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Chapter 8: Format Conventions

Q1: What do we mean by conventions

Conventions is an expected and accepted way of doing something.

Conventions of format in writing have to do with spacing, margins, and
other related minutiae/detals that usually have little to do with the
substance of paper but that can have a lot to do with a reader's reaction
.to it

It is an agreement in writing a research paper the shape, the size of (

.writing, page margins on all size(top, bottom, left……)

Placing Note References in the Text

Here we concerned with the reference marks (or footnote numbers)in

.the body of the paper

Number notes consecutively throughout the paper.(do not reuse a -1

number , the fifth note will be numbered 5 even if its content matches
exactly that of note number 2)

Use Arabic numerals (1,2,3,etc)as a reference marks in the body of the -2


Type each number so it will appear to be raised roughly one-half space-3

above the line---like this3---as a superscript figure. Do not space before
the number ----like this3----as and do not embellish the number with
slashes, parentheses, periods, or any other marks. However, do put the
.number after all punctuation but dashes

.Always put the number after the material to which it refers -4

?Q2: How many types of quotations

.There are two types , short quotation and long quotation

Short quotation: If a quotation will take up four or fewer lines of typing

in your paper , it is a short quotation. Here are rules for presenting short
type the quotation along with your own writing , without special -1
.indentation or spacing

.use quotation marks to enclose your source's exact words -2

place a footnote number after the quoted material and following all -3
.punctuation but dashes

Long quotation: If a quotation would take up more than four lines of

typing in your paper ,it is a long quotation. Here are the rules for
:presenting a long quotation in double- spaced typing

.Triple-space before and after the long quotation -1

.Double-space the quotation-2

Indent the quotation ten spaces from the left margin but retain the -3
.normal right margin

Do not use quotation marks unless the passage itself contains a -4

quotation. Then use normal double quotation marks for the quotation
.within the quotation

Place a footnote number immediately after the quoted material and -5

.any following punctuation

Omitted words

Sometimes you want to omit words in the middle of a quotation because

they are irrelevant , simply replace the omitted words with the ellipsis
.mark( … )three spaces dots with a space at the beginning and end

Added words

Sometimes you need to add an explanation within a quotation so that

the quotation will make sense. Use brackets to separate your words
from those you're quoting. Do not use parentheses instead of brackets,
or your readers may think they are still reading part of the quoted

?How do you put references in a research paper

Author/ editor , 2-Year of publication , 3-Title ,4-Series title and -1
number ,5-Edition ,6-Place of publication ,7-Publisher

?What are the five major types of reference sources

The most familiar types are (dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs,

biographical sources, directories, atlases, and bibliographies)

Chapter 9: Notes

?Q1: Explain the types of notes

:There are three types

documentation note(which tells the reader the source of a quotation, -1

:summary, or paraphrase). It serves two purposes

a)they support your work by showing the authorities you have based
your reasoning on, and they indicate to your readers where to go to
.check your research or to read further for themselves

The support note (with it you refer to sources that agree or disagree -2
.with what you are asserting

The explanatory note (Provide comments, translations, -3

interpretations, or side argument to explain what's in the body of the

Placing Your Notes

.The note has number-1 -

.Notes are in order of appearance in the paper-2

The first line of the note is intended five spaces from the left margin -3
.and all other lines go to that margin

.The author's name is in normal order (first-middle-last)-4

The note is like a sentence, so other than periods in abbreviations, the -5

.only period is at the end of the note
.) ( Publishing information in a note is in parentheses-6

.It gives a specific reference to a page or pages -7


Edwards, Marilou. Skiing in the Sandias. Albuquerque:La Madera

Press,1977. P.33

What documentation notes contain

person(s) or responsible for the piece of material you are -1


the title(s)-2

.amplifying information, to help identify or describe the work precisely -3

publishing information, or similar information that will help someone -4

.find the work

.the specific place you are referring to-5

One Author

Use the author's name as it appears on the book's title page ,do not
convert first and middle names to initials. But do cite the name in
.normal order(first-middle-last)

Two or Three Authors

Authors' name may or may not be in alphabetical order on a book's title

page, first and middle names may appear in full or may be represented
by initials. Whatever the case, show the names as they appear on the
.title page

More Than Three Authors

If the book has more than three authors, you have a choice: list all the
."authors, or list only the first one, followed by "et al." or "and others

Author not Given

Normally you'll begin with the title if the book doesn't show an author.
Or, if you find out the author from some other source, you can show the
name in brackets. Ex , P(140)

Missing Publishing Data

Use the following abbreviations for missing publishing information:

no place of publication : n.p. ; no publisher: n.p. ; no date: n.d. ;
.no pagination; n.pag

Unpublished Thesis or Dissertation

Once a thesis or dissertation is published , treat it as a regular book.

However, referring to the unpublished forms requires a special type of
note showing the type of work , the name of the institution for which
the material was written, and the date it was accepted. In addition, the
title appears in quotation marks instead of being underlined since the
.work has not been published


Do use capital letters for the first letters of the following types of words
:in titles

each important word in the title-

the first word in a title-

the first word after a colon that joins a title and a subtitle-

parts of compound words that would be capitalized if they appeared by -


Do not use capital letters for the following un important words

the articles a, an, the-

…… ,short prepositions such as at, by, for, in, of -2

.……,the conjunctions and, as, but, if, nor-3

the second element of the compound numeral(Twenty-five) -4

Chapter 10: Bibliography

?What are the differences between note and bibliography

Note Bibliography
.The note has number-1 .Bibliography doesn't have number-1
Notes are in order of appearance-2 .It is arranged alphabetically-2
.in the paper
The first line of the note is -3 Only the first line of an entry goes -3
intended five spaces from the left to the left margin , and all
margin and all other lines go to subsequent lines of the same entry
.that margin .are set in five spaces from the left
The author's last name comes first.-4
The author's name is in normal -4 If the work has more than one
.order (first-middle-last) author, the last name comes first
.only from the author listed first
Each group of information ends -5
The note is like a sentence, so -5
.with a period
other than periods in
abbreviations, the only period is at The bibliography entry retains the -6
.the end of the note colon and comma(s) ,but not the
Publishing information in a note -6 .parentheses
.) ( is in parentheses It gives no page number or gives -7
.the inclusive pages for entire article
It gives a specific reference to a -7
.page or pages :Example-8
:Example-8 Marilou Edwards, Skiing in the `
Edwards, Marilou. Skiing in the Sandias (Albuquerque:La Madera
Sandias. Albuquerque:La Madera .Press,1977)
Press,1977. P.33

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