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Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi - 110025 HISTORY ASSIGNMENT TOPIC REVOLT OF 1857: NATURE, CAUSES & CONSEQUENCES SUBMITTED BY: SUBMITTED TO: PRAJJWAL BARANWAL Dr.GULRUKH KHAN B.ALL.B. (Reg.) 2"! sem. Guest Faculty (history), Student Id : 201901743 Faculty of Law Class Roll No. 44 Jamia Millia Islamia ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First, | praise almighty God who always given me anew vision of thinking with all my regards. Perfection cannot be claimed by any human being | claim neither perfection nor totality in presenting this project. In this reference first of all, | am indebted to my reverend teacher & supervisor Dr. Gulrukh Khan, Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia, a person of broader vision, innovative thinking and a source of inspiration to me. Her valuable guidance and suggestions led me in pursuing this project. | am extremely grateful for her noble ideals and behaviour. lam very much obliged to all my friends also, | have no words ta acknowledge my indebtedness to my reverend parent and family members for their persistent support, abiding faith and love which decisively helped me. (Prajjwal Baranwal) Scanned wth CamScanner CONTENTS “ INTRODUCTION ** NATURE OF THE REVOLT « OUTBREAK OF THE REVOLT >» MAJOR CENTRES > DECLINE > CONCLUSION «+ CAUSES OF THE REVOLT «+ CONSEQUENCES OF THE REVOLT —$——X AE ER a IBy we fiat olf of tree 19" Gnbay , det Fort Indio Comp byowght euyer portions of Trig ynder_tka conto) - Ont Hundah Yeoss oft te Sot. of Plassey, which @ naks tee biginning of Brith Rule to Table, anges _ ogolnat the unjuk onk oppramsiva Bsttich Govermant tek a form fo vavolt thot ahockR He vany fomd- jokin, of Buttish Rule in India. Ts Resht wor a mayor bet vltimetely uvsvicorsful lupriaing in Infin tr 1857-1858 against ths wh F Hs Bath Fast ‘Thdia Compary, which finckionth of a | Aosrcign Powes an baholf of Wt Brtksh (Crown? @ Tr Ribsdlicn began om 19 May, 1857 mM te fos of oo wulliny _of Repaya of He Company’ Ormy in the cf of Meat, 64hm of north-east of Dili, but goon engulf witha vagis and fnvolvid the _manies. Millions of Prosanbs _ Prtisona, ond Soldiews fought hevoically fos eves Ons yee conh by Hie ent phony $ socrifin " a qexiovs_ chapter ‘tin the __hishry the Trhion we Prople. es _ - pa Sook Doth, Tht Indien Muti 224, CPinguin Random House. oy se ... Mature... They, fb no unanimity arumg acholaws ing tha ‘Naka of the Revodl of 1857° anh a duboke took place babu 1950-60 focuning obention on that pexapectives 2 D Sapoy Mutiny _ D Nakonel Strgql ox Firat Wor of Trhspendance 3) Manifestatin ~ of Faubalict Ravived . a AM ts Brittah Hixtoriens, Gn posticular Six John lootanu — onk Saoloy ee wera of He vino tok ct War oa Aepoy mutiny os a Arcpoyr ——fusth to uae the earch Covbidges A the Enfulh Rifles ond opposed mov. fn anxieve eowickouk aiempt on he past of Butte fo mrininize tet qrismanur of Indians onk te -reshrick tk oly fe oo meetin oof Proms rao. oe e| Ratlar, The Britth hte to postay civil dishabenes as Hu actions of — Aelf vaste Snteraste of dre | Rantholdess — onk prinus. ee _ —| j See ants Ovbum described fe wall et a Hindy-Mysltny comspivay § petayed At wide _civuslatin of chapats os _ An. Hews, Heise ured nto vabinble evidence of stuck Confira —— te i Bir Chandon, Mridula Mobbeme, ef ol, dina St fos Pa Te a7 CDtipin. Books, Now Dain gens. Bln. Cowkesting , Ha Brikith Tatesputetion os that of Sepoy —— Mutiny _ only, the nationalist hithovions 4h portiotlar — ND Sovowkor in hia bannh beck “The Indian War of Nndepantinca cf 1857’ publishob anonymously in 19)2 aryuss tak it wos He fiat wos of Indian Indapen- dunt inapiah by Daf ty hol of —gelf-wle by Indians — Hewegh — nationalist uprrge. Ashok. Madde. m hus beck “The. Grant Rebellion’ expasthch Hae Mino teak Hy welt or nadiondl in chowacter. _ Bishtwarer Protob obemart os Ha end ot tw obien wir vot tha eamentioh obyet ond Hea chief purpoar # Gu Huta rena The Revol of 1657 may be fer ‘Nokiened War for Fearkomn’, Hrovgh tha senkiment & nakienolism tt molem zen hah not toktn datp soots in tan act cf Trkin ok thok eowirnenk @ Terackenl duciheh Got war of _nakion’s Sohipendance Gn Wis. book ‘Histoy of Feachom Moverunt in Tadia” _ [Conk dicking tr above. _witos of naktonalict nyotivobeh | paarap Koa, R-C. Mayor conclwds thot it is defhe Oe ko avoth ta tondluaion thak tha t0- coll ixat _ lmodtonc, was oh ‘ntopenbince of (857 ix niteoy Be fiat, now notimol, now oa wor of mkapandinen of fk wos not pirpLonml and wos Meritel to curtain pockate in | North Trtin. __. — ‘Scanned with Sinn, 1970, a historicch peerpackivn hag abtfteh fom tho \Ahdy oo ‘Sapay Mary” ox ‘Nottnal Revol’ to dre __exoninskin ff “ariel “rooks of Hen ravolt by — _ __ wndurstuibing _apecifiv oma shdieg. Aso valk of such _ ah Ates it in_now eatobbisheh that Ye saletienahip behoan Land rauenure aetblomenk ooh te aovolt ic vay miniowm, ee _ Furthar, tk iw now asvagerteh tok tt roots of 4he vowel — @ osx dtakle to pockske of alate mary dr te galbegical Fortes auch ox fess fostthe set ank aware Tare — assersmants trport om orable Donk Covad undp miney bo Ho collkvokor Dein balioweh Bask ko vary difiwte ty wok qeuxolisotion of se 1957 evank_og Hu vmponce of Hu _ paophe vasith from on. osm to onotnsy onk 08 2uch thik owrqak that tha Revolt of 1857 wor not om movorunk but mony. The nok of 1857 evenk _ @ bor bacon 40. emotivi oak 1h gone acapa to _ mufiipe —_pexapectiver. - aee = On 25Mosth, 1857, ok Ha Borwackpoo fvads Goound, neat Colwtn, 29-y. olb Mangal Pankay f te 34" —___BN1 (Benge Native —_Infanhy) —angeuh by Ae — nracent thins of East India Company. dictoxod tho he woulh rebel ageint hiz moster and attackuh the — Battin oficox. Ho wor ovmeth ond thon exowtel @ vy ko Biheh in sandy April, 57 falas by tee — disbonk monk of his magi nant ° Laker, tn Apul , 85 eF 90 sepey troopae of 3™ Bani Lighk Covoly ab Maot aofsel _Crbioll Gon tridges — ant os punishment , they worn giana bong. prism toms, filtead ond put mail, after bang, coust- mastioNQal This prnishrant ncend their comrads, whe wore om My to, Sundey, put thir plans fe valeow fe mprisoned solduns @ by Force. The ily of Meow sa an omvpst with ongry probs in Cozase ond Wuidahing being sein fire While the action of _gepoye Sn Foeatng tarry 85 ____fprttonth comrade approxi to haa boon spentmntous, Avra civilian vieting- Mth Cty was raparkedly, encavragel, by od Dhan Singh Guceyox.* ee Soil, of 32 _ _— A _Chaithphar Hibbert, The Greet Motiy edie 1857 pp 472 _— (Poy Books, 1980) _ o_) / —t-— or cendves... De thi ~~¢-—— In te Ko of Moy 1857, 0 bund of Spoys fom — Mewut , cxo Yoruma, at tefl hase on fim , ki? Brith offfcesa and monched te Pah fort purged Boho hurr — Shah Dts Me vefler Empescr fe become thtiv to iv gifimacy to Aue Cove. Bahadur Shoah wos neithey acre of his own copobilities nov of © Goose pntertm bot he eqruk omk wae proclaimed ths Shahonshalr e- Hixdustan.” - Ths Sepoya, then, sek owt to caphsr anh comb fs petal tly of Dalht. Simon roms, tha politcal Osea ond xuasal ollus englithrun were pile, the public offers vem citer occupiad w der hoya . The Ravel of 1857, 0n unavceomtul but hove effort fo Aiminok Fexeign Ruka hed begun. @ fhe tamonlox swep ond bradth of Revolt wos matched by Hs — dapth Eviychace in Noxtham € Grball Indio, the. rutin of the xepoye higacsad popular vavolts amo Aha” civiion population. After the yA hod dintoyad tha Basitialn Bihan jhe common prope oe up in ——— Bremsy Ares ” i with speasz ond axes, 6. _ & ongows, Polat, £ at onk colt rwshats_ th any - (5. Sym nok 2 of SL __ a = Oe : — a) Cows, horas the prop mvolteh even bole te myoys Ad oe ean whtn no stpays’ “agiowals are prank, Dis the utde Poxticipation Sa tee De by de frotonhy, oxtsons , shopharpixs , doy -Roboviexe ont zomindesr ushiche - gous mal chan gt os wall a the chovackes fia sevell uth In te obstnu of any Lenders’ From Hair own anke , Hue tered tuk to tet [troditioul Qeohiss. of Triin Souitly — dhe territorial orisha crabs Ffavdel chistes who hal ‘avffiscd ot thy hab vonks of Byihish. _ | % showdh clio be noted that evin uhave people dth not tsvolt Mey shownh aborg Ayepolly fey Hu -Vebels. Thay sayoicch % He success of He aabele 4 organised a aod boycott of hore anpoys whe vemelud Loyal to He Bai bth. Witkin a mowth of tht captow of Dathi, He Revo h apesod, to various posts of wonby ely _ Konpur At Kanpur, she nodvral choice 4 Leah the volt vos Nena Sohob, te adopted son of ta Rost Pesta, Bap Rao TE. He yointh the xavolt primarily because ne. Bitsh frre to_grant Noha Seheb the pension wi p onk forced him te Lia ok Kanpur, oor awey from hia fariby seat ok Poona. Ha caphiesd Kenpry psy 6 Bipor Cronds. Hiateyy_of Medan India, 99.152 (Oxionh = | Alackswart prt BL, 2009) thancs aI oy | a -Lucknow The Revolt of Lucknow wos Led by Begum Horak Mohol , oud te be ch the Nowob of 9 Avadh (former), usho bok prochoieul hur young Aen Biryis Qodiv, of to Nawab & Awodh Tn Lucknow, tra ewhinows zcpoys won seirak by He dinbondid xoldiasa form te Old Auodh, ) Pomy. The Begum exgantud an all-out —aftack on Baibith. (tee mak outrlending Leader of tht avelt wor Rant Louk Bar of Thanti,whe assueud the Lendecehtp of Lepoye Tht young, 22-9. olk Rani yoinuk He rebel, whun He “Bositith efusl te olllrofacknowledge his abopted am te gucuck te de tron after hus heaton dick unt hoh onnxed He choke tee opplicahion of Doceinn of Lope. Sha Fought voliontly of the head of hex troopa. She caphah Gusabicr on 1 Sut 1658 vtth the sulp of _@ Tanke Tepe , ona of ths moat Loyal servant af Nowe Goub srl, on Gunna oprvation. Mohayaya of Cindhia , Loyel to Bathash , med an attempt to fight Ron wut Lider ha aovpk melo urith English at Ap oa _ te __________—— | gs. Ted —___—_—— —— — ———___ Ga > Bareiddy Khon Bobo dur, a descendant of the formes rules of Rohillphan wos Place in commank Living on a pension granted by ——— British , he wos not too entwsiaahe about thes bet — han fh Revol byeke out. hs otsemul the odeatnichmtion jack on ommy oF 40,000 soldites anh offaxad ARH wesistana to tee Batteah? _ Axxah (Biher) — Kunwar Stah, a 7O-y of, mind 4 discontended Zarindor Tog dithpur neoxs Agroh vor the tf Cryaniso oc vevelt Mm Bihax. He hal been deprived oF Wa extoles by thins, Evin though , he hab not _____ Planned an uprising , he mbusidabing’y yetvch the Axpoys whin thy smack — Aoh from — Dina pore | Lecline of Revolt > Yok, Hos rvabols showid Sumpllary courage, dedication £ @ Commitrint Thats f min comttl Death cfighhing fox a conte tty ad dua Tht Hesoiam alone cou not akem the enaLought a much superior Brtkich Army, The Bottsh odtecheh Delhi on 20 Set 1kS7. Rey six haya them non Aazpexoke fatty bt by 20 Srot, iggy’ ty ocepiel Doth fut te fall Behadur Shoh Tr” pep 2 Sepra_nete 2 ot 32 - lo, Sepa mote 2 at a who tock vafoge i) Humeym's Tomb was capi anh depatek to Rangoon, Barma whose be died in 1862. | Hix ams stv ashok dead iohich eabd tha impesiol | Aynotty of Mughals. —— While, Rant Lokshet Roi dich in Guohies Bottle , i on 17 Tent, 1858. Gunvel Hugh Rose, whe daitutel hiv, pail gh tribute te Ain enimy when he soi Abot Hos, Loy the woman che war 4 only man ® artony. feo woke Tonka Tops excapsd gto the qngls ot Gotoh Trdia udese ho coxsioh on bites ¢ briflionk quavilla vorfacc until Apsth I€S9 whon he war bibayed by a found ord caphad whik asleep. He wos put to deoth oftes o busied biel m IS Apil 1859. Kanpur wor vecaphotl by it Rettish of fes Pesth —_atviorumeds orriveh . Th wevelt vox scppamseed oth e beri bbe Venpont £ fe sth ssn cithes havaged a bimen to pines by Gumont. Defiant to vy end auf using fo aurmnter, he eacapel to Nepah eax in 1859, never tobe _hsaxk of ogein, - Them a pe ey apt tam quissing HUM is deal on 9 May tesg" W. Supm. note 2 ot 39 _ = — —___. — | a | L a “5 Gomglugion, 0, Revolt .. jBy the end af 1859, British outhosity ovr Thdia wos fly rr-estublishoh but de wavolt “hal nol ban fr ein. Ths oprnadeat hestes of the Ravoht weer , He [aepoys, mrany of hon disloyal qraak covange fo tht | Aol * bottle ond ‘Mbvou kana fe cheow unaltiahhy (ath Aon Hats ives, Mose than any thing ele, — H 04 His —datermivotio and socotian teat e nuashy Rcd to the expulsion of de Beith foom Into. Tn this pobsictic abwgyl , Hay accra even tnair dup -veligicus prapdias. Thy hol mevolted om Mw gwastion & he opr cavhidges bok mow fo expel Ra buteh fevxtgnsr thy Grodly woh the Aare Casbidges ‘m thois batter. _ —_ Revolk of 1857 punk the way fer de aie of dhe modem notional movwrunt. Th horwic £ pabsiotic saat 4 4€s7 - tas vere of wehellions racehing Te an @ os gethak te fmpseagion om the minds of fe Trdton Prophs, estobliheh valuable ocak tadition of ramsitlne to British wilt, and Serveh on pssermial, source of _inapisakion in their Lab shuggle for fsoedom. a Si eS... 1) Political Causes Ihe pebiticod causes t te wavoll may be boca. to th Bath Pokicy of Cxpantion _Aheeegh tha Dactsine of Lapa and danct anwatin A dooge nec Dili) pul vs and Chitta wor dint siya Wor arpusing fay 9 the nike ct obese ribyy (amilice whe copphindsd a aimilow tote Rani Lakuhng Bai's odopteh sen wat nol peymitel teed on the een of Thaw Satasa , N syfad Shass, won annexed imbs He Docbind oF Lapse, The anteaal te Continet the pinion of Nana heb, the cbopteh sor cf Bagi Rao orokth hextilily among fe ruling Chang The annexation ot Awadh by Lovk Palhousic t I856 om the pretet ct Nawak's mabadminisbation £ faleg ass opprssticn wet willy reamed mn Aadh fm fale! Tndek. de common ran had now fe pay Wight Land among 2 adkitfonol teeus in Atrndh. The bactollotion “of Nawob's amy ark ohminithalior made muy poople pobCecs. This easing conmts ted Arash roe hottid of discontent + Mhiguc, 12 Supa tele 6 at 152. 13. Syra_note ¢ at 143 a 2) Socto-ReLligious causes Pn epevtork faches m temioy people opoinat Botkin ave toox Theis fray thot it endongeak hare vuslligion . Thiz frax was Lary, dur to tee activi her of tha Chriahan Mistimesity che waa ‘te be seen evazywhus - % the school a the hoapitls tn fae pritone ond at Moo poskek plows” Thite mimioaricn tind te convast prope ank mods violed onk wilgas public obkacka om Hindviam i DxQoe . They vpanly -wtdicolch | donomced fru Song ~ cheriahol dwostom e end baditiog of ths poople Thy war, momovas, provide police Pyetection. Tn 1850, the govarnmunt enact a ow which enable o convert to dnrishionity fe trhaat his ancuttal prepesty, _ _ _ Pople tullieeh trot on alion Chutskian Grovammont had no __ovighk fe mietase ‘ty thciy religion & customs, The abolition oe — D Economic causer a tas wstorm of sal , Ha Sepelisatin of wilow samorringe ork Ha chaning of wetter edacation te girl uppoosed fo Yum os examples of auch unba wiesfemenes The mayor couse of oll those civil rebellions takin ara holt wor he wogil changer teak British Mtodoced an He etonomy, adminithalion § Yond seven ayatem These 7 pamy + Sep nate 6 ot Me changes Dal tthe —_dinsvption a _tha__« ian sockly, i cue pookong & wilsjanl avfesg, coon Hs wel, B — a —— Above oll, Ht colonioll policy of thhenrifying dimanls for Jord rane ont exbacting as, forge on arravt 03 possible prdual a umaurstionablle” uphaoal in Indian vi . Fes exompli, In Bengal , Sr eee then 30 yoorn, Sank -sevenup ——— cabledion wos rained to nuasly doublle the amok cobllachel. — uns Ha Mughals. The palm ume wnpuated in other Ports of Ae Country o Poike tulle sprmak. Agere — Voking — aa unhappinun cf fowmuxs wos te fort thak no evin a part of the erthonced xswtinug «wot apant on © daslopmat —f opiclion or ulin of cobltvaker.® Asc, Hae Highly shill Triian Craftarun aio. daprted of Yasis covrce Of muon ond wird fosced te Dock fox _ablemate Acurces of employmunt thet hardly cxdsted, ox fa Autuctin of | Tndtan hanticratte vos net acconpanit by Ha deve boprunk cf molem ‘mduntries!® 4) Miditory grievances @ ibis caxtinly tra tet He vonditions of service in Company's army & contenrunts Sncveatiygly coma Sate — cotlich with — -aligious balisls ond puyrdion F A89 oy _ Th eetiory athovilise for bude the pos ty tes caste | & aechaton masks, bards or turbans.” _ _ _ HS. Supa. note 2 ot 42 0 _ le Supe. note 2 ot 36 es Supra hk 6 at 1tS as) Ca ) “Dt vmhappinen of the mpoye fiat auefoud tr 1024 ushwn tht AMF Regintnk of Be vseck pos wor vidi to to Pina Wrewegh feo neve, Po Me vafligions Henk, Coossing Vi see tan! ome oh Coste. The Acpoy a, satus be Comply [ke +04 cou wor d&bondid onk Nhont toho Qu Wa oppuatlion wane honged In 1856, an Acd wax porteh which requis every ry saceult rut be veo bo tery oven, AL teak We the prsslige of belsg ty Mo pay of tho e Company wat nol enovah fe held ont poathon in “ Aoilely jaaligin & cattle preset to be mow powsrfell” Ths snpoys’ Aisconbent oar not Limiteh to wahigic , Thay Loree equally mhappy with keds ine ee Tht mane annoying hing wok Ma nemse cf Stow vabion da compantd ot ha bach counterposls Dndion Mepoys voaee moe te fal sub evhinake ol every step unk war Uarrviminates — xacially ogdinat thant matter f promottom 8 privileges.” 5) Grviavonce of High- clos peeple ty Adoiintstadtn Tha middle 4 uppas classer of Indinn Sectely, partintasly tm novth weer hak hit by aiv exclusion from welll paid highs posts HW te adminishation dut ty tht annsxation lee . 118 Teas. Chand, Hlsloy ths frstdem Mosier Jidit'€ Plbicaltas | Divine, Mblsby 4 148. Dold . 961) m= (9. Sup. note 2 of 34 6 ) of Andinn Stetes . British Rule ted to He avin of poxaent uke ma oa Lea by following dhe coltvaal prrauita — 6) Greve of “People diptalant om Ruler The Thdian wiles hab bon pebons of arts § tenes onb hol arppotel acholava, valiqiers_pumches ond divin The Fo0l of Howe -mullesr by Guttish Cost Trnkia Company — riaank te sullen wilhirarel of thie pabonage 4 impoarith— unt of Hebet Hose who had dapoded upon tt, There — peopl played an trpntant yolk % sprnading habsd ® agai colonial ole?” D Tmmediate Course - _ _ By 1057, He material for a mass uphimel wor cody, only a Laposk won readad to act nel tt fie Thun, camo. the episode of none combidger” Tee no Caftall vile hol ban fiat hoki tm te amy Ts coobilger hod a gscod. paper Cover wheat end hab fo be bitten of bebye Ae caocbrtdge wos Yeotel into wifle. @ MH prea wet ame inttanceg comporch ef lypet o pig fod, tea ue of arch castidger wold endow the eelligin of _ _atpoya , whotor Biota or bib, lay of them bobtovel __ Hot tae govem tat, ibex fo derbo - align anh conse thn fe Coty _ thir 20, Supra. nett 6 ot 14h — _ 21 Supm rot 2 of 3H eee ss — The Revolt of 157 fhevgh failed ond crushel by the aupe- vis nilitoy outrorthy fo of Baikinh. te won o Algatticank evaak of ‘ae—ae for- vaaching comequencet ™ histry of Brith Sole fo Taian. Ub marke toe enk of on come of murconkiie capitoliam ork covly colon nk + obi Me Maghenty of dbowk fmperiall @ ijeiony of Brith Goon Whth for the fisat_contray Le fren 17S7 fe (057, da Reith Gow miacth, wld Trhin ond MD tend Cenhey nt. frm 1858 | te 1947, te Brith Gram die wld Tidin thyeyh the viceroy oppediteh ly tu Monarch. WD Podtcy changes _ The Queen's proclamation ef Novembu HSE annomed thot —_@ te poly berrtteviol ertentin wor fo ks abandoned. The notin vuller, wer ost of «Ht tally of Haar tewsilnyy > vighta & henow if thy coopirated, urtt Bajhah, the Ri fide Ruler fo adopt _o chill ta the abnence fa redo Mir wos_aceapled 02 Pochtm of Lape wns token York - The gous mun wayoxdel fa_notivea rulers on Hu > a bulwark ogo ths muses § hunuctinth folleuwu a polity a prrvbcktng Hat xiatkimary Acq mank ck Indton Souity — Aphis 4 Ded d Qh ums actiuly posh kop de — Hina & Mate dived | 2 Constifvtimal & Admintshative The most aiqnificant smal A He meting was He fansin A pos time baking company tA dowdaeli pews of ® Divkein by AL Govirnpunk of Tobia Act, SSE & Guten Vicketa wee parila os the Queen Empress of Tobin ASL Ht Odnbigbahion une heutonch tum Cok fakio Company te Ha Brith Garam. Tada wet te he odmuinisteeel by the Seocteay ot State ond his {S-runter commu desrvgl ba Vicewey The qevumor So kerame ey fH eprsiortntive of Geum | Taba D> Reorgantaation a Army @ the ary oo aLorqanised, te sbsangthan Batkah Conbol owes the Camby 4 ant Wi tot sekilliou ‘y Lobo. Tee paomtes ot Reith Solio woos froreased orl all Ya highs potlt & hay pouting weve felled vp by Hu Buthah.** _ 22 RayHt K Moasmder, The fdion hry ond the Makhg a Rayab , re pe (Oyient Alackaswor , 2003) Communal $ Rotel Ritter Tre Po volt of 1eS7 coeobed « big 4ep behogen He different valliviovs comeumitir erpeciolly tra Hindus ond the Muskie pr each bdaemol He othes fy Hs fatten. The Faia, heoevar, duatopeh o dup voriah bHrmuts toad the Bilith and — oppouh fle tnferier atelus gamuted to Maun. S) Ragiows ouvranceg : _ _ Queon Victoria proulamation A 1 November 1858 qposantee. Frudom of Faith 4 cwol trakmont to alll Trdcans. The Quun mode ft cleaw that tHe woe to be no dichnchion behwun one rdivkel § another on te patted of wae, aligten, ax A creek - 6) Brawentic & Tedictol postings The Beittth Goun opud fb provide employmank fo Ma Takis tr te Buweoucrmtic abechan of dha timer whith wot dentth — prtwtovily In the abhoe of qhiclay, the ——@ Sohs Cons § com’ Supme Count ware ah anal gamale cto High Lovate which cote eatablishl He preside cy fowns of Madsos, Bombay § Colutt D. Diplomotte Ties a | tn et apes af diplonati ltt behowa tal & Ryilefn, now 2k Wat change —& Brith f show bree federt Gy Tate Dealopect of be than mn Fessigen Afaixs . PR ‘Scanned wih CamScanner BIBLIOGRAPHY Websites used : > > > >» > > > Books used : > Bipan Chandra, India’s Struggle for Independence,Penguin Books,1989 > Bipan Chandra, History of Modern India, Orient Blackswan,2009 » Tarachand, History of the Freedom Movement in India Vol. 1, Publication Division, Ministry of 1&B,1961 » Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, From Plassey to Partition : A History of Modern India, Orient Blackswan, 2004

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