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Standard Operating Procedure



Apex Footwear Pvt Ltd.

Designation Name Signature

Prepared By

Head – HR & Admin

Reviewed By

Head – Manufacturing


Approved By

Doc No.
Apex Footwear Ltd.
Rev No. 00 Page 2 of 30

Table of Contents

1. Objective
2. Scope
3. Administration of the policy
4. People Related Administration
4.1. Emergency Response
4.2. Housekeeping
4.3. CCTV Monitoring
4.4. Canteen Management
4.5. Cafeteria Management
5. Process Related Administration
5.1. Statutory Administration
5.2. Contract Management
5.3. Device Management
6. General Administration
6.1 Vehicle administration
6.2 Guest House management
6.3 Positioning of some essential items in the factory

6.4 Matters to be informed through Notice Board

6.5 No Smoking Policy
6.6 Pest Control Administration
6.7 Security Administration
6.8 Waste Management administration
6.9 Utility Management

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Head - Head -
Designation CPCO DMD
HR & Admin Manufacturing
Doc No.
Apex Footwear Ltd.
Rev No. 00 Page 3 of 30

1. Objective
Establishment of a well-defined process and procedure for Administrative Management with respect to the
people & process.
2. Scope
This policy is applicable for all Apex employees and different process to maintain workforce
3. Administration of the policy
a. Ensure proper guideline to manage emergency response
b. To ensure proper housekeeping to maintain hygiene inside the factory premises
c. To ensure the security of the premises by CCTV monitoring
d. To maintain healthy and hygienic environment for employee in canteen & cafeteria.
e. To ensure sustenance of statutory Administration,
f. To ensure application of uniform procedure for contract management with different stakeholders.
g. To ensure timely availability company vehicles for business travelling
h. To ensure proper management of guest house.
i. To ensure proper pest control inside the factory
j. To maintain security of employee & device / equipment inside the premises.
k. To ensure proper waste management inside the factory
l. To ensure utility management inside the factory

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Rev No. 00 Page 4 of 30

4. People Related Administration

4.1. Emergency Response:

Following are the Events under Emergency Response Policy:

1. Fire
2. Hazardous Material
3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
4. Critical Operations / Accident
5. Medical Assistance
6. Floods or Flash Floods
7. Storm, Hurricane & Gusty Winds
8. Bomb Threat
9. Earthquakes
10. Suspected Packet / Letter
11. Worker Unrest Or Protest / Hartal & Strike
12. Emergency Action Plan:
a) Emergency Response Teams
b) Emergency Communications
c) Emergency Escape Procedures
d) Emergency Escape Route Assignments
e) Emergency Notification
f) Emergency Security Procedures
g) Rescue of pregnant employee during emergency
h) Responsibilities

Disaster Procedures:

1. Fire
A separate Fire and Safety Policy has been implemented.

2. Hazardous Materials

Hazard audits will be conducted periodically to identify toxic materials in the workplace, hazards, and
potentially dangerous conditions. An up-to-date MSDS binder will also be kept in the facility. The MSDS
describe the hazards that a chemical may present, list precautions to take when handling, storing, or using
the substance, and outline emergency and first-aid procedures.

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Rev No. 00 Page 5 of 30

3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

For all person(s) who may be exposed to potentially hazardous substances, effective personal protective
equipment will be provided. Some of the hazardous situations that require protection include:

a. Chemical splashes or contact with toxic materials;

b. Falling objects and flying particles;
c. Toxic gases, vapors or mists, or inadequate oxygen to sustain life; and
d. Fires and electrical hazards.
e. Heat and flames.
f. Sharp blades, wires and whiskers.
g. In the situations mentioned above, the appropriate protections to be worn include:
(1) Safety glasses, goggles, or face shields for eye protection;
(2) Helmets and safety boots/shoes for head and foot protection;
(3) Gloves and boots for body protection from chemicals.
h. Appropriate hazard detection equipment to be used e.g. Gas Detector, Air Particles Detector,
Thermometer, Laser Thermometer etc.
i. An up-to-date list of all emergency equipment will be maintained.

4. Critical Operation Procedures

Apex will list in detail the procedures to be taken by those employees who must remain behind to care for
essential plant operations until their evacuation becomes absolutely necessary. This may include monitoring
plant power supplies, water supplies, and other essential services including fire extinguishers.

5. Medical Service
In emergencies, toxic exposures and hazardous situations that might cause injuries / Accident and illness the
facility will have on-site someone trained in first aid or shall have medical personnel readily available. On-
site emergency personnel will be qualified for the following:

a. Emergency treatment such as first aid and CPR;

b. Establishing liaison with local medical personnel;
c. Informing local medical personnel about site-specific hazards;
d. Life Saving equipment and Medicine;
e. Well-equipped ambulance for evacuation;
f. Air ambulance for aero-medical evacuation.
g. Notifying Emergency Personnel
A current listing of all personnel with first aid/CPR duties will be maintained and kept up-to-date. It
is essential that first aid supplies are available to the trained medical personnel, that emergency
phone numbers are placed in conspicuous places near or on telephones and that prearranged
ambulance services are available for any emergency.

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Rev No. 00 Page 6 of 30

h. Preparing for an Emergency

(1) A Survey the medical facilities near the place of business and make arrangements to handle
routine and emergency cases;
(2) A written emergency medical procedure should be prepared for handling accidents with
minimum confusion;
(3) Emergency phone numbers will be posted in conspicuous places near or on telephones;
(4) Sufficient ambulance service should be available to handle any emergency.

i. During an Accident / Medical Emergency:

(1) After a medical emergency has been identified, the On-site Medical Personnel will be
notified immediately;
(2) Severity of the medical emergency and level of action will be determined by the On-site
Medical Personnel;
(3) All medical emergency care providers will use the proper PPEs;
(4) All injured or ill employees requiring emergency medical care for life/death medical
emergencies will be transported by local Emergency Medical Services to the nearest local
hospital or one suited to handle the type of injury.

j. Accounting for Personnel

All evacuees will gather at the designated assembly area(s). Once the evacuees have gathered, it is
necessary to have a means of accounting for personnel during an evacuation. Designated Line Leader
will be responsible for accounting for personnel and informing HR Department Emergency Response
Team members and Local Police of those persons believed missing.

k. The next of kin of the victim to be informed by the HRD or the respective department.
6. Floods & Flash Floods

Flood usually occurs in monsoon when the drainage systems are not in a position to accommodate the rain
water or water coming from the upstream / upcountry. The Flash Floods are caused due to torrential rain
and down hills are more prone to flash flood. The following may be considered as measures against flood:

a. Learn the history of flooding and elevation of the facility;

b. Establish warning and evacuation procedures for the facility. Make plans for assisting employees
who may need support;
c. Identify records and equipment those might require protection or be moved to a higher location;
d. Flood Watch – listen flood warnings and monitor flood levels;
e. If required construct temporary Flood Shield;
f. As a back-up keep Portable Water Pump available;

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Rev No. 00 Page 7 of 30

g. Participate in community Flood Control / Relief measures;

h. Inform the local authorities and service providers to keep it to the minimum level when there is
a question of drain water level in the factory.
7. Storms, Hurricanes & Gusty Winds

Hurricanes are violent windstorms that can be catastrophic. Hurricanes and Storms preparation should
include the following:

a. During months of April to November, take adequate preparations to refrain from or reduce
damage that may be caused by Storms and gusty winds;
b. Monitor the TV, radio and newspapers;
c. Reduce outside works and keep the workers informed of the situations;
d. Let the workers remain in shelter during such storm and gusty winds;
e. Cover any item that are outside of the buildings, so as to keep these safe and they do not become
flying objects;
f. Switch off power if need be;
g. Stay away from electrical appliances;
h. Stay calm and be alert.
i. Call Management to report any damage incurred.
j. Ensure the building is thunder protected.

8. Bomb Threat
If a bomb threat is received, follow the procedures outlined below:

a. Do not hang up the phone. Try to get as much information as possible, including:

(1) The location of the bomb;

(2) The time the bomb is set to explode;
(3) The type of bomb;
(4) The type of container the bomb is in;
(5) Why the bomb was placed there;
(6) The caller’s identity.

b. Alert another staff member to call the telephone operator / company to attempt to trace the
c. Get the caller to talk as long as possible;
d. Listen for any background noises, voice inflection, accent or anything else that would help to
determine the origin of the call;
e. Notify the Facility Manager of the threat.
f. The Facility Manager will:

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Rev No. 00 Page 8 of 30

1) Call the police and request assistance;

2) Make decisions concerning evacuation.
3) If evacuation has been decided upon, no one will enter the plant until the police has
given an all clear to the plant manager or management member in charge.
4) Once the bomb threat has been received, all employees will evacuate the building upon
instructions from properly identified emergency response. All evacuees will report to an
outside pre-designated area for accountability.
9. Suspicious Packages and Letters
If a suspicious package or letter arrives at the facility or found elsewhere lying about, then:
a. No one should attempt to open it;
b. Isolate the package or letter and evacuate the immediate area;
c. Contact Site Manager immediately after evacuating the area;
d. Call the Police and/or Bomb Disposal Squad.
e. Inform all local authorities (Fire and Civil Defense, RAB etc.)

10. Earthquakes or Building Collapse

Sudden earthquakes or building collapse may seriously damage infrastructures, disrupt gas, electric, water,
phone, etc. services causing fire etc. As prevention from earthquakes, the following measures may be taken:

a. While constructing buildings or making major renovations - follow safety / construction codes
(BNBC and relevant codes);
b. Take measures to reduce the hazards of fall, spill, break, etc. during an earthquake;
c. Keep large and heavy objects at lower shelves or on the floor;
d. Install and keep heavy machinery at the ground / lower floors;
e. If necessary, reinforce the non-structural systems viz., air-conditioning, communications, etc.;
f. Review process for storing hazardous materials;
g. In case of earthquake, if indoors, stay there. Take cover under strong furniture or brace against
an inside wall;
h. If outdoor, move into the open, away from buildings, street lights and utility wires;
i. After an earthquake, stay away from the windows, skylights and items that could fall;
j. In case if any evacuation is required, use stairway to leave the building. Never use the elevator.
k. Keep copies of design drawings of the facility to be used in assessing the facilities safety after the
l. Carryout instant, monthly, random and yearly inspections.
m. Third party inspections may be carried out when ordered.
n. All elevators, lifts, hoists and cranes and other lifting devices must be checked annually.

11. Worker Unrest or Protest / Hartal & Strike

Unrest or dissatisfaction displayed by workers, often in the form of strikes, and sometimes violent disputes,
etc, which disrupts normal business. On the other hand, political unrest or violent activities displayed by

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Rev No. 00 Page 9 of 30

political parties in the form of Hartal disrupts normal functioning/activities of mass people.
a) Stay calm and alert.
b) Try to get much information workers dissatisfaction through reliable source including

1) Causes of workers dissatisfaction.

2) Opinion of general worker & role of demonstrator.
3) Identify the leading personnel.
4) Any outside instigation to create dissatisfaction.
c) Keep informing all law enforce agencies about possible demonstration of workers & seek their
presence to ensure safety & security of general workers & company properties.
d) Keep informing civil defense & fire department on such workers unrest to ensure immediate action
against any fire incident caused by demonstrator.
e) Keep internal security calm and alert.
f) Deploy your security personnel to protect company properties.
g) Keep alert your internal first aid and rescue team and keep informed to local medical center including
local police.

Emergency Action Plan

a. Emergency Response Teams

A separate policy about the Emergency Response Policy has been implemented.

b. Emergency Communications

Communications are needed to report emergencies and to warn personnel of the danger. For notifying
employees of an emergency - communications equipment such as Public Address systems or portable
megaphones and for contacting local authorities, such as law enforcement agencies, fire department, etc.
Mobile phones may be used. A list of key personnel’s name, their home telephone, cell phone numbers and
emergencies to contact in case of emergency will be maintained and kept up to date. This list will be posted
at Gate House, on employee bulletin boards and in other prominent locations. Also posted in these areas
will be emergency telephone numbers. It is crucial to listen and monitor for tornado, hurricane and other
severe weather warnings issued by the Department of Meteorology and other relevant Agencies. Head of
Sectors should monitor the up-to-date news of all weather and national or local crisis through TV, Radio,
Newspapers and any other media.

c. Emergency Escape Procedures

The Emergency Response Team will become active during the emergencies with guidance from the
Emergency Response Team Coordinator. The team will ensure that the following escape procedures are

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Rev No. 00 Page 10 of 30

a. Contacting of local emergency services to report emergency;

b. Controlling of the emergency by conducting search and rescue, turning off utilities, back-up and
valve-off, controlling hazardous chemical spill / releases, sprinkler control valves;
c. Leading employees from work areas when evacuation alarm is sounded;
d. Evacuating and accounting for all employees and visitors;
e. Providing necessary assistance to any employees with disabilities (pregnant women);
f. Escorting employees to the designated assembly area;
g. Providing control of employees at assembly areas;
h. Accounting for employees at the designated assembly area;
i. Notifying Human Resources of any employees who are not accounted for;
j. Protecting property from further damage by removal or physical protection;
k. Initiating clean-up and salvage operations;
l. Conducting post-emergency evaluation and critique;
m. Filing written reports to regulatory agencies when applicable.

d. Emergency Escape Route Assignments

The emergency escape routes / evacuation routes will lead to the designated assembly points. The assembly
areas will be at a safe distance from the building; well off roadways, fire lanes, and other emergency access
routes. All escape routes must meet the following requirements:
a. All exits must be marked by a readily visible sign;
b. All exit routes must be continually maintained and free from all obstructions and impediments,
c. All evacuation routes must be clearly marked.
d. The evacuation route plans/maps with the following information will be displayed at conspicuous

(1) Exit routes;

(2) Fire extinguisher locations;
(3) Assembly areas;
(4) Emergency response equipment location;
(5) On-site fire hydrants.

e. Emergency Notification

a. Alarm Systems

Apex will ensure an audible or visible alarm system at the facility to provide warning for necessary
emergency action or for safe escape of employees from the workplace.

b. Employee Notification
Employees will be notified of emergencies by the installed alarm system, public address system or
by supervisors. During emergency action and response training, employees will be made aware of

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Rev No. 00 Page 11 of 30

the various types of notification systems.

c. Emergency Response Team Notification

When notifying on-site emergency response personnel, all available information on the incident
should be provided. This information may include:

(1) Location;
(2) Time of occurrence;
(3) Description of incident;
(4) Injuries or fatalities;
(5) Extent of damage;
(6) Actions taken; and
(7) Identified response needs
(8) Outside Contact

A sufficient number of persons must be trained to assist in the safe and orderly evacuation of
employees. Training for each type of disaster response is necessary so that employees know what
actions are required. All employees should be trained in the following:
(1) Evacuation plans;
(2) Alarm systems;
(3) Reporting procedures for personnel;
(4) Shutdown procedures; and
(5) Types of potential emergencies.
(6) Training and re-training will be conducted as follows:
(7) Initially when the program is developed;
(8) For all new employees;
(9) When new equipment, materials, or processes are introduced;
(10) When procedures have been updated or revised;
(11) When exercises show that employee performance must be improved;
(12) At least annually. Review of the Plan Evacuation Drills to assure that the employees
know the procedures to follow in the event of an emergency, each quarter both
announced and unannounced drills for all personnel will be held at random intervals.
(13) Immediately following each drill, a performance evaluation will be conducted by
management and employees.
(14) The emergency program will be reviewed periodically and updated to maintain
adequate response personnel and program efficiency.
(15) An audit of the program will be conducted at least annually. Plans will be corrected
when gaps are found through evacuation lessons, drills and actual events. The program
will also reflect any changes made to the layout or floor plan of the facility and any
changes with hazards. Ensure that all names, titles and telephone numbers contained
within the program are current. The program will also be evaluated and modified:
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(16) After each training drill or exercise;

(17) After each emergency;
(18) When personnel or their responsibilities change; and
(19) When policies and procedures change.

Emergency Response Training

Regular training and rehearsals to be arranged for better understanding of the

effectiveness of the Emergency Response activities. Following guidelines are given:

(1) Emergency Response training is to be provided during the induction and may be
refresher training arranged on a regular basis and whenever there is an
(2) All trainings to be recorded for future references;
(3) Safety is to be ensured during rehearsals of these types of exercises.

f. Emergency Security Procedures

To prevent inadvertent or unauthorized access to plant property, Off-limit areas shall be established
immediately by using:

a. Ropes; or
b. Signs; or
c. Other visible barricades

If necessary, local law enforcement personnel or private security personnel will be notified to secure the area
and prevent entry of unauthorized personnel. All critical business records will be duplicated and stored off-
site in a secure area to prevent loss.

g. Rescue of pregnant employee during emergency

a) Rescue Team Members always preserve an updated pregnant employee list with their location or work
b) During the above emergency situation, Rescue team Members of the said floor rush to pre-identified
location of pregnant employee according to their list
c) Then they will evacuate them in safe place or demarcated assembly point.
h. Responsibilities
a. Management
The Management will follow-up the following activities:
1) Implementing corrective measures;
2) Notifying the appropriate authorities;
3) Providing training to all employees about roles in all emergency plans;

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Rev No. 00 Page 13 of 30

4) Conducting quarterly drills and as necessary to exercise the emergency response plans;
5) Conducting an annual emergency rescue from confined space drill;
6) Evacuating personnel from the site;
7) Training maintenance personnel on proper procedures to follow for handling and storage,
for potential ignition sources and their control, and for the type of fire protection equipment
or systems installed to prevent or control ignitions or fires;
8) Training the Emergency Response Team personnel to properly carry out emergency plans;
9) Maintaining the equipment and systems;
10) Conducting all other actions required in this written program to implement, develop and
maintain an effective emergency response plan;
11) Developing and executing the written emergency response plan.

b. Safety Officer.

The Safety Officer will act as Emergency Response Team Coordinator. He is responsible for front-line
management of the incident, and his responsibilities will include:

1) Implementing corrective measures;

2) Assessing the situation and determining whether an emergency exists that requires
activating the emergency procedures;
3) Notifying the appropriate authorities;
4) Directing all efforts in the area including evacuating personnel;
5) Ensuring that outside emergency services such as medical aid and local fire departments
are called in when necessary;
6) Directing the shutdown of the plant operations when necessary; and
7) Completing the follow-up reports.

c. Emergency Response Team

Emergency Response Teams are the first-line of defense in emergencies. The team members will be
trained in the following areas:

1) Evacuation procedures;
2) Search and emergency rescue procedures;
3) Shutdown procedures;
4) Use of various types of fire extinguishers;
5) Hazardous materials emergency response;
6) Chemical spill control procedures;
7) First aid, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR);
8) The Teams will be informed about special hazards – such as storage and use of
flammable materials, toxic chemicals, and water-reactive substances – to which they
may be exposed during fire and other emergencies.

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Rev No. 00 Page 14 of 30

4.2. Housekeeping

➢ An Admin cleaning Committee shall be formed of at least five members of which one amongst them shall
be elected as Committee Chairman.
➢ Weekly meetings shall be done to discuss Operational issues, Qualitative improvement in service, Hygiene,
infrastructure issues.

➢ Minutes of the meeting shall be prepared and circulated to all the committee members.

➢ Housekeeping head shall be advised and directed to improve upon the given feedback within stipulated
time frame
➢ Daily / Weekly plan shall be given to the housekeeping head regarding the points that should be cleaned
daily / thrice a week / twice a week and so on.
➢ Daily / Weekly surprise visit of plant shall be done. Register for visits shall be prepared and any
observations shall be mentioned in the register for further improvement
➢ Suggestion box shall be kept for employees who wish to give voice to their suggestions.
➢ This “Suggestion Box” shall be opened every day and those points shall be discussed in the quarterly
➢ Sale of Residual Waste having No commercial Value:
➢ To keep factory premises neat and clean, on regular basis cleaning activities are performed. The waste
collected or generated during this process along with any other residual waste lying in factory premises is
disposed of through contracted vendor.
➢ Vendor collects all residual waste lying in factory in to the tractor and disposes the same outside.
➢ Details of this policy covers in the Housekeeping Policy.

4.3. CCTV Monitoring

A safety committee comprising of select members from various functions shall peruse the periphery of whole
company and shall decide the critical areas / spots where Static and Rotational CCTVs shall be installed.
Prepare the list of spots and coverage of the CCTVs installed. All CCTVs shall have unique identification number.
Access to all the CCTVs shall also be available with Head of Operations, Head of Manufacturing, Head HR and
Admin, Main Gate Security cabin with Security Supervisor and Executive-Admin

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A monitoring schedule along with observation checklist shall be prepared.

Based on schedule an observation report shall be prepared for each CCTV and any non-conformance shall be
highlighted. Accordingly appropriate actions shall be initiated.
Access to departmental CCTVs shall be available to respective HODs
The Security Supervisor shall ensure that all the CCTVs are properly working.
To make surprise checking regarding working of all the CCTVs.
Security / HOD shall lodged complain regarding non- working of any CCTV by mail.
After validating complains, same shall be forwarded to IT Department / AMC Agency.
Ensure that the call is attended within 24 hours. To check the resolved call, sign the service report and shall keep a
record of the same.
4.4. Canteen Management
Annual budget plan shall be prepared for canteen management keeping in view current status, charges to be paid
to canteen staff and to be recovered from employee, net Company’s liability, future requirements a business plans
approval of the budget from authority.

Formation of Canteen Committee

Canteen committee consisting of at least five members shall be formed; of which one amongst them will be
appointed as Canteen Committee Chairman.
It shall be ensured that the committee shall comprise at least two members of “Worker” category
Quarterly meeting shall be called to discuss the Operational issues, Qualitative improvement in service, food,
canteen menu, and infrastructure and to review suggestions from the suggestion box.
Minutes of the meeting shall be prepared and circulated to all members with CC to all core committee members

Invoicing / Billing
All the person, taking meal in canteen shall mark his / her attendance by:
- Employee – by sign register / token
- Guest – by signing Guest Meal Slip provided by admin
- Canteen staff – by signing manual register kept in canteen

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- At the month end, summary of total meal / breakfast / tea shall be prepared based on the above
documents Record
- Canteen manager’s invoice shall be cross tallied with the above
- Summary and invoice shall be certified doing necessary corrections, if any.
- Canteen manager’s invoice, duly approved by Respective HR Head, shall be forwarded to Accounts for
- Display of price list & menu on notice board at Canteen
- Constitution of canteen committee as specified in the Act

4.5. Cafeteria Management

Formation of Cafeteria Committee
Cafeteria committee consisting of at least five members shall be formed; of which one amongst them will be
appointed as Cafeteria Committee Chairman.
It shall be ensured that the committee shall comprise at least two members of “Worker” category

Quarterly meeting shall be called to discuss the Operational issues, Qualitative improvement in service, food,
canteen menu, and infrastructure and to review suggestions from the suggestion box.
Minutes of the meeting shall be prepared and circulated to all members with CC to all core committee

Contract Management
Activity for the renewal of the existing contract / appointment of new contractor shall be started in 30 days
advance of expiry of the existing contract
In case if the existing contractor’s performance is satisfactory and ready to continue with the existing rate or
asking reasonable increase in the rate, approval note for renewal of the contractor for further one year shall
be prepared / signed by chairman of the cafeteria committee and approval of authority shall be taken.
In case change of existing contractor is required due to poor performance or unreasonable demand for increase
in rate, quotations from at least three new Cafeteria contractors shall be invited.

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Following pre-requisition check-points shall be checked:

• Reputation of the Contractor,
• Background check
• Food Quality shall be checked by surprise visit to any existing place of service provided by the contractor
• Capacity of serving minimum numbers of meal per time / day
Cafeteria Committee shall meet all the eligible caterers in person to evaluate their capacity and to negotiate the
If required, visit of the place, where caterer is providing his service, shall be planned to check the quality of food
and performance of the caterer.
Approval note shall be prepared on the basis of finalization of the contractor and approval of authority shall be
Invoicing / Billing
All the employee (Staff or Worker) shall pay the bill physically or via Peon to the cafeteria after their consumption
of food/drinks from there.
No discount system will be there for any person / employee/ management people.
Everyone should treat equally in the cafeteria
Employee should maintain proper guideline / awareness in the cafeteria to get food.
Food menu may change time to time with proper notification to administration department.
Administration department may charge the utility bill to the contractor.
Administration department should monitor time to time by sudden visit.
Statutory Compliance
To ensure following statutory compliance by cafeteria contractor:
- Food license
- Labor license (if applicable)

- Periodical medical check-up of cafeteria staff

- Payment of minimum wages to staff
- Deduction and payment of PF (if applicable)
- Payment of VAT & Service Tax collected by cafeteria contractor from Company

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Display of price list & menu on notice board at cafeteria

5. Process Related Administration

5.1. Statutory Administration

The HR and Admin head shall determine the applicable Statutory compliance / Legal requirements for the
organization which defines the obligations of the organization against various acts and rules that are
applicable to the activities, products and services of the organization.

Information on the amendments in existing laws or the enactment of any new legislation shall be received
through Websites and / or Consultants.

A Statutory Administration / Legal requirement register shall be prepared, reviewed and updated, based on
the above inputs, at least once in 6 months.
The compliance obligations shall be acted upon as per required time line.

5.2. Contract Management

Contract management includes contracts entered with agencies for smoothening administration activities
and to fix a rate of contract for the prescribed job for the decided duration. Such contracts include:
• Housekeeping Contract
• Vehicle Hiring Contract
• Courier Agency
• Pest Control
• Canteen & Cafeteria Contract
• Security Contract
• Employee housing Contract
• Different vendor contract
As the procedure for the above contractors / agencies will be common from their Appointment till Payment
clearance, the same has been enumerated here under single head
Short-listing and Selection of Contractor
To prepare gross annual budget for the jobs for which the contract needs to be entered into.
For preparation of annual budget; existing status of the business, future requirement, business plans shall
all be considered

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To prepare a gross costing sheet (wherever feasible considering various factors to supplement the budget.
Previous year’s data shall be helpful for arriving at the cost.
The budget and costing shall be approved
To invite minimum three quotations from the contractors / agencies clearly mentioning our requirement
(if required in consultation with Purchase Department)

To short-list the contractors on the basis on quotations received. However, such short-listed contractor(s) /
agencies shall be invited for personal discussion with regards to any clarification / understanding and
References given by the contractor / agencies shall be cross-checked without prior intimation (wherever
possible) so as to have a feedback from the place where the contract is providing service currently

Contractor’s / Agency’s / Service provider’s work place shall be visited without prior permission (wherever
possible) so as to have an idea hygiene / workforce / infrastructure and culture

Ratings shall be given to each contractor / agency / service provider with regards to the quotations,
discussions, observations and any other factors. Such rating shall be circulated to CHRO / CEO for their
selection and approval.
5.3. Device Management

• Administration department should act as a custodian of devices and equipment entered into the
factory premises.
• A Register should maintain properly at every gate for the entry and exit of any device / equipment
• Duly signed gate pass should maintain for exit of devices and equipment.
• Vendor / contractor should have proper guideline well ahead from administration department
regarding this restriction and they should provide the same for their devices / equipment.
• Security personnel should check properly for entry and exit of any devices / equipment.

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6. General Administration
6.1 Vehicle administration

Company Owned Vehicle:

To assure that compliance documents of all the company vehicles shall be valid all the time.
Original documents of such compliance papers shall be kept in custody with HR, whereas one attested set
shall be kept in respective vehicle
Copy of Driving license of all the drivers shall be kept in record and notice for renewal, one month in advance,
shall be given to Driver.
All the drivers shall be provided with the fixed vehicles for proper maintenance.
Vehicle wise record shall be maintained for the periodical maintenance service, next due date and all the
expenses incurred for the said vehicle.
Vehicle shall be regularly sent for periodical maintenance service to authorized service
center before due date
All the requests for usage of car (for pick up and drop of staff / guest) shall be sent to HR through e-mail /
All the company cars shall report to the company latest by 08:00 AM on all working days (except morning
pick- up/drop duty is assigned) and shall report to Security.
Attendance punching of all the drivers shall be maintained at Security Gate / Entry gate.

Monthly Attendance sheet shall be forwarded to Payroll Dept for the purpose of disbursement of payment
Based on the cadre of employee / guest / availability of the vehicle, duty for pick-up / drop shall be assigned
to driver, as per the request received from user.
The drivers shall not be allowed to entertain anyone without intimation of Executive-Administration

Allocation of pick-up/drop duty of airport shall be assigned one day in advance to concern driver. A ply card
shall also be given to driver, if required, for facilitating identification of Company’s driver by guest

In case of outstation duty, advance shall be given to driver for the expenses of toll, fuel, lodging/boarding
Expense claim submitted by driver shall be checked thoroughly along with supporting and shall be submitted
to Accounts after approval of head of Admin
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The Logbook of all the cars shall be thoroughly checked by Executive Admin every week. Any questionable
entry shall be clarified by respective Driver.
A contract shall be done with the Petrol pumps for purchase of fuels on credit.
Driver shall approach for fuel requirement along with log book. Mileage shall be checked every time before
issuing slip for fuel.
Fuel request slip, in triplicate, shall be prepared and signed. Two copies shall be given to respective drivers.
Date & quantity of Petrol/Diesel shall be mentioned in the slip. Driver shall also sign all the three copies.

Hired Vehicles
A contract shall be entered with the Travel agency for providing vehicles, as per the Company’s request, at
the fixed / agreed rate which will be decided according to the market competitive rate.
Agreed rates with the travel agency shall be adjusted as per the increase / decrease in the fuel rate (+/-
BDT.1/liter or more)
The request for the vehicle requirement shall come from the employee via mail with approval from HOD along
with details such as Name, Date of Travel, Number of companions, Destination, Purpose, Number of Days of
travel (Approval as per Organization structure shall be taken if the recipient of the service itself is HOD)

Once the approved mail is received, vehicle shall be hired from the approved agency, if Company’s vehicle is
not available for the same.
Details of person travelling, his address / pick-up point, his mobile number, pick-up time, etc. shall be
forwarded to travel agency.
Confirmation and detail of travel agency shall be given to the requisitioner.
User shall sign the Trip Slip along with opening and closing kilo meter provided by the driver
At the month-end the service provider shall submit the bills for all the trips along duly signed trip slip and other
supporting (if any)
After due verification of the bill, it will be submitted to Accounts for payment after taking approval of CHRO

6.2 Guest House Management

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Vendors for procurement of grocery, vegetables, milk product, housekeeping items, laundry service, etc.
shall be fixed fixing discount % (wherever applicable) and payment terms

Make surprise visit in the guest-house to check the following:

• Only authorized persons are staying in the Guest House
• Register is kept at the Guest House is duly filled up
• Items used in the Guest House is of standard quality / as mentioned in the contract copy
• Cleanliness and Hygiene of the Guesthouse is maintained
• All the other documents and registers regarding the visits by Service providers are properly maintained
The care taker of the Guest House shall be informed regarding the departure of the guest and any other
Arrangements, if any.
• Necessary service provider (electrician / carpenter / plumber) shall be arranged on receipt of
complain call from the care taker.
• Signature of the care taker shall be taken for any expenses relate to Guest House on the bill as a
token of receipt of material / service.

6.3 Positioning of some essential items in the factory

For the following activities - list shall be prepared for smooth, safe and hygienic working environment.

• Positioning of Fire-extinguishers

• Positioning First-aid Box

• Positioning of Water Coolers Dispenser for drinking water

• Matters to be informed through Notice Board

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Positioning of Fire-extinguishers
✓ Whole periphery of the company premises shall be studied, mapped and high-risk areas shall be
identified where there is a possibility of organizational damage (man, machinery and material) in events
of any fire.
✓ Fire-extinguishers shall be stationed at such identified spot(s) which is / are easily reachable. All such
extinguishers shall be given a unique number

✓ Training / drilling of operation of fire-extinguishers shall be given to every New-Joiner at the time of
✓ It shall be ensured that the Fire-extinguishers are refilled within time and is checked by the competent
authority before the expiry of the same. Date of expiry shall be clearly written on the same
✓ A list of all the fire-extinguishers stationed in the whole organization shall be available at all the times
with Executive HR
Positioning of First-aid box

✓ First-aid box shall be kept at Main Gate Security cabin and in each department
✓ It should be kept in such a place which is easily reachable & visible

✓ It shall be ensured that all the medicines along with the first-aid kit is under validity period
✓ List of all such items shall be maintained box-wise along with their manufacturing date and expiry date
so as to keep a track of expired items. It shall be ensured that the expired items disposed off medically
and the same are replaced with fresh items
Positioning of Water Cooler for drinking water

✓ Position of water cooler shall be kept at such places where maximum workforce can be reached.
✓ The surrounding place of the water cooler shall be kept neat and clean

✓ It must be ensured that the cooling of the cooler is monitored so as to avoid either hot water or too
chilled water

✓ It must be ensured that the cooler containers are cleaned regularly. A cleaning schedule shall be
pasted on the cooler and shall be monitored on a regular basis

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6.4 Matters to be informed through Notice Board

Notice board shall be kept at such a place in the company where the footprints of the workforce has to
fall at least once in a day
Circulars, notifications and announcements like Birthdays, Change in Timings / shift, Holidays applicable
to al the company personnel shall be pasted on notice board

However, it must be ensured that confidential matters and matters applicable only to certain class

6.5 No smoking Policy

The Factory recognizes that smoking any substance presents a public health hazard. It dedicated to
providing a healthy, comfortable and productive environment for faculty, staff, employee and visitors. As
such, it shall be the policy of Apex that smoking will not be allowed in either indoor or outdoor areas of the
AFL Unit – 2 premises.

"Smoking," as used in this policy, means smoking any substance, including but not limited to, tobacco, cloves,
or marijuana. "Smoking Products" include, but are not limited to, all cigarette products (cigarettes, bidis,
kreteks, e-cigarettes, etc.) and all smoke-producing products (cigars, pipes, hookahs, etc.). Sponsored events,
littering at all AFL Unit-2 factory premises with remains of smoking products is prohibited.

This policy applies to all employees, visitors, contractors and externally affiliated individuals or companies’
property all units of Apex

6.6 Pest control administration:

The areas of the Apex Footwear Limited wherein properties and working employees are or may be affected
by pest such as production-floor, warehouse, finish goods store, utility area, office, IT server room, kitchen &
canteen etc. Properties include raw materials, semi-finished goods, finished goods, cargo, electric
installations, network cables, foods, paper and documents etc.

Organization considers rat, mold, mosquito, cockroach, ant, snake etc. as harmful pest within its facilities and
goes through following procedures for controlling.

a. Identifies the area where pest control is needed.

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b. Selects the suitable pesticide to be used for controlling pest. The pesticides are selected considering
its zero or minimum effect on environment and people.

c. Assigns designated people in the activity of pest control with proper training.

d. Keeps record of pest control with photo evidence.

e. Conduct pest control program at least once in a year.

Pesticide/equipment used for pest control

a. Rat: Hand trap

b. Mosquitoes: Aerosol or using fogger machine. (inside the factory)

c. Mold: Bleaching powder, phenyl, other disinfectant liquid (outside the factory)

d. Cockroach and ant: Kerosene

e. Snake: Carbolic Acid.

Caution during pest control

a. Apply pesticide in such way that it doesn’t harm working people, contaminates foods and pollutes

b. Wear proper PPE (e.g mask, goggles, hand gloves, special cloth) while applying pesticide.

c. Pesticides are stored in a safe manner.

Disposal of dead pest

Dead pests are buried at least two feet underground away from factory premises.

Responsible Department / Personnel

Following personnel are designated for effective implementation of the policy.
a. Monitor: Executive (Admin)
b. Supervisor: Cleaning in-charge
c. Execution: Designated cleaners
Their responsibility includes:
(1) Periodic pest control need assessment.
(2) To apply or check pesticide/ trap once in a week for rat, mouse.
(3) To apply pesticide for mosquitoes, cockroach and ant when required.
(4) Updating record of pest control along with photo evidence.
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(5) To arrange necessary training for the relevant supervisors and workers in this regard.

6.7 Security Administration

There are different kind of security:

1. Physical Security
2. Personnel Security
3. Information and IT Security
4. Close Circuit TV Security
5. Comprehensive Security
6. Chain of Command
7. Emergencies
8. Sabotage
9. Worker Unrest
10. VIP Security
11. Mail, Document Receive and Dispatch
12. Relation with Law Enforcing Authorities

1. Physical Security
Apex Footwear Ltd. installations and premises are to be guarded and manned 24/7. The Security Department
personnel will guard and man round the clock at predetermined posts. They are the first line of defense. The
buildings, floors, stores, rooms whatever the premises are in the buildings are to be kept locked when
unmanned. This makes the second line of defense. The special articles, machines and any other thing has to
be locked away to ensure sufficient difficulties to access them.

2. Personnel Security

Apex Footwear Ltd. employees are to be kept secured inside the factory at the time of work. However, all
possible steps to be taken to advise them to remain secured when they are out of work. Personnel Security
excludes Safety which is a different issue. All measures to be taken to ensure personnel security in the

3. Information and IT Security

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Information and Information Technology Security are the most vulnerable tasks for the Security of the
Company. However, a separate IT policy is in existence. This part will only deal with the prevention of
unauthorized possession of vital business or non-business information those are valuable to the company
i.e. the Intellectual property. No hardware containing such information may be allowed to be taken outside
the company unauthorized.

4. Close Circuit TV Security

The Close Circuit Television (CCTV) plays a vital role in the integrated security of APEX FOOTWEAR LTD. The
CCTV is to be used with maximum efforts and intelligence so as to record and analysis the security threats
and risks. Any such intelligence recorded may be used for disciplinary procedure and may be placed as
evidence before the enquiry committee.
5. Comprehensive Security

The total security system is to be organized in such a fashion as to make it exclusively comprehensive. The
one system must support other or should be considered as multiplier to the total arrangements.

6. Chain of Command

A Chain of Command should be established in the SOP to clear all the doubts as to who is to report to or
approached and within how much time and other options in case the reporting authority cannot be

7. Emergencies

Should there be any emergency related to security i.e. breach of Physical, Personnel or Information Security,
the matter has to be reported immediately to the superior. It is the duty of the Security Head to bring it to
the notice of the higher authority.

8. Sabotage
Any sabotage or attempt of sabotage at any time or place within the premises of APEX FOOTWEAR LTD. has
to be reported to the superior. Immediate action may be needed as the case may be, to prevent, reduce or
remove any damage to the interest of APEX FOOTWEAR LTD.

9. Worker Unrest
Worker unrest of any type or dissatisfaction has to be prevented at the earliest. The matter has to be
reported to the Security Head and the Factory management at the earliest without any failure. Workers
attempting a demonstration must be tactfully prevented. Failure of such responsibility will be dealt with

10. VIP Security

All the VIP movements within the APEX FOOTWEAR LTD. and outside the APEX FOOTWEAR LTD. while going
to or coming from the airport or hotel must be given escorts to ensure their safety and security on the way.

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Special security arrangement may be made during their stay in any premises of APEX FOOTWEAR LTD.

11. Mail, Document Receive and Dispatch

Special arrangements are to be made to receive and dispatch inward mails and documents or parcels of APEX
FOOTWEAR LTD. Personal mails will also be received at the main gate. An employee should be entrusted with
this duty.

12. Relation with Law Enforcing Authorities

A good relation between top Security Personnel with the local Police, Industrial Police and Rapid Action
Battalion is a must. It saves time and makes our outside movement and operations more flexible, easy and

Visitor Movement
All visitors’ movement within the APEX FOOTWEAR LTD. premises must be controlled and escorted. Any kind
of change in the movement instruction should be informed to the security well ahead of implementation.

Security Standard Operating Procedure

A Security Operating Procedure has been prepared to carryout day to day work.


a. Management

The Management is responsible for the following:

1. Organizing the Security Department;

2. Arrange and select their job location and Specific Duties;
3. Prepare and implement Security Standard Operating Procedure;
4. Plan and arrange training of Security personnel.

b. Security Officer

The Security Officer of the Sector is responsible for the following:

1) He will organize the Security personnel in the sector;

2) He will delicate their duties and supervise their performance:
3) He will promptly report any ambiguity or breach of security to the higher authority.
4) He will suggest any change for improvement.
5) He will execute the training of security personnel.

d. Security Personnel

Security personnel will be responsible for the following:

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1) Perform their tasks with diligence and integrity;

2) Report anything during his duty period;
3) Prevent theft and unauthorized intrusion;
4) Follow the SOP;

6.8 Waste Management Administration

Apex Footwear Ltd. is committed to give high priority of all kinds of environmental impact to manage our
wastage. We are also committed to reduce, recycle and reuse of wastage as much as possible. Local law and
buyer’s code of conduct will be followed in the context of collecting, keeping, handling and disposing of
hazardous waste. We are discharging our hazardous waste water after treating. Our all employees,
contractors and anyone working in this factory will comply with the policy. This policy will be communicated
to all workers, management employees, contractors and other related parties.
Details on waste management will articulated in Waste management Policy.

6.9 Utility Management (AC, Fridge, Duct, Exhaust)

• Department of Administration will take care of the Utility of the Factory as they are the primary
custodian of the property.

• Electrical equipment should maintain by the Administration department with help of maintenance.

• Complain / requisition regarding any equipment should register to Administration department to fix
/ install.

• Administration department will verify the need by physical inspection and designate required
personnel for fix/install.

• If there is any job for maintenance, administration will take help from maintenance department to
fix the problem.

• Proper guideline regarding the usage of utility should be given to every department.

• Sometime some pictorial guidance is also needed to give instruction to the users.

• Wastage / unauthorized usage of the utility should controlled by Administration department.

• Administration department should maintain the design / layout for proper utility management.
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• Administration should ensure the safety and guidance to the user.

• Statutory documentation should also be with administration department.

• Costing and justification should be given to the proper authority / User.

• Billing and settlement related to utility should be done by administration department.

• Different forms and data related to utility should be with Administration department.

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