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Non-R&D Innovation: A Neglected Innovation Approach for Chinese SMEs *

Gang ZHENG1, Fang LIU1 , Feng XU2

School of Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Guosen Security of Hangzhou, Hangzhou, China

There is no doubt that R&D is very important to

Abstract - As we all know, R&D has been the central technological progress and enterprises’ development
focus of policy making and scholarly research in the field of [2][3]. But R&D is not equivalent to innovation, while
innovation in the past decades, while non-R&D innovation innovation includes activities much more than R&D.
and Innovative firms that do not perform R&D have largely R&D is only an important part of innovation process [4],
been neglected by policy and academics. But as an integral and high R&D investment doesn’t mean high returns on
part of innovation, non-R&D innovation does play an
important part in enterprises’ innovation process, especially
performance. Innovation usually means the development
in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) whose R&D and improvement of new products or services, however,
capabilities are very weak. So far, there are only few organizations can also innovate through other ways such
researches on non-R&D innovation, let alone the reasonable as develop, imitate or adopt new process, business model,
definition of non-R&D innovation. Based on existing management technique and organization structures[5][6].
innovation literatures, this paper gives a more clearly and So, many activities not based on R&D can also lead to
reasonable definition of non-R&D innovation. Then, the innovation.
paper puts forward four typical modes of non-R&D In contrast to the highly attention paid to R&D
innovation with illustrative cases which indicate that non- activities, non-R&D innovation is usually ignored as
R&D innovation is an effective innovation approach to the
survival and development of SMEs.
another source of innovation ideas. Innovation can
happen in enterprises with a very low R&D level, even
Keywords - Non- R&D innovation, SMEs, Innovation those without R&D activities, so, many enterprises
without formal R&D activities can be also very
innovative [7]. Why is non-R&D innovation long been
I. INTRODUCTION ignored by scholars and policy-makers? This can be
attributed to the lack of relevant information about non-
The Third European Community Innovation Survey R&D innovation and entrenched view of R&D. By far,
(CIS-3) indicates that, during the years 1998 to 2000, only very few institutions in EU conduct researches
almost half enterprises innovated without conducting related to non-R&D innovation, not to mention researches
R&D activities, and Innobarometer Survey (IB survey) in focusing on it.
2007 got the similar conclusions based on data from 27 R. Evangelista et al.(1998) found that R&D activities
EU countries [1]. However, scholars in academic and only accounts for 20% of total innovation costs, while
practitioners in industry, to a large extent, treat innovation non-R&D innovation activities such as design and trial-
just as R&D activities, and believe that R&D is the only production account for 10% and 11% respectively by
way to innovate. Conclusions of surveys conducted in EU analyzed the data of CIS conducted in 1993[8]. So,
these years are challenging the traditional view of innovation itself and kinds of supporting mechanisms in
innovation in some extent. addition to R&D are also very important [9] [10].
The survival and development of SMEs need Comparing with R&D dominated enterprises, non-R&D
innovation as well, but innovation modes and focuses of innovation dominated ones are mainly those SMEs with a
SMEs are quite different from those large firms which size below 50 employees in low technology industries
mostly based on R&D. To those SMEs with less or no and innovation backward areas [1]. According to those
R&D capabilities, how to create their competitive figures, non-R&D innovation plays a very important part
advantages through unique and effective innovation in enterprises, especially in SMEs.
modes is most in urgent. And non-R&D innovation is a Based on existing literatures, Arundel et al. (2008)
neglected effective innovation approach for Chinese put forward several typical non-R&D innovation
SMEs. activities, including technology adoption, minor
modifications or incremental changes, imitation including
reverse engineering, combining existing knowledge in
II. R&D AND NON-R&D: LITERATURE REVIEW new ways, which will be contribute to the formation of
AND BASIC DEFINITIONS enterprise’s internal innovation ability[1].

A. Literature Review TABLE I


*Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.70802054 and 71172112), and 2011 Zhejiang Social Science Fund
(11ZJQN038YB )
978-1-4673-4593-4/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 485
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE ISMOT

Literatures Main views Typical activities a controversial topic for a long time. Several main
Arundel et Innovative activities based Technology adoption,
domestic government agencies classify design costs to
al. (2008) on new uses of existing Minor modifications or R&D costs [13] [14].
knowledge incremental changes, Lots of foreign literatures believe that design is a
Imitation including kind of non-R&D innovation activity [15][16][17][7]. In
reverse engineering,
Combining existing
the third edition Oslo Manual, OECD classified design
knowledge in new ways activities to R&D or other innovation activities according
Sterlacchini The intensity of non-R&D Innovative capital goods, to the innovation types they are involved, that is,
(1999) activities is particularly design, engineering, trial according to the purpose of conducting design activities
high in small firms, production
especially in “supplier
dominated” firms and As discussed in Oslo Manual, we support the view
“specialized suppliers” that whether design belongs to R&D or non-R&D
firms innovation activities depends on the purpose of it. If
Brouwer and Many non-R&D Patenting and licensing,
Kleinknecht innovation activities in design, trial production,
design is conducted because of R&D requirement, then
(1997) SMEs was neglected by manpower training, design activities in this context belong to R&D. If design
innovation surveys and market research, is conducted for new market development, then it can be
policies investment in fixed assets classified to market innovation. We believe that the
Hansen and Enterprises have many Learn by doing, design
Serin (1997) non-R&D innovation and process optimization
concept of design in literatures above has its specific
activities in addition to meaning, and the classification of design also bases on
formal R&D activities specific situation.
OECD A basic criterion for Activities for product and
(2005) distinguishing R&D from process innovations
non-R&D is the presence except R&D activity;
D. Non-R&D Innovation
in R&D of an appreciable Activities for marketing
element of novelty and the and organizational By far, there are only few researches on non-R&D
resolution of scientific innovation innovation. In these literatures, researchers considered
and/or technological
that innovation process also consists of lots of activities
Santamaría The impact of non-R&D Design, the use of except R&D such as trial production, training of
et al. innovation activities is advanced machinery, personnel, market research, designing and so on, which
(2009) especially important in training related to can be also as sources of innovation [4][15][17][7]. A
LMT industries innovation activities
basic criterion for distinguishing R&D from non-R&D is
the presence in R&D of an appreciable element of novelty
B. Definition of R&D and the resolution of scientific and/or technological
uncertainty [11] [18].
Research and experimental development (R&D) is From existing literatures, we can distinguish
comprised of creative work undertaken on a systematic between R&D and non-R&D, but there is not a clearly or
basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, reasonable definition of non-R&D innovation till now
including knowledge of human, culture and society, and which is necessary for deeply research of it.
the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new In the paper, we define non-R&D innovation as the
applications [11]. And OECD (2002) defined R&D general term of innovation types based not on R&D, and
covers three activities, i.e. basic research, applied the innovative source of non-R&D innovation comes
research and experimental development [11]. from existing stock of knowledge or external of the
Definitions of R&D of main domestic government enterprise, not through internal systematic R&D activities.
agencies can be divided into two categories. The first That is to say, in the mode of non-R&D innovation,
category defines R&D as much similar to OECD. And the enterprises almost have no or very low level investment
second category defines R&D in more detailed activities, on R&D, but they can also achieve fairly good innovation
with Ministry of Finance as a representative and authority. performance. In practice of research, referring criteria of
Based on existing literatures, we define R&D as OECD for R&D intensity and low-tech industry [19], we
creative work continuously undertaken on a systematic claimed that enterprise which almost has no investment
basis in order to acquire new knowledge of science and on R&D or R&D intensity is below 0.5% can be viewed
technology, to creatively use of the new knowledge, to as non-R&D innovation based enterprises.
improve technology, process, product or service.


Design includes a wide range of activities aimed at A. OECD's Research on Innovation Activity
planning and designing procedures, technical
specifications and other user and functional OECD discussed the components and coverage of
characteristics for new products and processes [12]. innovation activities in detail in its third edition Oslo
Whether design belongs to R&D activities or not has been Manual. As discussed in Oslo Manual (2005), industrial

Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE ISMOT

design is partially excluded as R&D, and product design technological strategy and means to keep competitive
related to the form and appearance of product is advantage [20]. Enterprises can better follow the pace of
marketing innovation activities [12]. technical progress, and adjust their technical input by
adopting this kind of mode. Enterprises can also improve
TABLE II their technological capabilities, therefore keep a
COMPONENTS OF INNOVATION ACTIVITY differentiated technical advantages from competitors. So,
R&D 1 Intramural R&D
many enterprises, including those large multinational
companies become using external innovation sources [21]
Extramural R&D [22]. Bender (2005) argued that, to SMEs in low and
Activities for Acquisition of other external knowledge medium technology industries, innovation usually is not
product and (Intangible) the result of latest advances in science or technology, but
process Acquisition of machinery, equipment and the transition of general knowledge into special
innovations other capital goods (Tangible)
(except R&D) Internal preparation activities for product
knowledge with economic effects [23]. So, technology
and process innovations (e.g. partially and knowledge adoption with continuous digestion and
Innovation Activities

industrial design, testing and evaluation, absorption is very important to innovation in SMEs.
setup and engineering) Camera phone series of Beijing Tianyu
Market preparations for product
innovations (e.g. preliminary market
Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. (K-Touch) is a good
research, market tests, launch advertising) example for technology and knowledge adoption.
Training activities for implementing Through technology adoption, K-Touch firstly launched
product or process innovations IN C280 series mobile phone with 8 million pixels while
Activities for Development and implementation of new
marketing marketing methods, e.g. introduction of
pixels of mainstream camera phone are up to 5 million.
innovations new method in product design, packaging, And when the competition becomes fierce in the market
pricing, product placement, promotion. of 8 million pixels camera phone, K-Touch has developed
Activities for Development and planning of new 10.3 million pixels camera phone with professional CCD
organizational organizational methods, e.g. introduction of
innovations new methods in business practices,
sensor by purchasing more advanced technologies [24].
workplace organization, organization of This kind of technology adoption strategy makes K-
external relations. Touch the uncrowned king of the camera phone field in
Source: OECD and Eurostat, Oslo Manual, 2005. China.
Based on the above classification of innovation Reverse engineering and imitation innovation
activities, we claim that innovative activities excluded as
R&D can be viewed as non-R&D innovation activities. Imitation innovation is a kind of mode to participate
competition. It means to absorb and master core
B. Typical Non-R&D Innovation Modes technology of latest innovation through purchasing,
reengineering, and on this basis firstly to further improve
Arundel et al. (2008) concluded four main methods the innovation in order to develop and produce
that firms didn’t perform R&D used to innovate based on competitive products [25].
their analysis of existing innovation literatures [1]. This is Reverse engineering which always links with
the first time in innovation area to formally and imitation is a kind of means to acquire necessary
systematically focus on non-R&D innovation, and put technology or knowledge. And reverse is prerequisite for
forward its typical activities. imitation while imitation focuses on the use of knowledge
Based on previous researches and innovation much more. Imitation innovation is more advanced
practices of Chinese SMEs, we conclude four typical non- behavior than imitation which puts more emphasis on
R&D innovation modes from technological and non- recreation. It is a process of relearning and recreating
technological aspects. based on imitation and reverse. So, imitation innovation
is re-innovating based on existing innovation.
Technology and knowledge adoption Arundel et al. (2008) mentioned that imitation
Enterprises directly buy or acquire new products or innovation through reverse engineering, which is more
process technologies and knowledge, and they hardly common in developing countries, generally doesn’t need
conduct related technological activities in this kind of enterprises conduct complex R&D activities [1]. Imitation
mode. The adoption includes technology acquisition such and reverse engineering are regular activities in
as purchasing new machine, parts, equipments, and innovation process of SMEs. Through reverse
knowledge adoption such as introduction of new process engineering, SMEs can innovate based on the imitation
and know-how from external sources. basis, but the extent of innovation is very limited, usually
With the rapid development and increasingly not involved with much complex R&D activities.
complicated of technological innovation, technology and Therefore, in the context of SMEs, we believe that
knowledge adoption has been a very important imitation innovation and reverse engineering activities
belong to non-R&D innovation.
1 When Geely entered automobile industry, it had
R&D can be related to any kind of product, process, marketing
and organization innovations. neither funds nor technology. The first car it had

Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE ISMOT

produced was almost assembled out of parts from Bullets K-Touch, Geely and Wang Laoji grow from
of Beijing China and Xiali, with some changes in unknown small companies into leading domestic
appearance. In the process of reverse engineering and enterprises in their respective industry in no more than ten
imitation, Geely continued learning and improving, and years. Their unique innovation modes are worth of
finally it can innovate by itself in some extent. Based on rethinking and learning by all the SMEs in China.
innovation ability accumulated in the reverse engineering Although non-R&D innovation is not based on R&D,
and imitation process, Geely becomes the first domestic it doesn’t mean that non-R&D innovation needs no
manufacturing enterprise which can produce engine and creativity or novelty. Enterprises need constantly digest,
transmission products with independent intellectual absorb and learn in the non-R&D innovation process to
property rights [26]. improve their overall innovation process and innovative
capability. So, in order to achieve long term development
Integrated Innovation
in fierce competition, SMEs should recognize the
Integrated innovation means innovatively integrating importance of non-R&D innovation to them, and should
existing technology and knowledge. This kind of focus more on the learning and accumulating in non-
innovation mode usually appears in industrial design or R&D innovation process, especially on the improvement
engineering projects [27]. To those SMEs with limited of innovation supporting mechanisms.
resources and capabilities, integrated innovation is one of
their important innovation methods.
K-Touch has a well-known slogan that China phone V. CONCLUSION
are made all over the world, and integrated innovation
drives the global development of mobile phone. K-Touch Innovation is a complex process, and it isn’t
produced the first micro hard disk PMP phone with a 1- equivalent to R&D. R&D is only one step of innovation
inch 6GB hard disk in China. It creatively integrated 1- process, and it isn’t contradictory with non-R&D
inch 6GB micro hard disc technology of Magicstor innovation, which together constitute enterprises’
Shihua, GSM/GPRS base-hand chip of ADI, and innovation activities. Especially for those SMEs with no
multimedia chip of Texas Instruments. So, K-Touch has or limited R&D institute and capability, how to use
developed more superior performance hard disk phone internal and external resources and find effective
[28]. approach besides R&D is critical for their survival and
development. Based on existing literatures on innovation,
Marketing Innovation
this paper gives a more clear and reasonable definition of
Marketing innovation involved development of new R&D and non-R&D innovation, and puts forward four
market, innovation of marketing means and so on. Huang typical non-R&D innovation modes. Cases of K-Touch,
Hengxue (1998) noted that marketing innovation consists Geely and Wang Laoji indicate that non-R&D innovation
of activities for market developing and opening up new is an effective approach for SMEs to accelerate
market that enterprises conduct according to their development and enhance competitive advantage in their
business strategy [29]. Marketing innovation was one of initial stages.
the five innovation rules in the innovation concept In practice, innovative enterprises maybe conduct
proposed by Schumpeter. In Oslo Manual (2005), OECD many kinds of non-R&D innovation activities, or focus
included marketing innovation as part of innovation on conducting one kind of non-R&D innovation activity.
activities, including product design, marketing channels, Non-R&D innovation is crucial for SMEs to keep
promotions and innovative pricing [12]. The core value of innovative and competitive advantage in competition.
marketing innovation is focusing on customers’ needs However, R&D and non-R&D innovation are not
experience. Marketing innovation is necessary to all the contradictory, they can coexist in a firm’s innovation
innovative firms, especially for SMEs. practice. They together constitute a firm’s innovation
Wang Laoji develops from a firm with turnover over process.
100 million RMB to one more than 10 billion RMB We believe that, for the majority of SMEs, non-
through successfully brand re-positioning, which has well R&D innovation can, to a certain extent, play the role of
interpreted the important role of marketing innovation. innovation diver, promote innovation activities, and
The originally brand position of Wang Laoji is fairly finally improve their innovation capabilities and market
vague, giving customer a feeling of like either herbal tea performance under the condition that they lack of R&D
or beverage. After systematically research, Wang Laoji innovation abilities. When they have achieved certain
decides to re-position its brand, that is, a kind of beverage scale with rather high technological innovation ability,
with preventing lit function. Its unique value is people they can gradually increase R&D investment, and transfer
can prevent lit after drinking red cans of Wang Laoji, to R&D based innovation mode. Therefore, they can
therefore, customers can freely enjoy their life without further improve their innovation capabilities and core
worries. The unique brand positioning makes the sales of competitiveness. So, we can conclude that non-R&D
Wang Laoji a rapid growth [30]. innovation is an effective innovation approach for SMEs,
IV. DISCUSSION especially in their initial stages.

Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE ISMOT

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frame for non-R&D innovation. Many points need to be Republic of China, Ministry of Finance of People’s
further tested and improved in our following researches. Republic of China, State Administration Taxation of
People’s Republic of China, “High-tech Enterprises
Identification Management Guidelines,”
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