Garden of Peace

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Garden of peace

This garden where I live, I have been here from a long time I don’t even remember since when I was
came here and I don’t know when I will go out of here. This garden have everything to make it
beautiful grass, tall trees, birds of every type, bees making honey but at the boundaries theres a wall
big wall from which I cant see through. I cant go out nobody could come in. its just me and my
loneliness everyday I think about universe, the people I have before or met with a few my anxiety
my problems worlds problem while eating some mangos or honey because in here one get everthing
one think off everything related to nature. Today is a not a sunny day finally its cloudy as I lay down
on grass watching the sky clouds passing by with looking thought the big coconut tree as I have here
since a long time I have made myself at home here I don’t know actually how I ended up here once I
opened up eyes i was here. And now I thought of people why are people so mean, why cant anyone
help each other its funny.

As I continued to thought of my mental dialogue I realised it was getting

dark I must climb up to coconut tree to be safe of insects as I remember my first day I was bitten by
mosquitos. So coming back to reality I went up and suddenily I heard a voice

‘ do you wanna get out of here’

I was shocked who is it I shouted

‘ I am your inner voice’

what I roared with tears in my eyes

‘you have fallen down from the roof of your house past year remember’

I was taken a back what do you want

Jump you will go back to your world you can go out

What I said surprised

Yes jump

No I will get hurt

Jump it will be okay

And then I saw a black hole at the end of the tree and I jumped

And I woke up in a hospital after hearing my mother sound what happened to I asked

You were in coma from the past year mom said

Oh I realised why I was always in the garden cause I feel empty inside

You see world as you are inside

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