Bonus Score Exercise

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Student’s Name: Nguyen Thi Lan Chi

Student ID: 2105000091

Class: F-UON-M3-A
Module: Leadership and Management
Lecturer: Ms. Vu Thi Huong Giang


1. Pros and cons of each leadership behaviors (Iowa Studies). Give Explanation.

Autocratic Democratic Lassez-fair

Both leader and

Make Decision Leader Employees
Both leader and
Use power Leader
Employees have
complete freedom
to decide and
Leader supervises High spirits,
complete their
Supervise followers strictly by encourage
followers authority and control employees to share
all decisions opinions
Do not need
supervision from
Participate, discuss High engagement.
Follow and obey the and contribute Innovation, be
Require followers rules and the enthusiastically active and
decisions of leader
Leadership Style Pros Cons
- Drive people to work under the - Low engagement: Under the
pressure to increase productivity, autocratic leadership style,
especially with theory X employees feedback from subordinate may be
(poor skills and dislike to work) discouraged, which can result in
less motivation and creativity and
- Making fast decisions: When only affect directly the input.
leader makes decisions, the decision-
making process proceeds more - Sometimes create toxic culture:
quickly. This can free up time for lower motivation, higher stress,
other important tasks and keep teams decrease morale and disinterested
moving forward without getting employees because of strict rules.
stuck by difficult decisions.
- Lack of creativity: Restricting
- High pressure for leader: In ideas results in predictable work
autocratic environments, leaders take patterns that do not create a creative
the brunt of the pressure when culture in the company. A lack of
making decisions. This can cause originality and innovation can
them stress, pressure, and sometimes lead to slower business
overwhelm because they are both growth.
supervisor and decision-maker.

Democratic _ Increase collaboration: Member in - Time-consuming: this style

a team will participate in the process requires input from all team
of making decisions and share members and may involve multiple
responsibility for executing and rounds of discussion and decision-
evaluating the outcomes of those making. It can sometimes be
decisions. As a result, this style difficult to obtain agreement among
values collaboration and encourages team members, especially if there
open communication among team are sharp disagreements.
_ Requires employees with certain
- Innovation and Creativity: skill or educational level:
Democratic Leadership may Employees that do not have the
stimulate innovation and creativity needed skills or education are going
by enhancing team member’s to be less likely to offer creative
participation and commitment, solutions or meaningful feedback
capitalizing on their collective during each discussion.
knowledge and skills, and
developing more varied and _ Lack of discipline: In this style,
innovative ideas. employees are treated like friends,
in this situation it will be difficult
- Increased Job Satisfaction: Leaders for the managers to control them. It
who follow democratic style tend to becomes complicated to maintain
listen to their employees concerns. proper discipline in the
Therefore, employees will feel organization.
respected and their contributions are
valuable in the teams.

- Offers Independence : Employees - Employees may feel confused:

under laissez-faire leadership may be Employees may not always know
more inclined to take initiative what to do if there is no clear
because this management style direction and guidance from a
allows more freedom. Employees visible leader or management.
working under this management Their employment description or
style can become self-disciplined the specific activities expected of
enough to work without a manager them may not be immediately clear,
needing to make constant decisions and there is unlikely to be someone
for them or give them reminders accessible to provide them help or
about their work. direction when they need it.

- Employee Motivation: This - Lacks of Control: lacks proper

Lassez-faire leadership style provides opportunity supervision, monitoring and
for the subordinates to explore their controlling because of the freedom
skills and abilities. It also helps to given to the employees. Therefore,
increase creativity and develop it is difficult to maintain discipline
decision making power. Therefore, which may reduce the performance
employees are positively motivated and the output.
which leads to increase in the job
2. What are factors influencing the choice of leadership behavior? Give explanation
and take example.

From my perspective, there are 3 main factors that affect the choice of leadership style:
The situation, the leader, and employees.

2.1. The situation:

The situation related to clarity of tasks, procedures, and other variables all falls in this
categories. Depend on each specific circumstances, leader will choose suitable leadership
style to adapt with the current work environment, which is also called “Situational
Leadership Theory”

Based on the knowledge in the Unit 5: Contingency Theories of Effective Leadership,

(SLT) creates four leadership styles:

 Telling (high task–low relationship): The leader defines roles and tells people what,
how, when, and where to do various tasks.

 Selling (high task–high relationship): The leader provides both directive and
supportive behavior.

 Participating (low task–high relationship): The leader and followers share in

decision making; the main role of the leader is facilitating and communicating.

 Delegating (low task–low relationship): The leader provides little direction or


In addition, there are 4 stages of followers readiness:

 R1: both unable and unwilling
 R2: unable but willing
 R3: able but unwilling
 R4: both able and willing

Example of SLT:
During the Covid-19, all the businesses worldwide was locked-down in reality, both
leader and followers had to work from home. In this case, The S2 Selling is one of the
most effective leadership style. Because of lacking interaction among people and it was
difficult to communicate and collaborate, employees may feel somewhat demotivated.
As a result, it was seen that the directive and supportive leadership style of situational
leadership theory was the most influential in running a good and acceptable level of
performance during the pandemic.

2.2. The leader: The personality traits of the leader may affect the choice of leadership
style. Leader himself, his abilities, values, beliefs, vision, inclinations, goals, and
aspirations affect his behavior with his subordinates. If he respects his subordinates, takes
into account their feelings and trusts them, that means he tend to follow the Democratic
way of leading. A positive relationship between both personality traits openness and
extraversion with a more transformational leadership style. A positive relationship
between both personality traits conscientiousness and neuroticism with a more autocratic
leadership style was also expected.

Example: The INFJ Leader, who is introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging
personality traits. They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination.
Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide
them in all things.

Nelson Mandela – a first Prime Minister of South Africa is one of the successful INFJ
Leader. Mandela was a great leader by using Democratic Leadership Style because he
was able to see the world in terms of possibilities, not limitations. He believed in the
power of education and worked tirelessly to promote peace and reconciliation.

By contrast, the Prime Minister of Britain, Margaret Thatcher belongs to ENTJ

Personality. A ENTJ person is described with common features: Leaders, Confident,
Curious, Decisive, Stubborn and Impatient. As a result, Margaret Thatcher is an
Autocratic Leader because she can dominate in nature of authority and power and she
makes decision with little or no input from others.

2.3. The employees

Theory X and Theory Y

+ Theory X: Theory X describes employees who are naturally lazy, want to avoid work
as much as possible, do not wish to take responsibility, have no ambition and prefer to be
supervised. As a result, the authoritarian or autocratic leadership style is the most
appropriate leadership style in the Theory X approach.
+ Theory Y: Unlike in Theory X, Theory Y management assumes that people are
inherently happy to work, they want to exert themselves in the decision making process
and they are motivated to pursue objectives and reach a higher level. They want to get the
most out of their work through satisfaction, appreciation and motivation. They seek
responsibility, unlike Theory X that avoids responsibility. Therefore, leaders can apply
democratic or Lassez-faire leadership style with this approach.

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