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WHAT IS O&M ? «Introduction. An operations and Maintenance (O&M) program is a formulated plan of training, cleaning, work practices, and surveillance to maintain the solar power plants. + O&M is a set of activities that allow a solar PV power plant to optimally produce energy. . ... There are several different approaches to solar O&M. Oneis preventive and servicing of equipment to avoid breakdowns and needless production losses + Operation & Maintenance (O&M) is one of the most critical ways to ensure tha the solar power system gives the best possible generation. -We work to maintain the plant Infrastructure and equipment, with the goal of improving the equipment’ life by preventing excess depreciation and impair- ment. MONTHLY MAINTENANCE + Cleaning & Visual Inspection for any abnormalities in modules + Check if module to module earthing + Check temperature for LT panels/isolator box terminal & connections + Check face indication and voltage from MFM + Check string operation (DC) status * Check fuse/ SPD condition & Earth Resistance Measurement QUATERLY MAINTENANCE + Visual check for Earth pit condition . Check for any rust on pits terminal. + Check for any corrosion or discoloration in LT panel /isolator box terminal. + Checking of lighting arrestors terminals tightness & rust. + Cleaning of inverter /isolator/LT panel body & exhaust fan. YEARLY MAINTENANACE + Transformer oil filtration for ground mounted + Module Structure tilting ground mounted + Oiling & greasing pole structure + checking of ACDB switch on off condition DETECTION OF FAULTS + Faults in PV system can be identification in two side of the system: DC side and ACside, the interface between this to parts is DC/AC inverter that connected to Grid. + Faults in DC site: The faults occurs in DC side of the PV system are two major types. Faults in PV array and faultin MPPT. +Faultin PV array: Fault in PV array two main groups, PV panel faults and cabling The most common types of faults in PV panel/module are Earth fault, open circuit faultand mismatch faults. + EARTH FAULT; Earth fault occurs when the circuit develop unintentional path to ground . In the System grounding the negative conductor is grounded through the earth faults protection device (GFPD) in the PV inverter. + OPEN CIRCUIT FAULT: An open circuit fault occurs, when one of the current-car- rying paths in series with the load is broken or opened. The poor connection between cells plugging and unplugging connectors at junction boxes, or breaks in wires cause these faults. + FAULTS IN CABLE: Open circuit faults and Earth circuit fault are occur in power- line carrier and cabling aged connection box at black site of the solar panel or inthe comer and bend area of the cable upper and lower earth faults occur in between panel and ground. Its result is dropped output voltage and power. sINVERTER FAULT : Under inverter faults condition , the output AC power at grid is lower then the AC power recorded under no fault condition ,but the DC power are same for both cases. +GRID FAULT: Faults at power station damage to electric transmission lines, substation or other parts of the distribution system, a short circuit, orthe overloading of electricity mains are considered as grid fault. A three phase fault is created at grid to measure the output power ,the output power at grid varies continually from maximum to minimum value. «MPPT FAULT: The Maximum power tracking ability will loss when the fault occur in MPPT, the output power becomes too low in this case. Need For Maintenance + Most PV system required little maintenance , but periodic check ensure safety and optimal performance. + Annual or every other year inspections recommended, or if energy output changes significantly during clear weather. Inspection at time of system ownership change Degree & frequency of maintenance required depends on system configuration . installation type . location WN Electrical Equipment Maintenance General Activities + Visual inspection of inverter, transformer, and other electrical equipment. «Inspection all wiring, conductors, terminal, and junction boxes. «Disconnects, fuse, and circuit breakers checked for proper operation + Exposed conductors checked for insulation, damage, clean and secure terminals, adequate strain relief, and property connected and supported con- duits. Other Inspection Items «Check inverter status «Check connections damage due tooverheating. + Equipment temperature measurement with IRnon-contact thermometer. «Check conduit fittings «Evidence of animals? Verify System Operation “Verify source circuits are connected +Measure/documents system electrical parameters calculate expected and compare «Test system electrical equipment operations + Compare historical KWH performance against expected noting interannual weather variability «Interview customer and document concerns «Recommend corrective actions Perform Corrective Actions 1. Defective modules 2. Frayed wires 3. Blown fuses «Locate and Repair Ground Faults «Locate and repair line to line faults + Mitigate negative line to line faults «Clean array, heat sinks, and other equipment +Seal compromised weatherproofing system Clean and replace system labeling MAINTENANCE PLANS, «Importantto ensure necessary tasks are performed «Includes all the necessary maintenance task and their respective schedules «Vary by system configuration, installation type, and location «May evolve as needs for a particular system «Implementation of maintenance plan should be recorded ina maintenance Maintenance for solar panels ? +PVinstallation life-time are expected to be 25 years or more, so safe and proper maintenance is an integral part of successful and reliable operation. System operations, and Maintenance is the continuing focus of several industry/govern- ment/national laboratory working groups. «Solar panels generally required very little maintenance They are very durable and should last around 25-30 years with no Maintenance. The only Maintenance you should need to perform is to wash them clean od dirt and dust two to four times a months, which can easily do with a garden hose Daily O&M Activity Calendar «Logging of AC, DC &grid parameters + SCADA data station operations «Reporting daily generation data to end-customer and Company «Water cleaning of SPV Modules (mention no of strings attended) «Control Room-Sweeping & Mopping +Cleaning of toilets, urinals +Gardening- watering plants, trimming as necessary «Drinking water arrangement «Removal of garbage from solar array, switchyard, roads, drains, pathways, sand buckets etc Monthly O&M Activity Calendar + Earth resistance measurement: in circuit, + Logging of fire extinguisher level/pressure + Energy generation/ event report/ other O&M activities report preparation & submission to end-customer and company + Grass cutting & shrub removal in Array + Earth resistance measurement: off circuit +Cleaning of PCUs, LT panels, HT panels, Battery chargers etc. +Calibration/ repair/ replacement /upgradation, as required, for misc. items +Pest control for control room + Cleaning of overhead tanks Yearly O&M Activity Calendar +Oil BDV Measurement + Oil Filtration, if required + Lubrication of moving contacts e.g. VCBs, GOS, motorized parts etc. «Cleaning of sewerage line, septic tanks + Painting of gates, fence, earth chambers, steel structures etc. as required «Tightness check of hardware in array structures + Tightness check of power cable terminations in SPV modules(MC4), SMBs, electrical panels etc. =

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