Rewriting Image Captions For Visual Question Answering Data Creation

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3/1/23, 11:33 AM Rewriting Image Captions for Visual Question Answering Data Creation – Google AI Blog


Rewriting Image Captions for

Visual Question Answering Data
Posted by Soravit Beer Changpinyo and Doron Kukliansky‎, Senior Software
Engineers, Google Research

Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a useful machine learning (ML) task that
requires a model to answer a visual question about an image. What makes it
challenging is its multi-task and open-ended nature; it involves solving multiple
technical research questions in computer vision and natural language
understanding simultaneously. Yet, progress on this task would enable a wide
range of applications, from assisting the blind and the visually-impaired or
communicating with robots to enhancing the user’s visual experience with
external knowledge.

Effective and robust VQA systems cannot exist without high-quality,

semantically and stylistically diverse large-scale training data of image-
question-answer triplets. But, creating such data is time consuming and
onerous. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the VQA community has focused more on
sophisticated model development rather than scalable data creation.

In “All You May Need for VQA are Image Captions,” published at NAACL 2022,
we explore VQA data generation by proposing “Visual Question Generation with
Question Answering Validation” (VQ2A), a pipeline that works by rewriting a
declarative caption into multiple interrogative question-answer pairs. More
specifically, we leverage two existing assets — (i) large-scale image-text data
and (ii) large-capacity neural text-to-text models — to achieve automatic VQA
data generation. As the field has progressed, the research community has been
making these assets larger and stronger in isolation (for general purposes such
as learning text-only or image-text representations); together, they can achieve
more and we adapt them for VQA data creation purposes. We find our approach
can generate question-answer pairs with high precision and that this data can
successfully be used for training VQA models to improve performance.

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3/1/23, 11:33 AM Rewriting Image Captions for Visual Question Answering Data Creation – Google AI Blog

The VQ2A technique enables VQA data generation at scale from image
captions by rewriting each caption into multiple question-answer pairs.

VQ2A Overview
The first step of the VQ2A approach is to apply heuristics based on named
entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging and manually defined rules to
generate answer candidates from the image
Philosophy caption.Areas
Research These generated
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candidates are small pieces of information that may be relevant subjects about
which to ask questions. We also add to this list two default answers, “yes” and
“no”, which allow us to generate Boolean questions.

Then, we use a T5 model that was fine-tuned to generate questions for the
candidate, resulting in [question, candidate answer] pairs. We then filter for the
highest quality pairs using another T5 model (fine-tuned to answer questions)
by asking it to answer the question based on the caption. was . That is, we
compare the candidate answer to the output of this model and if the two
answers are similar enough, we define this question as high quality and keep it.
Otherwise, we filter it out.

The idea of using both question answering and question generation models to
check each other for their round-trip consistency has been previously explored
in other contexts. For instance, Q2 uses this idea to evaluate factual
consistency in knowledge-grounded dialogues. In the end, the VQ2A approach,
as illustrated below, can generate a large number of [image, question, answer]
triplets that are high-quality enough to be used as VQA training data.

VQ2A consists of three main steps: (i) candidate answer

extraction, (ii) question generation, (iii) question answering and
answer validation.

Two examples of our generated VQA data are shown below, one based on
human-written COCO Captions (COCO) and the other on automatically-collected
Conceptual Captions (CC3M), which we call VQ2A-COCO and VQ2A-CC3M,
respectively. We highlight the variety of question types and styles, which are
critical for VQA. Overall, the cleaner the captions (i.e., the more closely related
they are to their paired image), the more accurate the generated triplets. Based
on 800 samples each, 87.3% of VQ2A-COCOResearch Areas
and 66.0% Publications
VQ2A-CC3M are found People Tools & Downlo 3/6
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by human raters to be valid, suggesting that our approach can generate

question-answer pairs with high precision.

Generated question-answer pairs based on COCO Captions (top) and Conceptual Captions
(bottom). Grey highlighting denotes questions that do not appear in VQAv2, while green
highlighting denotes those that do, indicating that our approach is capable of generating
novel questions that an existing VQA dataset does not have.

Finally, we evaluate our generated data by using it to train VQA models

(highlights shown below). We observe that our automatically-generated VQA
data is competitive with manually-annotated target VQA data. First, our VQA
models achieve high performance on target benchmarks “out-of-the-box”, when
trained only on our generated data (light blue and light red vs. yellow). Once
fine-tuned on target data, our VQA models outperform target-only training
slightly on large-scale benchmarks like VQAv2 and GQA, but significantly on the
small, knowledge-seeking OK-VQA (dark blue/red vs. light blue/red).
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VQA accuracy on popular benchmark datasets.

All we may need for VQA are image captions! This work demonstrates that it is
possible to automatically generate high-quality VQA data at scale, serving as an
essential building block for VQA and vision-and-language models in general
(e.g., ALIGN, CoCa). We hope that our work inspires other work on data-centric

We thank Roee Aharoni, Idan Szpektor, and Radu Soricut for their feedback on
this blogpost. We also thank our co-authors: Xi Chen, Nan Ding, Idan Szpektor,
and Radu Soricut. We acknowledge contributions from Or Honovich, Hagai
Taitelbaum, Roee Aharoni, Sebastian Goodman, Piyush Sharma, Nassim
Oufattole, Gal Elidan, Sasha Goldshtein, and Avinatan Hassidim. Finally, we
thank the authors of Q2, whose pipeline strongly influences this work.

Labels: Computer Vision Multimodal Learning NAACL Natural Language


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3/1/23, 11:33 AM Rewriting Image Captions for Visual Question Answering Data Creation – Google AI Blog

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