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The Specificity of Personality Conflict in Adolescent Age

Natalia Makarchuk
Izmail State Humanitarian University, Izmail, Ukraine
Liliya Kulinenko*
Izmail State Humanitarian University, Izmail, Ukraine

Article Information Abstract:

Suggested Citation: The article examines the theoretical foundations, psychological
Makarchuk, N. & Kulinenko, L. content and personal determinants of conflict and its overcoming.
(2023). The Specificity of Personal The authors have determined the specific meaningful characteristics
Determinants in the Structure of of proneness to conflict in youth, the essential features of personal
Personality in Adolescent Age. determinants of its occurrence and overcoming. They have
European Journal of Theoretical and substantiated the personally-determined approach to overcoming
Applied Sciences, 1(1), 40-46. conflict and described the structure and content of psycho-
DOI: 10.59324/ejtas.2023.1(1).05
techniques for the activation of personal determinants of
* Corresponding author:
overcoming conflicts and proneness to conflict among modern
Liliya Kulinenko

Keywords: conflictology, determination, interpersonal relations, moratorium, representative plan.

Introduction with the desire to be freed from childhood

relationships of dependence, and the later period
Adolescence is an exceptionally complex, of youth is characterized by a crisis of
contradictory and defining stage of an "detachment", which is often accompanied by a
individual's life path. The transition from feeling of loneliness.
independent and dependent childhood to
independent and responsible adulthood affects
all aspects of life, accompanied by internal and
external contradictions reflected in theoretical Methods
approaches to the analysis of adolescence. The problem of conflict interaction in
Adolescence as an ontogenetic period of adolescence is decisive for the further life of an
personality development means a significant adult. Neglect of conflict as the main mechanism
development period – the time from the end of for the destruction of a young man's mental
puberty to the beginning of adulthood activity and, at the same time, a mechanism for
(Maksimenko, 1998). Early and late adolescence self-reproduction leads to a young man, and later
are defined, and the latter is explicitly qualified in an adult, getting stuck in the problems of this
recent domestic works as early adulthood. The period of development, the most acute of which
two main stages of adolescence are characterized is obsessive-compulsive neurosis. That is why,
by different crises of personality development. the purpose of the article is to identify the
Thus, in early youth there is a crisis associated characteristics of the adolescence's conflict as a

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determinant of further self-realization in consolidation of the main new formations of the
adulthood. The main hypothesis of the study previous age (adolescent) stage of personality
was the proposition that late adolescence as a development, namely, the acquisition of self-
stage in personality development is characterized awareness in the formation of life experience,
by the presence of personal determinants that abilities and skills in the implementation of
cause conflict situations in interpersonal leading activities (Leung, 2020).
interaction. Such personal determinants are Late adolescence is a stage of personality
psychological properties of the individual, such formation in its ontogenetic development
as anxiety, aggressiveness, rigidity, accentuation characterized by a specific manifestation of the
of personal traits, externality of the locus of internal features of the individual’s subjectivity,
control, and the formation of behavioral forms which influences the specifics of the objective
of a conflict nature. The essence of personal factors represented by the surrounding reality of
determinants consists in the projection of a young man (Makarchuk, 2006). It is at the stage
subjective factors on objective interaction and is of late youth that intrapersonal contradictions
determined by the destructive coloring of the aggravate, ensuring the formation of a
psychological determination of the individual. representative plan for later life.
The main research methods were theoretical The specific features of the late youth period are
analysis, synthesis with generalization, the development and functioning of
comparison of the obtained results. An empirical psychological mechanisms of self-awareness,
experiment with the author's diagnostic method which primarily include self-determination in the
was also used to formulate the main provisions life perspective, where interpersonal
of the work. The methodology involved self- relationships are the sphere of manifestation of
assessment by young people of psychological objective factors and, at the same time, a form
properties (anxiety, aggressiveness, rigidity, of personal subjective attitude towards them.
frustration) according to the methods of H.
Eysenck, A. Bass, A. Darky, diagnosis of locus There are quite a number of models and studies
of control of the personality (methodology of J. of the youth period of personality development
Rotter adapted by E.F. Bazhin, S.A. Halynkina highlighting the main psychological new
and A.M. Etkind), diagnosis of the psychological formations of this period of personality
atmosphere in the team (A. Fiedler), as well as development, its differences and acquisitions.
the method of diagnosis of interpersonal Summarizing all identified domestic and foreign
relations by T. Leary. theories and models of personality development
in young adulthood, we will note the main
Results and Discussion psychological features of this period of
Conflict interaction and ways of its regulation personality development.
dominate in researches of modern psychology, Adolescence is most often considered as a
pedagogy, and conflict studies (Makarchuk, period of self-awareness crisis, a stage of spiritual
2005). The general provisions of modern development, a time of life space expansion,
theoretical and methodological aspects are based formation of one’s identity, complication and
on the identification of the personal factor in development of intellectual processes flexibility,
conflict interaction as the main and key one. etc.
Psychological determination as a personal factor
of conflict interaction, its isolation and In addition, adolescence is marked as a period of
experimental research allows to more accurately internal conflict, mental imbalance, and unstable
determine the factors of the specified problem behaviour. Two polar states characterize the
(Soto and Tackett, 2015). It is appropriate to psychological features of youth: on the one
base the psychological analysis of youth on the hand, it is selfishness, interest only in oneself,
characteristics of its two main stages – early and perception of oneself as the centre of the
late youth. Early youth is characterized by the Universe, and on the other hand, it is a high level

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of inclination to self-sacrifice and devotion becomes more “mature” in his identity if he can
(Ishmuratov, 1996). solve different kinds of internal conflicts. The
crisis is over when a person’s identity becomes
The main new formations in the youth period of
mature and stable in adolescence.
personality development are the discovery of
one's own “I”, the formation of self-awareness, Based on the research results, various
the awareness of one's individuality and its psychological roles or “standings” have been
qualities, the emergence of a life plan, and the determined in which a person can be in his
determination to consciously build one's own youth:
− “Moratorium.” The young men of this
The consequence and, concurrently, the driving group do not assume any obligations and do not
force of adolescent personal enhancement is define their values but are in the process of
self-realization as an individual. Self-realization actively searching for them. These individuals
completeness depends on the individual’s ability are experiencing a crisis that has not yet been
to self-determine and set the goals that most resolved and are waiting for it to end.
correspond to his inner essence. Adolescent age
is characterized by personal testing of oneself in − “The determined individual’s path.”
various types of work and an active search for a Young people in this group are characterized by
life partner (Ibáñez et al. 2016). their confident definition of who they want to
be. They have already chosen their future path,
Youth is most often considered from the point but it was not preceded by a strenuous search.
of view of strengthening the feeling of one’s They have passively accepted the path offered to
uniqueness, individuality, and being unlike them by their parents. It is safe to say that people
others. Under unfavourable development with a certain choice of the path are more
conditions, there is a feeling of “I” diffusion, authoritarian than representatives of any other
role, and personal uncertainty. According to E. group. We can characterize young people of this
Erikson (1968), adolescence is the time of group as closed and implicit.
development of time perspective, future plans,
worldview formation, and professional self- − “Suppression of one’s own “I”. Young
determination. people in this group shy away from choosing
their life path. Outwardly successful, they
Eight stages of human development have been constantly feel themselves losers. Quite often,
recognized by researchers (Erikson, 1968), with when trying to define themselves in life, they
a particular duty awaiting a person at each level. develop an inferiority complex and start feeling
Any task’s solution is frequently accompanied by alienated. Compared to the “Moratorium”
a conflict. Further character formation and group, they are not in a state of crisis, but they
development occur during adolescence, have no desire to strive for it as well.
depending on how the conflict is resolved. The
personality gains a new good trait as a result of − “Clearly defined life goals.” Young
the conflict’s effective solution, and as a people in this group are characterized by
consequence, additional growth occurs. A experiencing an identity crisis and successfully
negative or inadequate solution to the conflict passing it. They have formed their life goals and
results in the negative development of the “I”. priorities in correlation to their worldview.
We can point out that in this situation, the These young people are confident in their sense
conflict is somewhat associated with the crisis of adulthood.
that characterizes this period and serves as a The period of youth ends when the personality
clear symbolic representation of it. comes to conditional truth (Sheehy, 1999),
It is in adolescence that all elements of indicating that, gradually moving away from the
consciousness are fully integrated, allowing for family, the young man begins to search for
the solution to internal conflicts. A person “himself”. In most cases, this period is defined

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as a “youth crisis” (Yatsenko, 2004). However, of a way of life, being, at the same time, a
the goal is achieved not when young people boundary and a connecting link between an
decide who they are and what they will do in this individual and society. This structure is
world – such decisions are re-evaluated over dominant during the stable period of life because
time. K. Jung (1910) calls it individualization, A. it corresponds to the individual’s current needs.
Maslow (1943) – self-actualization, others – At the same time, with the emergence of new
integration or autonomy. Truthfulness in youth needs, this structure is destabilized by the
is the achievement of such an inner state that individual and acquires a new character,
provides individuals with knowledge of their meaningful content, structure, and form. A life
own potential and finding space and strategy is formed mainly from the individual’s
opportunities that can fully realize them. relationship with the surrounding world,
including what the individual receives from these
Cognitive features in the personality
relationships and what he brings to them.
development in adolescence are characterized by
the complication of mental operations Full development and adaptation within life
(transition to formal operations), which depend on the growth of the individual in the
contributes to theorizing and reflection as a period of endeavours, which falls on the age
means for young people to understand life as a from 17 to 33 years and consists of the transition
whole, to create a picture or concept of their to early adulthood of 17-22 years, entering the
own life. However, youthful thinking is world of adults of 22-28 years and the transition
peculiarly self-centred, guided to a greater extent to the 30th birthday – 28-33 years (Levinson,
by the category of the eventual rather than the 1923).
actual. In general, the cognitive features of The substantiation of the psychological essence
“young adults” are determined through of youth as a stage of the personality’s
dialectical thinking, sense bearing systems, the ontogenesis is carried out depending on the
development of obligation and responsibility, differentiated approach to gender characteristics
and the flexible application of intellectual that affect further definition and perspective of
abilities, which, under the condition of their a young man. To fully become an adult, a young
active development, project such features in the man must cope with the solution of four main
structure of the adolescent’s personality as tasks that arise in the development process: to
practicality, organization, personal integrity and combine dreams with reality, to find a mentor,
contribute to the future success in building a to ensure professional realization, and to
young man’s representative life plan. At the same establish intimate relationships. For a girl,
time, these psychological mechanisms do not entering adulthood means solving practically
always unfold precisely at this stage of similar problems – defining a dream, finding a
ontogenesis. mentor, building a career, and establishing a
Therefore, it is reasonable to turn to the close relationship with a “one in a million”
development of moral consciousness (Kohlberg, person.
1973), which probably goes in parallel with It is also determined that the main thing in the
mental development, and it is in youth that the process of personality development, which falls
conventional and post-conventional levels of on youth, is the passing of a crisis, which is
moral consciousness development are necessary for an effective transition to adulthood
characteristic. and, at the same time, inevitable. There is a
Some periodizations of youth are based on such relationship and interdependence of personal
psychological characteristics as the structure and determination and age aspects. In this case, the
strategy of life (Levinson, 1923), demarcating the crisis of youth is considered, which in the
specificity of the age characteristics of boys and psychological literature is defined as the “crisis
girls in the youth period of personality of the beginning” and the crisis of identity. The
formation. The structure of life forms the basis crisis in youth has general characterological

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features, such as finding one’s own place in a subject of social and productive activity,
new, adult, independent life and building a evaluating its results according to "adult"
representative plan, the main prerequisites for standards.
which are created during the period of youth We can notice greater differentiation of
itself. At the same time, a young man can choose emotional reactions and ways of expressing
transition to adulthood and full self-realization emotional states, increased conscious self-
or refuse to go through a rather complex process control, and self-regulation of young people.
– the formation of his own personality (Freud, However, with regard to the youthful “I”, it is
1992). still undefined, vague and is often experienced as
A crisis in adolescence requires definition from an unspecified concern or a feeling of inner
the standpoint of two aspects of the inevitability emptiness that needs to be filled with anything,
of its occurrence, its course, and the necessity of which contributes to an increased need for
passage for young men. As for its inevitability, communication and, at the same time, an
we can assume that the crisis may not occur, it increase in its selectivity, the need for solitude. A
can be bypassed in a rather specific form of young man’s self-image always correlates with
“continuation of the pleasant irresponsibility of the group image of “We”, that is, with the image
youth.” G. Sheehy (1999) has expressed a of a typical peer of his sex, but never completely
curious assumption regarding the necessity: “...if coincides with this “We”.
I do not experience a crisis in the period when it There is an in-depth expansion of the time
should take place, does it occur at a later stage of horizon, covering the distant past and future,
development? A crisis for the full formation of a with the growth of not only personal but also
personality... Young people who accept this social perspectives. Changes in the time
crisis with dignity as a transition stage of their perspective are closely related to the
lives, in most cases, become stronger and able to reorientation of youth consciousness from
control their own destiny”. external control to self-control, with the growing
Overall, modern psychological doctrine need to achieve specific results. Adolescence
determines development at all age stages as thinking is characterized by an evasive-
performing specific tasks by an individual. The philosophical orientation, which is connected
main challenge of the development period in not only with formal and logical operations but
adolescence is the formation of psychological also with the peculiarities of the emotional world
readiness for entry into independent adult life. of early youth.
The concept of “psychological readiness” at this At the same time, youth is a starting time
age stage implies the presence of abilities and (Ananiev, 1980), characterized by a person’s
needs that enable a young man to realize himself entry into social life as an independent actor. It
at maximum in his professional activities and is a period of “search for oneself” in various
future family life. It is, first of all, the need for spheres of life: professional self-determination,
communication and mastering the ways of its search for a “life partner”, acquiring one’s own
construction. Secondly, it is theoretical thinking, behavioural line and independence from parents.
which takes the form of developed reflection,
helping to ensure self-awareness and a critical Adolescence is characterized by the search for
attitude. Thirdly, it is the need for work and the fundamental principles of consistent behaviour,
ability to work, mastering work skills that will the time to create one’s own “philosophy of
allow one to be included in work activities and life”, and the desire for absolute values,
perform them creatively. incompatible with the values of the real world.
From the point of view of the connection
Youth is considered from the standpoint of between the mechanisms of centration and
human adulthood, both biologically and socially decentration as the driving force of ontogenesis,
(Kohn, 1989). Society sees it not so much as an in youth there is a subconscious urge to
object of socialization but as a responsible decentration, to “merging” with the whole

44 EJTAS 2023 | Volume 1 | Number 1

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