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Aayaat (1 – 28)

Ayah 1
Question 1: In Ayah 1 what do you mean by ‫? )بِٱ ْل ُع ُقود ِ( عقد‬

The root word of ‫ ٱ ْل ُع ُقود‬is ‫عقد‬

 It means a firm pledge made by humans. This pledge has to be taken from both
sides. The status of ‫ عقد‬is greater than that of a Covenant.
 Here it means the Divine Commandments as well as mutual pledges made by
humans. Both have to be fulfilled.

Ayah 2
َّ ‫? َش َعـٰٓئ ِ َر‬
Question 1: What do you mean by ِ‫ٱلله‬

The root word of ‫ َش َعـٰٓئ ِ َر‬is ‫ ش ع ر‬.

 It means symbols of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.
 Things which remind you of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala when you see them.
 Examples: Hajj, Umrah, Masaajid, Safa, Marwa, Maqam-e-Ibraheem, etc.

Question 2: In Ayah 2, what are the rulings given to the Believers?

1. Do not violate the sanctity of the symbols of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
2. Do not violate the sanctity of the sacred months.
3. Do not seize or block the animals brought for sacrifice or the garlanded animals.
4. Let not the hatred of a people who once stopped you from entering the Sacred
Mosque provoke you to transgress.
5. Help one another in "Al-Birr" and "Taqwa" i.e. Righteousness and Piety.
6. Do not help one another in Sins and Transgression.
7. Have Taqwa or fear of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
Ayah 3
Question: Which are the things forbidden in Ayah 3?
1. Al-maita i.e. the dead animals
2. Blood
3. The flesh of swine
4. That on which Allah's Subhanahu wa Ta'ala name has not been mentioned
when slaughtering.
5. That animal which has been killed by strangulation.

Ayah 5
Question 1: In Ayah 5, mention the women who are lawful from the Jews and the
1. The chaste women from those who were given the Scriptures.
2. Dower or the Mahr given to those Jews and Christians while taking them in
legal wedlock.

Question 2: In Ayah 5, what are the conditions for slaughtering an animal??

1. The blood has to flow out.
2. The name of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala has to be taken while slaughtering.

Ayah 6
Question: In Ayah 6 what is the duration of Masah for the socks?
(Masah means wiping over the top of one's socks instead of washing one's feet for
Wudoo' or ablution.)
The duration is one day and one night and if the person is a traveller it is three
days and three nights.

Ayah 7
َّ ‫? ن ِْع َم َة‬
Question 1 In Ayah 7, what do you mean by ِ‫ٱلله‬

Deen-e-Islam or the Religion of Islam.

Question 2: In this Ayah what do you mean by ُ‫? ِمي َثـ ٰ َقه‬
It means the Covenant.
Question 3: Which Covenant has been mentioned in this Ayah?
The Covenant mentioned in this Ayah is Ahed-e-Alast or the Covenant of Alast.

Question 4: What are the rulings given in this Ayah?

1. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is asking us to remember His Favour.
2. To remember His Covenant with which He bound to you.
3. To obey and fear Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.

Ayath 8
Question: In Ayah 8 what do you mean by ‫ ?عدل‬What is the reward for the person

who does ‫?عدل‬

 ‫ عدل‬means Justice.
 To be just and equitable to the person who deserves it, the one who does
justice, there will be a light or “Noor” for him from the right side of Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta’ala on the Day of Judgment.

Ayah 9
Question: In Ayah 9 what are the conditions for a person who does Righteous
1. Deeds should be done exclusively for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. (The
intentions should be correct.)
2. Deeds should be done according to the Sunnah. (The way also should be

Ayah 11
Question: What are the rulings given in Ayah 11?
1. Remember the Favours of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
2. Fear Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
3. Rely and put your trust in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
Ayah 12
Question 1: In Ayah 12 what do you mean by ‫? َ َْق ًضٱ َح َس ًنٱ‬
1. It means the wealth which is spent specially to please Allah Subhanahu wa
2. For the development of the Deen i.e. Islam.
3. To spend in the way of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

Question 2: In Ayah 12, whose sins will Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala expiate and
admit them to Gardens of Paradise?
1. The ones who establish their Salah.
2. The ones who give Zakah.
3. The ones who believe in His Messengers.
4. The ones who honour and assist them.
5. The ones who lend a good loan to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala i.e. Qarz-e-

Ayah 13
Question 1: In Ayah 13 what is the sign for the heart to be hardened ?
The person is away from the Mercy of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
Question 2: In Ayah 13 why has Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala cursed Bani Israeel?
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala cursed Bani Israeel because they breached their

Question 3: How many types of distortion are there in speech?

They are of two types.
1. Literal – by changing the words
2. Interpretation – by misinterpreting and altering the meaning

Question 4: What is “Ihsaan” in favor of the slaves of Allah SWT?

1. Giving more than they deserve.
2. Doing good in response to an evil.
Ayah 14
Question: Why has Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala planted enmity and hatred among
the Christians until the Day of Resurrection?
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has planted enmity and hatred among the Christians
because they took Allah’s Subhanahu wa Ta'ala Covenant and abandoned a good
part of the message that was sent to them.

Ayah 16
Question: In Ayah 16 what benefit does a person get when he pleases Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala?
1. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala guides all those who seek His good pleasure
through ways of peace.
2. He brings them out from darkness into light by His Will.
3. He guides them to the straight path.

Ayah 17
Question: Why is Hazrat Isa Alayhis-Salaam called Maseeh?
 Maseeh means the one who touches or cures.
 Isa Alayhis-Salaam cured a Leper, a person who was blind by birth with the
permission of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala just by touching them. That is why Isa
Alayhis-Salaam was called Maseeh.

Ayah 18
Question 1: What did the Yahood and the Nasara claim?
The Yahood and the Nasara claimed that they were the children of Allah Ta’ala
and that they were His beloved and favourite.
Question 2: How is Allah contradicting what the Jews and the Christians claimed?
Allah is telling the Jews and the Christians that they are not any special to Him and
He will do justice towards them. If they were the children of Allah Subhanahu wa
Ta’ala and were His beloved ones then why did He punish them for their sins in
this Duniya?
Ayah 20
Question: Mention the favours that Musa Alayhis-Salam is reminding the Bani
1. Religious aspect - He appointed a long chain of Messengers for them.
2. Worldly aspect - He made them Kings and gave them what He had not given not
given to any other amongst the Aalameen.
Ayah 21
Question 1: Which Holy Land is mentioned in this Ayah?

Question 2: What do you mean by ‫ين‬

َ ‫ِس‬
ِ ِ ٰ ‫? َخـ‬
For them the Duniya as well as the Aakhirah will be returned as losers.
Ayah 25
Question 1: Who was the brother of Musa Alayhis-Salaam?
Harun Alayhis-Salaam

َ ‫? ٱ ْلفَـ ٰ ِسقِي‬
Question 2: In Ayah 25 why are the Bani Israeel called ‫ن‬
Because they were rebellious and disobedient to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.

Ayah 26
Question: For how many years was Palestine forbidden to the Bani Israeel and why?
The Bani Israeel were forbidden to enter Palestine for 40 years so that they would
correct themselves and the next generation that would come would be strong and
better in their upbringing.

Ayah 27
Question: What are names of the sons of Adam Alayhis-Salaam?
Haabil and Qaabil

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