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Our company’s target audience is 1000 spectators. Our target audience are teenagers from 13
years old to adults. This is because there are morals that can be learnt through our show. So,
parents can bring their teenagers to our show. We will reach our target audience through online
marketing, using social media platforms and online advertising. We will also utilize physical
marketing to promote the play.

Facebook is a platform that is majorly used by the older generation. Hence, we will use this
platform as a way to promote our play and draw more audience from the older target audience.

Instagram essentially works the same as facebook but with much wider audience. Though, on the
other hand, Instagram is heavily used by younger people nowadays. So we will take it to our
advantage to draw more interest from the younger target audience. Consequently, they will tell
their parents and friends about it, making our reach grow larger.

TikTok is one of, if not the biggest platform nowadays. It is also one of the best way to reach any
kind of audience because of its nature to filter out a certain niche for certain groups of people. By
posting something even slightly interest, you can blow up overnight. So, it is best that we make
use of this platform to promote our play. We will also follow all the ongoing trends and make a
TikTok of it. This is so that we will have a chance of being in the ‘For You Page’ of an average
TikTok user.
Through Facebook, Instagram and TikTok we will:
 Post our poster
 Push out announcements
 Provide information about our tickets and how to buy it.
 Be consistent and share in-progress photos or videos to keep the followers updated
 Respond to every single comment from the followers.
 Post a trailer about our show.
 Post countdowns.
 Post actors of the play promoting the play.
 Post about the crews and departments line-up
 Utilize hashtags, eg; #LagendaMahsuri #Mahsuri2023

Online Advertisements
Since nowadays, everyone is glued to their phones and gadgets, we will promote our play
through online advertisements. For example, before the video that someone clicks on YouTube
starts, our trailer pops out as an ad. Since we make them watch our trailer they will be intrigued
about our play and make them search up about it.


Meet & Greet

Nearing the date of the play, we will host a little meet and greet with the actors of the play. The
meet and greet will be hosted at Lalaport Bukit Bintang City Centre since it is fairly close to the
venue of our play, REXKL. This will boost the awareness about the play to the local people that
lives around there or frequently visit the area.

We will print out flyers and pass them out to the people that attends to the meet and greet. We
will also give out the flyers in renowned malls near REXKL.

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