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1 Introduction 2
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Objectives 5
1.3 Scope of the Study 6
1.4 Methodology 9
1.5 Limitations of Manpower Training & Development 11
2 Literature Review 14
3 Training & Development 21
3.1 Meaning 21
3.2 Need of Training development 22
3.3 Objectives of Training & development 23
3.4 Importance 24
3.5 Types of Training 25
3.6 Methods of Training 27
4 Company Profile 30
4.1 About Indorama Company 30
4.2 Training & Development at Indorama Synethetic 33
4.3 Training Program 34
5 Data Interpretation 36
6 Conclusion 45
6.1 Conclusion 45
6.2 Suggestions & Recommendations 47
6.3 Findings 48
7 Bibliography 49
8 Annexure 50
Human Resource Management is concerned with human beings, who are energetic elements of
management. The success of an enterprise will depend upon the ability, strength and motivation
of persons working in it. Human Resource Management refers to systematic approach to
problems in any organization. Human Resource Management is concerned with all aspects of
managing the human resources of an organization.

According to Likert , Every aspect of firm’s activities is determined by the competence,

motivation and general effectiveness of its human organization. Ofall the tasks of management,
managing the human component is the central and most important task because all depends upon
how well it is done.’ This quotation sums up the importance of human component in an
organization and need for managing it effectively.

Human Resources are the most important assets of an organization. Its objective is the
maintenance of better human relations in the Organization by the development, application and
evaluation of policies, procedures and programs relating to human resources to optimize their
contribution towards the realization of organizational objectives .It is concerned with getting
better results with thecollaboration of people.

Human Resource Management has been defined by various eminent authors. Some of them are
mentioned below:-

‘’The policies and practices needed to carry out the people or human resources aspects of a
management position including recruiting, screening, training, rewarding and appraising.’’

Dictionary of Human Resource Management and Personnel Management.

‘’Human Resource Management is that part of the management’s process which isprimarily
concerned with the human constituents of an organization.’’

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction
Training & development plays a significant role for achievement of organizational goal. The
employees of performance depend on different types factors of training. Also the organization
productivity depends upon the performance of employees. So, these days many organizations
spend lots of money on training and development programs. They conduct effective training &
development sessions. Based on training & development programs the employees will be able to
work and perform their duties in more exemplary method and this contributes towards the
success of the company. There are several types of training given to employees. These can
broadly classified as is on - the job training and off - the job training. There is no doubt that
organizations worldwide are striving for success and out- competing those in the same industry.
In order to do so, organizations have to obtain and utilize her human resources effectively.
Organizations need to beaware of face more realistically towards keeping their human
resources up-to- date. In so doing, managers need to pay special attention to all the core
functions of human resource management as this plays an important role in different
organizational, social and economically related areas among others that are influential to the
attainment of the organizational goals and thus organizations successful continuation in the
market. This study, therefore, goes on to discuss one of the core functions of human resource
which is training, employee performance, and how the earlier affects the latter.
Training is the process for providing required skills to the employee for doing the job effectively,
skillfully and qualitatively. Training of employees is not continuous, but it is periodical and
given in specified time. Generally training will be given by an expert or professional in related
field or job. Since training involves time, effort & money by an organization, so an organization
should to be very careful while designing a training program.
The importance of training and development (T&D) cannot be over-emphasized in organizations.
This is because the expectation of every employer is the evolution of a competent, capable highly
motivated ethical and above all, able work force whose hall marks would be the attainment of
organizational goals. But where there is a gap between actual performances and established
performance standard, productivity and goals of the organization suffer. However, this can be
resolved through an investment in training and developing skills and talents of employees. This
is sure to transform marginally competent employees into innovative and motivated top
performers. Training and development are inter-woven; they go hand in hand together. Training
is defined as the process specifically designed to impart new skills, knowledge, abilities and
activities. Development can be seen as a process of increasing the quality, value, or skill of an
employee. Training and development means different things to different organizations. It is
considered as an unnecessary and underused function. Some organizations see is it as a waste of
money and time. Many organizations fail to understand that manpower training and development
can contribute in improving the overall organizational performance or profitability. Training and
development is the most important subsystem or element of human resource management. It
concerns increasing, improving, enhancing and modifying employees’ skills, abilities,
capabilities, and knowledge to enable current and future jobs to be more effectively conducted.
These desirable achievements are likely to increase an individual’s as well as an organization’s
productivity which can be in terms of growth, performance or profitability. Employees are the
most important and the most difficult of all the resources in the organization. It is not enough to
employ and utilize them, but it is equally important to ensure that they do their job efficiently.
This can only be possible through training and development. Globally, managers believe that
training and development contributes to the improvement of employees’ performance and
productivity in organization. That is to say, training and development helps to ensure that
organizational members have the knowledge and skills they need to perform their jobs
effectively. Jones, George and Hill (2000) opined that training primarily focuses on teaching
organizational members how to perform their current job and helping them acquire the
knowledge and skills they need to be effective performers.
Development on the other hand according to the same scholars focuses on building the
knowledge and skills of organization members so that they might be prepared to take on new
responsibilities and challenges. In this case training tends to be used more frequently at lower
levels of an organization; development tends to be used more frequently with professionals and
managers. Cole (2005) defined training as any learning activity which is directed towards the
acquisition of specific knowledge and skills for the purposes of an occupation or task while
development is seen as any learning activity which is directed toward future needs rather than
present needs, and which is concerned more with career growth than immediate performance.
Abiodun (1999) submitted that training is a systematic development of the knowledge skills and
attitudes required by employees to perform adequately on a given task or job. It can take place in
a number of ways, on the-job or off-the-job; in the organization or outside organization. From
the foregoing, it can be seen that training and development have complementary roles of raising
and sharpening the abilities of the employees for specific tasks and as well as enhancing and
sustaining the new level in life. Productivity is considered to be the most important factor in
improving organization performance and company competitiveness as well as a critical long-
term resource for national economic and social development. The leading role of productivity in
increasing national welfare and organizational growth is universally recognized (Bloom 2010).
No organization can exist unless it maintains a competitive level of productivity and quality.
Productivity, in its turn, depends on the quality of human resources, as well as their effective use.
Productivity implies output per man hour. It is an extremely important concept for a number of
reasons. Together with the cost of living and human resource, productivity increases provide the
basis for higher wage demand by workers. The concept of productivity features prominently in
industrial relations. Besides, given a firm’s human and material resources, significant
improvement in output and income can mainly come about through advancement in productivity.
The measurement of productivity varies across different sectors of a country. In the private
sector, it is measurement based on maximization of profit, maximization of sales, adequate
liquidity, minimization of risk and maximization of the firm’s value. From the public sector
perspective, productivity is measurement based on the efficiency of production. In the public
sector, attention on productivity is based on how an enterprise is able to provide certain services
or goods in the most efficient manner.
1.2 Objectives

The project is Study of Training and Development of employees in Indorama synthetics

(India) ltd. Butibori, Nagpur. So, the basic objectives of theproject is as follows:-

To acquire a thorough knowledge base on subject of Training and Development.

To study how Training and Development programs are undertaken in the


To know process of Training and Development at Indorama synthetics ltd.

Butibori, Nagpur.

To study the effectiveness of Training and development in the organization.

To measure the satisfaction level of employees regarding training & development.

1.3 Scope of the Study
To understand the type of training required.
How to boost efficiency of worker and staff?
How to increase productivity?
How to reduce costs by training?

Manpower training and development is a very broad topic, it’s one that has new concept
introduced from time to time. This is because employees now appreciate the value of training
and developing the skills and improving their performance. This study will be limited to how
training and program is carried out and effects it on organizational productivity. The objective of
human resource manpower development is to provide a framework for employees to develop
their competencies necessary for individual and organizational efficiency and productivity as
well as career growth. The employer is responsible for devising programs geared toward an
employee's career development and job skills acquisition after employment through training,
performance management and organization development. Manpower development is typically
a part of the organization's human resource strategy and aims to maximize human capital
potential so as to attain strategic business objectives. Among manpower development's
functions is to oversee the development of human expertise in the organization to improve
productivity and efficiency. Through planning and monitoring of employee work results,
development programs are designed to ensure employees acquire pertinent skills and qualities
required for working at higher levels. This motivates the workers and enhances their career
growth. Systematic training programs also place the organization in a unique position to
confront the growing and changing needs of manpower, technology and diversification of
business activities.

The ultimate objective of manpower development is to contribute to the professional well-

being, pride and motivation of the worker. Employee welfare refers to those efforts that
improve the living standard of employees and hence the quality of work life. The goal is to
provide good leadership, interesting and challenging jobs, safe working conditions and good
wages. Several benefits can be extended to employees as indirect compensation plans to
motivate them to perform better. In addition, you can implement an open-door policy or allow
your employees to participate in the decisions that affect them and their relationship with the

Human resources are undoubtedly the key resources in an organization, the easiest and the most
difficult to manage! The objectives of the HRM span right from the manpower needs assessment
to management and retention of the same. To this effect Human resource management is
responsible for effective designing and implementation of various policies, procedures and
programs. It is all about developing and managing knowledge, skills, creativity, aptitude and
talent and using them optimally.

Human Resource Management is not just limited to manage and optimally exploit human
intellect. It also focuses on managing physical and emotional capital of employees. Considering
the intricacies involved, the scope of HRM is widening with every passing day.

It covers but is not limited to HR planning, hiring (recruitment and selection), training and
development, payroll management, rewards and recognitions, Industrial relations, grievance
handling, legal procedures etc. In other words, we can say that it’s about developing and
managing harmonious relationships at workplace and striking a balance between organizational
goals and individual goals.

An employee may not fulfill the exact requirements of the job and the organization. He may be
qualified enough when it comes to the respective experience or degree, but the requirements of
the organization may vary from the existing skills of the employees. Training is required to fill
these wide gaps so that employees can perform their duties efficiently.

The very basic purpose of every organization is long term survival in the market. But
organization survival is affected by various factors. The organization is required to adapt to the
changes within the environment in which it is operating, else its market share will decrease. The
productivity of the organization can only be increased if the employees are capable enough to
contribute to the innovative practices of the organization. It can only be done by the appropriate
provision of training for the employees. Training also helps in the smooth functioning of
organizational processes and development. Organizational productivity can be enhanced by
developing the effectiveness of the transformation process which is dependent on the
improvement of the present level of competencies and knowledge of the employees, which can
be achieved by their sufficient training.

Nowadays, organizations are updating themselves in the field of technology, i.e., mechanization,
computerization and automation regularly. If the organizations will not adopt the modern method
of working, they will be liable to become obsolete in the long term. On the other hand,
technology alone will not work for better consequences , the people who will be responsible for
managing and utilizing the technology for the betterment are also required. Training is the
method by which we can upgrade the skills of such people. As the new technology is knocking
on the doors of modern industry, the system of working in the modern organization is becoming
complex day by day. Employees are required to be more adaptable to the latest technique of
organizational hierarchy. Organizational effectiveness can only be achieved by the provision of
proper training so that the employees can act as change agents for the whole process of bringing
organizational effectiveness. It is a very common practice to promote or transfer one employee
from one position to another. There is also a possibility that due to promotion or transfer the
employee may be given a new job which may have some new roles and responsibilities. Training
is required to train such employees so that they can discharge their responsibilities effectively in
the long run. There has been tremendous change in the attitude of management toward their
employees. Gone are the days when the employees were merely considered as one of the factors
of production. Nowadays, for any organization to be successful in the market in all aspects,
maintaining healthy relations with their employees is equally important along with other
important factors. Training equips the employees to deal with problems and to sustain a healthy
environment of working. Organizations find it increasingly difficult to stay competitive in
today’s global economy. Leaders in the workplace are using benchmarking, competency,
competency models, and competency studies to help make human resource decisions, such as
hiring, training, and promotions. In training and development (T&D), it is helpful for
competencies to focus on knowledge, skills and/or abilities. But neither the field of T&D, nor
competency within the field, is static. Reported here is a careful review of literature showing the
trends in competency over the past three decades in the training and development field, and
provides some speculation regarding competencies needed in the near future for professionals in
T&D. Two of the most apparent changes in T&D are the shift to performance improvement and
the use of technology. Thus the skills, knowledge, and abilities involving these areas will
continue to become increasingly necessary for T&D professionals. Skill has large elements of
behavioral and motivational elements along with the cognitive part. Knowing and doing are not
the same. Skill is largely in the execution domain. The deficiencies in skill become stark,
because it is just one step away from outcomes. When organizations attempt to deal with skill
deficiency through more and more class room based interventions, they find little meaningful
improvement in the skills of their employees. This is like teaching safe driving in a class room or
giving an injection to a patient or checking pulse or blood pressure, without applying it on a
human. At best diagnostic skills can be taught in a class room. Even that requires practice – not
one or two exercises but at least 50, even 100 practice trials, like our math or physics or
accountancy learning. That is why the saying, “Practice makes perfection”.
1.4 Methodology
The study concentrated on secondary materials that discussed manpower training and
development. Most of the materials were sourced from text books, international journals and
internet materials. The report pattern dwelled so much on descriptive analysis.


Research in common parlance refers to the search for knowledge. It can be also defined as a
scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on specific topic. In fact, search is an
art of scientific investigation. In simple terms, research means, ‘a careful investigation or enquiry
especially through search for new facts inany branch of knowledge.’


Research design can be thought of as the structure of research. It is the glue that holds all the
elements in a research project together. Research design is a vital part of the research study. It is
the logical and systematic planning and directing of piece of research. It is the master plan and
blue print of the entire study.


The sources of the data are as follows:-


Internal data about working of HR department gathered from organization. Observation.

Sufficient data collected through feedback forms by the employees. [ Questionnaires ].


Magazines, journals, brochures , etc.

Website of the company. [ ].


Earlier researches on similar topic.

We always have to work with a sample of subjects rather than the full population. But people
are interested in the population, not the sample. To generalize from the sample to the population,
the sample has to be representative of the population. The safest way to ensure that it is the
representative is to use a Random selection procedure.


In the random sampling method, all items have some chance of selection that can be calculated.
Random sampling technique ensures that bias is not introduced regarding who is included in the

Survey-questionnaire:- Behaviors, beliefs and observations of specific groups are identified,
reported and interpreted.
1.5 Limitations of Manpower Training and Development

No skill can reach a level of proficiency at the end of the period of tutelage in a class room. All
skill training is focused on introducing and initiating training, to a process and imbibing a
discipline of acquiring skills. It can even prescribe, like in a case of physical exercise, a practice
regime. But it will be over simplification to believe that the trainee will achieve any level of
proficiency in any skill immediately after the classroom session. Post training, on-the- job
support structure has to be created for skill maturity and proficiency attainment. Maturity and
proficiency of skills happen many months and many years after leaving the classroom. Almost
all corporate fail in creating this post class room support structure of continued practice with
discipline. Imagine a violinist or a pilot or a surgeon or a software writer not practicing regularly.
When people stop performing a skilled activity for a prolonged period, skill erodes. So it is
imperative that this dimension of skill building is given importance.

Certain skills are cognitive, most are behavioral. Technically, perspectives fall into conceptual
skills and diagnosis and problem solving into analytical skills. Both are cognitive in nature. It is
easier to create a standardized or semi standardized regimen for cognitive skills through
exercises and workbooks. Aspects like selling, servicing and leadership skills are
overwhelmingly behavioral in nature. Behavioral skills have the difficulty of requirement of a
real life situation in order to trigger aspects of motivation and consequences. Hence any amount
of scripted or unscripted role plays or even well-crafted behavioral exercises in a classroom can
only serve the purpose of comprehension or feedback on action- consequences and not result in
behavior modification. Skill by definition is a function of Aptitude, Ability, Attitude and
Motivation. Hence in the domain of skilling we can at best achieve a recommended approach and
not standardizing all the details.

The domain of skill building is trickier than the domain of imparting knowledge. Skill by
definition is application of knowledge and psycho-motor ability to create an outcome. It is
contextual. It mainly develops through repetitive practice. Skills are highly dependent on
individual ability and organizational culture. Any attempt to codify skill development or
centralize the specifics of skill development is fraught with danger of failure. This having said, it
is possible to develop a generalized approach to skill development as a structured exercise
manual and tutors’ guideline, than as a reading and recall based module. We should remember
that skill is hugely context and culture dependent. For example there can be a general approach
to imparting credit appraisal skills, but the specifics will be determined by the individual and the
organization’s risk appetite. Skill building exercises can be developed around this and made
available to the tutor for customization. We can even recommend a structured approach to use
this exercise in the classrooms. We can summarize the preferred learning options but unlike
knowledge verification, skill proficiency testing will be unreliable. Take customer service as an
example for this. Rushing to test proficiency on customer service after class room training will
be futile. It is 3 to 6 months after the class room training and focused on-the-job practice that
proficiency testing becomes meaningful. Yet the reliability will be limited. Aptitude is the
personal interest or likes/dislikes of a person to something amongst the available choices. Where
there are no choices or there is insurmountable compulsion then aptitude plays no role. Attitude
on the other hand is a manifestation of personal orientation in a context, based on one’s
characteristics. Attitude impacts aptitude. It is a near impossibility to modify Aptitude through
any training interventions. For example where there is a choice available, to get a person whose
Aptitude to sales is poor to elect for a sales job or discharge it with commitment is very difficult.
However when there are no jobs available but only sales job or there is a severe survival
compulsion someone may elect sales job, even though he does not have an aptitude. If the dislike
is very strong he will perform poorly on the job no matter what the training is. On the other hand
if the dislike is marginal and due to lack of knowledge or exposure to the job; being in the job
and succeeding in it, increases the probability that the incumbent may start liking it. Here
training and skill building can help.

On the other hand Attitude is a function of one’s beliefs crafted by experiences in life. It is a
personal identity marker. Like intensity and optimism in my case. So whenever we talk of
attempting to shift Attitudes of individuals, group or communities, we are entering the domain of
helping them negotiate personal ideologies. Though it may not be as deep as negotiating Beliefs,
it is however only one step less difficult. Let us take for example the behavior on customer
service. If the staff has an attitude that personally serving a cup of tea to the customer is
demeaning to him, it is driven by his belief that certain acts are demeaning. Now this belief will
shape his service attitude and will reflect in his behavior on what acts of service is demeaning
and hence he will not feel comfortable doing it. Similarly if the staff believes that winning is the
definition of success and losing is disaster, the attitude that will drive the behavior is, avoid
losing at any cost. The corollary is winning at any cost. The behavior will be hyper
competitiveness or playing on the edges to avoid losing. Not selling as a behavior or blaming
others including customers for a failure, emanates from this attitude. Attitude to credit or market
risk while it will appear to be more cognitive, in reality is behavioral. Individuals will be blind to
any amount of data, analytics and information when their beliefs distort their judgment
(Judgment is the behavior).

Eminent behavioral psychologists such as Pavlov and B.F Skinner were confident that Behavior
can be modified. Skinner approaches changing Behavior by using conditioning and by enforcing
controls to prevent a certain Behavior or encourage a certain Behavior. This is irrespective of
what the Attitude is. When people stay at a certain Behavior for long with the help of an external
stimulus, the internal stimulus called Attitude may also shift. Beliefs need not be changed
immediately. So they suggest positive reinforcements (rewards), negative reinforcements
(reprimands) and punishments (penalty/fine) to modify behavior. When we say Culture, we
should understand that it is the attitude of a collective. Culture change is hence a change in
attitude of a collective. We can approach it through both Behavior which is seen & verifiable and
Beliefs which is unseen & unverifiable. Approaching it through Behavior modification gives a
higher probability of success and is relatively easier. The belief route is almost impossible in an
organizational context.
Chapter 2 Literature Review

Training And Development: According to the Michel Armstrong, “Training is systematic

development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by an individual to perform
adequately a given task or job”. (Source: A Handbook of Human Resource Management
Practice, Kogan Page, 8th Ed.,2001) According to the Edwin B Flippo, “Training is the act of
increasing knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job.” (Source: Personnel
Management, McGraw Hill; 6th Edition, 1984) The term 'training' indicates the process involved
in improving the aptitudes, skills and abilities of the employees to perform specific jobs.
Training helps in updating old talents and developing new ones. 'Successful candidates placed on
the jobs need training to perform their duties effectively'. (Source: Aswathappa, K. Human
resource and Personnel Management, New Delhi: Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing
CompanyLimited,2000, p.189) The principal objective of training is to make sure the availability
of a skilled and willing workforce to the organization. In addition to that, there are four other
objectives: Individual, Organizational, Functional, and Social. Individual Objectives – These
objectives are helpful to employees in achieving their personal goals, which in turn, enhances the
individual contribution to the organization. Organizational Objectives – Organizational
objectives assists the organization with its primary objective by bringing individual
effectiveness. Functional Objectives – Functional objectives are maintaining the department's
contribution at a level suitable to the organization's needs. Social Objectives – Social objectives
ensures that the organization is ethically and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of
the society. Further, the additional objectives are as follows: To prepare the employees both new
and old to meet the present as well as the changing requirements of the job and the organization.
To prevent obsolescence. To impart the basic knowledge and skill in the new entrants that they
need for an intelligent performance of a definite job. To prepare the employees for higher level
tasks. To assist the employees to function more effectively in their present positions by exposing
them to the latest concepts, information and techniques and developing the skills they will need
in their particular fields. To build up a second line of competent officers and prepare them to
occupy more responsible positions. To ensure smooth and efficient working of the departments.
To ensure economical output of required quality. Types Of Training And Development Programs
Which Are Provided To The Employee: Different practices are followed in different industries
and in different organizations too. So, the need of training and development programs is
depending up on the requirements of the job profile. Therefore there are various types of
programs shared by different authors. The types of training and development programs are as
follows: Types of Training : Job Instructions Programmed Instructions , Apprenticeship &
Coaching Class Room Lectures , Job Rotation Simulation Exercises , Committee Assignment -
Business Games , Internship Training - Case Study Method , Training through step by step -
Audio- visual Method - Experiential Exercises - Vestibule training - Computer Modeling -
Behavioral Modeling - Role Playing - Conference/ Discussion Method - Workshop / Seminars.

One of the most talked subjects in corporate circles, in recent times is how to optimize the
contributions of human resources in achieving organizational goals. An efficient and satisfied
workforce is the most significant factor in organizational effectiveness and marginal excellence.
But experiences in business and service organizations however indicate that management,
comparatively speaking, best more time and attention to policies and systems relating to
production, technology, investment, inventory, marketing, etc than to human resources.

Compulsion of modern business environment is however promoting corporate managements to

systematically review their current attitudes, beliefs and policies towards human resources for
they contribute most significantly to the survival and growth of organization. Enlightened and
progressive managements have therefore come to believe that people are not problems but
opportunities. Training and Development activities are important part of exploring these

Training and Development activities are designed to impart specific skills, abilities and
knowledge to employees. Training is a planned effort by an organization to facilitate employee’s
learning of job related knowledge and skills for the purpose of improving performance.
Development refers to learning opportunities designed to help employees grow and evolve a
vision for future
Training and Development is one of the most important functions of Human Resource
management in any of the organization. The objective of this Training is to enhance employees’
skills behavior and expertise by putting them into learning new techniques of doing work.
Employee Training and Development helps in updating employees’ skills and knowledge for
performing a Job which at the end results in increasing their work efficiency and increase the
productivity of an organization. It ensures that Employees oddness or eccentricity is reduced and
learning or behavioral change should take place in a very structured format. Training
development or learning and development are official ongoing educational activities designed for
goal fulfillment and enhance the performance of employees.

The activities linked with employee Training & Development is created to convey the employee
to perform better in assigned job which also motivate employee to give his/her best so that at the
time of performance appraisal, employee can show the eligibility for promotion and salary
increment. It refers as the skill and knowledge enhancing bustle which is a source of additional
information as well as instruction required to improve the quality of performance. HR Training
and Development are two different activities which goes hand-in-hand for the overall betterment
of the employee. The short term and reactive process is training which is used for operational
purpose while the long term process of development is for executive purpose. The aim of
training in HRM is to improvement of required skills in the employee whereas aim of
development is to improve overall personality of the employee. Management takes the initiative
of training to fill up the skill gap in the organization; the development initiative is generally
taken with the objective of future succession planning.
Until recently there has been a general resistance to investment of training in the public service
because of the believe that “Employees hired under a meut system must be presumed to be
qualified, that they were already trained for their jobs and that if this was not so it was evidence
that initial selection of personal was at fault.’’(stahl, 1976). This assumption has been jettisoned
as the need for training became obvious both in the private and the public sectors.
Training has become more obvious given the growing complexity of the work
environment, the rapid change in organization and technological advancement which further
necessitates the need of training and development of personnel to meet the challenges. Many
organizations have come to recognize that training offers a way of “developing skills, enhancing
productivity and quality of work and building workers loyalty to the firm”.
Manpower training and development is essential to the existence and survival of organization.
It is common for people to see training and development as the same thing. However, though
they are similar, they are not the same thing.
Training is any learning activity which is directed toward the acquisition of specific
knowledge and skills for the purpose of an occupation or task (cole 1993).
Ivancevich et al (1994) see training as the systematic process altering employee’s behavior to
further organization goals.
According to Hellriegel and Slocum (1996), training is improving an employee’s skill to the
point where he or she can do the current job. Training is the process by which members of
organizations are thought to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities they need to perform
effectively the job at hand. Training is directed at the present job.
In a more comprehensive manner, training can be defined as a short term process that utilizes
a systematic and organized activities by which non-managerial staff acquire the technical
knowledge, skills and abilities for specific purposes in function. Training is “an organized
procedure by which people learn knowledge and or skills for a definite purpose. It is a process
for equipping the employees particularly the non-managerial employees with specific skills for
example technical skills like plumbing, electrical wiring, repairing, artistic skills, clerical and
typing skills that would enable them to improve on their performance and overall efficiency.
The objective of job training is to enable an employee to perform his job in such a way as to
meet the standards of output, quality, waste control, safety and other operational requirement
(Gardner, 1973).
Thomas (1988) defines training as ‘a process through which experiences are deliberately offered
to trainees to enable them to absorb some new perspective, understanding, value, attitude,
techniques or skills’. It involves planned activities on the part of an organization to increase job
knowledge and skills or modify the attitudes and social behavior of its members in the ways that
are consistent with the goals of the organization and the requirements of the job. The overall aim
is to increase or improve a person’s contribution to the achievement of the organizational goals.
Jones, George and Hill, (2000) believe that training primarily focuses on teaching
organizational members how to perform their current jobs and helping them acquire the
knowledge and skills they need to be effective performers.
According to carrel and kuzmits (1982) training is the systematic process by which employees
learn skills, information or attitudes to further organizational and personal goal. They also stated
that “every training system operates with a philosophy set of beliefs concerning people,
productivity and profit”.
In view of chruden and Sherman Jnr (1980), training is any organizationally oriented
procedure, which is intended to foster learning among organizational members.
Training according to Davar (1950), states that its main goal is “To induce a suitable change in
the individual concerned”. It is “to bridge the gap between existing performance ability and
desired performance”.
Development on the other hand focuses on building the knowledge and skills of organizational
members so that they will be prepared to take on new responsibilities and challenges.
Development is used in relation to the process of helping managerial employees who perform
non-routine jobs to improve their managerial, administrative and decision-making abilities and
In the view of adamolekun (1983), staff development involves the training, education and
career development has been identified to include:

 Creating a pool of readily available and adequate replacements for personnel who may
leave or move up in the organization;
 Enhancing the company’s ability to adopt and use advances in technology because of a
sufficiently knowledgeable staff;
 Building a more efficient, effective and highly motivated team which enhance the
company’s (AJ pam vol xvi; No.1.Jan 2005) competitive position and improves
employee morale; and
 Ensuring adequate human resources for expansion into new programs.

Drucker (1977) in highlighting the work of managers submits that one contribution a manager
is uniquely expected to make is to develop people. if any organization must continue to survive,
it must provide opportunity for career development into specialist and managerial positions.
Development is the process of building the knowledge and skills of organizational members so
that they will be prepared to take a new responsibility and challenges. Jones, George and
Wertherland and Davis (1996) define development to mean helping individual worker to handle
future responsibilities with little concern for current duties.
Development can also be defined as a deliberate program of an organization to mould into the
desirable shape its future leaders who are expected to perpetuate the business of the organization
most efficient and effectively, ( o.b. fagbohungbe 2009). Development can be referred to as any
learning activity which is directed towards future needs rather than present needs and which is
concerned more with career growth than immediate performance (cole 1993). The intent of
development program is to improve an employee’s conceptual and human skills in preparation
for future jobs.
From the above, it is now clear that there is a major difference between them. Though both of
them are geared towards increasing or improving the skills of workers. Training is concerned
with teaching the workers specific skills that will assist them in their immediate task while
development on the other hand is concerned with teaching the workers more general skills that
will assist them in career growth thereby equipping them for the future.
As a way of summary, the purpose of training is to improve knowledge and skills and to change
attitude (mullins,1999).
Training and development as stokes (1966) puts it rest on the fact that “a person learns through
experience which may be actual, hearing or reading about the experiences of others”.
Training and development can also be viewed as a formal and informal activities which bring
about change in the skills, knowledge and attitude of employees for the fulfillment of their
individual career and organizational goals.
Chapter 3 Training and Development

3.1 Meaning Training and Development

In simple terms, training and development refer to imparting specific skills, abilitiesand
knowledge to an employee.
A formal definition of training and development is:-
“It is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employee’s
ability to perform through learning, usuallyby changing the employee’s attitude or increasing his skills
and knowledge.

The need of training and development is determined by employee’s performance

deficiency, compute as follows:-

Training and development need = Standard performance – Actual


Training is an organized activity for increasing the knowledge and skills of people for a
definite purpose. It involves systematic procedure for transferring technical know- how
to employees so as to increase their knowledge and skills for doing specific jobs with
proficiency. According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Training is the act of increasing the
knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job.” Training involves the
development of skills that are usually necessary to perform a specific job. Its purpose is
to achieve a change in the behavior of those trained and to enable them to do their jobs
better. It makes newly appointed workers fully productive in the minimum of time. It is
equally important for the old employees due to frequent changes in technology.
3.2 Need of Training and Development

Training is important not only from the point of view of organization ; but also for the
employees. Training is valuable to the employees because it will give them greater job
security and opportunity for advancement.

The need of training arises in an enterprise due to following reasons:-

CHANGING TECHNOLOGY:-Technology is changing at a fast pace. The workers

must learn new techniques to make use of advanced technology. Thus, training should
be treated as a continuous process to update the employees in new methods and

QUALITY CONSCIOUS CUSTOMERS:-Customers have become quality conscious

and their requirements keep on changing. To satisfy the customers, quality of products
must be continuously improved through training of workers.

GREATER PRODUCTIVITY:-It is essential to increase productivity and Reduce cost

of production for meeting competition in the market. Effective training can help increase
productivity of workers.

STABLE WORKPLACE:-Training creates a feeling of confidence in the minds of the

workers. It gives them a security at the work-place. As a result, labor turnover and
absenteeism rates are reduced.
3.3 Training and Development Objectives

Training objectives are formed keeping in view company’s goals and objectives.

 To prepare the employee [both new and old] to meet the present as well as changing
requirements of job and organization.

 To impart to the new entrants the basic knowledge and skill needed for the performance
of a definite job.

 To assist employees to function more effectively in their present positions by exposing

them to latest concepts, information and techniques and developing the skill sets that
may need further.

 To develop the potentialities of people for the next level of job.

 To ensure smooth and efficient working of department.

 To bridge the gap between “existing performance ability” and “desired performance”.

 To improve organizational climate since an endless chain of positive reactions can result
from a well planned training program.
3.4 Importance of Training and Development
Training plays an important role in human resource department. It is necessary, useful
and productive for all categories of workers and supervisory staff.
The importance of training and development in an enterprise are:-

OPTIMUM UTILIZATION OF RESOURCES:-Training and development helps in

optimizing the utilization of human resources that further helps the employees to achieve
the organizational as well as their individual goals.

DEVELOPMENT OF SKILLS OF EMPLOYEES:- Training and development helps

in increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level.
It helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the employees.

PRODUCTIVITY:-Training and development helps in increasing productivity ofthe

employees that helps organization to achieve its long-term goals.

TEAM SPIRIT:-Training and development helps in inculcating the sense of

team-work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations.

QUALITY:-Training and development helps in improving upon quality of work and

3.5 Types of Training

On the basis of purpose, several types of training programs are offered to employees.
The important types of training programs are as follows:

INDUCTION TRAINING:-Induction is concerned with introducing a new employee

to the organization and its procedures, rules and regulations. When a new employee
reports for work, he must be helped to get acquainted with the work environment and
fellow employees. It is better to give him a friendly welcome when he joins the
organization, get him introduced to the organization and help him to get a general idea
about rules and regulations, working conditions, etc of the organization.

JOB TRAINING:-Job training relates to specific job which workers has to handle. It
gives information about machines, process of production, instructions to be followed,
methods to be used and so on. It develops skills and confidence among the workers and
enables them to perform the job efficiently. It is the most common of formal in- plant
training program. It helps in creating interest of the employees in their jobs.

APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING:-Apprenticeship training programs tend more

towards education than merely on vocational training. Under this, both skills and
knowledge in doing a job or a series of related jobs are involved. The government of
various countries have passed laws which make it obligatory on certain classes of
employers to provide apprenticeship training to young people. The usual apprenticeship
programs combine on the job training and experience with class room instructions in
particular subjects. This training is desirable in industries which requires a constant flow
of new employees expected to become all round craftsmen. It is very much prevalent in
printing trades, building and construction and crafts like mechanics, electricians,
welders, etc.
INTERNSHIP TRAINING:-Under this method, the educational and vocational
institute enters into arrangement with an industrial enterprise for providing practical
knowledge to its students. This training is usually meant for such vocations where
advanced theoretical knowledge is to be backed up by practical experience on the job.
For instance, engineering students are sent to big industrial enterprises for gaining
practical work experience and medical students are sent to hospitals to get practical
knowledge. The period of such training varies from six months to two years.

REFRESHER TRAINING:-As the name implies, the refresher training is meant for
the old employees of the enterprise. The basic purpose of this training is to acquaint the
existing work-force with the latest methods of performing their jobs and improve their
efficiency further. In the words of Dale Yoder, “Retraining programmes are designed to
avoid personnel obsolescence.” The skills with the existing employees become obsolete
because of technological changes and of the human tendency to forget.

TRAINING FOR PROMOTION:-The talented employees may be given adequate

training to make them eligible for promotion to higher jobs in the organization.
Promotion means a significant change in the Responsibilities and duties. Therefore, it is
essential that employees are provided sufficient training to learn new skills to perform
their jobs more efficiently. The purpose of training for promotion is to develop the
existing employees to make them fit for undertaking higher job responsibilities. This
serves as a motivating force to the employees
3.6 Methods of Training \
The various methods of training may be classified into the following categories:

On-the-job training
Vestibule training
Off-the-job training

ON-THE-JOB TRAINING:-On-the-job training is considered to be the most effective

method of training the operative personnel. Under this method, the worker is given
training at the work place by his immediate supervisor. In other words, the worker learns
in the actual work environment. It is based on the principle of “learning by doing”.

There are four methods of on-the-job training described below:-

COACHING:-Under this method, the supervisor imparts job knowledge and skills to
his subordinate. The emphasis in coaching the subordinate is on learning by doing. This
method is very effective if the superior has sufficient time to provide coaching to his

UNDERSTUDY:-The superior gives training to a subordinate as his assistant. The

subordinate learns through experience and observation. It prepares the subordinate to
assume the responsibilities of the superior’s job in case the superior leaves the
organization. The purpose of understudy is to prepare someone to fill the vacancy
caused by death, retirement, transfer, or promotion of the superior.

POSITION ROTATION: The purpose of position rotation is to broaden the

background of the trainee in various positions. The trainee is periodically rotated from
job to job instead of sticking to one job so that he acquires a general background of
different jobs. However, rotation of an employee from one job to another should
not be done frequently. He should be allowed to stay on a job for sufficient period so
that he may acquire the full knowledge of the job.

JOB ROTATION:-Job rotation is used by many firms to develop all-round workers.

The employees learn new skills and gain experience in handling different kinds of jobs.
They also come to know interrelationship between different jobs. It is also used to place
workers on the right jobs and prepare them to handle other jobs in case of need.


The term ‘vestibule training’ is used to designate training in a class-room for semi-
skilled workers. It is more suitable where a large number of employees must be trained
at the same time for the same kind of work. Where this method is used, there should be
well qualified instructors in charge of training programs. Here theemphasis tends to be
on learning rather than production. It is frequently used to train clerks, machine
operators, typists, etc.

Vestibule training is adapted to the general type of training problem that is faced by
on-the-job training. An attempt is made to duplicate, as nearly as possible, the materials,
equipments and conditions found in real work place. The human resources department
makes arrangements for vestibule training when the training work exceeds the capacity
of the line supervisors. Thus, in vestibule training, the workers are trained on specific
jobs as they would be expected to perform at their work place.

Vestibule training has certain demerits also. The artificial training atmosphere may
create adjustment problem for the trainees when they are sent to their actual work place.
It is relatively expensive as there is duplication of materials, equipments and conditions
found in the real work place.
OFF-THE-JOB TRAINING:-It requires the workers to undergo training for a specific
period away from the work place. Off-the-job methods are concerned with both
knowledge and skills in doing certain jobs. The workers are free of tension of work
when they are learning.

There are several off-the-job methods of training as described below:-

SPECIAL LECTURE CUM DISCUSSION:-Training through special lectures is also

known as “class-room training”. It is more associated with imparting knowledge than
skills. The special lectures may be delivered by some executives of the organizationor
specialists from vocational and professional institutes. Many firms also follow the
practice of inviting experts for special lectures for the staff on matters like health, safety,
productivity, quality, etc.

CONFERENCE TRAINING:-A conference is a group meeting conducted According

to an organized plan in which the members seek to develop Knowledge and
understanding by oral participation. It is an effective training device for persons in the
positions of both conference member and conference leader. As a member, a person can
learn from others by comparing his opinions with those of others. Helearns to respect
the viewpoints of others and also realizes that there is more than one workable approach
to any problem.

CASE STUDY:-The case method is a means of stimulating experience in theclassroom.

Under this method, the trainee are given a problem or case which is more or less related
to the concepts and principles already taught. They analyze theproblem and suggest
solutions which are discussed in the class. The instructor helps them reach a common
solution to the problem. This method gives the trainee an opportunity to apply his
knowledge to the solution of realistic problems.
Chapter 4 Company Profile

4.1 About Indorama Company

INDORAMA, the giant textile ltd. Company ranks 15 th globally andis the 2nd largest
textile company in India. The history of this successful company begins with the
establishment of the Ashok Textile Industry (P)Ltd, in Nepal in the year 1969. The
group was founded by Mr. M.L Lohiya with the establishment of PT. IndoRama
Synthetics in Indonesia.

This world-renowned group was then extended to Thailand, Srilanka, andIndia.

In India the first spinning mill was set at Pithampur, which manufacturedSynthetic yarns
with a capacity of 21,120 Spindles.

In the year 1992 the group came in Butibori, Nagpur with its new plant, which actually
started functioning in the year 1994. The subsidiaries of IRSL are also sent in the
Butibori industrial area. These include the Textprint overseas Ltd, and two units of
Uniworth viz, Woolworth Ind. Ltd. and Fabworth Ind. Ltd.

The net profit of the company in the year 2007-08 is Rs. 150 Cr. In one quarter of the
year. The only competitor to this group in India is the Textile & Polyester giant
Reliance. In technological aspect Indorama ranks first in the country, with its technology
imported from USA , Japan,and Germany.
The company is under technical collaboration with M/S DUPONT, USA,M/S
TOYOBO, Japan and uses most sophisticated machines from the BARMAG, Germany

As per memorandum and articles of Association, the Board of Director ofthe company
shall consist of not more than 12 Directors. The present Board comprise of 9 Director of
whom 3 belong to the promoter and 4 areout side professionals, one nominee each of

The company is basically producing five different products:-

1. PSF: Polyester Staple Fiber.

2. POY: Partially Oriented Yarn.
3. DTY: Draw Textured Yarn.
4. FDY: Fully Drawn Yarn.
5. PC: Polyester Chips.


Following are the raw materials used:-

1. Purified terapthalic acid. (PTA)

2. Mono ethylene glycol. (MEG)
3. Viscose staple fiber
4. Polyester staple fiber
5. 0Polyester filament yarn


Indorama exports its products mainly to Germany, Portugal, Greece and Turkey, UK,
Italy. The company has been awarded National Exports Award from the President of
India for its outstanding performances in the field of exports, on the year 1997-98. In
1997 thecompany also received “Niryat-Shri” award from the Federation of
International Export Organization. The company has also been receiving the SRTECP
Award for overall export for ninth year running. The company has also been awarded
by the ISO-9002 certificate by SGS Yarsley, UK, for its quality performance.





4.2 Training and Development at Indorama Synethetic

The vision is to, “THINK GLOBAL GROW GLOBAL”

Training is the process of increasing the knowledge and skills for doing a
particular job. It is organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and
skill for a definite purpose. The purpose of training is basically to bridge the gap
between jobs basically to bridge the gap between job requirement and present
competence of an employee. Training is closely related with the education and
Employee Training is distinct from management development. Training is the
short term process utilizing a systematic & organized procedure by which non –
managerial personnel learn technical and mechanical operations of machines. It
for short duration and for specific job related purpose.
Development is the long term process utilizing a systematic and organized
procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical
knowledge for general purpose. It involves philosophical and theoretical
educational concept and it is designed for manager.

The IRSL provides the training session to the every level of employee in the
organization. It begins from manager level to the worker level.

Even the new fresher including Management trainee (MT’s) and General
engineering trainee (GET’s) gets the training.
4.3 Training Program

The training program is given at IRSL at every month according to the training
calendar is being schedule. The induction program at IRSL is normally of 6
month. It is designed as per the departmental requirements.

In the beginning of this program, the employee is required to fill a particular

form. This form contains his basic information. The induction program for the
employee is designed after studying this form, taking into consideration his
background, areas of interests, weaknesses, strengths etc.

Normally, Butibori is the only centre for induction at IRSL. Employees from
different place are trained at Butibori plant. To begin with the induction the very
first thing is to develop amongst these employees, a feeling of togetherness. For
this, these employees are given classroom training for about a month. Various
departments come to the class room to deliver lecture. During these classrooms
training the employees get familiar & friendly with each other. To strengthen the
feeling of togetherness &develop a sense of belonging groups are formed in the
classroom. These groups are given various tasks and intergroup competitions are
conducted. Thus they are kept busy all the time.

In the evening these employees are taken for plant visits. Outing is also planned
to frame people in the area. During this one month training examinations
businessgames, presentations are taken after this 1 month.
Here the GET’s and MT’s are taken to different units. In this training they learn the setup of the
company. Until this rotational training the placements of the candidates are not disclosed.
Placements are decided on completion of the rotational training. At placement branch again the
candidate is sent to different department. This may take 2-4 months. Then they are back to their
respective departments. No leaves are allowed during the 6 months of induction period. After the
completion of induction period a week’s leave is permitted before Joining.
Chapter 5 Data Interpretation

The statistical representation of the result survey conducted about the effects of
manpower training and development in an organization. Organizational changes
are those that have a significant impact on the organization as a whole. Major shifts
to personnel, company goals, service offerings, and operations would all be
considered forms of organizational change

As we can see here this data shows us that training should be considered as
important part of the organizational strategy. Almost close to 50% percent people
agreed on this statement.
The mode of training used in any firm can instrumental for the success of the
training program. According to the statistics more than half percent of
organizations uses job relation and programmed manpower training and
development courses for the welfare of the employees. Conference can be one of
the most used techniques in the lockdown phase but currently with return of offline
work this method is not an ideal technique for employees training program.

External training should be considered only on the case where it is difficult for the
officers trainers to train the employee.
Training Sessions should be always on time and apt with full knowledge,
information. If the sessions are stretched the employees may lose interest and that
may result in waste of the office’s resources. This survey here shows that if the
sessions are long and unplanned it can affect the concentration and effectiveness of
the employee’s participating in the sessions. It should be made sure that the
sessions must be conducted within a given a period of time if the sessions goes past
the time, it shall affect the effectiveness of the sessions.
This survey easily shows us the area which every organization must take care of
while planning a training and development session for Employees. The information
provided in these times to the new employees can easily be instrumental in shaping
the future of the company and the progress of the company. The faculty appointed
to train these employees must be well qualified. There shall be very less
interference in this department of the organization.
One of the main barriers to manpower training and development in many firms has
to be the non availability of qualified employers or trainers to handle the new
employees. Many firms also find it very difficult to providing funding to this
department in the workplace. Time being one of the most main and important
obstacle for the smooth run of training and development program in any firm. This
becomes later and mistake by the firm which leads to non functioning of firms in
the right direction.
The requirement of training must always be determined the need of the
organization as shown in the figure. This is because the training and development
are costly, a bit time consuming and very difficult for employees to manage within
their work time. It should also be considered that the newly joining employees and
the junior who are little in experienced should be given the priority for training.
People who are considered for Higher level posts should also be given proper
training for the welfare of the firm.
Organizing and planning help you get your work done accurately, avoiding costly
mistakes. Organizing your work and planning ahead helps you be more efficient
and productive. Being well-organized and developing effective plans also allows
you to achieve important goals and objectives. By keeping organized, you will
save time looking for things and will have more time to work on important tasks.
As organization can improve the flow of communication between you and your
team, you can also make your team more productive. After all, better
communication leads to better results.
Workforce training programs, when carried out effectively, can lead to increased
productivity and efficiency while lowering waste and costs. The value of an
effective workforce training program can greatly outweigh the costs associated
with implementing it, resulting in a more engaged staff, a higher rate of
compliance to regulations and policies and reduced employee turnover. In this
article, we will define training programs, several methods of training and a guide to
creating a training program for employees. As per the data shown above a couple
of months will be apt for any training program depending on the program this time
can vary too.
Employee training and development programs are essential to the success of
businesses worldwide. Not only do these programs offer opportunities for staff to
improve their skills, but also for employers to enhance employee productivity and
improve company culture. Employees also miss out on work time while attending
training sessions, which may delay the completion of projects. Despite the
potential drawbacks, training and development provides both the company as a
whole and the individual employees with benefits that make the cost and time a
worthwhile investment.
Chapter 6 Conclusion

6.1 Conclusion

It was a great opportunity for me to work on this company and acquire a wider
view on the reality. I learned a lot regarding how this business sector operates and
how this company managed to gain its position in all these years. As an
organization, Idorama Synthetic has earned the reputation of a leading garments
manufacturing company. It has access to foreign market and is gaining a global
market penetration through its quality of product. One of the strongest factor of
this company is they focus highly on quality management and not only that, they
are also up to date. They use latest technologies on requirement which is very
good. Overall, this company is in a stable position, its market hold is also very
strong; the business is in growth stage. In conclusion, Idorama Synthetic has a
long way ahead and with the vast knowledge of their HR professionals, if they can
maintain their wide range of workers properly with right managerial skills and
maintain the standard they set, soon they will shift from growth stage to maturity

On the basis of the analysis made, the following conclusions are

Maximum number of the employees finds healthy environment at the work place.
Lack of interest in employees act as a barrier in training programs. Maximum
employees said that they get help whenever they require. Employees are satisfied
with the training and development programs given to them. The training programs
has helped in developing skills of the employees. After attending the training
program most of the workers find their attitude better towards the job. Most of the
employees wants to the workplace to be redesigned where the training sessions
are been conducted. Employees felt the time wastage during training session. But
trainees were satisfied with activities conducted during training program because it
was related to their job.
6.2 Suggestions & Recommendations

 Some advanced training is required in technology department.

 The company should adopt some other ways for nominating

the trainees like training need identification survey, self nomination,
personal analysis, organizational analysis, etc.

 Training should be a continuous process i.e., it should be

imparted at regular intervals.

 The duration of training program should be less and details

should be precise and accurate.

 HR department should conduct seminars on some vital topics

so that employees are always motivated and encouraged to work.
6.3 Findings

How training & development is an antecedent of job involvement and

what should company do to make the company to improve employees


Selection of the Company for Sip Should Be Done Carefully.

Team work is very important for HR manager.

Networking and Communication skills need to be very good.

Need to know Excel Sheet for office work.

How the training and development of employees done in Industries.

Safety measure should be taken into consideration during training.

Time motion study plays a key role in the process of training.



❖ Personnel and Human Resource Management by P. Subba Rao.

❖ Personnel Management by C. B. Mamoria.

❖ Human Resource and Personnel Management by K. Aswathappa.

❖ Human Resource Management by Anjali Ghanekar.

❖ Human Resource Management by T. N. Chhabra.










Q.1 Your organization considers training as a part of organizational strategy

.DoYou agree with this statement?

Strongly agree



Somewhat agree

Q.2 To whom is training given more in your organization?

New staff

Junior staff

Senior staff

Based on requirement
Q.3 What are the barriers to training and development in your organization?


Lack of interest


Non availability of skilled trainer

Q.4 What mode of training is normally used in your organization?

Job relation


External training

Programmed instruction

Q.5 “ Training and Development sessions conducted in your firm are Useful.”Do
you agree with this statement?

Strongly agree



Somewhat agree

Q.6 How long does it take to implement the trained process?

Less than one month

1-2 months

2-4 months

More than 4 months

Q.7 How well the work place of training is organized?





Q.8 . What are the conditions that have to be improved during training


Re organize the job

Remove interference

Re organize the work- place

Up grade the information of material

given during training.

Q.9 . What are the general complaints about training sessions?

Take away precious time of workers

Too many gaps between the sessions.

Training sessions are unplanned.

Boring and not useful

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