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Chair «Information and communication technologies »

G.T. Jussupbekova, N.M. Djailaubaev, G.T. Koshtaeva, A.K.Utelbaeva

Methodical instruction to the SIW by discipline ICT

for students of all technical specialties

Shymkent, 2017





Chair «Information and communication technologies »

G.T. Jussupbekova, N.M. Djailaubaev, G.T. Koshtaeva, A.K.Utelbaeva

Methodical instruction to the SIW by discipline

for students of all technical specialties

Shymkent, 2017

UDC 681 142.1(0765)

The author: G.T. Jussupbekova, N.M. Djailaubaev, G.T. Koshtaeva,


Methodical instruction to the SIW by discipline for students of all technical

specialties. – Shymkent: SKSU, 2017. –306p.

Educational - methodological instruction prepared in accordance with the

requirements of the curriculum and program of the discipline "ICT". Educational -
methodological instruction include all the necessary information for execution of
the SIW.

Educational-methodical instruction designed for students of all specialties.

The task of educational - methodological instruction to increase level of self-

training and level of a skilled user in discipline for students of secondary and
higher educational institutions.


Iztaev J.D. – Candidate of p. science of M.Auezov SKSU.

The Methodical instruction to the SIW have been discussed at the meeting of the
chair «Information and communication technologies»
(Minutes №4 from «27». 11. 2017) and they have been approved by methodical
commission High School of Information Technologies& Energetic
(Minutes №5 from «15». 12. 2017)

The Methodical instruction to the SIW are recommended to the edition by

Educational-methodical council of M.Auezov SKSU,
Minutes № from « » 2018.

© M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, 2018

Responsible for printing: Utelbaeva A.K.




SIW№2 …………………………………………………………………………11


SIW№4…………………………………………………………………………. 16


SIW№6………………………………………………………………………….. 19

SIW№7………………………………………………………………………….. 21


SIW№9…………………………………………………………………………. 25




Effective use of computers in the learning process and in the subsequent

professional activities of trained specialists is impossible without mastering the
students acquire the skills of self-knowledge and skills by using modern software
Systematic individual work of students increases the culture of mental labor,
develop their ability to individually acquire and deepen knowledge. This is
especially important in the conditions of rapid development of science, technology
and information technology. Skilled, graduates, constantly have to educate
themselves - to improve their knowledge and professional skills through self-
development of new computer programs. Properly organized individual work of
the students is of great educational and educational value. In the course of her
students formed such valuable qualities as diligence, discipline, initiative,
willpower, discipline, accuracy, activity, purposefulness and creative approach to
business, individual thinking. Individual work is a key condition to achieve high
results in education, in the formation of moral qualities, is mainly by converting
the knowledge gained in the beliefs and skills is an important factor in the ability
to develop learning, self-education and, therefore, is both a means and purpose
training. The basis of the suggested learning activities based on the principle of
independence of software development based on the use of information by
students, contained in text setting material and mastered in the directory of the
program. Individual work of students to implement the benefits of tasks involves
reproducing and creative processes, that is, involves both reproductive (training)
and creativity (search) levels of individual activity of students.
Materials teaching aids, primarily directed at the auditorium individual work of
students under the supervision of a teacher, who, during the quest, you can get
advice. Target is calculated or on a study a couple of hours, or two pair, and allows
you to effectively organize the practical training of students at the full-time
education. At the same time, material benefits alone provides students organize
their work outside of the classroom in any time and in convenient hours for him.
Thus, the grant can be used for the organization of distance learning, as well as
training courses PC users, aimed at the development of modern information
1. Aims and objectives of the SIW.
The purpose of the SIW as a whole is the development of cognitive abilities,
independent thinking and creative activity of students.
The task of the SIW include:
- Consolidating, deepening and broadening the knowledge of the discipline;
- Teaching students practical techniques and methods of analysis of theoretical
positions and concepts of the discipline;

- The acquisition of skills by students and skills in the use of active, innovative,
scientific and technical methods to solve practical problems;
- Studies and analyzes of the literature on a particular topic of discipline.
The SIW clocks consult on homework, and semester tests, current and
boundary control.
The student can not be present in the audience when performing tasks not cause
him difficulty.
SIW shall not be replaced practical exercises.
SIW is focused on the acquisition of communicative competence. That task
would be impossible without communication-oriented model programs, textbooks
and terminology lows.
2. The order of the SIW.
Individual student work under the guidance of a teacher (SIW) - extracurricular
work of the student in contact with teacher, which must be specified in the
schedule of training sessions.
Challenge credit system of education is to develop students ' ability for self-
organization and self-education.
3. Technical and tools of the SIW.
The trainer should always be prepared for the possibility that the SIW to it may
come as a student, and a whole group. Its mission is to, if necessary, it was a
personal consultation, or occupation, duplicating a past lecture, or at the same time
consulting students on issues arising from them.
SIW should be prepared materials (case studies, role plays, tests, etc.) That are
not included in the lecture and allow customizing any questions, or to expand,
deepen them work skills in the analysis of certain situations, solving problems,
decision-making, etc.
Teacher should be much more extensive arsenal of methodological tools,
literature, to effectively carry out the SIW. The riverbed is very important
methodology of conducting of SIW.
4. Control form of the SIW.
Control the SIW takes the form: oral interview; written control; colloquia;
reception reports, essays, essay; putting tests; active participation in the game
business; submission to protect reports and articles, participating in the Olympics
and (or) Scientific Conference; protection of assignments; protection of
outstanding tasks and exercises; writing essays, glossary, etc.
Papers and presentations prepared by students of their choice. Can cook and a
group of students, each of which is developing one of the sections. The abstract
should reveal the essence of the matter, be as informative as possible and contain
their own conclusions.
- Review of a number of sources on a particular topic
- Analysis of any source
- Set based on discipline library sources
Composing the abstract of a scientific article, based on the following

• Summary - a compositionally organized, a summary the content of the source
of information (articles, a number of articles, monographs, and others.).
• Summary consists of three parts: a general description of the text (output
further data threads formulation); description of the main content; conclusions

Description of the individual work of a student carrying out and passing

Creating the Glossary. The glossary includes terms with translations into one or
more languages, comments and examples of use. They can be divided into several

1. Industry glossary, where the terms of a certain industry are added

(mechanical engineering, oil production, cardiology).
2. The client glossary includes terms specific to the organization to which the
translator works. If you are planning long-term cooperation with the
company, start making such a glossary right now.
3. The project glossary helps to maintain uniformity of terminology in a single
project. They (as well as other glossaries) can use several translators at the
same time.
Creating the Case. The essence of it is that students are encouraged to
comprehend and find a solution for a situation that has to do with real life
problems and the description of which reflects any practical task. A distinctive
feature of this method is the creation of a problem situation based on facts from
real life.
However, the problem itself does not have unique solutions.
To work with this situation, it is necessary to correctly set the educational task, and
to solve it, prepare a "case" with various information materials (articles, literary
stories, Internet sites, statistical reports, etc.).
Putting the right task and preparing a "case", it is necessary to organize the
activities of students to solve the problem. Work in the case-study method involves
group activities.
The discussion is central to the structure of the case-study method. The
unpreparedness of students for discussion can make it formal, turn it into a process
of pulling out information from the teacher, rather than independently obtaining it.
Discussion should be used when students already possess some degree of maturity
and independence of thinking, are able to argue, prove and justify their point of
Classify the cases by the degree of its impact on the students:
Kind of case Contents of case Purpose of case creation The main teaching,
educational task of the case
Practical case Life situations Cognition, understanding of life Training behavior

Learning case Educational (conditional) situations Understanding the typical
characteristics of the situation Analysis, comprehension
Research case Research situations Modeling situations Research, design

The next stage of the implementation of the case is a presentation, or presentation

of solutions based on the analysis of the case, is a very important aspect of the
method. The ability to publicly present an intellectual product, to show its merits
and possible directions for effective use, and also to survive under a flurry of
criticism, is a very valuable quality of personality in the modern world. The
presentation hones many deep personal qualities: will, conviction, purposefulness,
etc .; she develops the skills of public communication, the formation of her own
Evaluation of the presented solutions is the most important problem of learning
through the case-method. The traditional five-point scoring system is poorly
adapted to work with cases. When assessing, you can use the rating system, taking
into account the assessment of the group, self-assessment and assessment of the
 Criterion Points
Group rating
Teacher evaluation
A good case should meet the following requirements:
• meet the clearly stated goal of creation;
• have a level of difficulty in accordance with the abilities of students;
• be relevant to date;
• be focused on collective decision-making;
• to have several solutions, multi-alternative solutions (the fundamental lack of a
single solution) than to provoke a discussion.
The teacher who decided to practice the case should be prepared for the fact that
the proportion of time spent preparing and implementing the lesson will increase.
But the result is worth it because, educational activity in the case-study mode is
oriented to:
• formation and development of information competence;
• development of skills of orderly, structured thinking, oriented on the ability to
work with information;
• education of a culture of exchange of opinions, free from aggressive
• formation of an understanding that there are situations when self-control is
necessary to achieve a positive result, especially in situations of working in a
Creating the Presentation. First you need to think about what presentation to
make, what goals it pursues. Whether it will be a lesson or a fragment of the
lesson. What material do you want to convey to children and in what form, etc.?

Without specific zadumok it is better not to sit at the computer. At first everything
should be born in the head.
When the idea is ripe, choose the source of information: a book, an encyclopedia,
the Internet, a textbook, a manual, etc. Now you need to put this material in your
computer: text in Word, pictures, sound, photo or video save in the folder "My
drawings". Only after the material is ready, we begin to make a presentation.

Module 1. ICT role in key sectors of development of society. Standards in

the field of ICT. Introduction to computer systems. Architecture of
computer systems. Software. Operating systems. Human-computer
interaction. Database systems. Data analysis. Data management. Networks
and telecommunications.
1. Standards in the field of ICT.
2. Communication between ICT and achievement of the objectives of a
sustainable development in the Millennium Declaration.
3. Architecture and components of computer systems.
4. Review of computer systems.
5. Evolution of computer systems.
6. Use of computer systems.
7. Data representation in computer systems.
8. Software. Types of the software, purpose and characteristic
9. Classification of operating systems, including for mobile devices.
10.Classification of desktop applications.
11.Physical and mental characteristics of the user.
12.User interface as means of human-computer interaction.
13.Usability of interfaces.
14.Types of interfaces: command line interface, text interface, graphic
15.Development stages of the user interface.
16.Design and development of databases.
17.Technology of programming of ORM.
18.Methods and stages of Data mining.
19.Tasks Data mining.
20.DHCP protocol.
21.Technologies of connection to the Internet.

Module 2. Cybersafety. Internet technologies. Cloud and mobile

technologies. Multimedia technologies. Technology Smart. E-technologies.
Electronic business. Electronic training. Electronic government.
Information technologies in the professional sphere. Industrial ICT.
Prospects of development of ICT.

1. Cybersafety and control of the Internet.

2. Malicious applications.
3. Measures and means of information protection.
4. Standards and specifications in information security field.
5. Standards and specifications in information security field.
6. The acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan governing legal relations in
the sphere of information security.
7. Digital signature. Encoding.
8. Web technologies: HTTP, DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. E-mail.
9. Message format. SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols.
10.Web service in the Cloud.
11.Main terms and concepts of mobile technologies.
12.Representation text, audio, video and graphical information in a
digital format.
13.Basic technologies for compression of information.
14.3-D representations of the virtual world and animation.
15.Instruments of development of multimedia applications.
16.Big data.
17.Technology Block Chain.
18.Artificial intelligence.
19.Electronic training: architecture, structure and platforms.
20.Electronic textbooks.
21.Electronic government: concept, architecture, services.
22.The software for the solution of tasks of the specialized professional
23.Forming of an ecosystem of IT of entrepreneurship and support small
start up of the companies.
24.Programs of acceleration and incubation. Development of necessary
infrastructure of electronic payments and logistics.

1. Standards in the field of ICT.
2. Communication between ICT and achievement of the objectives of a
sustainable development in the Millennium Declaration.
3. Architecture and components of computer systems.
4. Review of computer systems.

The aim: To give a brief introduction to ICT Skills and introduce the terminology
related to the subject and To discuss and give a brief idea on computer hardware.
Having studied this session the student will be able to:
-Describe what IT is.
-Describe what ICT is
-Describe what CS is
-Understand the relationship between Computer Skills and ICT
-Understand the aims and objectives of learning ICT Skills

1. What is the ICT?
2. What is ICT in education?
3. What is the components of computer system?
4.What kinds of information?
5. Using of ICT?
6.What is an ICT role in key sectors of development of society?
Prezentation themes:
1. Definition of ICT.
2. Subject ICT.
3. Subject ICT and its purposes.
4. An ICT role in key sectors of development of society.
5. ICT purposes.

Themes of case
1. ICT role in key sectors.
2. ICT technologies for development.
3. Standards in the field of ICT.
4. ICT in education.
5. The uses of ICTs in Education.
Independent work:

a. the set of software that controls a computer system

b. a very small piece of silicon carrying a complex electrical circuit
c. a big computer system used for large-scale operations
d. the physicals portion of computer system
e. a device moved by hand to indicate position on the screen
f. a visual symbol used in a menu instead of natural language
g. data programs. etc., not forming part a computer, but used when operating it.

Write glossaries: Application, Application, CD-ROM , CMS, Google, Products,

HTML, ICT, iOS, iPad , iWaikato, Network, Panopto , Podcast, Software, WWW

Main literature
1. D.Shynybekov, R.Uskenbayeva., V.Serbin, N.Duzbayev, A.Moldagulova,
K.Duysebekova, R.Satybaldieva, G.Khasenova, B.Urmashev “Information and
communication technologies”, Textbook in 2 parts Part 1&2, Almaty, IITU,2017
2. Collection of lectures by discipline ICT. Suleymenova L., Karibay G.,
Djusupbekova G., Utelbaeva A. Shymkent 2017
3. Methodical instruction to the laboratory by discipline ICT. Medetbekov M.,
Iztaev J., Shaimerdenova G., Mombekova S. Shymkent 2017

SIW №2.
5.Evolution of computer systems.
6.Use of computer systems.
7.Data representation in computer systems.
8.Software. Types of the software, purpose and characteristic

The aim: To discuss and give a brief idea on computer hardware.

To provide the basic ideas of Software to the Students, to introduce the learner to
the Windows operating system and get the learner familiar to operate the
computer through the Operating system Windows.

Having studied this session the student will be able to:

-Describe what hardware is
-Classify computer hardware according to the usage of them
-Give examples for each category of computer hardware
-Identify the different ports of a PC
-Identify why your computer is slow
-Identify the factors affecting on performance of computers

Industry and organizations

Main article: Software industry

A great variety of software companies and programmers in the world comprise a

software industry. Software can be quite a profitable industry: Bill Gates, the co-
founder of Microsoft was the richest person in the world in 2009, largely due to his
ownership of a significant number of shares in Microsoft, the company responsible
for Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office software products.

Non-profit software organizations include the Free Software Foundation, GNU

Project and Mozilla Foundation. Software standard organizations like the W3C,
IETF develop recommended software standards such as XML, HTTP and HTML,
so that software can interoperate through these standards.

Other well-known large software companies include Oracle, Novell, SAP,

Symantec, Adobe Systems, Sidetrade and Corel, while small companies often
provide innovation.

1. Examples and types of software

2. How do you get software?

3. How do you use computer software?

4 .How to maintain software
5. How is software created and how does it work?

Іndependent work

Case "Choosing a computer configuration."

Teacher invites students to become on time representatives of the company for

assembling computers to order and puts before them the following task:

Our company received orders. Customers are asked to collect computers and keep
within the amount that they are willing to pay. Your task is to help customers in
determining the configuration of the computer, i.e. choose the processor,
motherboard, hard disk, RAM, video card, type and size of the monitor, type of
CD drive, type of mouse and keyboard, type of printer, scanner, presence of
speakers, digital camera, etc. according to customer requirements.

The terms of the order are the following: on the one hand, the customer does not
have to purchase an unnecessary thing, i.e. if the employee of the firm believes that
the customer himself has chosen a particular item that he does not really need, the
employee must prove it in an explanatory and convincing manner; on the other
hand, if the employee of the firm believes that a certain item is needed, it is also
necessary to prove convincingly and convincingly to the customer that he will need
this particular item.

Pupils are divided into groups of 2-3 people, each group receives a case that
includes: a list of computer components and their price, the necessary information
on individual devices and their compatibility, and a description of the purpose of
the computer that the customer wants to receive (for example: a home computer ,
designed for working with documents, processing photos, creating phonograms
and accessing the Internet through a dedicated line of communication. The amount
of the order is 35,000 rubles.). Groups are organized in such a way that two groups
work on one configuration of the computer (order).

Stage 1. Work of students begins with familiarity with the reference literature.
Students independently for 5-7 minutes analyze the contents of the case. As a
result, each student should have a holistic impression of the devices of the personal
computer and their main technical characteristics. Acquaintance with the case
concludes with a discussion. The teacher assesses the level of understanding of the
situation, sums up the discussion and the students proceed directly to the choice of
computer configuration.

2 stage. Groups are divided into employees and customers. Employees of the
company represent a variant of the computer configuration for a given amount,
explaining their choice and urging the customer to purchase a computer of exactly
this configuration. The customer, if necessary, exposes his requirements. At the
end of the configuration of the computer, the customer declares whether he is
satisfied with the service of that firm.

Students working on other orders can also express their opinion on the
configuration of the computer under discussion.

Stage 3. The teacher gives an overall assessment to all participants and each
individually; dissects the entire course of the lesson, focusing on successful and
unsuccessful decisions; assesses the general behavior of the participants - interest,
mutual assistance, non-standard thinking, discipline, etc.

Stage 4 Reflection.

Case thems

1. Software operating systems

2. Software structure
3. Encapsulation and Abstraction
4. Software layers
5. Classify software

Presentation thems

1. The difference between software and hardware

2. Categories of computer software
3. Software development
4. Software engineering
5. Software industry

Main literature
1. D.Shynybekov, R.Uskenbayeva., V.Serbin, N.Duzbayev, A.Moldagulova,
K.Duysebekova, R.Satybaldieva, G.Khasenova, B.Urmashev “Information
and communication technologies”, Textbook in 2 parts Part 1&2, Almaty,

2. Collection of lectures by discipline ICT. Suleymenova L., Karibay G.,
Djusupbekova G., Utelbaeva A. Shymkent 2017
3. Methodical instruction to the laboratory by discipline ICT. Medetbekov M.,
Iztaev J., Shaimerdenova G., Mombekova S. Shymkent 2017
4. Networks-2017

9.Classification of operating systems, including for mobile devices.
10. Classification of desktop applications.
11.Physical and mental characteristics of the user.
12.User interface as means of human-computer interaction.

The aim:This session aims to provide the basic ideas of Software to the Students.
Having studied this session the student will be able to:
- Describe what software is
- Classify computer software according to the usage of them
- Give examples for each category of computer software


1.What OS are called multiprogramming?

2.What is usually included in the kernel?
3.What characteristics are typical of a modern universal operating system?
4.What operating systems are used most frequently at present?
5.What problems need to be addressed when creating a multiprogramming OS?

Іndependent work
Examples of lessons with the use of cases.

Program section: Information technology. MicrosoftOfficePublisher.

Theme of the lesson: Creating your own publications. Project: "Creating an

Environmental Booklet"

Technologies used: Project method using case technology.

Equipment: a set of teaching materials (case) for self-study topics, multimedia

projector, PC.

Objective: To teach the use of the publications prepared with

MicrosoftOfficePublisher and modify the workpiece to create your own
publication; development of interest in the process of cognition in computer
science lessons; education of the labor culture, formation of competence in the
field of independent cognitive activity.

Lesson plan:
1. Organizational moment.
2. Studying new material.
3. Implementation of mini-projects
4. Protection of projects. Reflection
1. Organizational moment (announcement of the topic, goals of the lesson,
2. Studying new material:
 - Familiarity with the contents of cases.
 - Independent work of students with a case.
 - Differentiated teacher's help.
3. Implementation of mini-projects.
Creating an environmental booklet:
1. You take part in the contest of ecological booklets:
Nominations of the competition:
1. The problem of water and rational use of water resources.
2. The problem of garbage. The problem of waste. Separate collection of garbage.

3. Protection of flora and fauna.

Presentation themes

1.User interface as means of human-computer interaction.

2.Usability of interfaces.
3.Types of interfaces: command line interface, text interface, graphic interface.
4. Classification of desktop applications.
5. Classification of operating systems, including for mobile devices.
6. Evolution of operating systems.

Themes of case

1 Classification of operating systems, including for mobile devices.

2.Classification of desktop applications.
3.Types of interfaces: command line interface, text interface, graphic interface.
4.Perspectives of development of interfaces.

5. Menu Interface
Write glossaries: Embedded operating system,Disk operating system, Driver,
Object-oriented operating system, Windows operating system,
UNIX operating system

For exp

1.Embedded operating system - simple operating system, installed in printers, cash

registers and other external devices.Embedded operating system consists of a
microkernel and functional blocks providing connection to the external network

2.Disk operating system - an operating system loaded into the computer from the

Main literature
1. D.Shynybekov, R.Uskenbayeva., V.Serbin, N.Duzbayev, A.Moldagulova,
K.Duysebekova, R.Satybaldieva, G.Khasenova, B.Urmashev “Information
and communication technologies”, Textbook in 2 parts Part 1&2, Almaty,
2. Collection of lectures by discipline ICT. Suleymenova L., Karibay G.,
Djusupbekova G., Utelbaeva A. Shymkent 2017
3. Methodical instruction to the laboratory by discipline ICT. Medetbekov M.,
Iztaev J., Shaimerdenova G., Mombekova S. Shymkent 2017
4. The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture by Linda
Null and Julia Lobur
Jones and Bartlett Publishers © 2003 (673 pages)
13.Usability of interfaces.
14.Types of interfaces: command line interface, text interface, graphic interface.
15.Development stages of the user interface.
16.Design and development of databases.

The aim:to work with a system, the users need to be able to control the
system and assess the state of the system.

Having studied this session the student will be able to:

-Command line interface, text interface, graphic interface.
-Development stages of the user interface

1. What is included in the concept of man – machine interface?
2. What is the Usability of interfaces?
3. What is the Command-Line Interface?
4. What is the HCI?
5. What are the advantages and Disadvantages of menu interfaces?
6. What does ergonomics study?
7. What are the main types of musculoskeletal disorders at work on a
computer, their causes and ways of prevention?
8. What are the main causes of fatigue in the design of jobs and the posture of
the working person?

Themes of presentation
1. Human – Computer Interface.
2. User Interface and its Types.
3. Command line interface.
4. Graphical interface.
5. SILK – interface.

Themes of case
1. Fundamentals of Human – Computer Interaction
2. History of Human – Computer Interaction Development
3. Workplace Ergonomics
4. Factors Determining the Ergonomic Requirements
5. Technical Support
6. Areas of Application and Examples of Software

Write glossaries: Interface , Command, An interaction ,Pointers, SILK-interface

For exp:
1) Interface is a set of software and hardware tools that support user
interaction with the computer.
2) Command line is a means that help the user to input direct instructions
to the computer.
Main literature
1. D.Shynybekov, R.Uskenbayeva., V.Serbin, N.Duzbayev, A.Moldagulova,
K.Duysebekova, R.Satybaldieva, G.Khasenova, B.Urmashev “Information
and communication technologies”, Textbook in 2 parts Part 1&2, Almaty,
2. Collection of lectures by discipline ICT. Suleymenova L., Karibay G.,
Djusupbekova G., Utelbaeva A. Shymkent 2017

3. Methodical instruction to the laboratory by discipline ICT. Medetbekov M.,
Iztaev J., Shaimerdenova G., Mombekova S. Shymkent 2017

17.Technology of programming of ORM.
18.Methods and stages of Data mining.
19.Tasks Data mining.
20.DHCP protocol.
21.Technologies of connection to the Internet.

The aim:
to provide an overview about Database Management Systems (DBMS) and
introduce one of DBMS: SQL
to give a common  concepts of correlation,  regression,  and also
to become acquainted with  descriptive  statistics.  
Having studied this session the student will be able to:
- Methods and stages of Data mining
- List facilities/benefits of Internet
- DHCP protocol
- Create and use an e-mail account
- Describe the security and risks involved in Internet


1. Why are relationships a significant aspect of databases?

2. What’s the difference between flat files and other database models?
3. What is ORM?
4. Principle of operation of ORM?
5. ORM or Object-relational mapping?
6. Give definition and describe some of the main applications of clustering.
7. Briefly describe various types of clustering techniques.
8. What is a „mail server‟? Describe how to send an e-mail between two
9. What is an e-mail client? Name two types of e-mail clients with examples.
10.Define the following terms.
DNS Server
11.What are the advantages of POP sever and IMAP server?

Write glossaries: Data Mining, ORM,Web technologies, HTTP, DHTML, CSS,
and JavaScript. E-mail. Message format. SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols, Internet,
Data analysis, URL.

Themes of presentation

1. Basic concepts Internet.

2. The universal identifier of resources (URI), its assignment and components.
3. Service DNS.
4. Web technologies: HTTP, DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. E-mail. Message
format. SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols.
5. Cybernetic methods of Data Mining
6. Statistical methods Data mining
7. Principle of operation of ORM
8. Design and development of databases.
9. Technology of programming of ORM.
10.The distributed, parallel and heterogeneous databases.

Themes of case
1.Database systems.
2.Design and development of databases.
3.Technology of programming of ORM. The distributed, parallel and
heterogeneous databases.
4. Data analysis bases.
5.Technology of programming of ORM
6.Basic concepts Internet
7. Internet technologies

Main literature
1. D.Shynybekov, R.Uskenbayeva., V.Serbin, N.Duzbayev, A.Moldagulova,
K.Duysebekova, R.Satybaldieva, G.Khasenova, B.Urmashev “Information
and communication technologies”, Textbook in 2 parts Part 1&2, Almaty,
2. Collection of lectures by discipline ICT. Suleymenova L., Karibay G.,
Djusupbekova G., Utelbaeva A. Shymkent 2017
3. Methodical instruction to the laboratory by discipline ICT. Medetbekov M.,
Iztaev J., Shaimerdenova G., Mombekova S. Shymkent 2017

22.Cybersafety and control of the Internet.
23.Malicious applications.
24.Measures and means of information protection.
25.Standards and specifications in information security field
The aim:Have an idea about e-business and e-government


1.Explan the subject of information security. Identify information security

problems .
2.Describe he concept of information security. Specify the categories of
information security techniques and information theft. Explain how to
monitor and control access by the operating system .
3.Define the e-RSA signature protocol .Explain the concepts of differentiation
and control of access to information.
4.Identify categories of information security. Specify the concept of
information theft and major information security threats.
5.Specify the methods of information protection in the BIOS. What are the
threats to information security.

Write glossaries: e-business, e-government, Regimentation, Coercion,

Motivation, Password Protection, Encryption, Digital Signature, Authentication
procedures, HTML.

Themes of case
1.Malicious applications.
2.Measures and means of information protection.
3. Types of viruses and malware.
4. Methods of Information Security.


6. Means of Information System Security.

Themes of presentation:

1.Digital signature. Encoding.

2.Security subsystem Sets.
3.System of information security cryptography.
4.Data Confidentiality Support.
5. Legal Acts of General Purpose.

Main literature
1. D.Shynybekov, R.Uskenbayeva., V.Serbin, N.Duzbayev, A.Moldagulova,
K.Duysebekova, R.Satybaldieva, G.Khasenova, B.Urmashev “Information
and communication technologies”, Textbook in 2 parts Part 1&2, Almaty,
2. Collection of lectures by discipline ICT. Suleymenova L., Karibay G.,
Djusupbekova G., Utelbaeva A. Shymkent 2017
26.Standards and specifications in information security field
27.The acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan governing legal relations in the sphere
of information security.
28.Digital signature. Encoding.
29.Web technologies: HTTP, DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. E-mail.
30.Message format. SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols.

The aim: іntroduce Internet to the student, to provide an introduction to the e-mail.
Having studied this session the student will be able to:
- Service DNS. Web technologies: HTTP, DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- E-mail. Message format.
- SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols.
- Define what Internet is
- List facilities/benefits of Internet
- Describe the ways to connect to Internet
- Create and use an e-mail account
- Describe the security and risks involved in Internet
The "Email" case.
Purpose: to promote the assimilation and systematization of knowledge about the
organization of electronic mail; to consolidate knowledge of the main functions
and interface of the mail program, the basic principles of working with the address
book; form an understanding of the main processes that are the basis for the
functioning of e-mail and its use in professional activities.
Description of the situation. The firm "Uyut", which specializes in the manufacture
of products that make the home comfortable, comfortable, opens its new store. At
the opening of the store you need to invite more than 100 guests, among whom
there are both private individuals and other company-friends. The invitation should
be sent in a short time (1 business day). The secretary of the company "Uyut" was
able to prepare and send only half of the invitations.
Question of the case: Why, in your opinion, did the secretary of the company fail
to fulfill the task assigned to it? What solutions can you offer?

1. What is the difference between a static and a dynamic Web server?
2. List the main HTML COMPONENTS.
3. What types of the URL links do you know?
4. What are the web standards?
5. What types of attacks at Web servers do you know?
6. Why do we need to connect computers?
7. What is a computer network?
8. What are the differences between a Hub and a Switch?
9. How do we use a MODEM?

Write glossaries:
Browser, Search Engine, Server, Client, Domain, FTP, HTML, World Wide

For exmp:
A browser is a computer software which can be used to view documents on
the Internet. Web browsers interpret HTML code and display images and text.
Search Engine. Search engine is an automated web-site which is
programmed to search specified keywords and give the websites and Internet based
documents as a result.
Themes of case
1. Introducing the Internet buzz words.
2. Service DNS.
3. Web technologies: HTTP, DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
4. Internet Protocols.
5. E-mail. Message format.
6. SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols.

Themes of presentation

1. Basic concepts Internet.

2. The universal identifier of resources (URI), its assignment and components.
3. Service DNS.

4. Web technologies: HTTP, DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. E-mail. Message
format. SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols.
5. E-mail address breakdown.
6. The POP3 Server.
Main literature
1. D.Shynybekov, R.Uskenbayeva., V.Serbin, N.Duzbayev, A.Moldagulova,
K.Duysebekova, R.Satybaldieva, G.Khasenova, B.Urmashev “Information
and communication technologies”, Textbook in 2 parts Part 1&2, Almaty,
2. Collection of lectures by discipline ICT. Suleymenova L., Karibay G.,
Djusupbekova G., Utelbaeva A. Shymkent 2017
3. Methodical instruction to the laboratory by discipline ICT. Medetbekov M.,
Iztaev J., Shaimerdenova G., Mombekova S. Shymkent 2017
4. June J. Parsons and Dan Oja, New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 16th
Edition - Comprehensive, Thomson Course Technology, a division of Thomson
Learning, Inc Cambridge, MA, COPYRIGHT © 2014.

31.Web service in the Cloud.
32.Main terms and concepts of mobile technologies.
33.Representation text, audio, video and graphical information in a digital format.
34.Basic technologies for compression of information.

The aim: іntroduce Internet to the student, to provide an introduction to the e-


Having studied this session the student will be able to:

-Service DNS. Web technologies: HTTP, DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

-E-mail. Message format.
-SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols.

1. What is the difference between a static and a dynamic Web server?
2. List the main HTML COMPONENTS.
3. What types of the URL links do you know?
4. What are the web standards?

5. What types of attacks at Web servers do you know?
6. What influenced the emergence of cloud computing concepts?
7. What are the main characteristics of cloud computing?
8. What trends in the development of infrastructure solutions have led to the
concept of cloud computing?

Write glossaries: Date centres, Cloud computing, Virtualization Technology,

Mobile services, 2G» generation, Web technologies: HTTP, DHTML, CSS,
JavaScript, E-mail. Message format. SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols.

Themes of case
1.Basic concepts Internet.
2.The universal identifier of resources (URI), its assignment and components.
3.Service DNS.
4.Web technologies: HTTP, DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Internet Protocols.
5.Main terms and concepts of mobile technologies.
6.Mobile services. Standards of mobile technologies.
7. «2G» generation.
8.Software for Mobile.
9.Mobile services.
10.Standards of mobile technologies

Themes of presentation

1.E-mail. Message format.

2.The SMTP Server.
3. Mobile technology standards.
4. POP3 Server.
5.Virtualization Technology.
6.Representation text, audio, video and graphical information in a digital format.
7.Basic technologies for compression of information.
8.3-D representations of the virtual world and animation.
9.Graphic file formats.
10. Basics of Sound.

11. Generation of IG mobile technologies provided by NMT.

12. Audio Video Interleave.

13.3-D representations of the virtual world and animation.
14. Concept of Video.
15. Basic technologies for compression of information.

Main literature
1. D.Shynybekov, R.Uskenbayeva., V.Serbin, N.Duzbayev, A.Moldagulova,
K.Duysebekova, R.Satybaldieva, G.Khasenova, B.Urmashev “Information
and communication technologies”, Textbook in 2 parts Part 1&2, Almaty,
2. Craig Van Slyke University of Central Florida, USA, Information
Communication Technologies.-2004y

35.3-D representations of the virtual world and animation.
36.Instruments of development of multimedia applications.
37.Big data.
38.Technology Block Chain.

The aim: to have an idea about multimedia technologies and 3-D representation of
the virtual world and animation
To prepare students for the use of Smart Technology.

Having studied this session the student will be able to:

-Instruments of development of multimedia applications.
-Use of multimedia technologies for planning, descriptions of business processes
and their visualization.
-Internet of things.
-Big data. Technology Block Chain.
-Artificial intelligence.

1.What does the term «multimedia» mean?
2.What are the main components of the multimedia application? Is it necessary to
have all the components?
3.What is the difference between preparation of materials for printing for the
Internet and for multimedia applications?

4. Can the web-site be considered as a multimedia application?
5.What are the main differences between raster and vector graphics? What are the
most common formats of vector and raster graphics?
Write glossaries: CDMA, GSM, UMTS, Big data, Shockwave, Multimedia,
Multimedia Classification, 3-D representations,
WiMAX, .BMP, .JPG, .GIF, .TIF, .PSD, VHS Video Home System, DV (Digital
video), Advanced Systems Format (ASF), Audio Video Interleave (AVI).

Themes of case

1.Multimedia Concepts.

2. Basics of Sound.

3.Concept of Sound and Basic Operations with Audio.

4. Instruments of development of multimedia applications.

5.Use of multimedia technologies for planning, descriptions of business processes
and their visualization.

6.Computer Graphics.

7.Definition o Computer Graphics.

8. General Information about the Image and its Preservation.

Themes of presentation

1.Use of multimedia technologies for planning, descriptions of business processes

and their visualization.
2.Internet of things.
3.Big data. Technology Block Chain.
4. Artificial intelligence.
5.Green technology.
6.Technology Block Chain.
7.Use of Smart-services. Green technologies in ICT.
8.Teleconferences. Telemedicine.
Main literature
1. D.Shynybekov, R.Uskenbayeva., V.Serbin, N.Duzbayev, A.Moldagulova,
K.Duysebekova, R.Satybaldieva, G.Khasenova, B.Urmashev “Information
and communication technologies”, Textbook in 2 parts Part 1&2, Almaty,
2. Collection of lectures by discipline ICT. Suleymenova L., Karibay G.,
Djusupbekova G., Utelbaeva A. Shymkent 2017
3. Methodical instruction to the laboratory by discipline ICT. Medetbekov M.,
Iztaev J., Shaimerdenova G., Mombekova S. Shymkent 2017
4. June J. Parsons and Dan Oja, New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 16th
Edition - Comprehensive, Thomson Course Technology, a division of Thomson
Learning, Inc Cambridge, MA, COPYRIGHT © 2014.

39.Artificial intelligence.
40.Electronic training: architecture, structure and platforms.
41.Electronic textbooks.
42.Electronic government: concept, architecture, services.
The aim: to know about e-business and e-government.
Having studied this session the student will be able to:
-Electronic business: Main models of electronic business. Information
infrastructure of electronic business.

-Legal regulation in electronic business.

1. What is e-commerce?
2. What are the main models of interaction between subjects of
3. What is a reverse auction?
4. List all types of e-business.
5. Specify the features of electronic banking.
6. What are the advantages of e-learning over the traditional one?
7. What are the main legal documents in e-commerce?
8. What is an electronic textbook?
Write glossaries: Electronic business, E-business, E-commerce, Big data,
Technology Block Chain, B2B «Business-to-business», B2C «Business-to-
customer», Customer-to-Customer, Commodity market, Financial market, Labor
market, Information market, E-learning.

Themes of case
1.Electronic business: Main models of electronic business.
2.Information infrastructure of electronic business.
3. The basic model of Internet business.
4.Legal regulation in electronic business.
5.Electronic training: architecture, structure and platforms.
6.Electronic textbooks.
7.Electronic government: concept, architecture, services.
8.Formats of implementation of the electronic government in developed countries.

Themes of presentation

1.Security Issues in the Industrial Information and Communication Technologies.

2. Information Retrieval Systems.
3. Use of Search Engines and Electronic Resources for Professional Purposes.

4. Modern IT Trends in Power Engineering.

5. Modern IT trends in the professional sphere: medicine, power, etc.

Main literature
1. D.Shynybekov, R.Uskenbayeva., V.Serbin, N.Duzbayev, A.Moldagulova,
K.Duysebekova, R.Satybaldieva, G.Khasenova, B.Urmashev “Information
and communication technologies”, Textbook in 2 parts Part 1&2, Almaty,
2. Collection of lectures by discipline ICT. Suleymenova L., Karibay G.,
Djusupbekova G., Utelbaeva A. Shymkent 2017
3. Methodical instruction to the laboratory by discipline ICT. Medetbekov M.,
Iztaev J., Shaimerdenova G., Mombekova S. Shymkent 2017

43.The software for the solution of tasks of the specialized professional sphere.
44.Forming of an ecosystem of IT of entrepreneurship and support small start up of
the companies.
45.Programs of acceleration and incubation. Development of necessary
infrastructure of electronic payments and logistics.

The aim: to train students to use software for solving specialized professional field
Having studied this session the student will be able to:
-Use of search engines and electronic resources in the professional purposes.
-Safety issues in industrial information and communication technologies.
-Prospects of development in the sphere of the IT market: development of the free
-Forming of an ecosystem of IT of entrepreneurship and support small startup of
the companies

1. What are the differences between programs of acceleration and incubation?
2. What are prospects of development of E-technologies?
3. What are the prospects of the IT market development in the field of free
4. What is a startup company?
5. What are the technological parks?
6. What is the purpose of creating a business incubator?
7. What are the prospects for electronic payment systems?
8. List the modern electronic shops, electronic auctions and electronic payment
9. What are the main trends of media development?
10.What is the modern IT trends in the professional sphere?

Write glossaries: IT Market, Small businesses, medium businesses, E-

technologies, E-logistics, Payment system, WebMoney, Yandex.Money,
Payment terminal, Comepay.

Themes of case
1.Use of search engines and electronic resources in the professional purposes.
2.Prospects of development in the sphere of the IT market: development of the free
3.Forming of an ecosystem of IT of entrepreneurship and support small startup of
the companies.
4.Small and medium businesses.
5.Forming of an ecosystem of IT of entrepreneurship and support small startup of
the companies.

6.Programs of acceleration and incubation.

7.Development of necessary infrastructure of electronic payments and logistics.

8.Prospects of development of E-technologies.

Themes of presentation
1.Programs of acceleration and incubation.
2.Development of necessary infrastructure of electronic payments and logistics.
3.Prospects of development of E-technologies.
4. Security Issues in the Industrial Information and Communication Technologies.
5. Modern IT Trends in Power Engineering.
6. Modern IT Trends in Power Engineering.
7.Software for the solution of tasks of the specialized professional sphere.
8.Modern IT trends in the professional sphere: medicine, power, etc.
Main literature
1. D.Shynybekov, R.Uskenbayeva., V.Serbin, N.Duzbayev, A.Moldagulova,
K.Duysebekova, R.Satybaldieva, G.Khasenova, B.Urmashev “Information
and communication technologies”, Textbook in 2 parts Part 1&2, Almaty,
2. Collection of lectures by discipline ICT. Suleymenova L., Karibay G.,
Djusupbekova G., Utelbaeva A. Shymkent 2017

Criteria for assessing the knowledge and skills of students in Students Individual Work

Rating Criteria for rating

«Excellent» • The student freely applies knowledge in practice;

• Does not allow errors in the reproduction of the studied material;
А4,095-100 • The student identifies the main points in the material studied and does not
find difficulty in answering the modified questions;

• The student absorbs the entire amount of program material;

А-3,6790-94 • The material is designed neatly in accordance with the requirements;
• level of development of students of educational material;
• the student's ability to use theoretical knowledge in the performance of
practical tasks;

«Good» • The student knows all the material studied;

• Responds without any difficulties to the questions of the teacher;
В+3,3385-89 • The student is able to apply the received knowledge in practice;
• the formation of general educational skills;
• the student's ability to actively use electronic educational resources, find
the required information, study it and apply it in practice;
В3,080-84 • the reasonableness and clarity of the presentation of the answer;

• In conditional answers does not allow serious mistakes, easily eliminates

certain inaccuracies with the help of additional questions from the teacher;

• The material is not designed accurately and in accordance with the

В-2,6775-79 requirements;
• registration of the material in accordance with the requirements;
• the ability to navigate the flow of information, highlight the main thing;

«Satisfactorily» • The student discovers the mastering of the main material, but has
difficulty in reproducing it independently and requires additional additional
questions from the teacher;

С+2,3370-74 • He prefers to answer reproductive questions and has difficulty in

answering reproducing questions;
С2,065-69 • the ability to clearly articulate the problem by offering its solution, to
critically evaluate the solution and its consequences;
• ability to show, analyze alternative opportunities, options for action;

С-1,6760-64 • The material is not neat or in accordance with the requirements;

-• the ability to form your position, evaluate and argue it.

• The student has some ideas about the material being studied, but still,
Д1,050-54 most are not mastered;

• The material is not designed in accordance with the requirements;
F 0 0-49

G.T. Jussupbekova, N.M. Djailaubaev, G.T. Koshtaeva, A.K.Utelbaeva

Methodical instruction to the SIW by discipline

for students of all technical specialties

Signed to print « » 2018г.

Paper size

Typographical paper. Offset printing. Volume 30

Circulation 100 ex. Заказ №_

© M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, 2017

Publishing center SKSU by M.Auezov, Shymkent, Tauke khan 5


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