinding,
centerless grinding, etc. It can also have different parts and accessories, such as a work
table, a tool post, a wheel guard, a coolant system, etc. The grinding machine can produce
high surface quality, accuracy, and shape of the workpiece.

We performed following operations in grinding machine:

 It was used for finishing of hammer as well as vertical plate.

 It was also used for key making.

Figure 14 : Grinding machine

6.2) Lathe machine

A lathe machine is a machine tool that rotates a workpiece around an axis and performs
various operations on it, such as cutting, sanding, knurling, drilling, etc., with the help of
tools that are applied to the workpiece. A lathe machine can shape metal and other
materials into desired forms. A lathe machine can have different parts and accessories,
such as a headstock, a tailstock, a carriage, a chuck, a tool post, etc. A lathe machine can
also have different types, such as wood lathe, metal lathe, CNC lathe, etc. A lathe
machine is an important machine tool for many industries, such as automotive, aerospace,
furniture, metalwork, etc.

The basic function of the Lathe machine is to remove the material from the surface of the
workpiece by the usage of cutting tools providing the necessary amount of feed and this
can be done by placing the workpiece in the chuck which rotates with the help of a motor.

 It was used for turning operation in shaft and for boring operation in pulley.

Figure 15 : Lathe machine

6.3) Milling machine

A milling machine is a machine tool that uses a rotating tool with multiple cutting edges
to remove material from a workpiece that is clamped to a table that can move in three
directions. Milling Machine is used for Machining flat surfaces, Slotting, Contoured
surfaces. It is also useful for making Complex and irregular areas, Revolution surface,
Gear cutting, Machining external and internal threads. A milling machine can perform
various operations, such as plain milling, face milling, angular milling, etc. It can also
have different parts and accessories, such as a spindle, a table, a vise, a cutter, an arbor,
etc. A milling machine can also have different types, such as horizontal milling machine,
vertical milling machine, universal milling machine, etc. It is an important machine tool
for many industries, such as metalworking, woodworking, automotive, etc.

 It was used for key seat in shaft.

Figure 16 : Milling machine

6.4) Drilling machine

A drilling machine is a type of machine that uses a rotating tool called a drill bit to make
holes in solid materials. Drilling Machine has based upon the principle that the rotating
edge of the tool exerts a large force on the workpiece and holes are being created in the
workpiece. The material is removed from the workpiece by the shearing and extrusion

The bench drill was used for drilling holes through materials like hammer , vertical plates
and screener.

Figure 17 : Drilling machine

6.5) Arc welding

Arc welding is a welding process that is used to join metal to metal by using electricity to
create enough heat to melt metal, and the melted metals when cool result in a binding of
the metals. Arc welding is one of several fusion processes for joining metals. By applying
intense heat, metal at the joint between two parts is melted and caused to intermix
directly, or more commonly, with an intermediate molten filler metal. Upon cooling and
solidification, a metallurgical bond is created. Since the joining is an intermixture of

metals the final weldment potentially has the same strength properties as the metals of the

Figure 18 : Arc welding

6.6)Sheet metal folding machine

A sheet metal folding machine is a machine tool used to bend and fold sheet metal into
various shapes and sizes. It is commonly used in the manufacturing industry for
producing a wide range of metal products, such as brackets, enclosures, cabinets, and
automotive parts. Sheet metal folding machines can be used with a variety of metals,
including mild steel, and can handle sheets of various thicknesses and sizes.

 It was used for folding of the output tray.

Figure 19 : Sheet metal folding machine

6.7)Sheet metal shearing machine

A sheet metal shearing machine is a machine tool used for cutting sheet metal to a
specific size or shape. It can be used with a variety of metals, including steel, aluminum,
and copper, and can handle sheets of various thicknesses and sizes. The machines are also
capable of creating precise, accurate cuts. There are different types of sheet metal
shearing machines available, ranging from manual hand-operated machines to fully
automated computer-controlled machines, we have used manual sheet metal shearing
machine for our operations.

 It was used for cutting of sheet metal.

Figure 20 : Sheet metal shearing machine

6.8) Rolling machine

A rolling machine, also known as a roll bending machine, is a machine tool used to bend
and shape metal sheets and plates into cylindrical or curved shapes. The machine consists
of three rollers arranged in a triangular formation. The metal sheet is placed between the
rollers, and the top roller is brought down onto the sheet, pressing it against the two
bottom rollers. As the sheet passes through the rollers, it is bent and shaped to the desired

 It was used for rolling operation of metal screener.

Figure 21 : Rolling machine


7.1) Testing with Graded samples

Testing was carried out in three different phases. Each phase consists of the different
sample size. Considering the same amount of the glasses of different size, the time
duration to crush it into the powder form is described below.

Figure 22 : Medium sample

Figure 23 : Largest sample

Figure 24 : Smallest sample

Sample size Feed Amount (in Time duration


Largest sample (30 mm Dia;80 5 kg 6 mins 28 sec

mm length)

Medium sample (20 mm dia; 5 kg 6 min 32 sec

40 mm length)

Smallest sample(10 mm dia; 5 kg 6 min 38 sec

30 mm length)

7.2) Testing with mix samples

In the second phase testing was carried out by taking all samples into account which lead
to the output of 5 kg in 6 minutes 40 seconds.


Figure 26:Glass powder of largest sample Figure 25:Glass powder of medium sample

S.N Components Unit price Number Total

1 Hammer 190 20 3800
2 Vertical plate 337.5 2 675
3 Bearings 750 2 1500
4 Stopper shaft 80 8 640
5 Main Shaft 660 1 660
6 Screener 450 1 450
7 Pulley(3 inch) 410 1 410
8 Pulley(5 inch) 500 1 500
9 Frame(Angle bar) 125 25 kg 3125
10 Casing 165 15 kg 2475
11 Nut - - 995
12 Motor(3 Hp) 24000
13 Miscellaneous - - 3500
Total 43380

A) Output per KWh consumption

Total 1 hour of operation consumes 2.250 KWh of electricity which will give an
output of 45 kilograms. Hence leading to output of 20 Kgs per unit KWh. The
specific consumption for 1 kg of output product is 0.05 KWh.

8.1 Economic Analysis

Fabrication cost of machine = Rs 43,380

Total cost of machine (including machineriesused cost,transportation,human

value,storage cost etc) = 43,380 + 15,000 (estimated) ~ 60,000

Power of motor(P)=2.250KWh (3hp)

Cost of electricity ( C) = Rs 12 per KWh

Expected outcome of glass power (Oex ¿=50 kg /hr

Real outcome of glass powder ( O Real )=45

2.250 KWh
R specific ¿= ∗Rs 12
Specific electricity consumption ( 45 kg

= (0.05 KWh) * (Rs 12)

= Rs 0.6 per kg

Profit by selling 1 kg of glass powder to company (R) = Rs 3 per kg

Operating hour of machine = 4 hours per day

Amount of glass powder output = 45 (kg/hr) * 4 hr per day

= 180 kg/day

Net profit by crushing 1 kg of glass ( Rnet ¿=3−0.6=2.4 per kg

Net profit for 1 day of operation ( Rnet )day =2.4∗180=Rs 432

Total cost of machine (including all cost ) = Rs 60,000

Rs 60,000
Payback period = =138.39 days 139 days
Rs 432 per day

= 4 months 19 days

= 0.39 years.


9.1)Result and Discussion

The “Design, fabrication and testing of hammer mill for crushing of pharmaceutical glass
wastes” project was successful in achieving the targeted goals and anticipated results.

Following results were extracted from the study:

a)The speed of rotor for crushing of the glass in terms of achieving the anticipated results
was found to be 400 rpm.

b)A crushing power of 3 Hp (2.250 KW) was required for crushing at the feed rate of 50
Kg/hr .

c) The diameter of shaft was obtained to be 30 mm with design factor of safety of 1.8.

d) The diameter of holes in screener was 5 mm for achieving the desired output size .

e)The variation of sample size from smallest to largest showed crushing time of 6.32
seconds on average for 5 Kg sample.

9.2) Conclusion

This project work focus on design and fabrication of cost effective and affordable glass
waste recycling machine in developing countries which can be used in crushing of glass
waste into some useful products. The machine was successfully designed, fabricated and
tested. A physical model of the machine was analyze using SolidWorks and the outcome
prove that the machine is efficient and when fabricated for use, it was able to crush glass
waste successfully into useful end products.


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One of the members using lathe machine Milling machine


Grinding machine operation Grinding machine operation

Frame structure and shaft Hammer and pin shaft

Gas cutting for hammer Outer casing

Surface development of outer tray

Outer tray

Main shaft key and vertical plate

Rotor assembly

Final Hammer mill


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